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23.2% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Aftermath and Harvest

Chapitre 42: Chapter 42: Aftermath and Harvest

In the distance, Nami and the other girls ran towards Ace, their faces radiant with bright smiles. Ace, already uplifted by unlocking the true potential of the Mera-mera Fruit, grinned wider upon seeing them approach. With open arms, the girls exchanged glances and then threw themselves into Ace's embrace, their cheeks blushing slightly.

"Nami, Kaya, Vivi, Nokigao," Tashigi teased, nudging Robin playfully before joining in the hug with a bashful smile.

Meanwhile, Robin, her crimson lips parting slightly, murmured her gratitude, "Thank you, Ace."

"Isn't it the captain's duty to protect the dreams of the crew?" Ace replied, running his fingers through Robin's long, dark hair, a smile etched on his face. "Please take good care of me in the future, Captain."

Robin lifted her gaze to meet Ace's smile, her lips curving into a heartfelt expression more beautiful than any flower. Observing this, the other girls—Nami, in particular—smiled knowingly. With Robin fully integrated into their Entei Pirates family, Conis found herself blushing, caught up in the warm camaraderie.

Laki watched Ace and Nami with a touch of envy. Nearby, the Shandians—Wyper, Braham, Jiebao, and Kamaqili—grappled with the aftermath of their battle. Enel's demise had left them conflicted, their fists clenched with uncertainty. Gan Fall, tears streaming down his face as he looked at Enel's charred remains, muttered in disbelief.

Ace comforted Gan Fall gently, "Your people won't suffer anymore."

Gan Fall collapsed, overwhelmed, while Wyper and the others struggled with their emotions. Enel's defeat had shaken their resolve; they pondered the meaning of their ongoing conflict. Ace's intervention had profoundly impacted them—his connection to Angel Island was evident, his power a force to be reckoned with.

"Thank you," Gan Fall managed, bowing deeply to Ace, who raised a hand in acknowledgment. "But I didn't do this for you," Ace replied with a faint smile, his gaze sweeping over Nami, Robin, Conis, and Laki. "I'm here for my navigators, historians, musicians, and cooks."

Nami beamed at Ace, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and admiration. Robin's gaze held a similar warmth as she watched Nami and Ace, understanding their bond. Conis and Laki exchanged a glance, their cheeks flushing at Ace's acknowledgment.

"Let me get something for you, Laki," Ace called out, approaching her with a gentle smile. He took her delicate hand and revealed what he held within—a handful of soil transformed by his fiery abilities during his battle with Enel. Laki stared at it, her hands trembling, overwhelmed by the gesture.

"This soil... it's special," Ace explained softly, smiling gently at Laki's stunned expression. After a moment, she nodded solemnly, pressing the soil against her heart with determination.

"Nami, bring out the fruit. Securing the Thunder Fruit is the final step," Ace instructed with anticipation in his eyes.

"Um!" Nami responded, her beautiful eyes brimming with excitement as she retrieved a pineapple and placed it beside Enel's charred body.

"Thunder Fruit, acquire," Ace declared, his right hand emitting a peculiar light that enveloped the pineapple.

With mysterious fluctuations and under the astonished gazes of Gan Fall and others unfamiliar with such phenomena, the pineapple began to rapidly transform. It shed its mundane appearance, revealing a fruit wrapped in endless thunder with intricate patterns on its surface.

"The Thunder Fruit!" Nami exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement as she beheld the Devil Fruit.

"I didn't disappoint you, did I? My navigator," Ace said warmly, handing the Thunder Fruit to Nami with a smile.

"!!!" Nami felt warmth surge within her as she looked at Ace, her eyes misting with emotion and a smile playing on her lips.

"This... this is a thank you kiss," she managed to say, her eyelashes fluttering slightly as she gazed at Ace, her face blushing.

Despite her shyness, Nami dared to express her feelings openly, looking directly into Ace's eyes. She remembered his promise of a Devil Fruit worth more than three billion beli when they first met.

"It looks like it worked, Ace. I guess I truly am your destined navigator," Nami said, her eyes reflecting waves of emotions.

Kaya, Vivi, and Nojiko watched Nami with surprise, their hands covering their mouths in astonishment. They marveled at Nami's boldness and the depth of her bond with Ace.

Tashigi observed them with a flush on her face, unsure how to react to their display of gratitude.

