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5.12% New Valyria / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Arc 1, Findings

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2: Arc 1, Findings

Arc 1, You Will Regret,

Jon Snow

Jon couldn't believe it. They were back. The Others were back. When Mance first told him about it, he had laughed and said that he was imagining things, but when he was getting to know the FreeFolk, it was getting to his head.

But at the very moment, he was fighting the army of the dead. Jon saw a wight charging towards him, Jon dodged to the right and brought his sword down on the wight. He looked back to the boats and saw that there were around a hundred left to save. He turned back around and regretted it instantly.

Jon was sent flying back, from what looked like a fist of mist, frozen mist. Jon was woozy for a good minute or two. When Jon's sight was back he got back up on his feet, to see what hit him in the first place, and what he saw was, what he believed a myth, the thing that hit him was an Other.

Ice made human, was what Jon's mind was telling him. Jon went to bring his sword up when he realized he dropped it when he was thrown back, he looked around to see if he can see his sword. When he found his sword, he knew he was fucked, it was behind the Other. Jon was thinking over what he can do when he realized that a wight tried to pick it up, and like everyone that has touched it, minus Jon and his Father, got burned, but instead of being burnt the wight was set aflame.

Jon then realized that there was no way to get his sword from behind the Other. If what the stories were to believe then the Other's spider should be here soon. Jon took the chance to see who was still fighting back the weight. And to Jon's mild surprise a good chunk of the fighting that Mance asked to fight was still alive.

When Jon's body was telling him to move, he moved as fast as he could and turned back around to see that the Other was closer, that was when he felt a great pain in his arm. He looked down to see that the Other was able to grab Jon by the arm. Jon tried to move away from the Other, but he was hurled towards the wights, but lucky for him he was swag towards his sword as well.

When Jon came to a stop his whole was in pain, his muscles aching, the arm the Other grabbed felt like it was going to fall off, his whole head was shaking. But Jon didn't stop fighting, Jon grabs the dagger at his belt and started to move towards his sword. But from the looks of it the wights that he was cutting, weren't staying down, so instead of taking it slowly be burst out in a sprint to grab his sword.

Jon was pretty much besides it when he saw an Ice hand trying to grab his neck, Jon dodge the hand but he didn't come out without a scratch, the Other grabbed his arm the same one as before. Jon felt the pain again, but his other hand was still free so he reached out and grabbed the sword. When he grabbed it he swigs it towards the Other, and he let go of his arm moved back. When the Other dropped Jon's arm, he tried to grab his sword with it, but he lost control of his arm.

He didn't know what to do, his body is aching and he can't feel his arm. So he closed his eyes to give a little prayer. When he felt that the Other was right in front of him he knew he was dead meat. When he felt that the Other's weapon was coming down on him, he was sure he was going to die. But the attack never came he opened his eyes to see that Jarl, was in front of him with a frozen blade in his chest.

With the last of Jon's strength he brought the sword up, and jabbed the sword at the other and with wide eyes, he saw the sword go straight through the Other's. The Other looked down at the blade with wide eyes, around the sword the misty ice started to turn to ice. The Other looked up at Jon, and Jon's surprise spoke.

"You are worthy, to fight our maker." The voice of the Other, was like listening to breaking Ice.

With that, the Other, turned to complete Ice and exploded.

Jon dropped his sword and grabbed Jarl.

"Why did you do that?" He asked the drowned man.

"Because Val wouldn't shut the fuck up about you." He tried to laugh but it all came out as blood, "You have to save the FreeFolk, we aren't that different from you southerners, we were born on the other side of the wall." Jon nodded.

Jarl smiled and Jon watched as the color in Jarl's skin disappeared. Jon closed Jarls eyes and left him in the snow and when he looked back to the boats, there were three boats left and pretty much everyone was gone, he looked to see who was still fighting.

He saw that Sigorn of Thenns, Tormund, Varamyr, Soren ShieldBreaker, Mance, and Val. Jon went to move but his body froze on him when he saw that the Other's are coming with their spiders.

