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52.26% One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy! / Chapter 200: Chapter 199 - The disease of passion!

Chapitre 200: Chapter 199 - The disease of passion!

[Chapter Size: 2600 Words.]

Third Person POV

Calm Belt, First Half of GrandLine.



"How strange... I hope things turn out well between us..." Luffy commented, watching Hancock leave. He hadn't liked the woman much when he first met her, but ended up relating to her like any other woman. He knew she was upset because he said he had future wives and would stay with all of them. He knew this woman had her own pride and just hoped they would have the same kind of relationship once they saw each other again after she had some time to think about their relationship beyond the already established alliance.

Luffy went back to his torn pants he had brought from the forest, put his hand in his pocket, and began to take out things he had left there last week. He took his sword and put it on his waist; he hadn't tested Ace since he made Teach put a fruit in it. He also took out a cage and made it grow; in this small cage that turned into a prison, Doflamingo and Page-One appeared in normal size, both looking thinner than usual.

"Hello, sorry I took so long, I was solving some problems. Any of you hungry?" Luffy smiled at the two men who stared back at him.

"..." Doflamingo didn't respond, just growled seeing that his situation was not good. Page-One, on the other hand, seemed more affected.

"You, pirate! Big sister and boss Kaido won't let this go!" Page-One said, a bit frustrated.

Luffy shrugged and threw a piece of meat to them. "Eat this, at least you won't die of hunger because of me," he said, going back to eating.

"Mugiwara... you really aren't afraid of anyone, but if I say it's not just Kaido I have protection from..." Doflamingo spoke for the first time, not wanting to touch the meat, while Page-One was eating without care, being very hungry after spending a week in the darkness of Luffy's pocket.

"Are you talking about your crew in Dressrosa or your connection to the Holy Land, former Tenryuubito?" Luffy mocked, earning a raised eyebrow from Doflamingo.

"Lami told you about this? My brother must have spoken to her..." He commented.

"Maybe, but I know you know a secret of the Celestial Dragons that can even make demands of the Five Elders, wouldn't you like to share that with me?" Luffy looked at him and smiled, waiting for a positive response.

"You can't be serious..." Although Doflamingo was a bit surprised that Luffy knew this information, he was stunned that this pirate expected him to share his secrets.

"What a pity." Luffy might have looked hopeful for a response, but he already knew Doflamingo would never share it, and he shrugged, going back to his food.

"You know, Doflamingo, my crew is still missing a maid. I had one a while back, but she became my navigator... I hope one shows up for me to recruit soon..." Luffy commented without turning his face while thinking of a certain woman ideal for the job.

"What are you planning?!" Doflamingo growled, understanding that Luffy was talking about Baby-5.

"Nothing much, just hoping your crew will come to rescue you, after all, you're their captain." Luffy commented, wanting Buffalo and Baby-5 to come here, and they would do so even knowing that Luffy defeated Joker.

Luffy went back to the cage, and shrunk it again with Page-One complaining, Doflamingo hadn't eaten, and Luffy didn't care about him. He put them back in his pocket and started to stretch.

"Well... now let's train Haki with my multiplication for another week here, even though I initially didn't like being stuck with Hancock without using my powers, that last week gave me a solid foundation for Haki training, and that's beneficial for me to learn even faster." Luffy commented and started walking towards the forest.

He trained all day but realized he had conquered the entire island. So, he left before dusk, looking for another island and found a larger one after traveling at high speed for 2 hours. Here, the animals were truly more powerful.

Three days later, with intense training, in addition to his Haki, his Devil Fruit had leveled up, reaching 70 times its maximum power, which Luffy wasted no time in developing. That particular day, his suspicions were confirmed when a shadow appeared over him, and Luffy saw two members of the Donquixote Pirates flying over the island.

"You damn pirate! Give back Joker, because I want to kill him!" shouted the woman, transforming her arm into a machine gun and firing at Luffy.

The bullets exploded the ground around him while he stood still. After the dust settled, Luffy appeared to be in the same place, seemingly unharmed by the woman's attack.

"He's still okay!" Buffalo shouted.

"Take this!" Baby-5 transformed all her limbs into cannons and rocket launchers, firing directly at Luffy, who didn't move as the missiles advanced towards him.





The explosion subsided, and Luffy appeared just looking at them from the middle of the crater. "They are persistent, I admit. What do you think, Greg?" Luffy commented, turning his head to look at a gorilla looking a bit lost. This was Greg, an animal that Luffy ended up making his pet while he was beating and taming him.

