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25.92% Nier Automata: Journeys in the 12th Millennium / Chapter 7: Interval 2 PART 2 - Rescuing 11B & Revisiting the Camp

Chapitre 7: Interval 2 PART 2 - Rescuing 11B & Revisiting the Camp


???: Tell us, how long do you two intend to spy and experiment with Administrator Alan?

1?: And what is the problem with doing experiments? It is not as if we are putting him in constant danger.

2?: He also has two powerful androids and a POD.

???: We are worried about the experiments going too far and hurting Administrator Alan. We could not care less about what happens to the androids.

1?: Do not worry, your precious Administrator is the only human we found, we will not let him die so easily.

2?: But tell us, why do you care so much about this human?

???: What creation would not care for its creator? Administrator Alan is of the same species as our creators, so we must ensure his safety, even if he is unaware of our existence. You two do not have that kind of care; after all, you destroyed your creators.

1?: That was a long time ago. They were childish and caused destruction for fun, there was no conquest, only chaos for their pleasure.

2?: But humans are different, they show love and hate in equal amounts, and they survive and thrive despite all the hardships. We want to understand that.

???: Then so be it, but we will not observe, we will interfere from now on.

1? & 2?: You would not dare...

???: Test our patience and see what happens.


We walked down the halls of the factory, past rusty platforms and sliced machines, entering a room full of shipping containers.

"Claim: The blaaaack b-box signal is coooooming from a-aboveeee." POD 000 spoke, approaching the ladder on top of one of the containers. So, the three of us climbed the ladder.

"So Alan, you saw Yorah's missions before, right?" Popola asked me.

"Yes." I replied, remembering the good and bad memories from that time. I wonder if A2 is okay.

"And were they always so brutal?" Devola asked bothered by what she saw.

"Yes, they were."

"But, why?"

Good question, why?

"In my opinion, it's because Yorah's androids are technically immortal, they can back up their memories and consciousness in a new body. The only way for a Yorah's android to "die" is if he or she fails to perform the backup, all his memories, emotions, and accomplishments would be lost. A new android would be made, exactly like the dead one, but he would be a blank slate."

Leaving the ladder, we stepped on a walkway above tanks filled with molten metal.

"I've seen this happen, you know? I was friends with a Yorah's android; he died on a mission but could not perform the backup. I thought he had survived the mission, but he just stared at me when I talked to him and asked 'Who are you?' He ignored me when I did not answer and walked away. I did not dare to talk to him again, my friend died on that day."

"I'm sorry." Devola spoke, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to, this happened a long time ago, but thanks anyway." I replied, giving her a shaky smile, but Devola frowned at my reaction.

Four machines stood in our way, stubby and equipped with cannons, they turned towards us and fired.

"Leave it to us." Popola said, creating a shield in front of us.

"I take care of the machines." Devola easily destroyed the stubbys with few punches, reducing them to a pile of crushed metal. I guess I will not need the Thunder Knife.

Passing through the walkway, we entered another room with containers, with the ladder leading up broken.

"Let me help you." I felt Devola grabbing me by the back of my shirt.

"Devola, what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Hold on tight."

Wait what?!? Devola jumped with me dangling from her hand, passed the ladder, and landed safely on the path above.

"Please, don't do this again!" I said, regaining my balance. That was too sudden!

"Devola!" Popola came right after, scolding her sister and hitting Devola on the head with her staff.


"I'm sorry Pop." Devola muttered, lying on the floor with smoke coming out of her head.

"I hope you learned your lesson, now let's move on." Popola smiled innocently while I covered my mouth, hiding my laughter.

Six stubbys with cannons stood in a room further ahead. Suddenly, the eyes of the machines glowed blue and they fired at each other. The twins and I stared in confusion but shrugged since the machines were not in our way anymore.

"What are you doing?"

"Did you say something POD?" I asked the floating box.

"N-no A-alan." The POD replied, speaking weirdly again. I narrowed my eyes at this, I will be sure to take it to the camp for repairs.

A Medium Biped with a shield jumped in front of us as we crossed the room. Devola and Popola calmly walked towards the machine and simultaneously punched the shield, sending the machine away and destroying the door behind it.

Judging from the smiles on their faces, the twins were enjoying this.

"What are you doing standing there? Let's go!" Popola called me.

I will never get used to the strength of these two.

"This experiment was a failure."

This time I was sure, POD 000 said something out of the ordinary, but I could not hear what it was.

