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74.15% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 66: The Birth of the Beast

Chapitre 66: The Birth of the Beast

Shoutout to my patrons:

Stephen Gonzalez

Macabre Threener


Greed 2nd Sin

Amit Efraim

Jon Aristeguy

Jay Vincence

Matthew Herrera


alberto garcia

Thomas Degman

Brodie Meehan


You are all bloody legends! 


(The War Game)

"The battle is to commence at noon!" Ganesha announced into the microphone. Somebody handed over to him a small stack of papers. "But before that, we have some announcements to make regarding the new status of the Ptah Familia. In the time since the the Freya Familia issued their challenge, Lord Ptah has gained eight new children. Here we shall announce the name of every contestant in the challenged party."

Orario's population gripped the edges of their seats as some stomped their feet in impatience. They were here to see battle, not for this!

"Beginning with Zuri Hewer, Level 7!" Ganesha said as Hermes changed the perspective of the broadcast onto an identity sheet of Zuri, one of those officially published by the Guild. Upon it was a drawing of Zuri's face along with his level written proudly across the top.

People and adventurers alike gasped at this. For previously there had only been one level 7...and just like Steve, he'd come out of nowhere. Where Bell and Hestia were situated, instantly voices began to complain.


"No fair man!"

"There's got to be some cheating going on here!"

"Like hell I'm going to believe that!"

"You moron, it's guild publication. If he's a level 7, then that's what he is!"

"And you're not just going to question how it came to that?"


Ganesha simply carried on as he held up one sheet after another.

"Ari Hewer, Level 7. Sunny Hewer, Level 7. Noor Hewer, Level 7. Efe Hewer, Level 7. Makena Hewer, Level 8! Kai Hewer, Level 8! Alex Hewer, Vice-Captain, Level 8. And best of all, the Captain, Firstborn and founding member of the Ptah Familia..." Ganesha held up Steve's drawing. "Stephen Hewer, Level 9!"


Bell spat his food out and coughed as that name came through the magic screen, as well as that drawing. He thumped his chest as Hestia looked at him with worried eyes and she patted his back harshly to help him along.

"Bell! Are you okay?!"

"Yes, goddess. I'm fine." Bell said with watery eyes. Hestia pouted angrily and glared at him, making him sheepish as he was confronted by this adorable fury.

"You have to chew your food before you swallow! You could end up choking and then dying. And we can't have you doing that before you even enter the Dungeon now can we?"

"No goddess, it's not that." Bell pointed at the screen. "It's just...that's Steve?!"

"Yes." Hestia glanced at the screen and then back to Bell. "Ganesha did just say his name you know and...wait a minute..." Hestia looked at Bell and leaned in closer to him. "...Bell, have you met him already?"

"H-how did you know?" Bell asked, a little surprised she figured it out.

"You just called him Steve." Hestia said as she folded her arms. "But Ganesha announced his name as Stephen. Only those who have met him and befriended him know to call him Steve. Where and when did you meet him?"

"About a week ago." Bell scratched the back of his head. "I was looking for a Familia to join and we....bumped into each other."

"...Bell, here's something you should know about gods and goddesses." Hestia tilted her head towards him as she gave him a pointed look. "We can tell when you Children are lying. So please, tell the truth from now on. Okay."

"You can tell when I'm lying?" Bell pointed to himself.

"When any mortal is lying." Hestia said. "It's how know to judge between which of you we should allow to have our blessing and which of you should not. You did not just 'bump into him'. Something else happened."

"...Okay. He actually saved me from being attacked by an adventurer and he scared her away. The he gave me a piece of his mind and a bit of what I guess was supposed to be a reality check. Then he took me to the guild and gave me some advice on how to look for a Familia." Bell looked down at his lap for a moment. "He's the one who told me that when all Familia had rejected me, a god would seek me out on their own and accept me regardless of what and who I am. And that that is a god worth following forever...and it turned out to be you."

"Really?" Hestia asked before she looked back at her last personal conversation with Steve. "Funny. He said something similar to me too..." She muttered, marvelling at this coincidence.

"How do you know him goddess? Are you friends?"

"Yes. Me and his god have been good friends for millennia." Hestia said. "When Ptah got his first child, I naturally met him and we hit it off quite well." Hestia looked around before putting a hand beside her mouth and lowering her voice. "And for the record, my Familia is supposed to be a secret ally of their Familia."

"Really?" Bell gasped.

"Shhh! Yes, we are. But don't tell anyone though, otherwise we could be open to attack from their enemies."

