Big Mom's voice hissed across the stretch of ocean between them in an unnatural screech. "HANSEL'S DOOM!"
She swung Napoleon in much the same way that she had when using her Ikoku Sovereignty technique, only that the horizontal column of slashing annihilation was now filled with Prometheus' hellfire.
"That ain't good. She's at least a few times faster than when I fought her too…" Cherry said.
Cherry wasted no time drawing her own sword up into the air, crackling with massive arcs of electricity as she drew upon the full extent of its lightning.
It was a good thing that she did, too, because by the time she swung it down the column of burning death had already crossed half the distance to their ship and they could already feel the temperature bump up a few degrees.
There was no swish as the sword cut through the air, but instead a thunderous crash like genuine lightning had struck at the same instant. The slash raced over the water faster than the eye could follow and split the column of flame in twane just in time for it to pass the Sunny by on either side of them.
"No time to waste, Jinbe! If you're coming, then get your big blue ass in gear!" Cherry shouted and exploded into motion, leaping so quickly through the air that each foot fall sounded like a gunshot.
Jinbe dove into the ocean not half a moment later, and at the same time Takako splashed into the juicy depths from the same confines of Cherry's vital energy sea.
Truthfully, Cherry was excited. Big Mom had been somewhat of a disappointment the first time they fought. She was strong, of course, but her judgment in battle had been impaired by her hunger pangs, her mind always drifting towards her desire for her craving and away from the fight at hand.
'Not to mention, she was probably having a battle of will with her heart demon the whole time,' Cherry surmised.
It was different now, though. The heart demon was in charge and Big Mom's true self was in a deep slumber, leaving nothing to distract it from the coming battle.
Cherry delighted in the opportunity. She had been growing worried that there would be no one left to challenge her in this world, and whilst that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it did mean that she would have no choice but to raise her strength the slow and boring way rather than tempering herself on the grindstone of war.
"How are you going to fight her? You lost an arm last time and like you said, she's gotten faster now," Jinbe called out, diving in and out of the sea like a dolphin and just barely keeping pace with Cherry.
"I'll just have to go even faster. There's an idea I've had rolling around in my head for the last few days, but if I try now it's probably gonna hurt like a bitch," Cherry said, seeming calm on the surface, but he could hear the finely honed edge in her voice.
"Which means you're definitely going to use it," Jinbe replied, seeing through her intentions easily.
"Yep," Cherry snickered. "Hopefully I don't just explode~!"
They were about to make contact with Big Mom, so Jinbe hung back to get ready to do whatever he could to douse Prometheus with his fishman karate. He wondered if Takako could learn fishman karate.
Cherry footsteps, as loud as they were, were no longer the loudest sound that she was making. Her heart hammered away in her chest, picking up the pace with each passing second, but she wasn't preparing herself to use her totally completely original Divine Right punch.
Instead she was trying to keep all that kinetic energy contained inside her body, to push herself to the very limits of her capabilities and walk the knife's edge of self destruction.
She had always thought that the way Elizabello used this was incredibly wasteful. Even when she combined it with the advanced form of shigan to narrow the scope there was still a great deal of waste.
That's why she had the idea to simply not release it all at once, to keep her heart pumping the power out instead of stopping when she had enough for a single punch.
The trouble was, her body isn't designed to contain this kind of energy, not the same way that freak of nature Elizabello's is. Her cultivation made her sturdy enough to brute force it, but the technique was still damaging to her.
Cherry arrived before the wretched thing controlling Big Mom's body. She clad herself in her armor, hugging it tightly to her form like a second layer of metal skin.
Big Mom swung Napoleon at her in a wild and deadly arc.
Cherry allowed the vast store of kinetic energy to flood out of her core to every inch of her body. The energy banged up against the inside of her armor and reflected back inwards without allowing even the smallest amount to escape with her desire for it to do so.
Napoleon had been swung at a speed that would have made it difficult for Cherry to dodge, but now it seemed to slow to a relative crawl.
Cherry flowed around it, tracing along Napoleon's blade with Sakura Tengoku, making sparks fly in slow motion and intermingle with Prometheus' flame.
Her sword reached the guard of Big Mom's own and sliced through like a hot knife through butter. She continued up Big Mom's arm, cutting through her steel-like skin along the way.
