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69.44% Ol' Big Ears / Chapter 25: Day 5Cx2 - Round 2 / Title Bout

Chapitre 25: Day 5Cx2 - Round 2 / Title Bout


You ready yourself for a fight. You'd seen what he was capable of yesterday. There would be no running this time. Bonnie didn't seem to think so and jumped into the kitchen, running off in panic.

Your mind was fully on defeating Monty so you hardly notice him flee.

"I told you not to, but you wouldn't listen." He said darkly, slowly stomping forward.

Now Playing...

Artist: DJ Scientist

Song: Ball of Confusion

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec1fEHr2_Xc

With a flick of the switch the tazer lights up. You drop the club for now and flick it's voltage to max. The battery starts emitting a loud pitch.

"After I've brought you, I will take apart that STUPID RABBIT PIECE BY PIECE." He shouted, still slowly moving.

"Stay back. I'm warning you." You hold up the tazer like a torch in the darkness. Never mind the fact it could kill him with the level you were running it at, this was about protecting you and Bonnie.

He stopped, looking at you closely. It looked like your threat had worked. "Everything was perfect but you just had to ruin it!" He shouted at you. He stomped in frustration.

You consider trying to reason with him but you were unsuccessful with Sun and Chica. Why would Monty be any different? You decide to try anyways.

"ANSWER ME! Do you have anything to say?!" Monty shouted. He started walking forward again, getting angry at your silence.

"We discussed this. It wasn't his fault. You know this." You say. It stops him.

"I know...I...thaught." Monty stammers and loses his balance. He grabs one of the tables nearby to help him stand. His accent briefly returned.

"It was my...I tried to..I TRIED TO STOP IT. I TRIED TO STOP IT." Monty picked himself up, distraught and panicking.

He was trying to fight it. He stood upright, eyes still glowing red. The scraps of tinfoil in his head and ears fall out. You hadn't really noticed it by now but did he do that intentionally? Did he know this was going to happen? Had he tried to block the signal, you think. If so, that means the real Monty could still be in there! This changes your perspective as reasoning with him wouldn't be out of the question.

"I came here to get away from you all." Monty. "YOU PROMISED ME!" "YOU SAID HE WOULDN'T DO THIS AGAIN." Monty shouted at you. It sounded like his usual self.

"This wasn't Bonnie. I swear on it. I was with him when it happened!" You shouted to Monty, hoping he sees reason.

"The voices." Monty mutters near silently. He grabs his head. "I CAN'T. I CAN'T STOP HEARING THE VOICES. AAAHHHHH!" Monty screams and starts running towards you blindly.

Thinking quickly you jump over the counter and make for the other end of the restaurant. You successfully dodge him as he smashes into the counter.

Now realizing Bonnie was gone you start to worry.

Picking himself off the ground he continues to freak out. He starts hitting the counter, smashing it in the process. "STOP IT! I WON'T! YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME!"

"C'mon Monty, I know you're in there!" Your words fall on deaf ears as he turns to face you, same pissed off expression.

He runs at you and you prepare your tazer. Expecting him to just run into it you are surprised when he jumps into a football tackle, shoulder aiming for you. You barely have enough time to dodge, missing the strike.

Hearing something behind you, you swerve around to see a chef bot charging you. Without even thinking you jam your overpowered tazer into it. The collective voltage sending it flying backwards, frying it in the process. At least you knew it worked.

You turn back to Monty only to his tail vanish into the bushes. "Oh, no". You quietly say. Did he break free? Either way you were on full alert. You knew you needed to get out of here ASAP. At least in the rest of the plex he stood out. This was his area. He blended right in. You look at the kitchen from where you were. There was no sign of Bonnie. He must have ran. You briefly consider going there to find him but the thought of fighting Monty in close quarters made you reconsider.

As much as you didn't like it, you would have to leave Bonnie behind. But wait, if Monty got his hands on Bonnie then it would all be over.

You shake your head. No leaving without Bonnie. You pick up the golf club. While it was two-handed at best you could you use for dodging. The tazer was more important.

You venture deeper into the enclosure, scanning the area for any signs of purple for Bonnie. Where could he have gone?

Now Playing...

Artist: Melek-Tha & 47Ashes

Song: La Vision Sans Nom

Link: https://youtu.be/V5nwbTdBVzU

You had no idea where that kitchen could have lead. If Bonnie ran it was possible he might not even be in this area anymore.

