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49.42% Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight / Chapter 42: Sweet Nectar

Chapitre 42: Sweet Nectar

'I guess I'll go find that Jay bastard and suck him dry of all his blood. Maybe build up my storage for another week.'

Suddenly, he felt something approaching him. His senses were heightened beyond the comprehension of a human—every scent, every sound—magnified by his vampiric nature. The scent of Elysia's Elven blood was intoxicating—an aroma that called to him like a siren's song.

He waited silently, while his predatory eyes flared up releasing his crimson mana, standing on his trusty couch, expecting the newcomer to appear anytime.

Stepping inside, Elysia's gaze met Vecna's, and she sensed the turmoil within him. Her voice was gentle as she spoke, concern lacing her words. "Vecna, are you alright? You seem... distant."

His reply was a mere whisper, his voice tinged with unshakable calmness, as if he had everything in control over his desperate situation.

"Elysia, there's something I need to do. I can't hold it back any longer. Don't get scared, I won't hurt you.."

"It's alr…"

Before she could respond, Vecna was before her, his movements swift and fluid, reaching her like a phantom. His gaze locked onto her arm, his eyes reflecting a hunger that bordered on desperation. He reached out, his touch gentle yet urgent, his fingers tracing the path of her veins.

"Elysia, I need your blood. I'm sorry, but I can't control it any longer."

Her heartbeat quickened, a mixture of uncertainty and trust warring within her. She saw the raw need in his eyes, a vulnerability he rarely showed. Slowly, she extended her arm, her pulse thrumming beneath her skin. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of consent passing between them.

As his lips met her skin, a shiver coursed through Elysia. His touch was both tender and consuming, his fangs piercing her flesh with a sensation that was both exquisite and primal. Sensations danced along her nerves, a mingling of pleasure and the undeniable intimacy of the act.



'I don't know what's going on with the blood, but I love this sensation. Is this what drugs feel like?'

Vecna's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The taste of her blood was a symphony of flavors, a connection forged through the very essence of life. His hunger was sated, his Insatiable Hunger finally finding solace in her blood. But along with the physical satiation, there was an intimacy that bound them together in a way words never could.

[Hunger Meter: 34/100] (Charging)

"It's alright. No need to rush yourself. I'll be here for you. As you were for me when I needed someone beside me the most."

He was silent, indulging in this forbidden fruit, involuntarily their connection deepened. Elysia's fingers tangled in his hair, her breath catching as his lips lingered on her skin. The room was filled with the soft sounds of their shared moment, the world outside fading away.

She had a hard time fighting back her sensual moans caused by the pleasure he was delivering by inserting his fangs into her wrist. There was something to a Vampire's bite, at innate power that could be centered on their state of predators to the human race. It was an ability to manipulate the senses of their victims. 

This manipulation can extend to altering how sensations are perceived, leading to heightened pleasure or altered perceptions.

As the profound exchange of blood drew to a close, Vecna's features underwent a subtle transformation. The pallor of his skin receded, the crimson glow in his eyes dimmed, and his fangs retracted. 

It was as if the very essence of Elysia's Elven blood had breathed life into him, rejuvenating not only his body but also his appearance.

Elysia's breath caught as she gazed upon him. The change was subtle but undeniable. His once-pale skin now held a healthier hue, and his eyes regained a clarity that seemed to pierce through the shadows that had veiled them. 

It was as if he had shed the weight of his vampiric burden, returning to the form that was closer to the handsome blonde man who had caught her eye from the very beginning.

When the act was over, when the last drop of blood had been savored, Vecna's gaze met Elysia's once more. His lips brushed against her skin in a gentle kiss, his gratitude and regret conveyed in that fleeting touch.

Elysia's voice was a whisper, her eyes soft as she met his gaze. "You are a Pervert."

Vecna nodded, his voice filled with slight regret and other mix of emotion. "Maybe. I just couldn't control it any longer."

As they stood there in the aftermath of their shared moment, Elysia's arm still cradled gently by Vecna, a newfound understanding seemed to settle between them. The raw vulnerability he had revealed, the desperate need he had bared, all of it had forged a connection that transcended words.