"My lips are sealed." Bell said before he dazedly looked back at the screen. "But that's just incredible. I thought he was a level 5 or something and a well respected adventurer...did I really behave so casually with...with-"

"With the most powerful mortal in the world?" Hestia raised a brow while smirking. "Yes Bell, you did."


Bell was dazed for a moment before he shook himself out of the stupor and turned his gaze back to the magical screen. In it Ganesha was now holding a stop watch as he waited for the seconds to fly by. Eventually all clocks hit noon and Ganesha snapped the things shut.

"I AM GANESHA! It has now just hit midday ladies and gentlemen! With that, let's not waste any more time. This your commentator, Lord Ganesha and now is the time to watch the action! Let the War Game...BEGIN!!!"


"Well, there's my cue." Steve said as he sat in one of the couches in the living room of the Twilight Manor. He had his arms around Tiona and Ais as they all shared a little cuddle time before the fight. He unwound his arms from them and stood up. "I'm going to take my leave."

"Good luck out there." Tiona said to him cheerily, her hair let down freely as Steve said he'd liked it. "Not that you need it since they can't beat you."

"I hope you enjoy yourself." Ais said to him with a small smile.

"I definitely will Ais." Steve said as he equipped his armour and his cape. "Right now we are living history, events that will be written down in books and passed down as tales to children for generations to come. So I am going to make it as memorable as can be."

"Just give 'em hell!" Tiona punched the air before she smiled slyly and put a finger under her lip suggestively. "If you entertain me enough, I might just feel very 'happy' tonight."

"This is where you're supposed to say something like 'You might just get luck tonight' to me." Steve said flatly. "You're not supposed to centre it around you."

"You don't do things the way they're usually done, so why should I?"

"...Fair enough." Steve said as he carried his helmet under his arm and leaned towards them. He gave the Amazon a deep kiss before turning to Ais and giving her one that was almost similar. The kuudere had gotten more comfortable with kisses that had a little more passion behind them. A far cry from what he was sharing with Tiona these days but a step in the right direction. Every bit of progress she made meant less reservations against him ultimately. "I'll see you beautiful ladies later when I've kicked ass to my hearts content."

"And make sure that surprise of yours is actually surprise." Tiona said as she wriggled her fingers. "I've just been dying to know what it is."

"All in good time." Steve said as he slipped on his helmet that was few tons heavier than the normal helmet. "I'll see you girls later."

His form vibrated a little before he disappeared from sight and vanished to wherever the Ptah Familia had been lying in wait for the beginning of the Game.

"Do you think any of the other Familia are going to be alright after this?" Ais asked Tiona.

"Alright? Pfft..." Tiona laughed. "You should know our boyfriend better than that by now. He's going to leave them absolutely traumatised. You just wait and see...I suppose I should also make a correction there. Your boyfriend and my mate."

"Your mate?" Ais tilted her head.

"In other words, my husband." Tiona gave her a smirk.

"Husband?!" Ais's cheeks flushed before she pouted. "You've gotten married? When did that happen? Why didn't I hear about it?"

"We didn't get married the way you think we did silly." Tiona waved her off before she re-focused on the matter at hand. "Though I suppose I should be clarifying to you what I mean I suppose."


"I think it's high time Ais..." Tiona scooted closer to the Sword Princess. "...that I taught you a few more things about Steve and how to be romantically 'attached' to him...my apprentice."


Meanwhile, over at the three different strongholds out near Melen, the Freya, Ishtar and Apollo Familia did not have an inkling of what was being transmitted back in Orario. Instead, they all had their eyes peeled open at every inch of territory surrounding their bases, intent on not getting caught off-guard by any surprise attacks from the Ptah Familia.

In the highest tower of the old sea mouth fort stood Ottar decked out in his best armour. On his back were his regular greatswords but stuck into the floor besides his feet were two swords of very different and much higher quality. One sword as black as night, and the other as white as starlight. He cast his eye over different points of their flag base and observed his Familia members who were also kitted out in their best ger and equipped with their best weapons as per the stipulation of the War Game.

He focused his gaze on the lake that glimmered under the sun in the distance and then at the sea. His sharp instincts were telling him to expect something from that approximate direction. But something weighed down on him...for he was experiencing a terrible feeling of foreboding as he sensed great danger looming over them. His feelings were shared by the 150+ other members of the Freya Familia who were all situated at their posts, waiting patiently for the ominous future to rear its ugly head.

