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88.57% New Valyria / Chapter 31: Chapter 30: Arc 3, War

Chapitre 31: Chapter 30: Arc 3, War

-Robb Stark-

Robb sat at the head of the Great Hall with Theon, Rickon, and Ashara beside him. In front of him was Mance Rayder, Second in Command of the Brotherhood of the Old Gods, and his bannermen, and bannerwomen.

"So Mance Rayder. Why are you here with over or under 20000 men?" Robb asked, knowing the answer before even asking the question.

Mance snorted, "I believe you already know the answer, Lord Stark."

Robb nodded, "I do. But I want to make sure that my mind is right about why you are here."

Mance nodded, "Your brother, my commander Jon Snow, or now Daeron Targaryen have sent 20000 men to help in defending the North. And I'm here to make sure my men are prepared."

Robb nodded, but Greatjon spoke, "Why should we trust you, Wildling?" Robb looked over to the Lord Umber with a questioning look, wanting answers of what he means. Lord Umber saw this and answered his unspoken question, "My Lord. Mance Rayder here was once a member of the Night's Watch, until he deserted beyond the Wall. Where he became the King-Beyond-The-Wall."

Robb looked back to Mance, and asked, "Is that true, Mance Rayder?"

Mance nodded, "It is, Lord Stark. But the title was passed on to a much younger, and brave fellow." Robb knew who holds the title before the man spoke the name, "The title was passed down to a Jon Snow."

Robb nodded, "Thank you for your men, Lord Mance. But before I accept them I must talk to my Lords and family."

Mance nodded, "With your leave, My Lord. I would like to my company."

Robb nodded, "You may go and join your company, Lord Mance. I will send a messenger for when I have my answer." Mance nodded, and left. When the man was gone Robb turned to his right, to his step mother, "Lady Ashara. Who are the ones claiming for the throne?"

"Well there is five, Robb." She looked to Theon, "We have Joffrey Waters, Stannis Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Daeron Targaryen, and Balon Greyjoy

"Your wrong Lady Stark," someone said, Robb looked over to where the voice came from, and found Ser Marlon Manderly, "King Daeron hasn't called for the throne yet. And I don't think he wants the throne."

Everyone looked confused, but Robb asked, "What do you mean he doesn't want the Iron Throne?"

Ser Marlon looked to him, "He doesn't want the throne. You will find out the reason soon my Lord. Just wait until you see, and he will tell you what he plans."

Robb was curious but knew that he was going to have to wait. The room was filled with silence until the Greatjon stood, and went to speak. But that all ended with a loud roar. Every Lord, and Lady exited the Great Hall, and ran out to the yard. And what Robb, the Lords, Ladies, Smallfolk, and Servants saw was a 200ft long, black and gold dragon, with golden/amber eyes. And on top of the dragon was a man and a woman, with the man wearing dark steel furred armour and with the woman wearing furs of blue.

Robb's eyes widened recognizing the man on the dragon. Everyone was shocked by the sight in front of them to notice the dragon was lowering its body, so that the people riding could get off. Robb was the first to return to the world of living, and looked on as his brother walked towards him. Robb wanted to smile but was still recovering from the sight that was still behind his brother.

Jon then spoke in a language he never heard before, and the dragon responded with flying into the air and above the clouds and far beyond the clouds, and out of sight. Jon stopped in front of him, and they stared at each other. They looked into the others eyes, and Robb knew that in that moment they had an inner conversation. He knew that the Starks siblings had that ability but it never happened with him and Jon.

The quietness was broken by the loud yell of Greatjon. Robb and Jon looked over to the big man, and listened to what the man said, "You!" He pointed a finger at the man standing beside Robb, "Are the rumours true?! Is it true that you are the son of 'Prince' Rhaegar and Lady Lyanna!?"

Soon other Lords joined into the questioning, and Robb noticed movements coming from the right of him, and noticed a pregnant lady was walking with Rickon and Lyarra. He knew that the pregnant woman was one Alys Karstark, who was carrying a niece or nephew of his.

