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41.53% One Piece: Dream of Immortality / Chapter 216: Pekoms' Temper

Chapitre 216: Pekoms' Temper

"Bon, here she is. So this is the infamous Harpin D. Cherry, hm soir?" Tamago commented as he found Cherry's wanted poster.

'So this is the woman who escaped from Katakuri's clutches? After that failure he tripled the intensity of his training. Nowadays it feels like not a single move goes unnoticed by him when I'm in his presence, Gao.' Pekoms thought to himself.

"So you know who I am, now I just need to know who you are and why you think I would give a fuck about you." Cherry said arrogantly.

"We're respected members of Big Mom's crew, you can't get any higher ranked than us unless you're one of her children. If we didn't have something more important to do, you'd be a kill on sight priority. So you can count yourself lucky, Gao!" Pekoms matched her arrogant tone.

Although he said that, he really didn't want to get in a tousle with Cherry right now. Even with Tamago here with him, he very much doubted that he could actually catch or kill her if Katakuri failed. Hell, there was a good chance she could wipe the floor with them.

Plus, what he said wasn't untrue, they really did have something more important to do. That task being to secure Big Mom's sea salt candies. Failure to do so without a very good reason would likely lead to them being eaten instead, and even with a good reason Big Mom might just eat them anyways.

Tamago understood this without needing to be told, so they both moved to go around Cherry. However, they stopped when Cherry moved to block their path once more.

"What's more important than having a chat with me, hm? Something else I can swipe from Big Mom perhaps?" Cherry spoke provocatively. "On an unrelated note, that Devil Fruit I obtained with the help of that tall fellow with the scarf happened to be the Soda Soda fruit. A shame that Big Mom didn't get her hands on that one, it fit the theme of her crew so well."

Pekoms lifted his sunglasses in his signature move to intimidate people, revealing his adorably beady eyes. "Are you trying to pick a fight with Big Mom, Gao?!"

"Oh, I didn't realize that it could get worse than 'kill on sight'. Excuuuse~ me, then!" Cherry made a big show of moving out of the way, giving a light bow and gesturing with her arm to show she was allowing them to pass.

Tamago and Pekoms hesitated for a moment, glancing at each other. They cautiously moved to pass her once again, wary of any surprise attacks or traps. Instead, Cherry allowed them to pass accosted, but began to follow right behind them.

She did so so casually that it felt terribly awkward to even address it until Pekoms' patience ran out after about half a block. "Why are you following us, GAO?!"

"I"m not following you. I just happen to be going the same way." Cherry said.

Pekoms glared at her with squinted eyes, before turning around and picking up the pace.

"So where are we going?" Cherry asked innocently, increasing her pace to match theirs.

"GAO!!!" Pekoms roared in frustration.

Robin, who was following in a much more stealthy fashion nearby, barely contained a snort of laughter which would have given her away.

Tamago leaned over to Pekoms and whispered into his ear "Bon, perhaps we should just let her do as she pleases for now. She hasn't attacked us yet, so I think it unlikely she will do so later, omelette du fromage."

Pekoms grumbled lowly, but ultimately and begrudgingly agreed.

Cherry pretended she hadn't overheard them and asked again "SO WHERE ARE WE GOING?!"

"I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME, GAO! YOU DON'T NEED TO SAY IT LOUDER!" Pekoms lost his temper once again.

Cherry was silent for a few moments before taking a very deep breath.

"WE'RE GETTING CANDY FOR BIG MOM, DAMN IT! GAO!" Pekoms shouted in rage.

"You don't need to shout, I can hear you just fine." Cherry said.

Pekoms had visible bulging veins on his forehead from the intense anger he felt in this moment. Which was impressive considering he was covered in fur.

It didn't help that the people on the streets looked at the lion man like he was the problem without even sparing a glance at the root cause, Cherry. Rather they looked at Cherry with reverence, like she was their hero or something.

"So what the heck are you anyways? Some kind of cat-person?" Cherry made small talk, albeit in a rather rude fashion.

"I'm a Mink." Pekoms spoke through his clenched jaw, trying to rein in his temper.

"No you aren't, you're a lion." Cherry refuted.

"Mink is the name of my race, gao! We come in many kinds of mammals." Pekoms said, the thought of his home and people actually helping him calm down.

"So if you were a mink, you'd be a mink Mink?" Cherry asked.

"Yes." Pekoms said curtly.

Cherry snorted.

"Why you little!" Pekoms spun around as if to attack her, only to be held back by Tamago. "LEt me go, Tamago! I need to teach her a lesson, gao!"

