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15.15% Omniscience in Marvel / Chapter 13: Omniscience in Marvel 13

Chapitre 13: Omniscience in Marvel 13

Title: Assessment


Leucadius approached the ancient temple with cautious reverence, the air thick with an otherworldly aura that seemed to pulse with primordial power.

As he stepped through the ancient archway, he found himself in a vast chamber bathed in the flickering light of torches, their flames casting dancing shadows upon the stone walls adorned with intricate hieroglyphs.

At the far end of the chamber, seated upon a throne carved from obsidian, sat Set, the serpent god of chaos and darkness. Leucadius felt a chill run down his spine as he beheld the imposing figure before him.

Set's reptilian form towered over him, his scaled skin gleaming with an otherworldly sheen under the dim torchlight.

Set's eyes, like orbs of molten gold, glinted with ancient wisdom and untamed power. They bore into Leucadius with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of his being, laying bare his thoughts and intentions with unnerving clarity.

The serpent god's fanged maw curled into a sly smile, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that glistened with a hint of malevolent amusement. His serpentine tongue flickered out from between his lips, tasting the air with a predatory curiosity that sent shivers down Leucadius' spine.

Set's regal horns, adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments, framed his imposing visage like a crown of dark majesty. They seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, channeling the ancient forces of chaos itself.

As Leucadius approached, he could feel the weight of Set's gaze upon him, like the oppressive weight of a thousand eons bearing down upon his soul.

He knew that he stood before a being of unimaginable power and unfathomable complexity, a force of nature that defied mortal comprehension.

But despite the overwhelming sense of dread that threatened to consume him, Leucadius stood tall and resolute, his gaze meeting Set's with a steely determination born of boundless resolve.


Leucadius POV

{I knew this was a very bad idea.} I thought as I connected to ASPECT and asked. {Is it possible to open a Boom tube back to earth?}

{Negative Sir. The dimensional energies here are too volatile to establish a stable connection back to Earth. We must proceed with caution.}

Leucadius clenched his jaw, frustration simmering beneath the calm facade he wore. He knew that returning to Earth would have to wait; for now, he had to focus on the task at hand.

"Very well," Leucadius muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible over the echoing chamber. "We proceed as planned."

With a sense of grim determination, Leucadius strode forward, his footsteps echoing off the ancient stone floor as he made his way towards Set's throne.

The serpent god watched him with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, his gaze never wavering from Leucadius' form.

As Leucadius drew closer, he could feel the air crackling with tension, the weight of Set's presence bearing down upon him like a suffocating blanket.

But he refused to falter, his resolve as unyielding as the stone beneath his feet. Still he couldn't help but think…'How the hell did it come to this?'

Flash Back

Normal POV

"Lemme get this straight…you want to lay a curse on my brother and you're asking me how that could be done?"

"Yup. Simple as that. As far as I know, there's no love in the family."

"Last you heard? Where did you hear that from?"

"I swore an oath of confidentiality." Leucadius replied coldly but Gaea who had been with him for more than two decades now could point out he was lying and wouldn't budge no matter what she did.

She always wondered why she was so complacent with him but couldn't come up with an answer.

"That's impossible." She said.

"Huh? That's not what I heard." Leucadius said with a pout.

"I know. I can, my other siblings can, but not you. Not even with my help." Gaea said with a snicker. 'You thought you were strong enough? Please, that's a billion year old God we're talking about.' she thought internally.

"It's Virtually impossible for you to Curse him. I don't know what this is all about, but I advise you to remain put. Recently, some Eternals and other forces have been visiting Earth more frequently."

"What does that have to do with me? I doubt anyone in this Universe knows of my Existence." Leucadius said with a shrug.


"I know. I shouldn't be arrogant. But I'm strong, Gaea…Energy Levels aside." Leucadius said and pointed to the destroyed clearing near their sitting location. "I decimated a hundred of myself, created by you, with the same energy level as me."



"...that's an Elder God we're talking about. You can't even-" She was about to say but sighed and turned to the skies. "You don't even call me mother anymore."

"I'm being serious. Worse comes to Worst, I run. It's that simple." Leucadius said.

"The serpent sea is Set's Realm. In there, he's God. Reality bend to his Will. You can't possibly harm him."

"I have ASPECT."

"Ugh." She groaned. "That abomination? I don't know why you'd use your energy to birth something like that, but it won't help."

"Mother. I need this."

"No you don't. If you want to test your strength, there are other places I can send you to. My sister and her group of Mystic Practitioners could pose a good threat to you."

"That's not what I'm looking for."

"Then what is it you're looking for?"

"...I have not an idea." Leucadius said with a bit of hesitation. "I'm not some ordinary Joe Gaea. I can't tell you who and what I am, but…"

Gaea sighed and raised her hands. A large branch slowly formed on it before she passed it over to Leucadius.

"This branch is currently the hardest material on Earth. I doubt the planet could create anything harder. I've not even named it. Use it to form whatever weapon you feel like…also…don't die." Saying that, she disappeared leaving Leucadius to himself.