But with that sense of danger came came a small glimmer of interest and excitement to the Boaz. His gut had never let him down and the whole way through, Steve had intrigued him. If every claim about Steve was true, then there was Ottar's motivation to move to the next level. If Steve was truly a level 9, then Ottar did not even care for loss. Although he would slit his own throat before ever swearing loyalty to any other god than his Lady, and as much as the Denatus stipulations had besmirched the image and honour of his mistress, this was clearly a chance for him to learn and finally move to the next step of power.

Nothing so far had managed to drive him to the next level because of how seriously he took his journey. It had taken a man leagues stronger than him to finally help him break his ceiling and ascend to level 7. And now here he was, facing another adversary who would be leagues more powerful in theory. If Ottar was to make any bet he was sure he would win, he would bet that the fight about to come would be the most difficult yet.

There were some however who were not so optimistic or ambitious. Ottar didn't need to turn at the sound of the footsteps to know who was approaching him.

"I thought I told you to stand guard." The Boaz said. "Why have you left your post?"

"Because this is stupid." A black-haired cat beastman answered. "Why don't we just hunt them down and put an end to this. We're being made to stand out here like decorated princesses sitting in our castle while our opponents move around in obscurity. We don't need much to defend the flag."

"Our Lady does not underestimate them. So we will not do so either." Ottar said firmly.

"And our Lady was besmirched. You aim to standby and do nothing?" Allen asked him. "Have you no regard for our lady's honour?"

"Don't ever doubt my loyalty." Ottar gave him a side-eye. "It was Goddess Freya who also told us to be careful and not make any reckless pre-emptive attacks. She would not warn us against imposters."

"So you believe what they purport?"

"I'm here to find out." Ottar said before he pointed the catman away. "Now return to your post. We will wait for them to come to us."

Allen snorted before walking away, leaving Ottar to his thoughts. He thought back to the time he and Steve had shared a stare-down at Ganesha's party in a contest of wills. The pressure they both gave off was enough to suffocate normal people with anxiety but Ottar definitely felt that Steve was holding back more than he had revealed. If Ottar had heckles like he did in his beastification, they would most certainly be rising right now with the chill that just went up his spine.

Ottar had spent a lifetime trying to hone his adventurer's instinct to the sharpest degree, and to distinguish a difficult battle from a boring goose-chase. And right now, those faculties were telling him to not relax a single muscle...because they'd all be pulling weight soon enough.

His speculation was rewarded by a sudden chilly breeze. Today was a rather warm day, enough to make them sweat under their armour a little but this sudden gust of cold wind was both sudden and unreasonably cold enough that it could not be written off, and Ottar immediately recognised there was something wrong. Before his eyes, the deep blue skies of the seafront state began to turn grey and a sudden rumble of thunder brought everybody to abrupt attention as the sun disappeared behind fast accumulating grey clouds. 


(Ishtar Familia Base)

A figure in a red hooded robe wagged her fluffy ears underneath the crimson cloth before they drooped as she anxiously looked out towards the horizon. Their enemy from their point of view could attack from anywhere and even though her captain was positive she could destroy them, it was important to be tactical as the unprecedented could happen. It didn't make sense logically for such a smaller enemy to attack them since her Familia was only the second strongest amongst the opposition team.

She was surprised though that she had been sent out. Usually in any given conflict, Ishtar would keep her behind the scenes and have her use her special powers as secret support from the back. She herself couldn't be happier for that arrangement since she didn't possess much of a will to physically fight against other people but there was figuratively no place to hide her in a War Game.

Perhaps it was the smaller number of adventurer's amongst the Ptah Familia that gave off the impression of weakness and so Ishtar had not tried to hide her away. But then again, one of the bindings of this War Game was that all members with blessings were to be put on the stage. She would have been sure though that Ishtar would have still tried to obscure her existence; after all, she was the Mesopotamian goddess's trump card against her worst enemy.

But lately the gloried harlot had been tearing her hair out in fury at an apparent grievance committed against her by the captain of the Ptah Familia and she would do anything to get one back at him. And to do that, she wanted to utterly decimate him and tear him apart before she could take whatever was left over and ruin it even further. So the purple haired goddess had sent all her forces out to make sure that she secured her prize. And to maximise the chances of their win, she'd sent out the timid little Renard to boost the power of their strongest member if things became more difficult then they should have been.

The fox girl heard footsteps coming up onto the roof behind her and she tensed, fearing who it could possibly be before sighing in relief at the voice that called out to her.