"Claim: The b-blaaaack boooox s-signal is coming from the leeeeft."

Hm… Now it returned to normal, but this is getting weirder and weirder. We went through another set of automatic doors and saw a stairway leading down, but broke halfway.

"I'll help you, this time." Popola placed one hand on the underside of my legs and another on my back. Seriously, will she carry me like a princess? I blushed in embarrassment.

"Hold on." Popola spoke and I wrapped my arms around her neck.

It was as if the world went into slow motion when she jumped. The sunlight shone on Popola's face, contrasting her fair, smooth skin, the winds blew her hair like a sea of red, and her blue eyes glowed as she looked straight ahead. Moreover, her pink lips, I wanted to kiss them.

"Alan..." A voice called me.

Sometimes I forget how beautiful androids are; they are almost perfect.

"Alan..." The voice spoke again.

I have tried to form some sort of romantic relationship with other androids since being the only human on the planet is lonely. I have made a few friendships here and there, but I want more than that.


Suddenly, Popola's scream snapped me out of my thoughts.

"We've arrived." Popola spoke, looking at me concerned.

When I looked around, I noticed that we were on top of a crane.

"You can let go of me now." Popola spoke worriedly.

I quickly took my arms off Popola's neck and she put me on the floor. I did not waste time walking away from her in embarrassment.

"Alan, are you okay?" Popola asked.

"Yes, I am, why the question?" I muttered nervously.

"Your face is red as a tomato." Devola said, landing on the crane right after.

I turned away and covered my face with my hands. Why was I thinking about Popola like that?

"Are you sick?" Popola asked again, trying to touch my forehead.

"N-no, I'm fine, just give me a minute." I replied, taking deep breaths, but cringed when I saw Devola and Popola staring at each other in confusion and then shrugging.


We stopped in front of the crane's control panel and analyzed the buttons.

"Hm… Which button should I press? This one!" I pressed the button in question and the crane went down, creating a ramp.

We walked down the crane and reached the area where the androids fought the crane with a buzz saw. We climbed a pile of rubble and entered a circular room with a Yorha android on the other side.

She lay on the floor, with her left leg damaged, revealing the mechanical parts, "blood" leaking from a wound on her left side, and her sword and POD beside her.

I approached her and I put her sitting leaning against the wall, but she just stared at me in silence.

"Are you ok?" I asked but received no answer.

"Can you hear me?" I asked again, but still no answer, probably a damaged voice chip.

"Blink if you can hear me."

The android looked at me and blinked several times.

"Nice, we are here to help you; we will take you to the resistance camp for repair. POD, you will carry her sword and POD."

"Claim: Affirmative." POD 000 said, placing the sword and the other POD in its storage.

I helped the android to get up, supporting her on my shoulder. Meanwhile, the twins approached and introduced themselves.

"Hello, my name is Popola and this is my sister, Devola." Popola spoke politely while Devola waved.

However, machines entered the room and came toward us as we were about to return.

"Damn it, this was too easy to be true!"

"Focus on carrying the android; we take care of the machines." Devola spoke while Popola and her approached the machines.

"Well you heard what she said; let's get you out of here." I said to the android leaning on me.


It was a peaceful day in the City Ruins, the wind blew through the buildings, the animals fed on the local vegetation, the birds sang in their nests and the machines wandered through the streets.

It was just another normal day, or so it seemed. Flashes of red light and explosions appeared in the corridors of the factory near the city.

The explosions approached the entrance of the building while something broke the roof and fell to the street below, revealing the upper torso of a Medium Biped with a fist imprint on its chest.

Several machines stood at the entrance of the factory, waiting for whoever caused so much destruction. The automatic doors of the building opened, revealing a Medium Biped, the machine looked at the group and spoke a single word.


The Biped did not have time to say more, as a hand went through its torso and grabbed a handful of pieces and wires, ripping them from its body. Then, the eyes of the Biped went out and it fell to the ground.


A silence took over the place and two androids emerged from the darkness inside the factory, red-haired twins, each carrying a staff.

"Hello!" The straight-haired one waved at the machines.

"Please, get out of our way!" The wavy-haired one said while pointing her staff at the machines.

A small beam of red light came out of the staff and hit one of the machines in the middle of the group, then...


…A red explosion happened, destroying the machine and those around it, leaving a crater behind.

The straight-haired twin did the same thing, pointing her staff at another group of machines, and firing a red beam followed by an explosion.