You pull out your phone, quickly scanning for Bonnie's number. The place was now buzzing with robots, you guess Monty had alerted them somehow. None had noticed you yet, them having just arrived. You were hiding just beside the restaurant.

"AAAAAHHH! HELP!" You hear Bonnie scream from the distance. You also hear a large crash. You run towards it, paying no mind to any of the bots nearby. Running as fast as you can you run to the source. Pushing the bush aside you see Monty standing over Bonnie by a golf hole. He must have ambushed Bonnie after leaving you. Monty's back was to you, he was focused on stopping Bonnie.

"I won't let you do it again!" Monty shouts. Bonnie had a terrified look on his face as he desperately tried to push Monty off. Thinking fast you pocket the tazer. You didn't want to electrocute Bonnie.

Bonnie sees you behind him and stretches his hand outward so as to say 'help'.

With both hands on the club you run up to Monty and as hard as you can, smash the club on the back of his knees. It didn't seem like it did much but it did knock out Monty's balance. Stepping out of the way he falls to the ground, Bonnie scrambling to get up.

Bonnie had realized something.

"Why you snivelling, CHEAT!" Monty shouts as he struggles to get up. You swing the club down on him, trying to keep the gator down. He merely catches it, lifting the club up with you on it. Before you could grab you tazer he grabs you by the throat, ripping the club out of your hands and tossing it aside.

As he squeezed you struggled to reach your tazer. This may electrocute you but you didn't care. Was he going to kill you? "D-don't do it." You mutter, quickly loosing breath.

Monty just grinned. He had you.

From just behind you see Bonnie's eyes click red. He had realized something. He starts running towards Monty, eyes full of hatred.

Monty was about to say something when Bonnie grabbed his stomach.

He didn't realize what was happening when Bonnie grabbed his stomach with both hands and pulled back into a suplex. Bonnie pulled as hard as he could, lifting Monty off the ground, you with him, and swung Monty down behind him. In the action, Monty lost his grip on you, sending you into some bushes nearby.

You quickly get up and push through the bushes back into the golfing area. Monty and Bonnie were facing each other, both glowing red eyes, each other in hands locked in a mercy game.

Based on Monty's actions you had no idea if he was even still corrupted or not. You couldn't tell.

"I won't let you harm (Y/N)." He growled at Monty. "I won't let you destroy this plex. NOT AGAIN!" Monty shot back. Both were equally matched. You had to do something. Looking around you find the golf club. Picking it up you run to Monty and smash it over his shoulder. It knocks one of his shoulder pads loose. The strike did no damage but threw his focus off. Attention turned to you he flicks his tail to the side, it colliding with your side. It knocks you away.

Bonnie pushes him forward then cranks back and socked him right in the jaw. He falls to the ground. You throw the club to the ground and get your tazer ready.

After what the mental trauma you forced him through yesterday you couldn't help but feel a bit bad about the physical trauma he was being forced through now. After this was all over you decide to give him a complete check-up ASAP.

Bonnie grabs the golf club and starts smashing it on Monty's legs, the same way Monty had done to him. Monty tries to get away as Bonnie continues to hit him. He manages to kick the club out of Bonnie's hands.

Bonnie goes to stomp him but Monty just rolls back. Getting him he lunges at Bonnie, emitting some sort of scream. Bonnie lunges to and the clash, punching and scratching each other in a ball of confusion. They roll off, you following quickly.

"Monty, break free! You don't have to fight." You say. While unlikely, you still believed in the possibility of Monty breaking free.

"Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT! UP!" He just shouted in response. He started pounding on Bonnie, the rabbit using his hands to protect himself. He had Bonnie pinned under him. "YOU JUST COULDN'T STAY DEAD! COULD YOU!" Bonnie managed to grab Monty's hands and roll over, reversing the positions. Bonnie grabbed his arms, trying to break them. Then, just as it started the positions swapped again.

They were evenly matched.

You had to get him off before he destroyed Bonnie or vice versa. You pull the tazer out and crank the voltage back to normal. Running up to Monty you jam the tazer right into his back.

"AAAAA!!" Monty screams, his voice modulating with the pulse. The electric shock reaches Bonnie who freaks out similarly.