"You shouldn't be up here you know." Said an Amazon as she came into view. "That bitch Phryne will be wanting to foist off of your powers regardless if our enemies are powerful or not. If she finds you dilly-dallying here, she's going to get mad, Haruhime."

This Amazon was on the taller side for a woman, and her jet black hair covered the right side of her face and fell by deep red lips. Anybody from Steve's old world would describe those lips as comparable to that of Snow White from the fairy tale; the only difference being that instead of skin as white as snow, Aisha Belka's skin was a rich brown as the standard of any Amazon.

Regarding her apparel...well it was a bit less than modest.

But once a resentful person of Sanjouno Haruhime, she was reformed to an older sister type of figure to the poor Renard. And she spent her days looking out for the fox girl and protecting her from whatever harm she could, with the obvious exception of course being the harm perpetrated against her by Ishtar or Phryne Jamil, their captain.

"I know Aisha." Haruhime said gratefully for the warning. "But I can't help but feel something is wrong. Something just doesn't feel right about all this."

"When has anything ever felt right about what Ishtar plots?" Aisha folded her arms. "But regardless of whether or not we like them, we still have to obey...some of us more than others." The Amazon added that last bit as a mutter.

The Amazon had once destroyed something very precious to Ishtar a while back and had set Ishtar's grand plan back by a very large amount of time. As punishment, she'd undergone severe torture before being charmed by the goddess into obeying her orders no matter what. The only saving grace was that Aisha could voice aloud her objections (not in front of the goddess of course) but that was as far as she could go.

It was a step down from what Ptah could do. Ishtar could command Aisha to do what she pleased using her body...Ptah could command body, mind and soul and assume absolute control of mortals and gods alike, and use them as he saw fit. The difference was that Ptah was all around well meaning and didn't like to rip away free will...but if Ishtar had it, she would have had heaven and earth at her beck and call.

"Don't you feel a bit scared?" Haruhime asked. "After all...he's supposed to be a level 9 right?"

"That Familia's captain?" Aisha tilted her head in thought. "Well no not really. I have strong doubts about that...but if it does happen to be that way, then I'm excited to see what he can do." Aisha dragged a finger across her lips as she smiled. "I hear he's managed to woo the Sword Princess. He's definitely stronger than us if that's the case since I don't think Wallenstein would be involved with a weaker man. That girl chases strength more than anybody else...but if he's managed to score an untouchable treasure like her, then he's got to be one hell of a man...I can't wait to find out."

"You never take anything seriously." Haruhime sweat-dropped. "Why are you so flippant?"

"'Cause it's always exciting fighting a big strong man. You just can never understand that rush Haruhime. And look on the bright side. If he's that strong, then he'd be just like those heroes in those books you read right? Aren't you excited about that?"

"If we were meeting him normally." Haruhime answered before looking out to the lake and Melen and all the surrounding territory. "But we're enemies in a War Game...and people can be killed in War Games."

"Hey." Aisha said seriously as she grabbed the Renard's shoulders and forcibly turned her around. "Don't you go around talking nonsense like that, you hear? Nobody from over there is touching you, and nobody's coming near you as long as I'm around."

"...Thank you Aisha." Haruhime said as her green eyes softened. "I'm a bit reassured...but it doesn't take away that horrible feeling that I'm getting."

"It's just the shivers. You've never been in a War Game." Aisha let go of her and flicked her hair. "In fact, you've never been beyond the Entertainment District or from your room for that matter. And this is a setting in which fighting is taken to it's most extreme. And knowing some of the people we fight with in this farce 'alliance', it's quite possible we'll be fighting each other. But at the end of the day, we're adventurers. You have to get used to this sort of life."

"...But I'm not going to get used to it am I?" Haruhime said rhetorically with a touch of extreme sadness, and a smile that was some form of attempt at light humour but ultimately failed in wake of the reality they were both faced with. "After all, I won't be around much longer."

Aisha could say nothing as she clenched her fists, her goddess's grand plan which she hated so much and had unknowingly stalled. A scheme which she absolutely hated but believed that the beatings she'd gotten had been worth foiling that plan. For if she hadn't done what she did, the Renard would not be standing here today. On the other hand, Ishtar was stubborn and temperamental but resourceful. She'd managed to source out another copy of the valuable artifact that Aisha had destroyed. And that thing only meant the worst for Haruhime as not only would she be robbed of her life...but possibly her afterlife too, all for the sake of a petty and jealous jibe.