The shouting got louder, and in an instant by growling and a roar. Everyone went silent when they saw 5 direwolves moving towards the man who held the eyes of every man and woman. Robb watched as the dragon fell from the sky, putting only the courtyard in a deep shadow.

Robb felt a shiver go down his spine as Jon speaks, "The rumours are true, My Lords, and Ladies. I'm the only son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lady Lyanna Stark. My name isn't Jon Snow but Daeron Targaryen, and I plan to take back what was mine." Robb saw the looks of anger on the Lords, and Ladies of the North, but Jon spoke before any of them could, "But I don't plan on doing alone." Jon looked around at every Lord, and Lady, looking into each of their eyes, and silently asking them one question, "Will you help me take back my throne?"

Robb looked to the Lords and Ladies of the biggest kingdom in Westeros. He saw the looks of different kind. He noticed movement from inside the crowd and saw Lord Karstark walking to the front of the Northern Lords, he looked to his brother, and spoke, "How do we know that you really are a true born 'Targaryen', and not a boy born of rape?"

Robb felt something from the lord, and he knew that Jon already had Lord Karstark's swords. Jon nodded, "How about we go to the Godswoods and I can show you something, that no one knows about but me and two others?" And before he even got an answer he started walking towards the gates to the Godswood.

Robb followed Jon and they were followed by the five direwolves, and the Lords, and Ladies. Jon lead them to the Weirwood and for the first time Robb felt something. He looked around and noticed that the Lords and Ladies felt it to. Robb looked towards his brother, and asked, "What are we doing here Jon?"

Jon turned around and grinned, and reached out his hand to touch the bark of the Weirwood, "This." And the next thing Robb knew was that he was looking at a Mysterious Knight, near what looked to be a stream. Then that happened.

-Two Hours Later-

Robb sat at the head of the Great Hall and watched as his brother stood in the centre and fought each of the Lords of the North. Jon was barring a black eye, a busted lip, a broken nose, and was looking to be bruised all over. But still Jon hasn't falling, and Robb knew that Jon was gaining the respect of all the Lords and Ladies of the North.

Robb watched as the last Lord in the hall stepped forward, Robb already felt sorry for Jon. The man in front of him was the current Lord of Last Hearth, Jon 'Greatjon' Umber. Lord Stark watched as his brother stood in a fighting position, Robb never seen before.

But what happened next surprised him and Jon, it seems with his eyes widened. Robb looked on at the kneeled lord, and he was soon followed by every other lord, and lady in the hall. The silent hall was then filled with the pledging their swords to the 'King of Winter'. Soon the hall was filled with silence as every Lord and Lady in the hall slowly turned their heads to the head table, and at the current Lord Stark.

Robb stood up and went to the front of the kneeled bannermen, and women. He stopped right in front of his brother. He smiled, and kneeled in front of his brother, "I Lord Robert Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North. Pledge my allegiance to you, King Daeron III Targaryen."

Robb looked up and saw Jon giving a small smile. His brother opened his mouth to speak but was stopped when he lost balance and fell forward. Robb stood and caught his brother, now king, and walked him to the closet available seats. Jon groaned as his muscles arched from the pain.

Jon whispered something and Robb got only the briefest of what he said and started to laugh, as he looked to where the pregnant Alys Karstark, and Val sat with Rickon and Lyarra. All the Lords stood and Robb called for the food to be brought in and they ate. But what they didn't know what the pale blue eyes, of one Lord Bolton, didn't kneel nor pledge his allegiance to the King Daeron the Third.

Inside said lords head, was a plan to name his family Lord of the North, and to do what no other Bolton could.

-Asha Greyjoy(Days Later)(Also this is ASHA Greyjoy, not YARA Greyjoy. So go look up what she looks like on the Wiki of Ice and Fire)-

Asha watched as her Father ordered his captains, and his Lords to get ready to raid the North, Riverlands, Westerlands, and the Reach. Asha watched ass she ate an apple, with her legs up on the table.