Monty tenses up, him and Bonnie still struggling. Suddenly, something strikes you on the back of the head. Not enough to knock you out, but enough to stun you. You barely see Bonnie get the upper hand as you start to get dragged away. Looking back it was one of the chef bots, having struck with you a spatula. It was trying to drag you away. You grab your screwdriver and throw it at the bot, knocking it over. Though it was holding tight, you were hopped up on enough adrenaline to break free.

Now on top of Monty, Bonnie started wailing on him, punching his face and chest in. He had gone berserk. Bonnie used one of his free hands to grab Monty by the throat, forcing his head to stay down.

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT (Y/N). I WON'T LET YOU HURT ME. NOT AGAIN! NEVER AGAIN! NEVER! NEVER!" Bonnie was enraged. In the struggle Monty grabbed Bonnie's arms in an attempt to get free. But as Bonnie continued to pound on him you see his arms get weaker, before falling down.

Bonnie was going too far. You run up to him, trying to pry him off. "Stop it! That's enough! Bonnie!" You shouted as you tried to rip him off. He wouldn't budge, even swatting you away. You grab one of his arms and hold back. Bonnie turned his head to you, eyes full of anger.

Anger at Monty, anger at what he did to you and what he did to him. "Stop it!" You shout.

Bonnie completely freezes as he stares at you. His eyes flicker, then return to the purple hue. Looking at what he done he immediately jumped up, eyes going wide at Monty's body.

"O-oh, no! Nononoono! W-what have I done?" Bonnie started to panic. He stepped away from Monty's body, aghast at the damage he done.

"I-it's okay. Relax. Just calm down." You say as you try to console him. "I-i-i-ah." Bonnie stammers to say as Monty struggles to get up. The both of you back up in fear.

Monty stands up barely, hunched over, face broken and jaw unhinged. His chest had been scratched up from Bonnie's claws and was impacted. He didn't look at either of you, eyes having been misaligned up. You catch one eye settle on you as he took one step and fell over.

Bonnie could only gasp in fear. He felt he'd gone too far.

Monty was still kicking though, as evident by him now trying to crawl to the both of you. You both take a step back.

"Wait!" You had an idea. "Bonnie, we can reset him now."

You look to Bonnie, he was still in shock at what he'd done.

"Can you grab him and hold him still?" Bonnie snapped out of it, now realizing what you said.

"Y-yeah. I-I think. I can. C-can we reset him?" You nod.

You put the tazer away and pull your phone out and begin looking for the notes.

Bonnie quickly runs behind Monty and pins him down, arms on his arms and legs on his back. Monty didn't fight back, too damaged from the fight. It seemed like he was only focused on getting you.

He struggled weakly under Bonnie.

"Hold his face straight." You knelt down and put the light in Monty's face. While you didn't have the laser gun, you hoped your phone's flashlight could do the trick. After all, light was light, right?

"Look at me, big guy. I know you're in there. C'mon, bassist of the Fazbear 4." You whisper to him. It seems to get his attention as both his eyes settle on you. He looked sad and distraught.

Bonnie moves Monty's head so, carefully forcing Monty to look at the flashlight.

Ready to reset him you begin blinking the flashlight as per the document's instructions. After playing the final note Monty goes limp.

Now Playing...

Artist: Biomass & Moody Bats

Song: Tomber Dans L'Oubli

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--LvvBqSbM4

Bonnie gets off him, still saddened by what he had done. He was silently shaking in fear. In his mind he was trying to figure out how he lost control, now realizing he had already raged a few time tonight.

A minute later you see Monty light up again, eyes now a soft green colour. You give him a second to get his bearings. Still laying flat on the ground he looked up to you kneeling in front of him.

"I-I...I wha appened, I-can' alk righ. I ried o sop i, bu, I couldn." His busted jaw was causing him to slur his words. He looked at you, eyes showing sadness. He then struggled to get up falling over. Giving up on that he at least managed to sit up as he surveyed the damage. He tried to fix re-adjust his jaw.

"Feeling better?" You asked.

"I, eh, all hurs." He groaned, looking around.

"Hold on, lemme fix your jaw first." You carefully get close to him and lift his head up. You look to see if you could pop it back in to place.

As you fix his jaw, he looks around his location, finally noticing Bonnie. He flinches for a bit as the reality sinks in. Unable to fix it properly you just force the jaw into its right position for now. It would likely get loose later. You step away, giving him a wide berth.