Both women were disturbed by heavy footfalls and it sounded like a baby elephant was stomping up the stairs to the roof. Aisha with her back to the stairwell cringed and sneered in disgust as she recognised the weight of that person while Haruhime shrank in fear. And soon enough, that person made themselves known as an absolutely awful voice that sounded like chalk being dragged across a board bellowed out at them.

"Oi uggos! The hell do you think you doing up here?!" The disgusting voice said to them as a walking blob of green clothed flesh with what looked like a black mushroom growing at the top lumbered over to them.

Phryne Jamil, captain of the Ishtar Familia and quite possibly the ugliest woman in the world...and also the most deluded. Like many others in the Familia she was an Amazon...but you would never have guessed she was. Amazons by nature, whether they were good or bad, were always extremely beautiful and enticing, and were meant to drive women of other races green with jealousy at how naturally beautiful they could be and how difficult it was for them to put on weight.

But as if to compensate for the lack of flaws in the beauty of the Amazons and to balance things out, the universe had bundled all the absent imperfections together into the one cluster of cells that was Phryne Jamil, a sadistic bloodthirsty toad of a woman with no proportionality in figure and blubbers of fat for a body...and also a prolific rapist and paedophile though her goddess hid her activities.

Simply looking at her was enough to make one vomit. As much as Steve hated her and as much as the goddess made him puke, he would rather lie down with Ishtar than ever be involved in any measure with this...thing if he was ever forced to choose between the two options.

"Just enjoying some fresh air Phryne." Aisha grunted as she put a hand on her hip. "Is that a crime?"

"You're supposed to be protecting the flag!" The toad screeched as she raised a suspicious eyebrow. "You wouldn't happen to be trying to escape would you?"

"You know I can't even if I wanted." Aisha said. "And Haruhime is not going anywhere at her level."

"Well you've had enough 'air' then. So get your asses back down there...or I'll make you both even more ugly than you already are." The toad the began to pat her terrible hairdo as a gross smile spread out across her face. "Honestly, it's hard having to keep ugly people in line when you're as beautiful as I am. I should be the one sitting around and giving the orders, and not getting dust on my beautiful soft skin."

"What do you think you'll be getting when you face down the level 9?" Aisha asked. "Think you can handle him?"

"Easy." The toad waved off the notion. "It's impossible for anyone to be level 9 nowadays. It's just a lie." The toad then licked her lips. "But from what I hear, he's quite the looker according to Ishtar. And he's also dating the Sword Princess." At the mention of that last name, the toad's giant flabby brow furrowed.

There was a little known feud between the toad and Ais. They had confronted one another a few times in the past. Once shortly after Ais had broken the record for the fastest first level up about eight years ago. She'd encountered Ais in the upper floors and wanted to take a piece out of the new record breaker just for the fun of it. But she'd been defeated upon an intervention by Braver. She'd fought Ais a second time a little while later and unlike the previous time, Ais had dealt with her by herself, ending in quite the defeat for the toad. And then there were some other incidents...

But ever since then, she'd harboured quite the grudge against the Sword Princess. Number one for being more reputable for her beauty when the toad believed it should be her. And number two for her losing against Ais and not having won.

And now she was presented with quite the opportunity. It was only a matter of time before she faced off against Ais again at some point. As things were proceeding, her special suit of armour was being made and the special tool she needed to seal Ais's magic was being acquired. But as a taster and to send a message to the cold queen, the toad intended on ruining and then claiming Ais's man for herself.

A nice sharp jab into Ais's pride and dignity for having had her way with her lover before Ais herself could become romantically 'entangled' with him. And then the full course of defeat would be delivered when the toad ambushed her at some point. If there was anything good to be had out of this War Game, it was this one little poke at the sword princess...and the chance to perhaps savour the taste of what was supposed to be the most handsome boy Ishtar had ever seen. Ishtar emphasised so much on Steve's apparent good looks that she was willing to kick away her toy, Tammuz and replace him with Steve.

That was quite a position in the Familia, and that must mean Steve was one of a kind. Ishtar would make sure to savour the experience as much as possible.

"Well good luck with your hunt." Aisha pulled Haruhime away as she noticed the toad was stuck in thought. "We'll be going to guard the flag."

"Hm." Was the only thing the toad said as she was still fantasising about the things she would do to Steve.

And that would have been the end of the exchange had it not been for a sharp gust of freezing air that ruffled their clothes. Coming from the direction of the lake, they all quickly glanced over there as they noticed the blue sky becoming quickly disappearing.

"Where did the sun go?" Haruhime asked.