Elysia's fingers brushed against his cheek, her touch a soothing balm to his conflicted soul. "You want to thank me, but you can't? It's alright. I'm on duty as your Servant."

His lips curled into a faint charming smile now that his handsome features returned back, a mixture of gratitude and relief playing on his features. "No I wasn't looking at you with that comment in mind."

"And, no, you're not just my 'Servant' but also a remarkable woman, Elysia."

The intensity of the moment was still palpable, but now there was a sense of relief woven into it, a gratitude that transcended words. Without hesitation, he closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a kiss that was as passionate as it was tender.

Time seemed to suspend as their lips melded together, the kiss a shared expression of emotions that had been suppressed for too long. It was a thank you and an apology, a promise and an understanding, all conveyed through the simple act of their mouths meeting.

As the kiss lingered, Vecna's fingers gently cupped Elysia's cheek, his touch gentle and reverent. The world around them faded into insignificance, leaving only the sensation of their connection. When their lips finally parted, the air seemed to crackle with newfound energy.

"That's also what I was thinking while glancing at your face. Those moaning lips were calling my own."

Elysia's eyes opened slowly, her gaze meeting Vecna's once more. There was a depth of emotion in their shared look.

In that moment, as they stood together, their connection felt stronger than ever before. The night sky above twinkled with a sense of wonder, as if nature itself approved of this new chapter that had opened between them.

"Thank you, Elysia. Just when you were about to step inside I was contemplating going out. You can imagine what might happen next."

"Probably, no, for sure, I would kill that human rat," Vecna murmured softly, his voice carrying a warmth, but also turning frosty as it reached deeper into his inner thoughts.

It was a contrast between his macabre thoughts and his calm appearance.

Elysia smiled slightly, her heart brimming with a mixture of contentment and something more profound. "Can we pretend nothing… happened between us?"

The question lingered in the air, as they stood there for a moment longer, the weight of their shared experience hanging in the air. It was Maribel's voice that eventually pulled them from their reverie, the reminder of the world outside the bubble they had created.

"Ahem. I'm back," Maribel announced with a playful grin, interrupting the charged atmosphere between them.

Vecna's lips twitched with amusement, and he reluctantly released Elysia's arm. "I didn't miss you one bit, Witch."

Maribel winked, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Someone found his vitality back, and more. Hehe, I hope I didn't interrupt anything too... intimate."

Elysia blushed but playfully rolled her eyes. "We were just having a serious conversation, weren't we, Vecna?"

Vecna's tone was light but sincere. "Indeed, a very serious conversation."

Maribel laughed, clearly enjoying the teasing. "Well, I'm glad to see both of you looking better. Now, how about we retire for the night? Tomorrow is another day of our journey, and we need to be well-rested."

Vecna instead was indifferent to her teasings, agreeing with her point, his usual composure back in place. "You're right once in a while. You girls should get some rest."

Elysia went to get herself ready for sleep, but in doing so she stole a sidelong glance at Vecna who remained returned to his couch, wearing a pondering face that couldn't betray his inner thoughts.

She couldn't shake off the moment when Vecna kissed her on the lips, stealing a moment reserved only for the chosen one that would be her long-lived partner. This gesture was steeped in tradition, symbolism, and emotional significance for the High-Elven Royalty that she was part of.

A kiss on the mouth was a Symbol of Union for the High-Elves. Such that a kiss reciprocated would symbolize the unity and bond between two individuals, emphasizing the idea of two souls coming together.

Her slender hand followed up to her plump lower lip, watching Vecna who remained in his 'indifferent' persona mask, not even following her reaction.

Slightly pained that she wasn't given full attention from what she started to believe to be beloved, she turned around only to be grabbed by his arm, as he appeared beside her.

Vecna's words broke through her contemplation. "Elysia, about what happened just now..."

She turned to him, her eyes meeting his with conflicted emotions. "Yes?"

A faint smile graced his lips, but there was a seriousness in his gaze. 

"I want you to know that what happened between us was meaningful. But we still have much to know about each other, much to bond over."

"I respect you too much to rush into anything more serious before we're both ready."