"GRRR?" The gorilla didn't know what to say about this human, who had received those explosions and seemed to be fine.

"Greg, can you take care of the flying man? I want to see how strong you are after training you. I've told you that a pirate also needs a monkey, and I ended up choosing you, but I don't want a weak monkey," Luffy said with a threat in his tone, and Greg, afraid of becoming this man's meal, advanced to the sky after much training in the past few days.

Buffalo didn't even know where that giant who jumped in the air and appeared next to him came from. Before he could react, Greg punched him, sending him to the ground knocked out.

"Buffalo?!" Baby-5, a bit surprised by this, didn't even see Luffy next to her in the air.

"I wouldn't be too worried about him..." Luffy commented and smiled at the stunned woman.

Luffy grabbed her by the waist and looked into her eyes before she could attack him. "I need you, Baby-5," he said, leaving the woman speechless. She looked at him for a while before asking.

"You need me?!" She was alarmed and happy at the same time.

"Yes, I need a maid on my ship, and you are perfect!" He said, and she quickly exclaimed.

"Yes! You need me!" She agreed quickly.

"That's great..." Luffy smiled at the woman, despite there being no system message that she had really joined his crew.

Luffy landed on the ground, let go of the woman's waist, and went to where Buffalo had fallen, defeated by Greg. "You took too long to defeat him, I'm going to make you train three times harder," Luffy looked at him seriously.

"GRRR!" Greg started crying, already imagining the hell his training would be in the coming days.

Meanwhile, the Kuja pirates' ship finally arrived at Amazon Lily.

"Hancock-sama has arrived!" The women shouted at the port, finally seeing the ship anchoring.

Hancock had stayed in her room the entire time at sea, not going out for anything but to order food. Her sisters were very worried about her. Hancock was behaving strangely, and they noticed that sometimes she seemed dejected with nausea on her face.

But even when asking and trying to understand their sister, Hancock refused to speak about anything or accept their help.

"Sister..." Marigold saw Hancock leaving her room heading for the port.

"Let's go straight to the palace, later I want to see Gloriosa," she said, leaving through the port, leading the way with a stern face. As she continued on her way, the women shouted her name with hearts in their eyes, but Hancock ignored it all, an elderly lady among the crowd saw something strange in Hancock with a newspaper in her hands.

"What happened to her?!" Gloriosa exclaimed, watching the empress heading towards the palace.

Hancock wasted no time taking a bath and locking herself in her room, lying on the bed still pondering over her experiences from the last week, the new experiences, and emotions she had gone through.

"Why do I still think about that man! Why do I still wish I had stayed on that island with him." She murmured.

"Why do I miss him so much, and why does it hurt so much to be away from him..." Hancock murmured, creating tears in her eyes, her sadness and chest pain were quite intense as she thought about what she had lived through.

"Hm?!" Once again, she felt nauseous, turning to vomit next to the bed without being able to go anywhere else.

"Now this, I've been like this for days, is this because I'm away from him? What's happening." She murmured, and on the other side of the room, Hancock's sisters finally decided to call Gloriosa when night fell.

"Are you saying Hancock has been like this since she was chained to a man with a seastone cuff for a week in a forest?! After fighting with the notorious Monkey D. Luffy who is taking all the world's attention today?!" Gloriosa couldn't believe what she was hearing, shouting alarmed, first about the encounter between Luffy and the Kuja pirates in the Calm Belt, second that Hancock for some reason, spent days with this pirate alone in the forest and returned strange.

"Yes..." Sandersonia commented, lost.

"We don't know what's happening with her... we are quite worried, and she has been having a lot of nausea, she must be sick..." Marigold commented.

"Nausea-nausea?!" Gloriosa shouted alarmed while stuttering.

"Is it very serious, Gloriosa?!" Sandersonia asked, worried.

"Yes, it's very serious, let me see her immediately!" Gloriosa demanded, and they went to the bedroom door.

"Sister! Gloriosa is here to see you!" Marigold said.

"Some other time, I'm not well enough to see her now, later!" Hancock said from the other side, but before Marigold could respond, the old lady jumped and kicked the door open forcefully.

"Hancock!" Gloriosa announced her arrival.

"What do you want, you old woman, I said I would see you later!" Hancock complained, but her voice was very weak.