In view of all on the seafront and all those watching from home in Orario, it was like watching the formation of a thunderstorm in fast forward as the rich blue of summer sky disappeared and heavy grey, almost black, storm clouds covered the sky. Light levels dropped rapidly as the sun was blotted out though it still remained daylight and visible to see things from a mile away. But the warm air quickly disappeared and the chill of both bad weather and the chill of nervousness and uncertainty crawled up the spines of the contestants.

And then the Chaos unfolded.


(Babel - A few moments earlier)

"The hell is going on?" One of the gods asked as nothing seemed to stir in the ten minutes that noon had struck. His voice carried over into Ganesha's microphone and his sentiment was shared with many of the populace across Orario as the city waited for something to happen.

"Where are they then Ptah?" Another god asked. "Where are they hiding? Because I'm pretty sure we would see them moving about now."

Ptah said nothing as he stared at the screen. Obviously, he knew exactly where his children were. However, he was waiting for a physical signal of his own before he could anticipate when they were about to make their move.

Apollo seemed to perk up and a bit of his anxiousness around the unpredictable Primordial vanished as a bit of his vanity came back.

"Ho ho ho. Well Ptah, what happened?" The orange haired god jeered. "After all that pomp, and all those announcements about your children's miraculous levels and all the bravado that boy put on, it turns out they were no-shows."

(Keep in mind every word of exchange was being picked up by Ganesha's microphone and transmitted to the city.)

"I wouldn't jump to such early conclusions Apollo." Dionysus advised. "But I have to say I'm a little bit disappointed Ptah. Is there nothing about your children's actions that you have to say?"

"Well come on then! Answer!" A goddess said.

Ishtar huffed and flipped her hair while puffing on her pipe.

"Let's face it." She said. "It was just a pack of lies after all and he put up a front hoping that his kids fighting here would be some saving grace. But it looks like they've packed up and ran."

"I would advise against that kind of antagonization." Said Miach, a god of few words and interactions in his soft voice. "Statements like that slight the repute of the Loki Familia too."

"Anybody can make a bad investment. High level Familia are not exempt from it, especially hers with her members being in millions of Valis worth of debt and their expeditions resulting in deficit instead of benefit." Ishtar nodded towards Loki who was eyeing her incredulously.

"You seem to have grown quite a mouth there Ishtar." Loki said. "It's surprising to see it having more uses than just bobbing up and down-"

"SHHHHHHHH!" Ganesha quickly hushed her as he pointed at the microphone. "Keep it appropriate Loki. There's kids listening."

"Oh right." Loki said as she realized where she was before looking back at Ishtar and Apollo. "Still, I wonder what gives with you two mouthing off all of a sudden. You don't see Freya doing it now, do you?"

"What DOES Freya have to say about it?" Demeter asked about it as all eyes turned to Freya. Some of the screens across Orario turned on the goddess of beauty as people waited for her response...while also getting their eyes' fill of delight in doing so.

"In my experience in the centuries I've been here in Orario, fighting does not begin in a War Game immediately once a trumpet sounds or something like that." Freya said as she leaned forwards and placed her hands on her chin. "There is something called strategy, and when in situations where a Familia is outnumbered as Ptah's children are, the best approach is to go stealth."

"Then explain why he isn't saying anything." Ishtar demanded as she gestured to the Primordial.

"Well it's quite common sense if one has the capacity to comprehend it." Freya said. "For one, this conversation is being heard all around the city. What are the chances somebody with a listening magic tool is not transmitting the information over to a member of your Familia on the battlefield?"

"That is strictly forbidden and justifies disqualification if that is found to be the case." Hermes said.

"And ever heard the saying that 'accusations are confessions'?" Ishtar asked.

"I have. However, I genuinely believe that Ptah's children are what they say they are and my Familia are comprised of honourable warriors. They will meet their opponents with chivalry and honour. I don't know about any of yours'..." Freya pursed her lips. "And there is also another possible reason why Ptah isn't speaking."

"And what would that be?" Apollo asked.

"That a lion does not have to answer to the barking of dogs." Freya said.

Everybody in that room and across Orario was taken aback by that sudden statement as all gazed at the goddess in confusion. Even Ptah turned back in surprise as he looked at her with astonishment. She'd just...defended him.


"Now that was badass." 

"It was a violation of the highest degree."

"You sure those two are enemies?"

"Who said they were personally enemies? I mean clearly, they're not from what just happened."

"That's why you gotta love Freya!"

"I bet she would be a loyal one if she ever did start a committed relationship."