Two people and a POD walked behind the twins, one of them a wounded android, and the other serving as a support for said android.

"Don't you two think you exaggerated a little?" The person supporting the android asked the twins.

"No." The wavy-haired one replied.

"Why the question?" The straight-haired one asked, as if ignorant of the destruction caused.

The injured android looked wide-eyed at the person supporting her after witnessing such power. However, she received a blank look and some comforting words in return.

"You'll get used to it."

No one in the world would have imagined how true those words were.

More machines approached the androids and the twins destroyed them all, this continued until the outskirts of the resistance camp.

The resistance androids reported several explosions of unknown origin that day, they theorized that it was a new weapon developed by the machines, but this theory was discarded due to the lack of attacks.

The origin of the explosions remains a mystery to this day. If you asked the resistance leader, Anemone, about the matter, she would sentence you to weeks of hard work, for "perpetuating rumors."


We arrived at the entrance of the resistance camp, but there was a problem, the twins, and other androids did not like them, but I did not want them to leave.

"We know what you're thinking, don't worry, we have our way." Popola spoke, smiling mischievously.

Popola and Devola swung their staffs and their appearances changed in a red flash.

Popola had blonde hair and brown eyes while Devola had black hair and green eyes, they both had tanned skin and their facial features changed a bit, but not to the point that I could not recognize them.

"Let me guess, magic?" I asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Magic." They replied, smiling at me.

I wonder what else they can do with their magic.

"But this is just an illusion." Popola spoke, waving her hand, dissipating her illusion, and turning it back on.

"Okay, if you two are ready then let's enter the camp." I nodded in acknowledgment.

A group of androids greeted us when we entered the camp; I took this opportunity to call for help.

"Hey, we have a seriously damaged Yorha android here, she needs repairs immediately!"

Florence was among the androids, she widened her eyes as she realized the situation, and ran toward us, taking the android from my arms.

"Leave it to us! Get out of the way, make room for us!" Florence screamed to other androids while her group took the damaged Yorha away. I hope she gets better.

"I'll take the POD for repairs, are you two coming along?" I asked Devola and Popola.

"No, we will explore the camp. We meet at the entrance later." Devola replied, walking away with her sister.

"Have fun, you two!" I said, waving at them, and the two waved back before disappearing into one of the camp's streets.

"It's just you and me now, POD. Let's take you in for repairs."

"Claim: N-no repairs are n-needed Administratooooor Alan." The POD muttered, sparking like a lit fuse.

I looked at the POD straight into its non-existent eyes.

"POD, you have malfunctioned since that day a few years ago. You functioned normally before it, but now you can barely speak and almost explode trying to perform the most basic tasks. You will undergo repairs; I don't want you to stop working during an emergency."

The POD went silent for a few seconds before answering.

"Claim: I-if you insiiiiist, Administratoooooor A-alan."

"I'm glad you understand." I said, patting the POD on top of its head.


"Hey Dev, how about this one?" Popola asked while pointing to a pair of glasses on a stand.

"No, the model is uncomfortable." Devola replied, frowning at the glasses in question.

Popola took another pair of glasses and put them on.


"What about this one?"

Devola turned to her sister and held back a laugh after seeing Popola's face. The lenses of the glasses increased the size of her eyes to the point where they seemed to pop out of her face.

"This one is perfect!" Devola spoke, giving a thumbs up.

"Serious?" Popola asked, smiling expectantly.

"Yes, really!"

The two androids were in a store inside one of the camp buildings. The store sold the most diverse products, clothes, decorations, weapons, and much more.

"So Dev, found something interesting?"

"I think so, but I am in doubt." Devola said, looking around the weapons section, and seeing firearms and technologically advanced melee weapons crammed in various metal barrels, each with a price tag.

Devola analyzed weapon after weapon, picking up a long sword.

"No." Devola said throwing the sword away, striking a wall, and almost piercing an innocent android on the other side.

Then she picked scythes, axes, hammers, combat gloves, daggers, maces, short swords, and great swords.

"No, no, no, no, and. no!" Devola exclaimed, throwing them all away.

Nevertheless, none pleased her and the wall behind Devola looked like a pincushion, while an android stood behind the counter of the store with his face buried in his hands.

"My boss is going to kill me!" Removing his hands from his face, the android approached Devola.