Her father turned around and looked to her, "Why are you still her, Daughter? Didn't I order you to ready your ship to attack Lannisport." He spoke with venom in his voice.

Asha swallowed was she had, "And I did. I also bring news that a scout saw a fleet coming towards us." She finished as she bites into the apple. She looked up and stared at her father and finished what she had, "Also, what about your heir? Little Theon is still in the hands of the Lord Stark? Do you want your only son dead?"

Asha watched as her father continued moving around, "Theon will come to us, and when he does we will clean him of what Lord Eddard taught him. We will make him a Ironborn." He turned around, remembering what she said, "And what fleet? There is no fleet greater than the Ironborn. No fleet will match us." He turned back to what he was doing.

Asha snorted, "Sure. You do remember the rumours of the Targaryen King, the one that is said to have dragons."

Now her father was the one to snort, "I have and what are they? Rumours. And that is what they are." He turned around, and started walking towards her, "There are no dragons anymore. And there is no more Targaryens with dragons. And if there was then, we Ironborn will-" he was cut off when a roar, and yelling started.

Asha jumped to her feet, and ran to the windows, with her father beside her. When she got to the window, her eyes widened as what she saw. Outside was a fleet carrying the banner of House Targaryen. And with the Ironborns fleet aflame.

Asha turned around and ran to her axe, and ran to the door, until the same roar came from earlier. She turned around and saw the look of shock on her father's face. She slowly walked to the window and saw what put the current look on her father's face. What she saw was a beast her father thought extinct flying towards them. The beast had black scales, and golden/amber eyes.

Asha's eyes widened when she realized what the dragon was going to do. She quickly jumped to the side when she noticed the dragon opening its mouth, and black flame slowly coming out of its. She looked back to her father, and where she just stood and saw black flames engulfing the area, and soon a huge hole.

Asha stood and walked over to the hole and looked out to see carnage and destruction surrounding her. She saw men coming of the ships killing all who stood in their way. And from where she stood she saw the man leading the army, wearing black steel armour and black cape.

The door opened behind her and she looked back raising her axe, but she brought it down when she saw who was standing there, "Uncle. What are you doing here?" She asked the Lord of the Ten Towers.

Her uncle looked around and then looked to her, "I'm here to speak with your father? Where is King Balon?" He looked around noticing the hole.

Asha looked back to the hole and looked out of it watching what was happening. The Targaryen army was already behind the walls and entering Pyke. She looked to her uncle, "He was burnt and was flown from the building with this stone that used to stand here." She pointed to the hole.

Her uncle went to speak but was stopped when they heard the yelling, from outside the doors and the roar coming from ahead of her. She looked and saw the beast flying towards her and her uncle. She turned around and saw the doors flew open. Entering men wearing armour, with a white tree surrounded by three direwolves in the centre of the chestplate, and all wielding weapons of all kinds.

But the person that took most of her attention away was the man standing at the head of the men. The man had raven black hair, angry-velvet eyes, with scars covering his face. The man was wearing dark steel armour with a three headed dragon on the front of the chestplate, with dragons engraved into the greaves and gauntlets, he also had a black cape with a red dragon on it, and in his hand was a bastard longsword that had a ruby in the centre of the guard and a dragon heads on the end of the guard, and one as a pommel.

The man held his sword to her neck allowing to see the ripples on the steel knowing instantly that it was valyrian steel. The man looked her up and down, and then looked her in the eyes, "Asha Greyjoy?" He then looked to her right, her uncle, and asked again, "Lord Rodrik Harlaw?"

She looked behind her feeling cold wind blowing into her back, and saw the black as night dragon staring at her. She looked back to the man, after feeling a bitter cold shiver going down her spine. Asha glared at the man, "Who's asking?" The man opened his mouth but she interrupted him, "Wait? Never mind I know who you are. You're the Targaryen King that has the Dragon."