"Oh I feel so jealous of the guy that does earn such a privilege!" 


"Do not forget who we sit in the presence of." Freya remined. "While I am in his opposition in this War Game, we sit besides one of the most ancient of us gods, old enough that even Ouranos is made to bow his head in respect to. More than that, he is the first Primordial of his own pantheon, and he learned everything there was to know about heaven and earth before the rest of us gods in this room even came into existence. And he was one of few who dared to travel beyond the edges of what we knew to see what more lay there, something we all as a whole were afraid to do. With that in mind...be respectful, and refrain from such uncivilised, childish behaviour." Freya finished off as once again, people were reminded of who Ptah was.

Ptah himself looked at Freya directly into her eyes. For a moment, he swore he saw a flicker of something before Freya went back to her usual composure. He turned around again and subtly put a hand to his beating heart, his eyes feeling warm all of a sudden.

'...she's still in there. My little girl is still in there...somewhere.'


All of a sudden, Ptah felt a sudden connection. The kind of connection a god makes with a child when he gives their blessing to them, only this one had just sprung up without him currently applying anything. Which meant the host of the blessing had been dormant, and if the connection had suddenly just flared up...

...he remembered the egg Steve had asked him to bless...

"It's time!" Ptah called out as all eyes turned to him. "My children are on the move. They are about to appear any second now...and in style too!"

Everybody turned to the screens with apt attention as a great phenomenon unfolded before them.


The blue skies became dark grey as storm clouds gathered over Lolog Lake and the lands surrounding it. The sudden change in weather had people feeling very nervous all of a sudden, especially as a crack of thunder shook the heavens, sounding like it had split the sky in two. Everybody jumped in their seats as glasses rattled and Hestia gripped Bell a little bit tightly as she jumped in surprise into his lap. He stared dumbfoundedly at her and she recovered from the sudden shock before looking at him, and laughing at his slowly reddening face.

Then the storm clouds began to condense as they started to swirl above the lake. It was the kind of circular formation one would usually find around a mountain top, and it's appearance was like black hole that led off into some dimension of horror. Lightning began spewing around the inside of this dark tunnel as rain started to pour down heavily upon Melen and the strongholds of the contesting Familia around each points of the lake a few miles inwards.

Howling powerful gales began to tear through the land as what seemed like a hurricane had descended upon that part of the continent...all of it of course due to Steve's commands for weather manipulations. A particularly large bolt of lightning struck down upon the lake and it soon become a pool of crackling electricity.

And then came a noise that would haunt the dreams of many people for many nights to come.

A roar, a monstrous grating yet powerful roar, that shook the very earth and created tidal waves in the lake and in the sea blared throughout the west side of the continent as all of Orario rattled with the roar, even as far away from the battlefield as they were. The roar continued on for a few seconds before it stopped, and then a strange yet echoing after-sound like the creaking of the gates of heaven followed a fraction of a second later.

Almost all of Genkai fell silent at this noise. Even the gods in Babel froze with shock and fear, Ptah included as even though he knew this was coming and what was about to happen, he was also experiencing this for the first time. But one individual in particular was exceptionally terrified, for she had heard this exact same roar before, perhaps not in real time but in the terrible vision she'd been afflicted with the night prior. Cassandra became as pale as snow as she dug her fingers deep into Daphne's arm. Usually the pain would have made Daphne yelp, but the redhead did not even register it as she was frozen in shock at what she had just heard

The rains stopped and the gales became a little quieter, though the storm clouds remained, keeping the world in a grim grey lighting. But there was no mistake in the direction of which the roar had come from. Ottar, Phryne, Hyakinthos and their respective Familia instantly turned their eyes in unison to one place in which they all knew the sound had originated.

The Lake. 


It began with ripples. Little vibrations across the water's surface spreading from the direct middle of the lake outwards towards the shores and to the sea mouth. Then came great waves as the winds picked up once again as the water in the middle of the lake began to swirl, creating a maelstrom that exactly mirrored the swirling lenticular clouds above it. And from the bottom of that whirlpool began to glow a deep pulsating blue colour as the adventurers were hit with a sudden feeling they were quite accustomed to, although on a level even greater than even the most seasoned adventurers had experienced.

A monster was coming.

All of a sudden, the maelstrom surface was broken as something even bigger than it emerged from the depths of the lake. Giant black dorsal plates began to rise out of the water, each as big as the hills as they vibrated with blue energy, currents of electricity flickering between each of them as they continued to rise. Then came the actual body they connected to, which dwarfed those plates and made them look irrelevant in size. A black scaly body as thick as a mountain began to rise as a tsunami of water fell from it, slowly unveiling a continuous rising of body mass as the creature was still not fully out.

