I head back to the workshop and remake another spring knuckle, this time for the left arm. Its much easier to make the second time.
Now it's time to test these out in combat, those wolves are going down. I go to South tree to head into the forest.
I strap on spring knuckles and go looking for some wolves. Not 4 minutes later I found a wolf, I instantly run in and punch it in the face and release the spring.
The wolf recoils in pain with 3 deep holes in its head, one of the holes hit it in the jaw and now the wolf can't seem to bite properly. I punch it with my other spring knuckle to finish it off.
It dies easily, I don't bother picking up the corpse I'm here for exp, not money it's time to level up.
Not long before I found 3 wolves in a pack like before, but it's not going to be like last time. I charge in and instantly kill one of the wolves with a 1-2 spring punch combo.
I then kick the closest wolf away and pull back both springs at once and resume a fighting stance. The untouched wolf charges toward me not releasing the situation. I quickly dispatch it as well, with just 2 punches I can easily kill a wolf.
The last wolf looks scared and tries to run. As I chase after it I reload my gauntlets, but this wolf is faster than me.
While failing to catch it I pass by a party of 6 fighting a bear. 3 marksmen, 2 Swordsmen, and one fist fighter, the leader who was yelling orders wielded 2 swords and was named RazorKing.
It looked like they were successfully killing it though they all looked injured, while I was watching the party fight the wolf I was chasing attacked me from behind thinking it could kill me with a sneak attack.
It died easily.
Nice finally level 3, when I look back I see RazorKing finish it off with 2 swords through the neck he and his party look exhausted. One of them notices me and shouts.
"Look there's a giant player over there boss"
"I'm just passing through hunting wolves and I saw you take don that bear, good job btw" I shout back
"Yes, we are one of the few crews to be able to hunt bears" RazorKing himself speaks with pride.
"You also look injured and I'm training to be a doctor, how about I fix you up for free" I offer looking for the free training.
"That sounds great then we can get right back to hunting you can call me King"
"Ok then call me Oda" I say then start bandaging his wounds first I also apply that healing balm that Akbob taught me how to make.
One of the others in the crew GamerGod442 asked "Whats up with those gauntlets, they look metal as fuck"
"They're just a pair of gauntlets I modified to have spikes for extra damage" I didn't want to mention the spring portion because that fist fighter is already looking at them greedily.
"Woah" some of the crew's men replied.
I finished bandaging their wounds and got a bunch of free levels.
Doctor LVL 21
"I got to get going now, but thanks for the training" I say and head off.
King runs up to me and says "Wait Oda take this money it's at least enough for some drinks" he hands me 500 berries.
"Thanks King"
I leave and look for more wolves its time to power level.
It's been hours but my status is looking much nicer.
Eiichiro Oda
Knowledge Hunter, Achievement Hunter, Giga Brain
Level 3
Health 200
STR 15
AGI 12
VIT 20
INT 59
CHA 10
Points 15
Voice of all things lvl MAX
Memorization lvl MAX
Brawling lvl 14
Doctor lvl 21
Chemistry lvl 10
Engineering LVL 20
Blacksmithing LVL 5
I still haven't spent any points and since you can increase them through training.
I have decided that I won't start delegating points until after I leave the island, instead, I'll train my ass off.
But now I have an appointment with Bart and Charlie at the bar, I finally get to meet them in-game.
When I enter I hear "Leo over here" I see Bart calling me out.
"Eiichiro Oda that's not your usual username" Charlie said looking up at me.
Bart's username is SleepyTime he has sandy blond hair and 2 swords strapped to his waist. Charlie's name is AlmightyStrat he has brown hair and is also tall standing at 7 Feet.
They're using the same usernames as usual.
"Ya it's new just call me Oda in here" I say
"I better get us some drinks, I can finally drink with no consequences" said Charlie.
Charlie has always been a heavy drinker this is gonna be fun.
2 hours in
"Sho wats your guy's plans after this, I'm going to Karate island" I say with my words slurring.
"After looking thru all the options…. I am heading to russia" Charlie says.
Me and Bart just stare at him.
"I mean Roshwan, it's some island north of here it's cold but they got good guns or somethin" Charlie explains.
"Well I'm off to Centauria to discover a race of centaurs and get them to join my crew" Bart states to us
"Ya right, we both know you're looking for a girlfriend or something you furry fucker" I yell at him in response.
"Okay so I like get furries, I think cat and bunny girls are cute… but horses!" Charlie adds his 2 cents.
"Shut the fuck up" Bart shouts and looks away to sulk.
2 more hours later and I'm so drunk I can't even stand. Bart is flirting with a painting of a horse and Charlie passed out and I think the system auto-logged him out.
