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100% Overlord: Black Cell's Grand Inquisitor / Chapter 2: Creation

Chapitre 2: Creation

In the year 2126, a new game was promoted on the game market, which would become the most popular game for the next 12 years.

This was a game in which you, as a player, would play like you were in the world of the game, as it was a DMMORPG.

A Dive Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game, where you would dive into the world and become part of it through the Neural-Nano Interface.

The main reason for its popularity was the amount of content possible to experience in the game, in combination with the possibility for role play.

Different from many other games, here you could choose from three different main races, Human Race, Demi-Human race, and Heteromorphic race.

The first two are self-explained, Human races included humans, Elves, and Dwarves, while Demi-Humans included Beastman, Lizardman, Goblins, and the like.

Of course, there were much more than just the ones named here.

Lastly, the Heteromorphic race was the most disliked among the Races, as such you would basically play as a monster.

It included races, like insects, demons, skeletons, and dragons.

Though it was the most disliked among the Races, this was mainly because human and Demi-Human players could kill Heteromorphic players without getting a penalty.

This resulted in the Heteromorphic race being hunted down by the other players for a long time.

Though over time this died down, it was so popular for a while to do this as a part of the Human and Demi-Human race, that many of the Heteromorphic players either stopped playing or changed to another race.

One among them was a player called Momonga. He played as a skeleton Mage and was hunted down to the point where he was also on the verge of stopping to play Yggdrasil.

That was at least until he met his first friend.

An insectoid paladin player called Touch-me, a self-proclaimed Warrior of Justice.

Touch-Me saved him from being pked by a party of Humans and Demi-Humans.

This was the beginning of his joy in this game. From then on, Momonga played together with him, and in time more Heteromorphic players started accompanying them.

In the end, they first made a clan with Touch-Me as the leader called Nainz Ooal Gown, at the time of the establishment it had 9 members.

This clan would later be turned into a guild made up of only Heteromorphic players, called Ainz Oal Gown, the only problem was that Touch-me himself didn't want to continue being its Leader.

As he had clashed many times with one of its members, the two were just like water and fire, and one of the original nine members had already left because of this.

The person whom Touch-Me had so much trouble dealing with was the one who was most obsessed with the idea of role-playing a true villain in the Game, Ulbert Alain Odle.

He was playing an Evil Lord in the form of a Goat and was the magic caster with the most firepower in their group.

The two simply couldn't get along in this way, as one idolized the idea of a hero of justice while the other the epitome of evil.

In the end, Touch-me decided to step down and all agreed for Momonga to become the Guildmaster of their now newly formed Guild Ainz Ooal Gown.

At the height of their glory, they had 41 members and took over a level 80+ Dungeon for themselves as their guild base, taking it down on their first try, they were even rewarded with a world item called the "Throne of Kings".

As all the players were part of the Heteromorphic race, and they liked to Pk very much, they became somewhat infamous as a guild filled to the brim with Villainous Characters.

And like proper Villains, as they all liked to play the bad guy some way or another, they filled their dungeon with creepy and horrifying monsters.

Most of the Npc's designs by the Guildmembers had a high negative Karma rating, indicating and categorizing them as evil beings, ranking from lesser evils until Extreme Evil existences.

There were only a select few among the Npc's which had a positive karma rating like the one made by Touch-me, whom he even designed the appearance of like his real self.

As such the Dungeon was designed as a Villains Mainbase filled to the brim with Beings of Evil and Darkness.

This was also reflected in the different environments on the various floors, like for example the first three floors were made as a Tomb filled to the brim with undead monsters.

The fifth floor was made as an icy tundra, which gave even environmental damage to the invaders.

As was the Blazing Inferno on the 7th Floor, where rivers of Magma flowed along the burned earth.

This Dungeon filled with Eldrich horrors and Evil creatures, was called the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the Guildbase of Ainz Ooal Gown.

And at this moment two of the Guildmembers, Ulbert Alain Odle and Tabula Smaragdina were building a new Area.

Although they told the others that they were building a new Area for the 9th Floor, but they didn't say anything about what they were making.