Then from one side rose the head. Attacked to a powerful neck that was neither long nor short, was the flat head of what was now clearly a reptilian creature with a naturally fearsome, terrifying and perhaps evil expression as some would call it. Sharp teeth larger than the houses people lived in jutted out the small mouth as eyes filled with what seemed like blue fire opened above the snout.

At long last, the creature stood at full height, 127 metres high with his head almost seemingly brushing the clouds to the perspective of some. Only the mountains and Babel tower could stand taller than this thing as it became the eyesore of the century. The creature opened its mouth as it charged up the blue energy in its body, the sound of its dorsal plates filling with power sounding like the continuous blowing of trumpets as its mouth overflowed with spilling blue energy.

It looked up at the sky, right at the lightning filled lenticular cloud swirling above its head and fired a beam of blindingly bright blue fire right into the heart of it. And that breath alone completely dissipated clouds as the sky suddenly cleared again and became blue as all the clouds receded from the scene, allowing the sun to shine down upon the giant beast, revealing its scales in more of a grey colour. The blue glow disappeared from its body as the energy seemed to settle back in deep where it had come from. The Monsterverse version of the iconic titan shook its head before looking down and surveying the landscape.

Its eyes flickered between Melen village, the stronghold storehouses of the Apollo and Ishtar Familia and then at the castle not too far away from the sea as the adventurers and all of Orario could not even breathe at the sight of this monster...because this thing could pick up Balor if it wanted to and crush it in one of the two arms it unplastered from its side. That was how big this thing was.

All of a sudden, before their eyes, two chains flew out from behind the monsters head with what looked like two giant round manacles. They latched onto an upper tooth from each side of its head as the chain was pulled backwards to make it tight. The monster didn't seem to mind this as it stilled its head movement for a moment. And then onto its head, walked nine figures in flowing purple armour, the tallest of which held the two chains and fused the loose ends into one link. He held the makeshift bridle in one hand and with the other hand, he pulled off his helmet.

Revealing Minecraft Stephen Hewer to the world as the one who had bridled what looked to be a monster god. 


The gods in Babel were speechless at this sight, not even able to tear their eyes away from the screen as cold blood ran through their veins. Freya's eyes for the first time in her life or for anybody that had known her, were wide open in shock, fear not even able to register in her because she was caught off guard. But one god did seem to recover a little, and although there was still evidence of his fear and surprise in his voice, Dionysus turned to look down at Ptah and addressed him.


Again no answer was to be found from the Primordial, even as the gods began to turn in their seats to look at him. Ptah's mouth opened and closed like a pufferfish as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing. Eventually, only a few quiet words slipped out of him, but still audible enough to hear across the city as nobody could even make a peep.

"I didn't think it would be THIS big..."

The only sound anybody was making was a group of cloaked figures in a discreet location falling to the floor on their hands and knees, and chanting glory to Stephen Hewer as once again, they witnessed the might of the Great One whom they followed, that he was able to tame a creature like this could only be befitting of him. Truly, only the Beholder of the Two Haunchly Ladies was capable of this feat.


The gathering in Babel Tower was interrupted by a rush of hurried footsteps as the gods witnessed a guild official run into their room, white with terror and petrified. He was also out of breath because as soon as he reached Ganesha, he collapsed to his knees with a painful thud, heaving and wheezing for air as he held out a sheet of paper to Ganesha.

The elephant god shakily grabbed the sheet and read over it, his hand trembling before he put his mouth near his mic and spoke in an incredibly shaky voice, which only served to make the people listening even more nervous.

"Uhm...folks? I-It seems there was a delay in c-communications which r-resulted in us not m-m-making this important last a-a-announcement." Ganesha cleared his throat as he tried to settle himself. "The Ptah Familia mentioned that they had tamed monsters which they would use in the War Game. This was settled at the Denatus and the usage of them was approved and authorised. However, the Path Familia wrote to the guild to inform them of one particular monster they would be using."

Ganesha turned the page to look at a drawing of the monster the could see on the screen.

"It is the 'King of Monsters', and the most powerful monster the Ptah Familia has trained and tamed. Titanus Gojira...or as they like to call it." Ganesha lifted his eyes from the page and looked at the screen, the people of Orario getting a clear picture of his face.



Then the city descended into pandemonium.


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