Leucadius looked at the Branch that Gaea left and couldn't help but sigh.

{Is it worth it, sir?}

"I have no idea. I feel like what I need now is to feel the threat of Death."

{For what purpose sir?}

"To transcend? I don't know. I've not met my fellow Eternals or Deviants to know how I fare against them, but even without doing it, I feel like I'd crush even the Prime Eternal Zuras without much stress."

{Sir, Zuras is a Tier 6 being capable of destroying Continents.}

"Are saying I'm inferior?" Leucadius asked with a small laugh and picked up the branch.

"{Quite the opposite sir. I'm saying that you should use him as comparison when talking about an Elder God.} ASPECT said causing Leucadius to pause before laughing loudly.

"I knew I didn't make a mistake when creating you. Tier 4 and above is where my eyes are at, but for now, I'll make do with just the tier 5."

{But sir, your energy levels combined hasn't reached a stage where you can destroy a moon much less a planet.}

"So I'm weaker than Set?"

{By a large margin sir.}

Leucadius sighed before focusing his attention on the Branch. Using Matter Manipulation, he quickly dismantled the branch before reforming it into a spear and a long sword.

"And with these two weapons?" Leucadius asked.

A sky blue light flashed from his suit and scanned the two weapons before the reply came. {You'll barely be able to destroy Earth's moon with the spear.}

"And the sword?"


"Fuck." Leucadius cursed but still kept the weapons into his hammer space which was still connected to His pocket dimension.

{Sir, there's a possibility of victory in a few centuries.}

"Huh? What are you on about? Do you think I have all the time in the World?"

{Sir, you're immortal.}

"Immortality doesn't mean I'll become lazy." Leucadius sighed and rubbed his temples. "What did you find out?"

{The material Mother Gaea left behind has absorbed a large portion of her essence evolving it into this material.}

"Yeah…I'm sure she made mention of that." Leucadius rolled his eyes at this but kept listening.

{Theoretically, if you could allow it to absorb a more potent energy, you could use it to destroy something on the level of Saturn's moon.}

"So…a strength on the Planetary Level?" Leucadius asked to which ASPECT affirmed. "I see. Too bad we don't have that time."

Saying that, he willed his chair to float up as a Boomtube appeared in front of him. Floating in, he quickly appeared in a part of Gaea's Dimension that had a crack on it.

This was a gateway to the Serpent's Sea. Set's personal dimension. It's a good thing he can't affect Earth any longer, but his Creations, the serpent men could still.

And shy as I am to admit it, I can't do anything about this Crack. Only someone on Gaea's level could seal it back. I had made sure to hide it's energy signature from her just for this.

After this though, I'm sure she'll find out.


"I know. I know. Just set up a Spatial point here. Should my life be In any form of danger Boom us back."

{...Understood Sir.} Aspect said a bit hesitant.

"Hmm. Now that I think about it, this chair could be destroyed during the battle, ASPECT, merge with it and turn into a wrist band."


Leucadius, now floating above the spatial crack, gave a small smile before shooting towards it.

Upon entering the Serpent Sea, Leucadius found himself surrounded by a swirling vortex of dark, churning waters that seemed to stretch out endlessly in all directions. The air was thick with a heavy mist that obscured his vision, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the realm.

As he descended further into the depths, the waters grew colder and more tumultuous, and Leucadius could feel the oppressive weight of Set's presence bearing down upon him like a suffocating blanket.

Suddenly, he heard a low, sinister hiss echoing through the darkness, sending a shiver down his spine. He knew that he was not alone in this realm, and that danger lurked around every corner.

Summoning all of his courage, Leucadius pressed on, his senses alert and his mind focused on the task at hand. He knew that he had to find Set and confront him, no matter the cost.

With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, until finally, Leucadius caught sight of a dark, looming figure in the distance. Set, the serpent god of chaos and darkness, awaited him, his reptilian form coiled and ready to strike.

Leucadius steeled himself for the battle ahead, knowing that the fate of not only himself, but the entire universe, hung in the balance. With a deep breath, he summoned his resolve and prepared to face the ancient god head-on.

Flash Back End.

"Human… That looks in your eyes… I don't like it."

Leucadius flashed Set a mischievous grin and replied, "Oh, come on, Set! It's just the reflection of your scales dazzling in the torchlight. Nothing to be worried about!"

Set's sinister gaze narrowed slightly at Leucadius's playful response, his slitted eyes flickering with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.

"Is that so, mortal?" Set's voice echoed through the chamber like the hiss of a serpent, dripping with venomous undertones. "Or perhaps it's the spark of defiance I see flickering within you. Either way, it matters little. You stand before me now, in the heart of my domain, where your fate shall be sealed."

Leucadius met Set's gaze head-on, his own eyes flashing with determination. "I may be mortal, but I am no ordinary mortal, Set. I am Leucadius, and I stand ready to face whatever challenges you may throw my way."

Set's lips curled into a predatory smile, his fangs glinting in the dim light. "Bold words, mortal. Let us see if you can back them up with action."