When Cherry reached the massive woman's shoulder, she angled her sword to carve into her neck with the full intention of taking Big Mom's head clean off.
'Let's see you wake up from this!' Cherry thought viciously.
Sadly, her thoughts betrayed her. Such a straightforward intent, and one that was rather predictable at that, was easily seen through via observation haki.
Big Mom's white, pupil-less eyes seemed to watch Cherry with cold detachment, an ever present creepy smile adorning her lips. Armament haki, dark as the void, coagulated on her throat just in time for Cherry's blade to scrape across it like nails on a blackboard.
Cherry used her momentum to flip around and crack Big Mom on the jaw with a powerful kick, creating a small distance between them as fire raced up Big Mom's body to lick at the shoulder where Cherry had been.
With a blur of motion, Cherry bombarded Big Mom with hundreds of slashes and flying shigan in the span of only a few seconds, peppering every centimeter of the unconscious emperor's body with relatively weak but still dangerous attacks. That served as a decent distraction for Jinbe's first attack; an aerial stream of water splashing against Big Mom's lanky form and drenching her down to the bone, almost literally with how thin she was.
Cherry blinked the blood pooling in her eyes away and launched right back into the fray. The damage to her body was starting to add up, but this wasn't nearly as disastrous as the time she fused her body with her sword.
This was working out better than expected, if she said so herself. At this rate, Big Mom will be dead and Cherry will be home in time for supper.
Jinbe's fishman karate launched a river of juice in a high arc over Prometheus and splashed against Big Mom's body, thoroughly dousing the flames that licked her skin and knocking her back a ways, but not off of her flaming mount.
The heart demon, the majority of which are known for their hatred of all things and destructive tendencies, naturally redirected its ire towards Jinbe who had last attacked it.
Although it possessed its own form of sapience, it was fairly simple minded. It was only when a heart demon subsumed its host entirely that it would become more complex, having transformed into a genuine demon.
'I'm not sure that can even happen to a mortal, though. It's already odd enough to find a heart demon so advanced in people so young,' Cherry thought. 'Perhaps a giant could manage it, but they're the only ones I know of in this world who live so long and all the giants I've met are very true to themselves. Not ideal conditions to form a heart demon.'
Cherry thought of Brook then. His skeletal state may very well lead to an unnaturally long life, and having spent half a century in total isolation in the place of his many dear friends' deaths… she would have to keep an eye out for him over the years, and make sure he doesn't lose himself.
Her attention was completely brought back to the battle at hand as Big Mom leveled a horizontal slash at her. Cherry lifted her sword in a reverse grip, rising along her arm to block.
Haki lightning crackled in the air as the swords connected. Cherry was pushed back, as empty air wasn't great for bracing oneself.
The drill spear appeared in her other hand and she chucked it as it began to spin at thousands of revolutions per second.
Big Mom used the momentum of her swing to twist out of the way, but still got clipped across the ribs.
Cherry lunged, fracturing the bones of her legs from the shear force, propelling herself forward well beyond the speed of sound. She buried Sakura Tengoku to the hilt in Big Mom's upper back, missing her spine by mere centimeters.
Big Mom dislocated her own arm in her attempt to grab her, but the spear returned just in time to intercept her grubby fingers, puncturing straight through her palm and out the back of her hands.
"RAAAAAGH!!!" Big Mom roared, more in rage than in pain.
Cherry flipped off of Big Mom's back. With a single thought, Big Mom lit up as she was subjected to the full might of a thunderstorm from the inside.
This time Big Mom's scream was entirely from pain.
""MAMA?!?!"" Napoleon and Prometheus cried out in alarm simultaneously.
Cherry took that as good news, since they had been awfully quiet since they had arrived.
Big Mom slowly turned her head, struggling to do so as her whole body was spasming up a storm. Cherry saw cruel intelligence in her eyes.
"Oh? Did you wake up?" Cherry chuckled. She hadn't intended to literally shock the woman back to consciousness, but that worked out in her favor anyways.
"W-what is…?" Big Mom was clearly confused. That was understandable, considering that she suddenly found herself in a very different place than she remembered last.
"Wedding cake?" Cherry said, then laughed as she saw the woman's eyes light up in recognition and desire.