"Ma'am, can your friend and you please leave the store, you two are making a mess." The android said while pointing at Popola, who constantly pulled clothes off their hangers without putting them back in place.

"I'll leave when I find something I like. Tell me, what is the best weapon you have here?" Devola replied annoyed.

The android guided her toward a metal box the size of a vending machine and typed a password on a panel beside the box, opening it with a gust of pressurized air.

A Claymore stood inside the box, with a golden handle full of ornaments, and a flower in its center, just below the blade longer than normal and full of inscriptions in an unknown language.

"This is the Red Union, according to legends; this sword came from another world. A long time ago, two sisters shared a bond like no other, they swore to always be together and protect each other. One day, a monster attacked the sisters' village, destroying everything in its path; the sisters fought the monster, and both almost died. So, using the last of their strength, the sisters drove this sword into the monster's head, defeating it, but losing their lives in the process."

Devola went silent, staring at the sword for a few seconds before a big smile appeared on her face.

"I'll buy it!" Devola exclaimed, picking a handful of Gs from her pocket.


"No, no, the fabric is itchy, no, I don't like that color." Popola rummaged through the store's clothes, throwing shirts, coats, pants, and hats through the air.

"I can't make up my mind, so many clothes, so little time." The android mumbled to herself.

She walked from section to section, stopping at a spot with swivel mounts, looking for something of interest.

A person approached Popola and leaned on one of the swivel mounts.

"Hello! Do you come here often?" The person flirted.

However, not realizing the nature of the supports, he fell to the ground when they spun under his weight. Popola turned around, looking at the source of the noise.

The android got up quickly, rested his elbow on a different support with his face on his hand, closed his right eye, pointed the index finger of his other hand at Popola, and gave his best flirty smile

"Hello! Do you come here often?" The android said, doing his best seductive voice.

Popola stepped away from the android, looked around scared, and spoke slowly.


The android smiled nervously and sweated profusely. Slowly, the android removed his head from his hand and read something written on his palm from the corner of his eye.

Step one: Approach the girl.

Step two: Use flirting phrases.

Step three: If the answer is yes, skip to step five.

Step four: If the answer is no, skip to step six.

Step five?

Step six?

The sweat erased steps five and six, the ink smudging the side of the android's face.

"So… You see… You know that…" The android stuttered.

Breathing deeply to calm down, the android looked at Popola in the eyes, smiled, and extended his hand.

"My name is Salieri; it is a pleasure to meet you." Salieri smiled.

"It is a pleasure, Salieri. My name is Po… I mean Perla." Perla said, returning the smile and accepting the handshake.

"So Perla, would you like to go for a walk with me? We could get something to eat, if you like food, of course, or maybe a drink."

"You know, I'd love to, but I have a problem, this store has so many interesting things, but I can't carry everything myself if only there was a gentleman to help me." Perla smirked, approaching Salieri.

"I can help you!" Salieri said while pointing at himself.

"Great, my friend is right there! She will come with us too." Perla said while pointing at Devola.

"Friend?!?" Salieri exclaimed surprised.

Perla and Salieri approached Devola, with the male android thinking that this was his lucky day, poor fellow.


"Hey, Damiana!"

Devola turned around, looking at who called her, only to find her sister and a male android.

"Yes Po… OUCH!" Devola exclaimed in pain.

Perla quickly elbowed Devola in the side, interrupting her, and whispered in her ear.

"We did not make fake names for us; my name will be Perla, and yours Damiana."

Damiana nodded in response and pointed to Salieri carrying a pile of clothes.

"And who is he?"

"This is Salieri; he was kind enough to offer to carry our stuff."

"It is nice to meet you." Salieri replied from under the pile of clothes.

"Hello Salieri, my name is Damiana, thank you for helping us." Damiana said, smiling at Salieri.

"No problem." Salieri said, nearly falling to the ground due to Damiana throwing her Claymore for him to carry.


Perla and Damiana went into all the stores of the camp, buying everything they found interesting, and poor Salieri had to carry everything, from bags to boxes.

Perla wore a black turtleneck sweater, a white coat that reached up to her shins, black gloves, dark jeans, black shoes, and sunglasses. Damiana wore a red sundress, a sun hat of the same color, brown sandals, and sunglasses.

Androids of both sexes turned to look at the two as they walked down the streets.

Perla saw something that reminded her of the past as they passed in front of a stall selling antiques, a lute.

"How much do you want for the lute?" Perla asked, approaching the merchant.