With a sudden movement, Set lunged forward, his serpentine form twisting and contorting with unnatural speed. Leucadius reacted instinctively, summoning his weapons from the depths of his hammer space and crossed it across his chest.

And as he did, scale made contact with weapon of unnatural Material and one was sent flying.

Leucadius's heart raced as the clash reverberated through the dimension as he managed to stop himself from flying backwards.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked as he looked at his trembling hands. "I thought I was already up there in terms of physical strength."

Set on the other recoiled slightly, caught off guard by the unexpected strength of Leucadius's guard. The serpent god's eyes narrowed in fury as he bared his fangs in a snarl of rage.

"You dare to strike at me, mortal?" Set's voice echoed with a potent mix of anger and disbelief. "You shall pay dearly for your insolence!"

"WTF!? You're not only old but also senile? What part of me attacked you?!" Leucadius cursed as he went on guard.

With a swift motion, Set launched himself forward once more, his claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. Leucadius deftly dodged the onslaught, his movements fueled by adrenaline and instinct.

He was forcing himself not to activate his Skill in this fight and just using his base abilities. This was supposed to be a trial for him. Starting with his full strength won't give him the results he desired.

As Set lunged forward once more, his claws slashing through the air with deadly precision, Leucadius danced nimbly out of reach, his movements a blur of calculated evasion.

With each missed strike, the serpent god's fury grew, his attacks becoming more frenzied and unpredictable. Leucadius knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment.

Set's power was immense, his abilities within the Serpent Sea was nigh-limitless. But Leucadius was determined to prove himself worthy of facing such a formidable opponent.

So making good and calculated use of the Eternals Intrinsic ability to Teleport over short distances, Leucadius began his counter attack.

Tapping into his cosmic energy, with a primal roar, Leucadius unleashed a wave of raw power, sending shockwaves rippling through the air of the dimension.

Set recoiled in surprise as the energy washed over him, momentarily staggering him in his approach. Seizing the opportunity, Leucadius pressed his advantage, with his knowledge on Mystical arts, he conjured golden weapon constructs he used to bombard Set's gigantic form.

One had to know that the Great Serpent was a whooping 50 meters in height alone not to mention weight which was probably over 20 tons.

"You pesky mortal! Is this all you can do? This is but a small taste of my power!" Set's voice thundered through the chamber, his fury mounting with each passing moment.

Leucadius gritted his teeth, his muscles straining against the overwhelming force of Set's onslaught. The short distance Teleportation took quite a toll on his body.

Summoning all of his strength, Leucadius channeled his cosmic energy into a powerful burst of light, enveloping Set in a blinding explosion of radiant energy.

He knew this won't harm Set at all, but he did this to get a small window of reprieve to catch his breath.

"Perhaps I should use it?"

{It's advised sir.}

"Not now ASPECT. Focus on securing our way out of here." Leucadius said as the light died down followed by a roar of anger that nearly shook his soul out of his body.

"I really was overestimating myself, wasn't I?" Leucadius said as he stored away the sword and raised his Spear towards Set. "This will be my last attack ASPECT, make sure we're out of here after this."

{But sir, the Spatial disturbances are too severe to establish a stable connection for a Boom tube,} ASPECT warned, its voice tinged with concern.

Leucadius gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing in determination. "I don't care. We've come too far to back down now. Find a way out of here, one way or another."

Channeling all his remaining Cosmic Energy into the spear, Leucadius charged forward, his spear held aloft, ready to strike. Set met him head-on, his massive form coiling and twisting with lethal precision as he prepared to counter Leucadius's assault.

The two clashed in a flurry of blows, claw met weapon and clashed against each other with thunderous force.

"Anytime now!" Leucadius shouted as he tried to fight back the pressure from Set's attack.

"You worm! I'll kill you! How dare you come in here and harm my form!?" Set on the other hand was on the verge of mental collapse. When did he become so weak that even mortals dared challenge him?

This mortal has barged into his Dimension like it was its own! The audacity!

At the moment, the Elder God completely forgot that he was the one who attacked first. To him, what he says and does are right and any other thing could go to hell.



{It's ready sir, but-}

"I don't care. Open it this very instant!"



A swirling white Portal suddenly popped out behind Leucadius fighting form, but before Set could even process what was happening, he felt a lightness on his claws as Leucadius flew back and entered the portal.


With this roar, the seas beneath him quaked as massive amount of black water surged forth and followed after Leucadius.

"Fuck! Aspect! Where is this Portal leading to?"

{Unable to compute sir. But it should be earth.}

"Should be? Fuck!" Leucadius said and turned back and made some signs In front of him before slamming his palm in the air. "I hope that holds."

Saying that, he turned and fled into the Portal not wanting to know if the mirror dimension could be accessed from within another's dimension. And although it couldn't, it did manage to halt the Black Water long enough for him to make it though.

But as soon as he did, all he could see was white clouds, which told him he was either in heaven or was falling from the skies.

"I sure hope I'm in heaven." Saying that last bit, he allowed the darkness claim him as he was too weak to fight against it.


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