"B-bonnie?" Now free Monty looked up at Bonnie. Bonnie just had a sad look on his face. Seeing all the wounds all over him and Bonnie's look, he put two and two together.

"The last thing I remember was trying to get that tinfoil hat on." He brushed away the bits idly. "A guest told me that's how you block signals." He shook his head. "I guess it didn't work." He sighed. He looked at his wrist. The chaos it had become loose too.

"I-I couldn't control myself." Monty said. His accent had returned. He was talking more normally now. He looked up to Bonnie.

"M-Monty. I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to..." Bonnie said with regret.

"It's alright big guy. I don't blame ya. At least you got your revenge, ha-ha *cough*". He hurt all over. Monty held out a hand to get up which Bonnie did. As he lifted the gator up, Bonnie pulled him into a tight hug, Monty doing the same. They both hugged tightly, letting it all out. All their regrets and issues. Monty feeling regret for attacking you and Bonnie and Bonnie feeling the reverse. It was a tense moment for them.

You decided to go retrieve your screwdriver and see what quick repairs you could do on Monty. While there had been bots a second ago something seemed to have called them all away. They all whirred out of the golf club, disappearing somewhere into the plex.

It was a nice reunion. As they spoke you retrieved the golf club and surveyed around. There didn't seem to be any more bots around. With all the activity you saw the previous days you were starting to worry about where all the bots were. You hoped Gregory was okay.

You return to them, Monty having sat down now. It was too hard for him to stand.

"So, doc, what's the status?" Monty asked you. Doc? Now that you thought of it, you were kind of a doctor to these guys. You liked it. Had a nice ring to it.

You give him a brief summary of everything that happened. He seemed relieved when you said Gregory showed up, making a comment how 'that boy'll set things straight'.

You decide having Monty as an ally would help your little team. With the screwdriver and a few other tools you decide to work on Monty. Just fixing the little things. You didn't have the time to do a full repair. Monty seemed a little apprehensive at first but settled into your hands.

"You any idea what caused it? I mean, this can't keep happening." Monty asked you.

"I have an idea. Not Bonnie. Before I finished repairing him there was some signal broadcast out that messed up all the bots." It had been sitting on the back of your mind but there was that chip again.

You had all but confirmed it to be the source of tonight's issues. It made sense to you. That guttural scream that it only happened when that chip was on. You had to take a look at it later.

But you knew it wasn't Bonnie. It had to just be that.

Satisfied at the repairs done so far you step away from Monty. It takes him a bit to get up, having to rely on Bonnie but he makes it. Though visibly wounded it would have to make due for now.

"Bonnie and I will go to the security hub where we'll reboot all the animatronics. Then meet up in the stage area and survey damages. You wanna come or stay here?"

"I'll come. I can't fight much if it's Freddy or Roxanne but I'll at least accompany y'all to the stage. Nunna those regular bots stand a chance against me."

"Sounds like a plan." You say.

"A-are you sure you're gonna be alright?" Bonnie asked, still concerned of the damage he'd done.

"Ya, dun worry about me. I survived last year with half my body gone! This is nothing." Monty said, limping beside Bonnie. "I do have an idea I want to try though." Monty grabbed two golf clubs that had been laying around, keeping them at his side.

"Let's go." You beckon to the duo. Bonnie paused, still looking at Monty. "He'll be fine." You say to the purple rabbit. Bonnie looked uneasily at Monty. "Look, he'll be the first one I repair soon as we get back, alright?" That was enough to convince Bonnie who nodded at you.

As the three of you left the golf course behind you were curious about the damage Bonnie sustained. You looked him over. He was a bit roughed up, dirty in some spots, but otherwise not damaged.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie asked, noticing you staring at him.

"Did you get injured in the fight at all?"

"No, nothing serious. I should be fine." Bonnie said rubbing one of his wrists.

Looking yourself over, you notice that you had been sweating, yourself also covered in dirt and bush from the fight. Why did they make the jungle so realistic?

It was also too hot in here.

You were just glad they made up without killing each other. Monty attacking Bonnie was one of your biggest fears tonight.

As the three of you left you were ready for whatever the plex was going to throw at you next.

The next chapter is called Red Light, Green Light.

The notes have been updated.


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