Elysia felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that the kiss she allowed to partake with Vecna wasn't without meaning, her feelings for him also mirrored in a way with his own.

She nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I feel the same way. I would only feel more awkward being around you."

Vecna caressed her cheek, and suddenly disappeared from the room turning into a bloody mist, going out from the tavern, yet making sure to leave a 'Goodnight' message to Elysia whose cheeks started burning from the emotions she held for this Vampire.

As they settled in for the night, Elysia couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and nervousness when thinking about Vecna, having a hard time sleeping and Maribel started laughing at her expense, finding it cute that the Elven Princess would start having butterflies in her stomachs.

The night passed slowly for Elysia, her thoughts consumed by the kiss and the complex emotions it had stirred within her. The moon cast a gentle glow through the window, its silvery light casting intricate patterns on the walls. She tossed and turned, her mind replaying the moment over and over again.

Maribel's amused chuckles from the adjacent bed only added to her embarrassment. "Having a sleepless night, Ely?"

Elysia huffed in response, feeling her cheeks burn in the darkness. "It's not funny, Maribel."

Maribel's laughter subsided, and her tone turned more compassionate. "I know, I know. But honestly, it's a good thing. It means you're feeling something."

"Isn't it much better instead of thinking constantly about taking revenge for your people? You're not some twisted Banshee to reach so low in life."

Elysia sighed, her thoughts eventually drifting to Vecna. She wondered where he had disappeared to and what he was doing at this hour. His sudden departure had left her slightly bewildered, yet also intrigued.

Meanwhile, Vecna had ventured out into the night, his thoughts a jumble of conflicting emotions. 

'Seems that I'm still mad-crazy to pull that off. Maybe I don't care that much?' His inner voice quipped sarcastically, reminding him of the complexity of the situation.

'Heck, I'm getting attached to an NPC… Well, whose fault it is that such a Virtual Reality that is 99.9% a copy of the real world when it comes to feelings came out from god knows what dungeons of some alien spaceship.' he mused, grappling with the blurred lines between reality and the virtual realm.

A mixture of self-doubt and introspection continued to swirl within him as he contemplated the depth of his emotions.

'Nahh, but who really cares? Touching her didn't feel no less than touching a woman in real life. Her reactions are legit how women react when flustered and embarrassed. There's no way some jumbled AI would be capable of having this sentience.'

'My AI assistant is beyond stupid if I don't give him thorough instructions.'

His thoughts were in turmoil too after his bold stunt, the consequences he still had to face in the future. If he would have known about the customs and traditions of the High-Elves he would maybe think again when kissing the Princess on her lips.

Nonetheless, that kiss had been a revelation for himself, a moment of vulnerability he had rarely allowed himself. He appreciated Elysia's understanding and her reciprocation of his caution. His vampiric instincts might be fierce, but his heart was still capable of genuine emotions.

His footsteps took him to the outskirts of the city, where he found solace in the quiet shadows. 

As the night breeze ruffled his hair, he looked up at the moon, its pale light a reminder of the fantasy world he now navigated. 

'Honestly. Staying like this, doing nothing but glance at people feels nice. The mountain breeze is chilling enough that it is pleasant.'

'Still. I got to take a break too. I think my body is already cursing me for not taking it at the gym. I paid 50$ for one month of gym membership, I better fill in my time between breaks.'

'Log Out.'

With a simple mental command, he initiated the process to log out. 

Exiting the Capsule Device that had connected him to the Virtual World, he stretched lazily, his body adjusting to the real world once again. His sleek black leather jacket, matched with a long-sleeved gray shirt, dark jeans, and leather black boots, reflected his stylish yet practical choices.

--BUZZ-- (Notification Pop-Sound)

'Alright, take it easy. Today is a big day for many, but not for me. That day is on the 4th of March when I check in with the doctor on mom's health condition. Hopefully everything turns out fine.'

His phone came to life in his hand, displaying a multitude of notifications. His attention was solely on the crucial ones, particularly those related to the auctioning of the second batch of Epic Items he had listed on the Auction House. 

A quick glance at the clock confirmed the scheduled time of the auction.