Cherry didn't let up and said "So why do you call yourselves that? Is it because minks are famous for their soft, luxurious fur?"

Pekoms stopped fighting against Tamago and stared at her in silence.

"Wait, that's really it? I guess you guys are really proud of your fur then, huh?" Cherry said, surprised she had hit the nail on the head.

"Damn straight we are! Gao!" Pekoms turned back around and continued on his way, his head held high with pride.

"If you're so proud of it, how come your fur looks so terrible, though?" Cherry asked.


Pekoms' was so enraged in that instant that his mane literally caught fire.

"Gah, put it out, GAO!" Pekoms desperately patted away at his head to put out the small flame.

When he managed to do so, he sent a hateful glare at Cherry.

"Don't look at me, that was all you. Does every Mink have the ability to spontaneously combust?" Cherry asked with an intrigued and mocking smile.

"Hmph! I'll not entertain you any longer, gao." Pekoms harrumphed and did his best to ignore her.

Cherry asked more questions about the Mink people, but true to his word Pekoms said nothing to her. So instead she turned her attention to Tamago.

"What's your deal then, egg dude?" Cherry asked. "You've been egg-specially quiet so far."

"Puns are the lowest form of comedy, soir." Tamago stated bluntly.

"I think puns are the most egg-cellent form of com-egg-dy. I suppose you wouldn't understand, since your disposition isn't very sunny-side-up. Not very ap-poach-able either." Cherry said, snickering to herself.

"Bon, don't get it scrambled. I just don't like you, s'il vous plaît." Tamago said with a straight face.

Pekoms was trembling slightly as he walked, seemingly ignoring them.

"I see, you're the hard boiled type. Not to worry, I happen to be an egg-xpert at cracking through even the toughest of shells. Soon we'll be yolk-ing it up and clutch-ing hands like the best of friends." Cherry said.

"Bon, I can think of a dozen reasons why there's no chance of coop-erpation between us, soir." Tamago said.

Pekoms looked like he sprained something in his chest, but managed not to lose his cool. He absolutely would not give Cherry the satisfaction.

Unfortunately for him, Cherry was having plenty of fun regardless.

next chapter

Chapitre 217: Call from Big Mom

The unusual trio found themselves in front of the candy factory owned by Big Mom, all the while the citizens wondering why one of their saviors was following a couple of Big Mom's subordinates around like a lost puppy.

Once inside, Cherry recognized the candies on display in the storefront. They were the same kind of candies that she had seen Luffy gorging on the night before.

She lamented the fact that Luffy hadn't eaten more, as it would have been an amusing situation if they had eaten all of Big Mom's candy.

As the factory employees brought out large sacks full of oversized candies, a sudden sound was heard that immediately made Pekoms and Tamago stiffen and start to sweat.

*Pururururu Pururururu*

Pekoms hesitated for a brief instant before answering the mini den den mushi. He really didn't want to do so in front of a certain hawk-eyed troublemaker, but missing a call from Big Mom would cost him a few years off his life.

*gacha* "Pekoms." The voice of the woman on the other side of the snail had a peculiar quality to it.

It had a commanding presence to it that demanded your attention, but more than that it sounded… hungry. An insatiable hunger that would swallow the world whole if it could only open its mouth wide enough to do so.

To Cherry, this wasn't the voice of a human or a beast or even a demon. It was more akin to a flame that would mindlessly consume everything in its path, even if it meant there would be nothing left to sustain itself.

As much as Cherry wanted to mess with her, she knew better than to play with fire. At least until she was in a position to stamp it out permanently.

"I'm here, Mama." Pekoms answered, somewhat relieved to see Cherry's smile falter slightly.

"Bavarois is dead and his fleet was sunk. I'm in a bad mood, so bring back twice the candies. Tell the factory to triple the order every month, too." Big Mom spoke, sounding more annoyed than angry.

The manager of the factory went a bit pale and quickly ordered the employees to check their stock, careful not to speak loudly enough for Big Mom to overhear. Tamago and Pekoms noticed of course, but wouldn't say anything until it was certain there was a problem.

"Of course, Mama. How did that happen though? Bavarois was quite strong." Pekoms asked, trying to buy time. It wouldn't be good to have to call Big Mom back and tell her there was a problem.

"It's those damned Neo Marine cowards again. I swear I'll suck them all dry when I get my hands on them." Big Mom vented.

At the mention of the Neo Marines, Cherry perked up in interest. 'Those guys are crazy enough to attack two Emperors at once?'

The factory employees quickly came out with more sacks of candy, clear relief on their faces revealing that they had just managed to scrounge up enough to satisfy Big Mom's increased order.