The man laughed and sheathed his sword, "Yes I'm the King that has the Dragon. But I'm also named Daeron, or my northern name Jon Snow. But currently I'm Daeron. " he clapped his hand, "So with the introductions finished, why don't you two surrender. Your both smart, unlike your fellow Ironborn who all were stupid and didn't let me speak." He snarled, and looked behind him. He looked back to them and smiled, "Now what do you say?"

Asha glared at him knowing what he meant, she and her uncle were the last two Ironborn on this shitstain Island. She looked to her and saw him sigh and dropped the axe he had in his hands, and she followed soon after. The instant she did she felt hands making her kneel and checking for any other weapons, and putting her in chains. Soon she was helped to her feet and beside her was her uncle with chains around her wrists.

Slowly the room emptied leaving a few guards, the Dragon King, her and her uncle. She glared at the Dragon King, all the while, with him smiling at her with a smug smile. She spat into his face, and she watched as he didn't flinch. He reached up and wiped the spit out of his eyes, and on his face.

When he was done he didn't stop smiling and walking towards her, he looked back to the guards, and ordered, "Moving to the other Islands and make them kneel, if they don't kill them. Don't harm any innocents, and ladies. Take Lord Harlaw with you." He walked and stood right in front of her, looking down on her.

"Yes, Your Grace." One of the men said, she watched as the man looked to her uncle and gave a slight smile, "Come on Lord Harlaw." They left the room and left only her, the king and his dragon behind her. She looked up to the man, and glared.

"What are you going to do to me? Rape me, and then throw me out into he stoney waters below us?" She didn't know what he was going to do, but whatever it is, she isn't going down without a fight.

She watched as the man laughed, "Why would I kill you? Even if you deny it you are beautiful, and full of fight. I also wouldn't rape you. But I will do one thing, and that is to let you ride the dragon." He grinned at the end.

She glared at the man, and went to speak but was stopped when he picked her up. Asha instantly started to kick and punch, but he didn't stop. Asha stopped when she realized where he was taking her. Then the cold air hit her, she closed her eyes, waiting for the feeling of her being thrown out the giant hole.

That feeling never came, she then heard a loud thud, and breathing. She opened her eyes and tried to see what it was the bastard was going to do. But when he saw that he was climbing onto the dragon, her eyes widened. And soon she position to sit in front of the king. She instantly noticed that she didn't feel uncomfortable. She then felt arms around her, and reins in front of her.

The man behind her then spoke in what she believed was High Valyrian, and she screamed when she felt the dragon was flying into the sky. She closed her eyes, believing what he was going to do was throw her off the dragon well in the middle of the sea.

A few minutes later it never happened and she opened her eyes, and saw what a beautiful sight it was on top of the dragon. She looked around and looked at the sea below her, and the lands ahead of her.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She heard the king behind her speak. She looked back and saw that his hair was flying all over the place, "I've been all over the East Side, and nothing beats being on the back of a dragon. Nothing."

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, well glaring at him.

"To Riverrun. To my banners, and from there wherever I go. You are my hostage until I feel like letting you free." He said.

Asha looked forward, and having only one thought on her mind, 'I'm going to die.' Not knowing what the future holds for her. She watched as land came closer, and she heard the man behind her speak, "You will also be under my care. So no man but a few chosen will be guarding you, and no man will rape you. You can trust me, Lady Asha."

She didn't believe what he said, and just gave a slight nod, "What about my brother? What about Little Theon?"

She felt him nod, "He is safe and with my cousin in Riverrun. When we land he should still be there. So you will say hi to the brother you haven't seen in years. But he isn't going to stay for long, he will be returning to the North to protect the Starks."

She nodded, hoping her little brother could sneak her out of the hands of this bastards hands.

-Sansa Stark-

Sansa cried into the so called bed she currently had. She deserves better than this, she was going to become Queen soon. She doesn't deserve to stay in the dungeons and eat little to nothing. She blamed one person for what was happening to her. That one person was her bastard, lying cousin, and her little sister.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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