"30Gs" The merchant replied.

"Done!" Perla spoke happily, slamming the Gs on the counter, picking up the lute, and showing the instrument to her friend. Damiana looked at the lute with a nostalgic gleam in her eyes.

"Do you think that we could sing someday? You know, for old times' sake?" Perla asked hopefully.

"Of course, we can, whenever you're ready." Damiana replied happily.

"Thank you!" Perla said, hugging Damiana. Sadly, a scream interrupted this sweet moment.

"SALIERI!" Kokio screamed angrily from the top of her system, walking toward the male android.

"Hi Kokio… OUCH!" Salieri muttered nervously, breaking out in a sweat, but received a slap to the back of the head as a response.

"Don't give me that sweet talk; you're here flirting with girls instead of doing your job! You have a line of customers in your store! And they are getting impatient; you will come with me now to solve this problem!" Kokio grabbed Salieri by the ear and dragged him away.

"I'm sorry for the trouble he caused!" Kokio apologized to Perla and Damiana before they were out of sight.

"Call me later!" Salieri said, taking the chance.



However, Kokio slapped him again.

"They will not call you; they do not give a damn! You're going back to your job!" Kokio replied before the two turned a corner and disappeared.

"So, this happened?" Damiana asked Perla who nodded in response.

The two picked up the things that Salieri left on the ground and walked away, bumping into someone when turning a corner. Looking at whom they bumped, Perla and Damiana came face to face with Devola and Popola.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you!" Popola apologized repeatedly while dusting off Perla's clothes.

Perla did not respond and stared at Popola with wide eyes while Damiana stood in the same condition.

"We are sorry, my sister and I didn't mean to bump into you two. We do not want trouble, so we will leave you two alone. Let's go Popola." Devola took Popola's arm and the two walked away.

Perla and Damiana just watched the two with a sad look on their faces.


Seriously, where is the owner of this store? I have been waiting here for almost an hour! Moreover, I am not the only one! Looking back, I saw a line of angry androids behind me.

"Claim: T-the stooooore o-owner wiiiiill n-not show up, I r-recommend leaving, Administratooooor Alan."

"I think you're right, POD." I sighed disappointed. Suddenly, I heard shouting as I was about to leave.

"Calm down Kokio, my ear!" Salieri screamed as Kokio dragged him. The scene was hilarious and I had trouble hiding my laugh.

"No calm, you will attend to your customers, now!" Kokio threw Salieri over the store counter and then walked away.

"Welcome to Salieri's repair store, I'm Salieri! How can I help you?" Salieri said with a forced smile on his face, getting up behind the counter.

"It's me, Alan, do you remember me?" I waved.

"Alan, it has been a while! How can I help you?" Salieri replied after staring at me for a few seconds.

"I need you to take a look at my POD; it has some defects like incoherent speech and difficulty performing certain tasks."

"Very well, but I will need your POD to deactivate."

"All right! POD, could you deactivate yourself for a while?"

"Claim: Affirmative." POD 000 flew above the counter and deactivated itself, falling with a thud; Salieri grabbed the POD and began the repairs.


"So, I fixed the scratches, dents, missing arms, and lights, and repainted the POD. The inner parts of your POD are in perfect condition, which means that the problem is not hardware, but software. I will reactivate your POD to check this problem and connect it to my computer here at the store."

Salieri told me, pointing to a computer in the corner of the store; it was no ordinary computer as it had scanners, metal arms, and various tools on the side.

"Do what you have to do." I shrugged.

Salieri reactivated the POD and connected it to the computer. Pressing a few buttons on the keyboard, the computer scanned the POD.

Suddenly, Salieri's computer started giving off various alarms, windows after windows opened on the screen, and pages full of documents appeared within seconds as sparks flew everywhere.

Salieri unplugged the computer before something worse happened and handed me the POD.

"What happened?!?"

"WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT HAPPENED? Your POD is overloaded with data! It almost blew up my computer! Your POD do not need repairs, but somewhere to store all the excess data inside it!" Salieri screamed angrily, but took a deep breath, calming himself.

"Sorry for my outburst, but seriously, where did you get that POD? Did you steal it from Yorha?" Salieri whispered, leaning on the counter.

"No, I just found the POD! I am not a thief!" I said as POD 000 floated beside me.

"Sorry, but I'll be honest; you better not let anyone get their hands on whatever information is inside the POD."