Robin watched Nami and Ace with a gentle smile, her eyes glinting with understanding.

Laki and Conis exchanged a glance, their faces turning red as they too felt the urge to express their thanks to Ace for saving their home.

"Eat it, Nami. I have the Devil Fruit just for you," Ace said affectionately, stroking Nami's long orange hair that she had grown out as per his suggestion.

"Um!" Nami nodded eagerly, taking the Thunder Fruit into her hand.

She swallowed it with a gulp, a wave of strange sensations washing over her. Despite feeling momentarily overwhelmed, Nami's face soon lit up with satisfaction.

"This was specially prepared for me by you, Ace," Nami said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Suddenly, thunder roared and Nami's delicate frame began to emit an astonishing light of thunder.

"Be careful, Nami!" Vivi cautioned, noticing Nami's transformation into an elemental form.

But before Vivi could finish, she was left speechless.

"This is incredible! Is this how it feels to control thunder and lightning?" Nami exclaimed joyfully, her face glowing with excitement. She effortlessly controlled the lightning at her fingertips, a testament to her innate talent for weather manipulation.

"I can only master it with you, Ace," Vivi said tearfully, moved by Nami's newfound abilities.

"It's true. Nami's perception of climate is extraordinary," Nokigao chimed in, offering reassurance.

"Nami, try using it," Ace suggested.

"Okay!" Nami raised her weather stick and unleashed thunder and lightning through it.

"Thirty million volts - Thunderbirds!"

The thunderous roar filled the air as Nami, with perfect control, transformed the terrifying bolts into a thunderbird that shrieked into the sky. The sheer power of the attack evaporated clouds within a hundred meters in an instant.

"It's so powerful. Truly befitting of the Thunder Fruit," Robin remarked, watching Nami's display of power with admiration.

"As expected of my navigator," Ace murmured, his smile growing wider as he observed Nami mastering the Thunder Fruit's abilities almost effortlessly.

Gan Fall stared at Nami in disbelief, wondering if consuming the strange fruit had bestowed her with powers akin to Enel's.

"No," Robin countered confidently, her lips curling slightly.

"Nami's potential far surpasses Enel's," Robin stated assuredly.

"Because Ace is here."

"Ace, my weather stick can't fully harness the Thunder Fruit's power," Nami admitted, turning to Ace and cuddling his arm coyly.

"When we reach the next island, I'll find someone to help you enhance it," Ace reassured her, stroking her hair lovingly.

"Okay!" Nami beamed at Ace, her smile radiant with newfound strength.

Ace then glanced at Robin, silently communicating their mutual understanding and support. Robin returned his gaze with a bright smile.

"Bah! Boom!"

Thunder echoed across Apayado with terrifying intensity.

"Mine, all mine!"

The thunder transformed into a dazzling silhouette.

Nami gazed at the remnants of Ark Maxim, disintegrated by Ace's hunt, her eyes widening in awe.

The wreckage glittered with immense amounts of gold, treasures once pillaged by Enel from Sandora, a land steeped in golden splendor.

"Thunder Snakes!"

Nami's voice rang sweetly as she released countless lightning-enhanced snakes from her weather rod.

"Bah! Gulu! Gulu!"

The intense heat from Nami's high-voltage current instantly liquefied the gold on Ark Maxim's ruins. With precise control, she molded the molten metal into gleaming nuggets.

A whirlwind stirred the atmosphere, guiding the nuggets gently to the ground.

"Your Sand-Sand Fruit powers have grown stronger again, Vivi," Nami praised, watching Vivi adeptly gather the gold.

Vivi's entire being glowed in the understanding field, her joy evident as she marveled at the amassed treasure.

"How much is all this worth?" Vivi wondered aloud, her eyes wide with disbelief at the vast riches.

As Alabasta's princess, Vivi had never before seen such abundance of gold, now claimed by the Entei Pirates.

"Several billion Baileys, easily. Come on, Vivi, more gold lies ahead!" Nami pointed excitedly toward another segment of Ark Maxim, enveloped in lightning, before vanishing in a flash.

"Nami, wait!" Vivi called after her, transforming into wind and sand, her speed no match for Thunder Fruit's lightning.

Truly a Devil Fruit tailored by Ace for Nami's extraordinary powers.