"Hancock... your condition..." She looked alarmed at the woman and saw the vomit by the side of the bed, leaving her trembling. "I can't believe what I'm seeing!" Gloriosa shouted alarmed, not knowing if what she was seeing and feeling was real or not.

Hancock looked at her frustrated, she didn't want the old woman to see her in that state, but she realized she didn't know what to do, and with trembling hands clutching the sheet, struggling to breathe, tears began to run down her face. Her sisters entered and were stunned by Hancock's condition, they had never seen her so fragile since...

"Tell me then what's happening to me, what's wrong..." Hancock exclaimed, crying.

"Hancock, what happened between you and that man on that island...?" Gloriosa asked, still dazed, but already knowing the answer to that.

"What do you mean what happened between the two, Gloriosa? Did that man do something wrong to the sister!?" Sandersonia and Marigold spoke with anger and concern.

"..." Hancock didn't respond, she didn't know what to say about her days, but ended up speaking without being able to control her voice. "I spent... the best days of my life..." She said hesitating, but when she said the last part, her face, even though still in tears, became radiant, there was a glow that none of those present had ever seen in Hancock before.

Both Gloriosa and the sisters made comical faces when they heard this, looking at Hancock, Gloriosa saw Hancock return to her sad and conflicted face again and sighed.

"Hancock, you've contracted a unique illness and it could kill you," Gloriosa spoke softly, still lost.

"The elder sister could die?!" Marigold shouted, coming out of her daze.

"Yes, Hancock, you..." She looked at Hancock, who had started to tear up again while looking at Gloriosa with very sad eyes.

"You have the disease that every empress of this kingdom acquires at some point in their life. You have the disease of love. You're in love with Monkey D. Luffy, aren't you?" She said softly.

"In love..." Hancock murmured, looking at her hands as tears fell on them. 'Do I love that man...?' She asked herself, even though she already knew the answer when she felt her heart ache upon hearing the question.

"..." Both Sandersonia and Marigold had wide eyes and open mouths upon hearing what they just heard.

"It seems a man has finally caught your attention, Hancock. But now you must make a decision between choosing love and your responsibilities as the Empress of Amazon Lily..."

"Do I have to choose... between Luffy and this kingdom?" She looked at Gloriosa with a lost gaze.

"Yes, however, all the previous queens who chose their responsibility died shortly after, as love consumed them..." Gloriosa spoke in a serious tone.

"The elder sister is going to die?!" The sisters exclaimed upon hearing this, looking worriedly at Hancock.

"Yes..." Gloriosa spoke sincerely.

"But... he already has other women..." Hancock finally spoke, her pride wounded. She knew deep down that she loved this man from the day she gave herself to him, but the idea that she had to share him irritated her like never before.

"What do you expect? From what I've heard, he is someone who appeared on the sea unprecedentedly and is growing like never before, the government will do everything to eliminate him." Gloriosa thought about all the chaos Monkey D. Luffy is causing in this sea.

"What?! They're going to try to kill him?!" Hancock shouted at that moment, releasing her Haki in anger that she rarely had, an anger she only had when Luffy discovered about her brand.

"Calm down, Hancock, it doesn't mean he's going to die. You know of his achievements; he was not a man so easily defeated... you know this!" Gloriosa shouted, fighting against Hancock's Haki, as all the other women in the castle began to faint, because Hancock didn't control it, she just released it with her anger.

"But he's in danger, isn't he?!" Hancock asked, concerned, she really cared about Luffy's safety at that moment.

"See, Hancock, even though you still have your pride, you love him and care for him..." Gloriosa commented.

"..." Hancock didn't respond.

"Even if you don't want to share him, you must make this decision, decide to live with the man you love and his other wives, or live and even die with a wounded heart denying your love, but either way, you and he are already connected..." Gloriosa commented seriously.

"What do you mean...?" Hancock looked at her and followed the old woman's gaze to her belly.

"Your nausea, it's not an illness. You are pregnant, there are two children growing in your womb at this moment." She finished serenely, feeling the lives forming with her observation Haki.

"..." Marigold.

"..." Sandersonia.

The two sisters had comic eyes with huge mouths at that moment, while Gloriosa closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I'm pregnant...?" Hancock looked at her stomach while placing her delicate hand over her skin.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" The scream was collective as everyone in Amazon Lily heard.

Raccoon here:

Do you want a reaction of Shakuyaku and Rayleigh hearing this news?


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