The first thing they had made was the entrance, which was a giant pair of pitch-black double doors, with a height of 9ft.

They didn't make any engravings into it so far, to not spoiler anything, while they were building it.

And at this moment, the two were in the middle of making the last finishes for the inside of this place.

"Just as I thought, we should include a spell that disables night vision if you don't wear a necessary key item that would enable one to use it," Tabula commented as he gazed at the place they were building.

"True, otherwise it wouldn't even be half as frightening as it should be." Ulbert easily agreed.

"The cells themselves are fine as they are, after all, the important thing here is the darkness itself." Tabula inspected the Cells themselves.

What they were building was a new prison, one led by a Demon, who loves torture, and derives endless satisfaction from it in a much different way than Neuronist Painkiller, the torturer of the Frozen Prison on the 6th Floor.

The layout of this place was a wide high hall, with a height of 45 feet, a depth of 60 feet, and a width of 60 feet. On the two sides and at the end of the Hall individual cells were lined up, each cell being a 5ft cube, which means a total of 288 cells

Outside along the cells, a way was going along, and stairs going up and down in between, for the Warden of this place to walk along.

The important part though was that there was no light whatsoever placed in any cell and in the center of this whole place, there was another room.

This Room was closed towards the Cell's with walls, it was somewhat like a one-room house built into a hall, and the side which pointed towards the entrance was made of Glas and here a door was placed.

Inside the room was a single desk, with a black Chair in the most classic villain style behind it, and to the side, there was a torture table, with thick bindings.

The walls were decorated with countless tools of torture from different cultures, eras, and imaginations.

Besides them were even more creepy things, such as texts of Evil magic and summoning, as well as occult artifacts and cursed items.

This was the only place that had light in this place, the room for the Area Guardian of this place, but there was another one behind it, with a bed inside, but you wouldn't realize it if you couldn't watch it from the side.

This was impossible because there was no light outside of the office.

"Yeah I think that is the last part missing, let's make the keys for the Cells themselves the item that disables this effect," Ulbert said while gazing at his work with a satisfied expression.

"Good idea, but we should include this also in the bio of your Npc, maybe even make a tick out of it to play with it. We also made the walkways towards the prisons specifically in a way that they give off sounds to make the whole atmosphere more perfect after all." Tabula waved his own idea in as well.

"Hehehe, sounds great, I am really excited to see the faces of the others when they first see this place." Ulbert let out an almost evil chuckle.

Shaking his head silently, Tabula began to work on the new function, l they had just spoken about, while Ulbert began to prepare the keychains for the two Npc's who would be placed here.

It took two more weeks for the two of them to finally finish all of these preparations and changes until the finally decided that it was time to make the Npc's for whom they had already prepared everything.

Standing in their newly finished area on the 9th Floor, the two had two completely elite silhouettes standing in front of them.

"Let's start with the Area Guardian," Tabula suggested and Ulbert nodded in agreement.

Taking out their creator kits, the two began their work on the first of the silhouettes.

"Let's upload the character build into it first, after all this could be called your masterpiece in terms of Dark and Evil magic." Tabula complimented seriously.

"Yeah, I even tried to squeeze some information from Momonga about the Warlock class and other things, just to perfect him..." Ulbert sounded very excited about it and so the two began to initiate the upload of the Racial & Job Class Data into the silhouette.

Nothing changed appearance-wise, as the race class did determine the appearance, but it would only appear after one put his own design into the program.

"Let's continue, with the appearance and then finish with the backstory..." Ulbert went to the next step and put his design into the program of the Npc.

After which Tabula who was responsible for the backstories for both characters put in the stories detailing the background of this Character they were about to finish.

Slowly the silhouette began to change, black holes appeared where the eyes should be, and the same for the mouth and ears. Behind which a seemingly infinite darkness was hidden.

The original lightly glowing white with made up the body was replaced with a pale white skin that had a sickly touch of grey in it.

Cracks in the skin along the body, revealed a similar darkness beneath, like the one on its face starting at the corner of the mouth, going through the right eye, and ending on the forehead.