Meanwhile, Conis and Gan Fall returned to Angel Island with news of Enel's demise.

Ace led Robin, Kaya, Nokigao, Laki, Aisha, and Sandia's elder, whom Ace had dubbed, to ancient ruins.


Beyond the clouds lay a prehistoric city, its grandeur undiminished despite the ages.

"Sandora! It's Sandora!" Robin gasped, eyes brimming with emotion.

The Shandian elder wept at the sight of the once-mythical city, now laid bare before him.

Laki, too, beheld the ruins of Sandora with eyes that retained their splendor despite the passage of time—this was the fabled land of gold long sought by her people, the Shandians.

"Incredible. The legendary land of gold does exist," Robin exclaimed, her heart racing with the weight of history.

"This is extraordinary, Robin," Ace said, gently grasping her shoulders, a tender smile on his lips.

"Um," Robin nodded, her smile radiant. "Sandora, the Mountain of Gold."

Kaya nestled against Ace's other arm, her smile sweet and content, finding romance in the skies alongside Ace amidst ancient civilizations.

"But what about the Golden Bell?" Nojiko interjected, her curiosity piqued. "The one mentioned in Noland's diary?"

"No way it'd get melted by Enel using the Thunder Fruit, right?" Kaya added cautiously.

Robin's eyes widened at the mention of the Golden Bell—an artifact steeped in history and lore.

"No, it's impervious naturally. After all, what would we do with the Shandian elder?" Ace chuckled softly.

"You mean..." the elder stammered, eyes alight with hope.

"I've heard about your people, Shandians. Now that Laki's joined us as chef, as captain, I aim to address her concerns," Ace said warmly, turning to Laki, who blushed deeply at his words.

"Laki..." the elder began, surprised yet relieved that Laki had chosen to follow their benefactor from Shandia to the Blue Sea.

The elder sensed that perhaps this young man could bring an end to the four-century-long conflict between Angel Island and Shandia.

"Ace, did Enel miss the Golden Clock?" Robin interrupted, her eyes wide with sudden realization.

"That's right, it's in one place—the summit of the colossal vine," Ace confirmed with a smile.

Soon, they arrived beneath the colossal vine.

"How do we ascend to such heights?" the elder wondered aloud, awestruck yet puzzled by the immense vines.

"Just wait here," Ace grinned mischievously.


Ace erupted into flames, using them as thrusters to shoot into the sky and vanish among the clouds.

"Incredible power," the elder murmured in disbelief, watching Ace disappear into the heavens.


Fueled by awakened Mera-Mera Fruit, Ace blazed through the sky in moments.

Atop the colossal vine, Ace beheld a magnificent tower of solid gold—the fabled Lamp of Sandora.

"Truly the Golden Bell," Ace mused, touching its majestic surface and smiling faintly.

"Ah, this is the historical text that records Poseidon's whereabouts, isn't it? And..." Ace mused, eyeing an ancient stone tablet adjacent to the bell tower, etched with cryptic runes.

"And there's a line inscribed in ancient script on the base of the bell tower," Ace added.

"One Piece, visited by Gol D. Roger."

Ace grinned, glancing at Robin, anticipating her reaction.

"You must love this, Robin," he said with a knowing smile.

Robin's eyes sparkled as she studied the tablet's ancient inscriptions.

"This... This is it!" Robin exclaimed, realizing the significance of Roger's visit.

"The Pirate King has been here," Robin marveled, her heart racing with the revelation.

"To conclude history's journey," Ace declared proudly, raising his hand to the Golden Bell.

"Your understanding is transcendent. You've gleaned insights from the annals of time. Your Haki has grown stronger!"

A message flashed through Ace's mind.


With strength rivaling giants, Ace hoisted the Golden Bell effortlessly.


Flames ignited around Ace's legs once more as he sped down from the sky with the majestic bell.

"Look what I found, Robin," Ace grinned, gesturing to the base of the bell tower.

"A piece of history!" Robin exclaimed in awe.

"The record of history!" the Shandian elder echoed, moved by their mission to safeguard these ancient texts.

"Ancient Weapon, Poseidon..." Robin read aloud, her voice trembling with excitement.

Her hands shook as Ace held them firmly, sharing in the revelation.

"Robin, look at this," Ace urged, directing her attention to Roger's inscription.

"This... This is..." Robin's eyes widened as realization dawned.