[2.03.2071 | 3:45 PM ]

Also checking the clock on his phone, he made his way out from the Gaming Hub wearing his black leather jacket assorted with a long-sleeved gray shirt, dark jeans and a pair of leather black boots. In his right hand he was holding a larger bag, clearly a gym back from its looks.

Exiting the gaming hub, Vecna stepped into the city's 'fresh' air, his movements purposeful and confident. The gaming hub, with its futuristic design and neon-lit façade, seemed to emit an ethereal glow as he left it behind. His dark leather jacket, paired with a gray shirt and dark jeans, created a sleek yet casual ensemble, and his black leather boots clacked against the pavement with each step.

Not far from the gaming hub, on Victory Street's corner, stood the gym Vecna registered since quitting his cashier and waiter jobs to pursue Satisfy full-time. The gym's exterior respected the urbanistic norms of Bucharest, using a classical-modernist facade, having an inviting vibe, with large glass windows offering a glimpse of the well-equipped interior. 

The sign above the entrance, bold and illuminated, read "Victory Fitness."

Pushing open the glass door, Vecna was greeted by the familiar scent of sweat and the rhythmic sound of weights clinking. 

The gym was alive with activity, the sound of grunts and music blending into a cacophony of sounds that felt strange to Vecna who felt his ears being far more sensible than previously. The walls were adorned with motivational quotes and posters of fitness enthusiasts, creating an environment that encouraged hard work and dedication.

Vecna approached the reception desk, where a friendly attendant greeted him with a smile. "Hey there, Adrian. Good to see you again. Ready for another intense session?"

He returned the smile half-heartedly, not minding that this attendant addressed him directly, afterall, his name would appear on their register after each scans of his membership card.

"Hmm. Why would I be here if that wouldn't be the case?"

"I don't know? Maybe watch some hot girls? We have a lot of them frequenting our place. Just saying, don't give me that look."

The attendant scanned his gym membership card, and the turnstile beeped in approval. Vecna nodded his thanks and headed into the gym proper, his bag slung over his shoulder. 

The gym was divided into various sections, each catering to different types of workouts. Rows of cardio machines, racks of weights, and designated areas for functional training were all spread out across the spacious floor.

Vecna began with a dynamic warm-up, his movements fluid as he stretched and mobilized his muscles. He then moved to the free weights section, selecting dumbbells that matched his chosen workout. With his mind locked-in, he launched into a series of strength exercises, the weight in his hands shifting as he pushed his body to its limits.

His breathing grew steady, and a sheen of sweat formed on his forehead as he progressed through his routine. The sounds of his own breath, the clinking of weights, and the distant rhythm of music created a meditative backdrop. Vecna's concentration was unwavering, his thoughts focused solely on the sensations of his body and the satisfaction of each completed set.

As his workout continued, he transitioned to different exercises, utilizing various equipment to target different muscle groups. The intensity of his effort was evident in the way his muscles flexed and strained, his movements controlled and purposeful.

After a challenging two-hour session, Vecna's energy was both depleted and rejuvenated. His heart raced, his muscles were fatigued, yet there was a sense of accomplishment that came with pushing himself beyond his limits. As he wiped his forehead with a towel, he took a moment to catch his breath and savor the feeling of achievement.

Exiting the gym, he felt a satisfying exhaustion settle into his muscles. The cool air was a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the gym, and he took a deep breath, allowing the sensation to wash over him. 

With his gym bag slung over his shoulder, Vecna made his way back to the gaming hub on Victory Street. 

As he stepped through the doors of the hub, he was greeted by the cashier who noticed that Vecna had a relaxed expression and a rigid walking pattern.

"Don't tell me you're going to the gym in your breaks from Satisfy? Hah, you're sure nuts. Instead of relaxing and taking it slowly."

"What about it?"

"You'll collapse soon enough by going all-in with such a self-harming approach."

"There's nothing self-harming if you know your body. But thanks for the worry."

Settling back to the Capsule he spent 4 days inside, it allowed the transition from the real world back to the virtual realm was seamless, his consciousness and avatar once again emerging within the City Walls of Como.

next chapter
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