It looked like a mixture of a terrifying ghost and an Elemental of pure darkness.

"He looks fantastic! Just as I imagined." Ulbert almost jumped in joy when he saw their new creation.

"Yeah really great, now let's equip him and then start him up and initialize the backstory program." Tabula didn't want to wait longer and began to equip the new Npc.

They then started to dress him in the items [Arch-Devil's suit] consisting of a pair of black suit pants and a black jacket, [Warlock's Scarf] was a grey scary that was bound around his neck, [Shadow shoes] were black business shoes made to wear with suits, [Tormenter's Sweater] was a grey sweater which he wore below the jacket and the [Death's Gloves] were a pair of white gloves he wore over his pale white hands.

To finish it off, they gave him the [Staff of Evil Gods], a magic Staff that loomed like a walking stick, with a pitch-black jewel embedded in silver metal at the top. They programmed him so that he would use it as a walking stick on regular days, instead of just simply letting it be in his inventory when not needed.

This staff was actually a rather high-class item even among the divine class items in general, made of three individual divine class components.

A Branch from the "Tree of Qliphoth" was used as the base, the pitch-black jewel on its tip was known as the "Seed of Evil" and the silver-looking metal that bound the two together was a very special and super rare prismatic ore known as "Blasphemer's Silver". These three components made up this rather unique Divine Class Item.

But this wasn't the only Divine Class Item that he would get, the two had worked very hard to procure the material so that both of the Npc's here would each receive two divine class items, and the other items would all just be one rank below Divine class, meaning all of them being at the Legendary Class rank.

The second Divine class item that they had prepared for the Area Guardian was a Grimoire, called [Nigrum dea mater mali] which was a book from the "Black Goddess, the Mother of Evil".

This divine class item was made by Ulbert over a long, long time, it was one of the ideas in the pursuit of the creation of an item that could summon an endless horde of Demons to overrun one of Yggdrasil's worlds with them.

But this one could be said to be even crazier because it would not summon anything, but simply boost the summon ability of the user to crazy heights, as well as give all evil summons and evil magic in general a huge boost.

The only downside it had was that you needed to have a negative Karma rating of -500 to use it and also be proficient in outer God summons or Evil Summons and magic in general.

But if you had these, then it was the perfect item for you. Which was the reason he made up his mind to give this Grimoire to his newly created Npc.

The last thing they gave to him was the [Black Cell's Keychain], the item which enabled him to use night vision as well as magic and skills in the Black Cells and the keys for each of the 288 Cells in the Prison.

Of course, there weren't 288 keys on the chain, but rather 17 different Keys, each key would fit for every 17th cell.

Having equipped him with all the items, the two looked in satisfaction at their new creation.

"I have to say he looks amazing and scary as hell..." Ulbert commented with some nod before shuddering for a second as he imagined encountering this guy in real life for a moment.

Tabula nodded along, "He is more of a true Evil existence as if all of his entire being is there to bring pain and horror to those he encounters."

"Okay let's activate him!" Ulbert decided and the two began to initiate the activation of the Npc.

Then in the darkness, which were his eyes, two glim greyish white pupils appeared.

Unconsciously the two felt a bit uncomfortable for a moment but it immediately disappeared in the next moment.

"The eyes are even scarier... Anyway, let's get to initiate the upload."

"I'm gonna first put in the necessary information about Nazarick, us, and the other Npc's, and then the backstory." Tabula used the creator kit to continue uploading the different information.

Ulbert watched on the side as Tabula, who had done most of the backstory even for the Npc he had created, installed everything.

He on the other hand decided to not sit around idly, "Then I'm going to start the implementation of the build for the Warden."

He went to the other silhouette and began the upload for the classes and build.

Ulbert started the integration of the character appearance after the build and classes were integrated.

The white silhouette in front of him slowly took on human form, the form didn't grow like that of the former npc but shrank a bit in height.

Female curves started to appear slowly, outlining a charming and beautiful body, hair started to grow, long and black, and it started to wind and weave into a large braid that reached slightly below her thighs.