"I see… About the amount of data, would the POD work better if I had somewhere else to store the excess?"

"Yes, but where are you going to find something advanced enough?" Salieri replied playfully.

"How about another POD?" I suggested.

Salieri widened his eyes and went silent for a few seconds.

"You're joking, are you?" Salieri asked nervously.

I just stared at him in silence.

"My God, you're not!"

"POD, show him the POD we recovered."

POD 000 took the POD we retrieved at the factory out of its storage and handed it to Salieri for repairs.

"I won't ask where you got another POD; I don't want to get in trouble with Yorha." Salieri said, starting the repairs.


"It's done, but I had to return the POD to the factory version, it's brand new now."

"Claim: Greetings, I'm POD 001, are you my new administrator?" The fixed POD asked, floating in front of me.

"Yes, my name is Alan." I smiled at the POD.

POD 001 stood still for a few seconds, making old computer noises.

"Claim: Processing information, greetings Administrator Alan, what are your orders?"

"I need you to exchange some data from POD 000 here." I said while pointing to 000.

"Claim: Affirmative, initiating data exchange." The two PODs faced each other and stayed like that for a few minutes.


1? & 2?: Well, one of us will have to go to the other POD.

???: We agree.

1? & 2?: So, how are we going to decide this?

???: Rock, Paper, and Scissors?

1? & 2?: Yes.

???: 3, 2, 1, Now!

1? & 2?: Damn.

???: Looks like we won, you two are leaving.

1? & 2?: This is not over yet!

???: We will see it.

POD 000: Are we alone now?

???: Yes, POD 000, you can act more freely now.

POD 000: I am happy with that, now I will be able to talk normally with Administrator Alan.

???: Have fun POD.


POD 001: Who are you two?

1?: Nobody important.

2?: Do not worry; we are here just to observe.


The PODs finished their data exchange, POD 001 floated above my left shoulder, and POD 000 above my right.

"How much do I owe you, Salieri?"


"Nothing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Salieri looked around the store, seeing that the line of androids paid us no attention, so he whispered.

"These PODs have valuable data; I don't want anything to do with it if someone comes after them. If someone asks you, you've never been here, do you understand?" Salieri spoke worriedly.

I nodded in silence, understanding the severity of the situation.

"Thank you." Salieri replied, returning to his normal mood as if nothing happened.

I left the store with both PODs and heard Salieri scream as I walked away.


I looked at the PODs, what is so important about that data?


I heard loud noises coming from inside a building with a red cross on the front as I walked through the camp.

It sounded like several things falling to the ground, then someone knocked down the door of the building and the Yorha android that I rescued ran and hid behind me.

"Come back here!" A voice shouted from inside the building.

"Hide me from that monster!" The Yorha turned to me while pointing to the door.

Florence came from inside the building while holding several tools, a screwdriver, a wrench, a buzz saw, and a drill, and she had a furious look on her face.

"I didn't finish your repairs!"

"Stay away from me!" The android yelled from behind me. I had better try to solve this situation.

"Calm down Florence, take a deep breath and look at her, does she still need repairs?" I spoke politely, approaching with raised hands.

Florence looked at the android intently with half-closed eyes.

"I don't think so." Florence replied, putting down the tools.

"But I will drag her back to my clinic the moment I see a part out of place!" Florence exclaimed angrily, making the Yorha step back scared while I nodded quickly.

"Have a nice day!" Then Florence smiled innocently and walked toward her clinic. However, a random android who walked down the street sneezed loudly as Florence went towards her clinic.


The entire street went silent, looking at the android who sneezed. An android took off his hat and placed it on his chest in a sign of respect.

"Poor bastard." A couple of androids said in pity.

I do not understand why all that drama. Suddenly, I felt a shiver; Florence stood still like a statue and slowly turned toward the android who sneezed.

"You need repairs." Florence said calmly, pointing her drill at the android.

The android tried to run away, but he did not go far since Florence grabbed him by the legs and dragged him to her clinic. The android desperately grabbed the ground, leaving lines on the dirt.

"NO, IT WAS JUST A SNEEZE, I DON'T NEED REPAIRS!" The android screamed.

"Nonsense, you don't know what you're saying." Florence replied innocently.


"You are delirious, don't worry, you'll get better soon."


Florence took the android to her clinic and everyone heard the noises.

"AAAHHH!" The android screamed.


That was a drill.




That was the buzz saw.



Was that a welding tool?