"We just received the candies, Mama. We'll return quickly, gao." Pekoms said.

"Good." *gacha* Big Mom hung up.

"Bon, I am surprised that you did not interrupt, soir." Tamago said.

"I didn't want her to know who stole her candy." Cherry smiled devilishly.

"If you do that, a lot of innocent people will die. Mama's hunger pangs are not to be underestimated, gao." Pekoms said calmly.

Cherry frowned. Thinking about her impression of the Emperor she got from just that short conversation, she realized that Pekoms' words were likely true.

"Whatever. Tell Katakuri I said hi and that I look forward to the next time we meet. I hope he can prepare another nice treat for me at that time." Cherry turned heel and walked out.

Pekoms and Tamago didn't understand what she meant by "another nice treat", as Katakuri had kept the loss of the world famous sweets from the auction a secret. They wondered if perhaps he had an affair with Cherry?

Many miles away Katakuri forcibly suppressed a sneeze, as doing so in public would make him look unacceptably weak. "Talking behind my back now, is she? Just you wait, Harpin D. Cherry, I will avenge my humiliation."

Cherry sneezed as she met back up with Robin.

"Someone must be talking about you." Robin said.

"What?" Cherry asked, confused. "People are always talking about me. Haven't you noticed how sexy and interesting I am?"

"No, I don't believe I have." Robin ruthlessly curb stomped her ego.

They returned to the palace where the rest of the crew had mostly woken up.

Cherry took notice of the three princes and Princess Shirahoshi lying in the courtyard, the occasional muscle spasms being the only movement they were presently capable of.

"Oh, I see you've gotten to the twitching stage all by yourselves. Usopp needs me to threaten him with great bodily harm to get that far." Cherry praised.

"Oi, I'm not that bad anymore." Usopp denied.

"That's great news, Usopp. I guess I can step up the intensity for you from now on." Cherry said, causing Usopp to weep and beg her not to.

"I'm not sure we can keep this up, though." Prince Fukaboshi sighed.

"I'll keep going," Shirahoshi spoke resolutely between deep breaths. "I will protect our family, and our people!"

The three princes shot to their feet, arm raised in the air, their eyes burning with determination. """We'll protect them together!"""

The three of them promptly collapsed back to the ground, moaning over their aching muscles.

Nami was seriously rethinking her decision to join Cherry's training sessions.

"Are you sure these exercises are safe, Cherry?" Chopper asked. As a doctor, he was quite aware of the harm excessive exercise can do.

"Don't compare them to regular humans, Chopper. Merpeople are very sturdy and the royal family even more so. Princess Shirahoshi especially has the potential to become one of the world's strongest people." Cherry waved away his concerns.

"Really?" Shirahoshi asked, both hopeful and dubious.

"Of course! I wouldn't lie about such a thing. If you want results, though, you're going to have to put yourself through hell. Make your brothers and father teach you how to fight and spar with you, don't let them go easy on you either." Cherry affirmed.

"Oh, bearded old guy! You promised to reward us with some treasure, didn't you?" Nami said with a big smile as King Neptune came out to meet them.

"Jamon, yes I was planning to do that. Unfortunately it would seem that the treasury was robbed clean." King Neptune looked very embarrassed.

Nami looked doubtful, she thought he was trying to weasel himself out of a promise to keep his gold to himself.

"Was it the swamp guy? I noticed that he doesn't seem to be in the palace anymore, so you either moved him or he escaped right?" Cherry said nonchalantly.

"Mm, that would seem to be the case. The prison was impacted by the super weapon and his cell in particular had a fairly large crack in it. With his logia powers, it would have been easy for him to slip out. Jamon." King Neptune said dejectedly. He felt very bad that he couldn't reward the Straw Hats properly.

Nami turned to the three resident meatheads in their crew, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. "Go get the treasure. We can keep all the treasure since we're the ones who'll recover it right, old guy? Thanks!"

"I supposed that's fine, Jamon." King Neptune said, somewhat relieved.

"Right away, Nami-swaaan~!" Sanji said, prancing out of the palace in search of his quarry.

"I guess I can go…" Zoro said, finishing off a bottle of hard liquor.

"Ooh, treasure hunting! Shishishi!" Luffy was eager to go as he wanted to get back into the pirate way of doing things.

Nami notably didn't ask Cherry to go, even though it would be the easiest thing in the world for her to locate Caribou. After seeing the state Cherry was in yesterday, she wanted Cherry to get some rest. Her friends were more important to her than gold, even if she didn't act like it sometimes.

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