"Where?! Can I have some?!" Big Mom said in almost childlike wonder.
"Hoh boy," Cherry didn't expect THAT at all.
Cherry only very briefly considered kidnapping Big Mom before deciding it wasn't worth the trouble no matter how hilarious it would be.
'Robin probably wouldn't let me keep her either,' Cherry thought.
"There's a wedding cake being made just for you as we speak," Cherry said, making Big Mom's eyes sparkle with innocence and streams of drool spill out of her gaping mouth.
"Don't listen to her, Mama! She's lying!" Prometheus proclaimed.
"Mama? Am I your mama?" Big Mom asked.
"He's just confused; don't listen to him. How could a young lady like you already be a mother?" Cherry intervened.
"Oh, that makes sense," Big Mom accepted easily, taking the 'truth' that was most favorable to herself as fact. "Take me to the wedding cake!"
"Help me convince her, Napoleon!" Prometheus shouted.
"There's no point," Napoleon gave up immediately. Neither of them could go against Big Mom's wishes, even if she wasn't quite in her right mind.
There was only a single exception to that rule, which was Zeus. He was able to defy Big Mom because, as one of her special homies, he inherited Big Mom's gluttony. Nami's Clima-Tact was able to sate that gluttony in a way Big Mom never could, allowing him to leave her side.
Cherry pulled her vivre card booklet out and pointed in the direction of Sanji. Big Mom feebly leapt off of Prometheus and plummeted into the ocean below.
Cherry watched her fall and splash down into the juice before remembering to summon her sword back to her side. Jinbe surfaced not too far away then looked between the now drowning Big Mom and Cherry with clear confusion on his face.
"What happened? Did you defeat her?" Jinbe asked as Cherry hopped down to him.
"Amnesia? I suppose I probably hit her on the head pretty hard before, and that lightning likely didn't help with that at all," Cherry explained. "She even forgot that she can't swim…"
"... Shall we leave, then?" Jinbe asked.
"Yeah, I don't have the heart to finish her off when she's like this," Cherry said. Blood spewed from her mouth and out of her helmet with a concerning amount of pressure. "Oh, whoops. I should turn that off."
The Big Mom fleet had been steadily encroaching upon the battle whilst maintaining a relatively safe distance, but now they were rushing forwards after seeing Big Mom drop into the sea. Since they were so kind as to provide an outlet for Cherry's excess King Energy, she let them have every last drop.
The ships that were hit by the resulting blast didn't even hear it coming. Dozens of ships splintered into pieces no bigger than mulch, and the crews aboard them didn't fare much better.
Cherry's right arm dropped limply to her side, to which Jinbe said, "Is your arm okay?"
"It just got liquified, that's all. Too much force all at once," Cherry reassured him, though she didn't do a very good job of it.
Several of the Big Mom ships were undeterred by the show of force, determined to save Big Mom from a death by breathing juice.
"Do we stop them? Big Mom is a formidable enemy to leave alive…" Jinbe asked, not feeling it was right to make that choice since it was mostly Cherry's fight.
"I'll only get stronger from here on and I dare say that Big Mom is only going to get weaker. I didn't paralyze like I wanted to, but she'll still have permanent nerve damage on top of other devastating injuries," Cherry said. "If she even recovers her memory, that is."
"I suppose that's true. Luffy will eventually be strong enough to handle an emperor himself as well. Big Mom isn't a fool, and she is very selfish too. She won't risk offending us again for fear of losing everything she has," Jinbe surmised.
"And if she chases after us to Wano, she'll be a good practice run for Kaido," Cherry said.
"Only you would suggest using Big Mom as a 'practice fight'," Jinbe shook his head.
"Hey, having gradual stepping stones is a good thing! There's just too much of a gap between the likes of an emperor and Katakuri. I'm honestly concerned that Luffy will die if he faces Kaido with only Katakuri under his belt," Cherry said, already moving back to the ship with Jinbe in tow.
"You can't help him, you know," Jinbe said. "His dream isn't one that allows for hand holding. He would rather die fighting for his dream than have someone else do all the work for him."
"I know, Jinbe. Us old people have to let the youths forge their own destiny," Cherry said.
Jinbe gave her an odd look that said both "I'm not that old" and "You're one of those youths" at the same time.
Cherry laughed at his face.
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