I hit the logout button and am surprised to be completely sober, wow that is nice. I wonder what it was like for Charlie going from passing out to awake and sober.
It's been 3 days, and I've gotten into a training groove, currently, I'm doing one-handed push-ups while reading the book Dr. Akbob gave me and am almost finished.
In the coming days, I'm also going to go hunting for exp but also to get money for grinding my crafting skills.
I'm going to spend my time doing hardcore physical training while taking advantage of my memorization skill to absorb all the info I can from the library.
After I finish this book I'm going to read books on Navigation, Shipwrighting, Archeology, Weapon designs, and everything I can get my hands on about the Grand line.
9 Days Later
I'm finally leaving this island and beginning my seafaring adventure, I got a spot on a boat full of hopeful players heading to Karate Island. It leaves later on today, but before I leave I'm going bear hunting.
My stats are looking good.
Eiichiro Oda
Knowledge Hunter, Achievement Hunter, Giga Brain
Level 8
Health 350
STR 35
AGI 30
VIT 35
INT 62
CHA 10
Points 30
Voice of all things LVL MAX
Memorization LVL MAX
Brawling LVL 25
Doctor LVL 36
Chemistry LVL 22
Engineering LVL 36
Blacksmithing LVL 14
Archeology LVL 12
Navigation LVL 14
Ship Wright LVL 13
I went back to Dr. Akbob and got surgery skills he was happy to teach someone willing to learn. I also got my INT up by reading books but there wasn't much movement. It's the same with the physical stats at first they were flying up but then it started to slow.
Skills also got way harder to level
Looking at my status I use my real memorization and not some skill to remember the achievement for being the first to reach 50 INT. I decided to bump both VIT and STR to 50 for achievements.
--For reaching 50 VIT--
Skill Unlocked
Healthy Body LVL MAX
X2 Health
--For reaching 50 STR--
Super Strength LVL MAX
X2 Damage
--Achievement Unlocked--
Tough Life
To the first player to reach 50 VIT
Health and Stamina Regen X2
It seems someone else got the STR achievement, damn I should have spent the points quicker. I try pulling back the spring on my gauntlet and find it's too easy, I take my tools from my bag and add another 2 springs on each side of each gauntlet to add damage.
Additionally, I built 2 new additions to my arsenal. Under my pants on both legs, I have a similar setup to the Spring Knuckles, except it's more hidden and attached to my shoes.
I designed it as 2 hidden cards up my sleeves or in this case in my pants, to only use once each in a battle. The springs are attached to a blade hidden in the heel of each shoe and are launched out with a kick.
I'm not very accurate with them so it's better to use close range also reloading them is hard not something to do mid-battle.
I walk up to a tree and punch it without the knuckles.
Oh shit that's good, now I strap on the knuckles and try again.
Damn these bears dont stand a chance.
I go into the forest to slaughter some bears. A few minutes late I see one and charge in.
It sees me and swings at me with its right hand I duck it and deliver my classic 1-2 spring punch combo to the face.
It recoils in pain and I reload my springs and go for more I give an uppercut followed by a left downward punch
At this point, I feel bad as I reload again, the bear charges at me sloppily and I dodge with a simple side step. I extend my leg and deliver a straight kick straight to a slightly caved-in portion of its head.
A 3-inch dagger shoots out of my heel directly into its brain killing it instanly.
Critical -450
That was comically easy, seeing how fucked up King and his crew were fighting a bear I thought this would be harder.
I go on to hunt 5 more bears.
Eiichiro Oda
Knowledge Hunter, Achievement Hunter, Giga Brain, Tough Life
Level 13
Health 1000
STR 50
AGI 30
VIT 50
INT 62
CHA 10
Points 15
I make an improvised sled from materials from my bag and shit lying around and drag all 5 bears out with me, people stare in awe as I sell the corpses and take my bag of money.
With all my business sorted I boarded the ship heading for Karate Island and hope to learn Rokushiki or something.
I pick a spot in the corner of the ship and take out a book to read The Principles of Energy.
As the last of the 100 players board the ship the NPC captain gives the order to set sail.
Elsewhere in the North Blue
--For reaching 50 STR--
Super Strength LVL MAX
X2 Damage
--Achievement Unlocked--
To the first player to reach 50 STR
An oppressively large man with a blood-red beard smiles deeply.
"Captain the boats ready to set sail" a voice in the distance called out.
"On my way, let's set sail" the man shouts and walks toward a ship he had stolen.
A time skip
I just felt the story was dragging and need to get to the next island
Now that the setup is done I can finally get this story started.
Enter Big future villain Muahahahaha
How did I do with designing the 2 friends' characters I think my biggest weakness in writing is making good characters.
Either way, we won't see them for a while.