Her face had an enchanting yet innocent beauty that could enchant men with a single gaze at her, torn between wanting to be with her or to protect her.

Tabula had completed the uploading of the information and backstory, so he also turned his attention to this side and the NPC that now had a complete appearance.

Of course, there were no clothes but all important parts were turned into pixels.

"She looks amazing," Tabula commented on his own design unceremoniously praising it.

"Even though I am not a fan of pure human characters, she truly looks stunning, but at least she is an Immortal and not a normal human." Ulbert who didn't like Human characters in general, still praised as well, "Though I have to say that she, as a fallen Saint makes the whole thing even better somehow."

"Yeah especially since she stays with the one who turned her into his personal masterpiece. Let's equip her as well." Tabula came to the next point.

They dressed her in her own items, [Breastplate of the Fallen] a piece of black plate armor covering her chest, [Dark Saints Tunic] a tunic worn below the breastplate and reaching till above her feet, with a slit on the right side beginning on her upper thigh, in the colors of black and red. [Plateboots of the Fallen] a pair of black plated boots, [Gauntlets of the Fallen] a pair of black plated Gauntlets.

All these were Legendary class Items she wore, while the two Divine class items were a flagpole with a spear tip at the top and the flag being the banner of Ainz Ooal Gown, it was called [Unholy Banner].

On her waist now hung a western-style sword, which could be used with one hand or two, its sheath was pitch-black, as was the hilt, while the blade itself was crimson-red.

She looked magnificent in her Armor, which accentuated her figure perfectly.

"Now you just need to upload the information and backstory." Ulbert urged on, wanting to get everything ready after seeing her in her full armor.

Tabula simply got to work and started the Npc upon which her ocean blue eyes, as deep as the wide see opened.

Then he continued to implement the rest of the necessary data.

"So the work is done for today, just set them in their places and then it's done for today. I need to go to work early tomorrow."

"Yeah, me as well. But we should plan when we show this place to the others, so that as many of them as possible see at once otherwise it loses half the fun." Ulbert threw in.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow."

The two of them put the Npc's in their places and activated their routine programs, for moving around in this area.

After which both of them left the game, going back to reality.




'Who am I?'

'Where am I?'

'What am I?'

Darkness enveloped him, nothing but endless darkness, while a thousand questions ran through his mind.

He didn't know anything, only that he was there and existed, in this eternal darkness.

But he didn't feel uncomfortable, the darkness didn't scare him, and there was no fear in him.


'What is Darkness?'

'What is Fear?'

He didn't know, but somehow he felt it was important, something was telling him that it was important.

Then something appeared, what was it?

The darkness vanished and in its place, something appeared.

Not just something, two beings seemed bizarre and impossible. Still, they were there, but what were they?

Then he saw that they seemed to communicate about something, but he didn't know what it was.

Suddenly at this moment, he felt it. Knowledge and Wisdom were spreading in his mind.

He now knew who he was, he was Astaroth Elereth Gregory Varitias, the creation of Ulbert Alain Odle, one of the Supreme Beings.

He now knew where he was, he was in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, on the 9th Floor in the Area he was made to guard, the Black Cells.

He now knew what he was, he was a Devil, a being of pure Evil and filled with endless malice and desire.

'Hahahhahahahhahhaha!!!!' He laughed in delight in his heart.

His mind filled with gratitude for his creation.

'What wonderful purpose! What wonderful existence!'

Then he looked again at the two beings who stood before him, both of whom were part of the Supreme Beings, the Great Rulers and Creators of this wonderful place filled with countless enjoyments!

They now emited an Aura in his eyes that could never be disobeyed, one of absolute superiority. But he had no problems with such a thing, this place filled his heart with joy and to serve these beings who made him would fulfill him, even if he gave his life for them.

Then they turned away from him and he saw the silhouette beside him, who was just made of pure light slowly turning into something new, someone new. Someone he knew, he desired with all his existence, his masterpiece, and his wife.

The Warden who would Guard this place alongside him, Jeanne D'Arc, the Fallen Saintess.

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