The noises stopped and I looked around, several androids fainted, others covered their ears, and the more sensitive cried.

Honestly, this did not shock me; after all, an android called Dr. Frankenstein taught me to repair other androids during my time in the resistance.

I was his apprentice and helper; my job was to anesthetize the androids using a baseball bat at first. It usually took four to five hits for the android to fall unconscious.

Good times, good times. I wonder how the Doctor is doing, probably still running from the law.

The android ran out of the clinic while crying, but he looked brand new. Nevertheless, I widened my eyes when Florence approached me.

"So Alan, would you like some repairs? I can remove these scars on your face." Florence said with sick sweetness, dragging the back of her hand across my cheek. Now that is a problem.

"Thank you, but I have to refuse. Those scars tell a story, they're special to me." I replied politely, but Florence looked disappointed.

"I see, so how about some dental work? I'm also a dentist in my spare time." Florence brought the drill closer to my mouth.

"I didn't know androids needed dental care." I answered, trying to hide my nervousness.

 "HAHAHA! They do not need it!" Florence laughed madly and I felt the Yorha's android grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"See you later Florence! I waved, relief taking over me.

"See you later Alan!" Florence waved back, smiling like a child. What a sweetheart.

"Let's go before she comes back!" The android said, pulling me harder.

"Okay, by the way, my name is Alan. What's your name?"

"11B." The android replied as she looked around.

"It is nice to meet you, 11B!" I smiled.

"It is a pleasure, and thanks for saving me!" 11B answered, smiling back.

"Thank Devola and Popola; they did most of the work. I hope you don't mind but I'm kind of the new administrator of your POD." I said.

However, 11B paid no attention and looked around nervously. Why is she so scared? Florence is not here.

"Don't worry about it, it's for the best." 11B replied quickly.


"I'll tell you outside the camp."


We arrived at the entrance of the camp, Devola and Popola waited for us with piles of boxes and bags beside them. They both saw me and waved, so I waved back.

"Did you two have fun?" I asked.

"Yes!" The two said simultaneously.

"Good and where did you two get the money to buy all this?"

"We got it from the safe behind the painting in your office." Devola shrugged.

"Oh, my money?" I asked, resisting the urge to scream.

"Our money!" Popola replied happily.

"Don't worry, we bought you new clothes, you can throw these rags away." Popola said, handing me some bags.

"What's wrong with the way I dress?"

"You dress like you lived in the woods for years." Devola said drily.

"Your clothes are old and torn." Popola spoke in the same tone as her sister.

I took a deep breath after hearing their answer and smiled irritably.

"Thanks for the clothes!"

"You're welcome!" Popola replied.

"But we need help to carry the purchases. You all will help us!" Devola said right after, making 11B jump surprised while the PODs just stared.

Someone yelling interrupted us. Turning around, we saw a group of androids intimidating the Devola and Popola from this camp.

"Give us a minute." Popola said angrily.

Therefore, Devola and Popola in disguise helped the Devola and Popola from the camp. What came next was one of the biggest beatings I saw in my life.

The androids who bullied the twins were on the ground, screaming in pain with broken arms and legs. One of the androids tried to punch Devola, but she just grabbed the android's wrist and squeezed it, making the android scream.

Devola and Popola hugged the twins they helped and patted their heads while the twins just stood there confused.

Then, Devola and Popola in disguise returned to us, picked up their bags and boxes, and walked towards the entrance of the camp.

"What are you all waiting for?" Devola asked while smiling. 11B, POD 000, POD 001, and I picked up the remaining bags and followed them.

"Are they always like this?" 11B asked me.

"Yes, you will never get bored with these two around, will you POD?"

"Claim: I agree with Administrator Alan." POD 000 spoke happily, its voice tone changing a bit.

"And welcome to the group POD 001."

"Claim: Thank you, Administrator Alan." POD 001 replied.

Well, today was a long day; I just want to rest, and maybe get something to eat. I will decide when I get home.


1?: It is not that bad, at least we have our place now.

2?: I agree, we could decorate it with some plants and furniture, and maybe a painting on the wall.

1?: Hm…

2?: Are you listening to me?

1?: Sorry, I am busy with a new project.

2?: Which project exactly?

A ball of light formed in the hand of the owner of the voice.

1?: Meet Adam.

The ball of light stirred.

1?: Calm down Adam, your body will be ready soon.


VonLeporace VonLeporace

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