"Gol D. Roger came to document history's culmination—the final island," Ace grinned.

"Indeed! The true history's journey has led to the final island," Robin beamed, tears of joy streaming down her face.

"Thank you, Ace," Robin whispered, squeezing Ace's hand tightly.

"I'm honored to be your historian," she added softly.

"Does this mean our Shandian mission is complete?" the elder asked tearfully, moved by the moment.

Laki, too, stared at the historical texts with reverence.

"Yes, your mission as Shandians is fulfilled," Ace confirmed warmly, his gaze encompassing them all.

Then, he glanced at Laki beside him and offered a gentle smile.


Witnessing the great elder overwhelmed with tears and emotion,

Laki gazed at Ace's tender smile, tears streaming down her face.

"My path?

Can you lead me to the blue sea, Ace?"

Laki smiled through her tears.

"Of course, you're welcome aboard, my chef."

Ace looked at Laki, still holding Robin's hand firmly, and extended his other hand slowly.


Laki grasped Ace's hand and held on tightly for a long while.

When the great elder delivered news of the Shandian mission's completion,

When word of the Golden Bell returned to the Shandian tribe, tears of astonishment welled in every Shandian's eyes.

Later, as per Ace's request, the great elder led the Shandians and Gan Fall guided everyone from Angel Island to the heart of Apayado.

There, a magnificent golden bell stood tall.

"Gan Fall."

The great elder greeted the approaching deity, Gan Fall, with a mix of emotions.

"Long time no see."

Gan Fall also expressed deep emotion.

Shandians and Angel Islanders exchanged uneasy glances, their shared history of conflict spanning 400 years since Apayado first emerged in the Sky.

Except for Wyper, whose fighting spirit still burned, exhaustion marked the eyes of everyone present.

Four centuries of strife, compounded by Enel's four-year rule and the threat of his catastrophic power capable of decimating Apayado and Angel Island,

No one desired further conflict.

Then, beautiful music resonated, its notes seemingly materializing and dancing in the air.

Expressions of joy replaced the weariness on their faces as they immersed themselves in the melody.


Watching Conis play the harp, conjuring tangible notes, Conis' father, Pagaya, murmured softly.

Is this the power Ace has granted Conis?


Ace's voice boomed in front of the golden clock.


Though surprised by Ace's call, Laki stepped forward.

"Just below, in the Blue Sea, there's a man named Montblanc Cricket, a bit of a fool."

Ace looked at Laki, speaking solemnly.

"His ancestor was Montblanc Noland."

As Ace's words sank in, the Shandians' eyes began to shimmer.

"For the Golden Land Noland spoke of, this 'fool' has searched for this Golden Bell."

"I promised him before coming here."

Ace's smile widened slightly, his lips curling into a bright grin.

"If the Golden Land truly resides on Sky Island, I vowed he'd hear the toll of this bell."

Ace chuckled softly.

"Are Noland's descendants still waiting? Great Warrior kalgara, Noland still waits for your pact with him!"

The great elder declared passionately, tears glistening in his eyes.

At his words, every Shandian, Wyper included, burst into tears.

Noland's descendants patiently awaited the sound of the Golden Bell promised by the Great Warrior Calgara, an agreement spanning 400 years.

"Then it's up to you to ring this Golden Bell."

Ace turned to Laki, her eyes reddened but radiant.

"Me? But my abilities..."

Laki looked at the towering Golden Clock, biting her lip nervously.

"Being my chef means you're destined for greatness, Laki."

A strange light emanated from Ace's right hand, enveloping Laki slowly.

"Feel it, Laki."

Closing her eyes, Laki's mind raced with cooking techniques she already mastered, each one a stroke of genius.

And with it, a resolve no longer just to illuminate the Lamp of Sandora, but to pursue her own dreams and to repay him, Ace...

In Laki's mind, the flame that blossomed suddenly amid Enel's despair emerged vividly.

Ace's flame became the beacon that lifted her from darkness.


Born of the Shandian tribe, her face already radiant with untamed beauty, now glowed even more brilliantly.

From the clouds, a peculiar Devil Fruit descended, its surface adorned with feather-like patterns.

"This is!"

Ace's eyes narrowed at the sight of the fiery-red fruit.

"Laki was drawn to the Sky-Defying Zoan, the Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Phoenix."

A message flashed through Ace's mind.

