*Friday 8 November 1991*
It's winter/late fall, which means time for Christmas/Yule break. The first half of the school year is turning out to be quite uneventful. Well, mostly uneventful. The troll on Hallows Eve was quite exciting. Thankfully Hermione was in the Main Hall when Quirrell fainted. We went back to the dormitories. The Slytherins got the short end of the stick, but who cares, they're all children of criminals. Correction, "alleged criminals". Simply because they have money and influence to escape the law.
"The child should not pay for the sins of the father" - this saying is common for a reason. Children are often forced to pay for their parent's crimes.
Several children in this school have lost someone to the Death Eaters. Who were Slytherin, and have kids in House Slytherin. Slytherins being sent to the dungeon where the troll was, in my book was simply fate. You die, fate. You live, fate.
I feel sorry for Salazar, his legacy reduced to inbred cunts squabbling over nothing.
Anyway, we were ushered to our common rooms, where the feast continued. We're Hufflepuff, if we die, we die with a full belly and a drink in hand.
For a second I wanted to try and see what happens when I shoot a troll with different calibers, but I quickly ditched the idea. How am I going to explain where I got all the firearms? Magic-wise it's pretty easy to take out a troll. Take whatever implement it's carrying, usually a club. Transfigure it to a metal spear. Propel it through it's skull. Or use the spell Gehenna. Works wonders. It's from a grimoire I bought from the SHOP.
The Key of Solomon
Wonderful book for learning different ways to kill of demons and shit. You can also summon them, but honestly that's the stupidest shit you can do. If you don't have the power or the balls to hold the contract of the summoned demon, you're fucked, for eternity. With that realization, another task was added to my ever growing list. Rob the Vatican's magical repository.
It would be stupid to think they don't have their own countermeasures and contingencies against wizard-kind. Christianity was the main cause of the witch hunts. Stands to reason there was something they wanted, had or acquired, now that the witch burnings are over.
I will also have to look into other faiths and regions. Myths are based in fact, it's something I've learned coming to this world.
Also the SHOP is a wonderful idea I had during the system customization. Even if I don't buy anything I can get a hint of what's possible. For example, Merlin's legacy.
Right now it's price is £5,000,000,000. But as I keep searching and getting closer the price will drop.
It's like some spell books that are available. 'Darkness Abound' was £2,000,000 three years ago when I knew jack shit about magic and spells. Now that I've learnt a bit from Gabriella, the price is £1,325,000.
So it's safe to assume if you're on the right path the cost of knowledge will decrease. Basic spell books are at most £100, some are actually £1. So it simply means I already know the spells or an equivalent. I still buy them however. Gives me something to work on.
And I've been working hard at Magical History. So imagine my surprise and rage at the face that I couldn't give my History OWLs over winter break. Simply because first years aren't allowed to during the school year. A second year or higher, can at any time give any OWL exam. But first years get shafted.
I asked around my contacts and they confirmed this rule and that this rule was implemented in 1768. This leads to the question, why are they enforcing it now?
The Ministry didn't do shit when their own employees were slinging killing curses up and down the British Isles. But a smart first year can't give an owl exam.
So now I have to wait for summer holidays to do so.
At this rate I just might become a proper Dark Mage. Not a Dark Lord, don't know how to feel about becoming a lich. I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.
I've also been collecting information on other magical cultures and societies. They are at different levels of advancement. Some are experiencing a renaissance, whilst others cough-Britain-cough are stuck in the dark ages. The Australians, surprisingly, are at the forefront of technological integration. They are actively trying to implement similar technologies as the muggles. They've gotten as far as making transistor radios. And because of the compactness, walkie-talkies are all the rage in 'Straya'.
I like that. Shows not all magi are incompetent.
Take Hermione for example, she's a bit too focused on book knowledge. She's competent about the world, but will more than likely get conned for all she's worth. I trying to get her to exercise, with very poor results. Maybe I should ask Lord Murphy for his assistance? Yes, I will do that in the new year.
She also found the reason for wizards being idiots. Pewter.
Pewter is an alloy of tin, antimony, copper, bismuth and/or silver. That is a modern alloy. Old pewter has lead in it. Guess what we use to brew potions? A pewter cauldron. Magic can only do so much, and it's not only that. Due to the lack of progress in magical Britain. A lot of heavy metals are used without know the health risks involved.
Great so now, at the very least I have lead poisoning.
I used my immense wealth to buy the best cleansing potions from the SHOP. The description said one would be enough, so I bought two each, for myself, Moros, Hermione and Lord Murphy. I have taken one of them. And boy did that do a number on my stomach.
What the potion does is, make you shit out all the unnecessary stuff in your body. I got the shits for a week. Couldn't eat much, drank more water than normal, because I needed to stay hydrated. And in general did not have a good time. I also did that after the Halloween feast, so everyone assumed I'd eaten something off. Some other Puffs got sick as well. Placebo effect working I see.
Finally to add fuel to the dumpster fire, Quirrell is suspicious of Hermione. The girl can't help herself. She has to go poking her nose where it does not belong. She has requested use of my cloak in the new year. What cloak? The invisibility one? I've had that for years. Got all of my parents' property returned to me by Ministry mandate. I am going to tell her that. She'll demand it right away. Why she needs it, I'll never know. She should me more concerned with her physical fitness. Not saying she's unfit as of right now, but she needs to be able to fight of squads of hostile wizards. The way things are looking right now, she'll get killed in about 30 seconds.
Has my training with Gabriella skewed my perspective? No.
She doesn't get it, I'll let her handle Quirrell. I want nothing to do with this prophesy bullshit. I just need to stay alive, and keep her alive as well.
One thing I want to change is Sirius dying. Hopefully I get a niece or nephew in the next few years. The way way Sirius and Amelia are going at it, I'm surprised he hasn't knocked her up yet.
With a long exhale, I put out the blunt and get rid of the smell and ashes and head over to my bed. I wonder what's for breakfast.