"Comparable to Kaido's Fish-Fish Fruit: Model Azure Dragon, the Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Phoenix!"

Ace's eyes gleamed as he held the precious Devil Fruit.

"Eat it, Laki."

Ace presented the Phoenix fruit to Laki.

Without hesitation, Laki consumed the fruit in one swift motion.


A melodious birdcall echoed.

Transformed into a bird ablaze with flames, Laki resembled a majestic phoenix.

"Swoosh! Bang!"

Laki, now a fiery blur, approached the massive Golden Bell.

With wings-turned-arms, she struck the bell with all her might.


The resounding toll of the bell reverberated throughout not just the sky but even to the Blue Sea!

At that moment, Laki, the wildflower of Shandia, bloomed in full glory.


Echoing across the White Sea, the resounding chime of the Golden Bell, revered as the Lamp of Sandora, rang out from Blue Jaya Island.


Apes and orangutans heard the bells pealing from above the clouds and turned their gaze toward Cricket, brimming with excitement.

"Ah, I heard it! It's the sound of the Golden Bell. The Golden Land truly exists, on that Sky Island!"

"My ancestor, Noland, wasn't a liar."

Cricket looked skyward, tears mingling with his smile as he let out a triumphant roar.

"The Golden Land is real!!!"

"Hoo ho ho!"

Exhausted after his outburst, Cricket collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.


Apes, orangutans, and every member of their salvage crew wept openly at this moment.

True to his promise, the great pirate Portgas D. Ace had rung the Golden Bell from high above the clouds.

This was the essence of a man's romance!

"Thank you, Portgas D. Ace."

Cricket glanced skyward, a slight smile curling his lips.

"Young ones!"

Rising to his feet, Cricket addressed the apes, orangutans, and his crew members with vigor.

"Are you still willing to follow me, your idiotic captain, and embark on a new adventure?!"

Cricket's voice thundered.

"Oh oh!!!"

Moved to tears, every member of the Saruyama Alliance roared in unison.

"Let's go! Saruyama Alliance!"

Clad in his cloak, Cricket rallied them with renewed energy.

"Ancestor Noland, your idiot descendant has prevailed."

Apayado erupted into celebration at that moment.

Countless bonfires blazed across the land, and the enchanting melodies had transformed into raucous feast music.

Sky Island delicacies and unique wines flowed freely, nowhere more so than around Ace, where mountains of food and drink had piled up.

"Hahaha! I've heard Shandians are great drinkers. Come on! Anyone who can keep up gets my autograph as a prize."

Ace laughed heartily.

Upon hearing this, many Sandians' eyes lit up.

The autograph of their benefactor from Sandora was a prized possession indeed.

The men of Sandora were equally spirited.

Their admiration for heroes like the great warrior Calgara had endured for centuries.

Ace, vanquisher of Enel, savior of Sandora, bearer of immense power—undoubtedly, he was a hero of the highest order.

The chance for an autograph from such a figure was exhilarating.

The banquet grew livelier. Ace found himself surrounded by enthusiastic Shandians, sharing laughter, wine, and delectable dishes.

Meanwhile, Laki continued to showcase her culinary prowess, honed in the realm of understanding, serving Ace and the other guests.

"It's delicious! So, so delicious."

Even Kaya, known for her etiquette, couldn't resist speaking with her mouth full.

"As expected of Ace's favorite chef, Laki, you're incredible."

Nami's praise came between bites.

"As long as you enjoy it."

Laki smiled warmly, unperturbed.

Observing Ace amidst the Shandians, indulging in food and drink, with a special preference for her cooking, Laki's eyes twinkled.

"Laki, if you ever come to the Blue Sea, make sure you visit and don't starve."

Aisha, now plump from eating, propped herself up and looked at Laki wistfully.

"Of course. You take care too."

Laki affectionately patted Aisha's head.

Through these exchanges, Aisha decided to remain in Sandora.

Using the Haki of Observation Ace had helped her master, she would contribute to Sandora's prosperity.

"But Laki's Devil Fruit is perhaps the most powerful of all."

Vivi, patting her satisfied belly, regarded Laki with awe.

"It's a Zoan type, Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Phoenix, just like Pell's Falcon form."

"Unlike the moonwalk Kaya learned as part of the Marine Six Styles, which enables her to walk on the sky, flight is an entirely different level. It's the ability to soar freely in the sky, which gives the user a decisive advantage against opponents of equal standing."

"No, Laki's Bird-Bird Fruit isn't just any Zoan—it's a Mythical Zoan, rarer even than Logias."

"According to Ace, Kaido of the Four Emperors possesses the Fish-Fish Fruit: Model Dragon, a Mythical Zoan. It's after consuming this Devil Fruit that he's hailed as the strongest creature in the world."

"Laki's Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Phoenix, also a Mythical Zoan, in the form of Suzaku, places her on par with Kaido in terms of Devil Fruit rarity."

Ace didn't hesitate to give her such a precious fruit.

Moved, Laki resolved to grow stronger and live up to Ace's trust in her.

"It's amazing that Laki attracted a Mythical Beast-type Devil Fruit in the realm of understanding. What were you thinking about in Ace's realm?"

Kaya inquired curiously, joined by the others who were equally intrigued.

During their time in Ace's realm of understanding, the girls had learned many secrets.

The Devil Fruit drawn to the realm of understanding depended on the inhabitants' imaginations, termed "Nika" by Ace.

Had Laki merely sought culinary improvement, she might not have drawn such a rare and precious Beast-type Devil Fruit.

At Kaya's question, Laki blushed deeply.

"I get it. The Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Phoenix, a Beast-type Zoan, is known for its fire abilities. Laki, you...woo!"

Before Kaya could finish, Laki flushed and covered her mouth.


The girls realized the implication.

Laki's cheeks burned hotly as she looked away, a gentle smile playing on her lips, unseen by the others.

The festivities continued for three days. At the behest of Shandia's Grand Elder and in the hopes of Angel Island's people, Gan Fall resumed his role as "God."

But this time, Apayado celebrated a new beginning.

The 400-year war between Sandora and Angel Island was finally over!

Shandians and Angel Islanders would unite to rebuild Apayado and Angel Town.

Their cooperation ushered in peace and freedom for both Sandora and Angel Island...

As Gan Fall and the Grand Elder bid farewell, watching the Merry weigh anchor and set sail, gratitude etched deeply on their faces.

"Conis, take care!"

Paigeya called out to his daughter, waving farewell.



Conis waved energetically to Paigeya and Sisi.

"Laki, pursue the life you desire."

The Grand Elder spoke loudly to Laki.

Laki nodded vigorously, bidding farewell to former comrades like Wyper, Braham, Jiebao, and Kamakiri.

They released the past obsession with lighting Sandora's Lamp, embracing their chosen paths.

She was ready to pursue her own dreams.

"Ace! Thank you!"

Countless Shandians and Angel Islanders waved and shouted their gratitude.

"Ace, the Sky Island magnetic field has been recorded. You're clear to proceed to the next island."

Nami checked her wrist compass and smiled.

"The Entei Pirates are setting sail!"

Ace heard this, standing proudly at the ship's bow, laughter ringing out.


The girls raised their hands in a cheer.

As the Merry descended through the clouds, a whistle sounded.


A massive octopus emerged from the clouds, its tentacles enveloping the Merry like a hot-air balloon, guiding it gently down toward the Blue Sea below.

"This is our specialty, the octopus hot-air balloon. It allows us to descend safely to the Blue Sea."

Conis chuckled.

Curious, the girls observed the octopus hot-air balloon, eagerly discussing their upcoming journey to Sky Island.

Conis and Laki brimmed with excitement about the adventure that awaited them.

Watching the girls in high spirits, Ace smiled faintly, his realm of understanding enveloping the octopus hot-air balloon.

He didn't want a repeat of Luffy and the crew's mishap with the Going Merry, running out of gas mid-air.

As the clouds drifted by, Ace's lips curled into a slight smile.

The Sky Island expedition had ended successfully, yielding a bountiful harvest.

Not only had Conis and Laki joined the crew,

Nami had acquired the Thunder Fruit.

And Laki had unexpectedly gained the Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Phoenix, a Mythical Zoan.

The combat strength of the Entei Pirates was poised for rapid enhancement.

When the girls reached their peak prowess, the confrontation with Kaido would be imminent.

The Four Emperors would serve as stepping stones on Ace's path to becoming the King of the World.

That day was drawing ever nearer.

In a flash, the purple-black hue vanished from Ace's eyes.

next chapter
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