Jon forced his body to move with one thing in mind, 'Get Val to the boats. Make sure they all survive."

When Jon got to Val he went to grab her shoulder, and she turned around and punched him in the face. Jon wasn't in the mood for this so with his good arm he lifted her up and put her on his shoulder, she was fighting the whole time, he went back to Jarl's body to grab his sword.

When he had his sword he went to the boats and the others followed him, Val was still fighting when he got to the boat, so he threw her in it and said, "Stay, you aren't going to die. I made a promise to your lover to save all you FreeFolk so I am."

He got into the boat and the boat moved to go to the ships.

When they got to Winds Winter, Jon went to the captain and told, "Send a raven to Winterfell, East-Watch, Castle Black, Karhold, and Last Hearth, saying everything that happened here. Tell them it's from Jon Snow, Bastard Son of Eddard Stark. Also, tell them that we are stopping at Karhold. When you write the scroll to KarHold, tell them that 24 ships are coming, felled with Wildlings."

The captain nodded and ran to his room and started to write the scrolls. Jon went to Mance who was sitting beside Dalla. When Mance saw him he got up and walked towards Jon.

Jon started, "How many do you think survived? And how many giants and their mammoths?"

Mance thought on it for a bit, "I'll say 24000 FreeFolk, and what I saw of the giants and their mammoths, I don't really know."

"How many men did you have with you?" Jon asked.

"While I was still growing my army, but the last time I counted, it was 50.000."

Jon grabbed his arm, "I could have saved more."

Mance looked at him, "You need what you could. You have gained the respect of the Freefolk." Mance watched Jon closely.

"How do you know I have the respect of your people?" Jon asked.

"You saved us from the Other's and you killed one. You kept the wights off us for everyone to get on a ship

Jon was about to respond when he lost the feeling in his legs. Mance grabbed Jon and sat him down on the floor of the ship. Jon was still clutching his arm. Mance moved his hand away from his arm, he grabbed his sleeve and ripped it off. When Mance saw what was on Jon's arm, he brought Jon up to his feet and brought him to a room. Inside the room was a bed and Mance put Jon on it. Jon was passed out when he put the cover on him. Mance was at the door watching Jon, he saw that Jon was sweating like crazy and muttering stuff like, "Get away from me," "I'm sorry, I didn't know," And "Leave me alone!". While watching Jon, when he remembered that Jon was fifteen-names-day.

Mance left the room when he saw that Jon has relaxed a bit. When he got outside he saw that Val was standing there.

"Why, you here Val?" Mance asked, completely forgetting what Jon did.

"How is he?" She responded.

"He was fine when I left but he is passed out, and most likely be like that until we hit land."

"Do you know where we're going?"

"Aye, I do. We are going south. He is taking us south."

Val nodded when she is about to leave he called out, "You didn't answer my earlier question Val."

She looked back at him, "He stole me, Mance don't you remember?" She left.

And like that everything came back to him.

Eddard Stark

When Ned got the scroll about the Other's returning, he was about to throw it away, but when he saw Jon's name he read the whole thing. And just like that he got on his horse and rode to KarHold with complete haste. Behind him was Jory, Ser Rodrik, and Robb.

When Karhold came into view, he saw that there were 24 ships a bay. He shoved his heels into the side of the horse to make it go faster. When he got there he saw that everyone had their weapons drawn, he knew the reason why, but really he hasn't seen any wildlings when he got here.

He got off his horse and gave it to a stable boy and started walking towards the Main Hall. When he got there he that Lord Umber, SmallJon, Lord KarStark, Harrion KarStark, and Jon. Everyone looked at Ned and Robb.

"Lord Stark," Lord KarStark greeted, "Lord Robb. You have arrived. Now talk some sense into your Bastard. He has brought wildlings to us." Lord KarStark told Ned.

Ned was about to speak when Jon rose from his set, "They are real, My Lords. The Others have returned."

SmallJon stood, "If it's true then show us!"

Jon didn't speak, he then looked to Ned, "Father," Jon said, "You know that I won't lie about something like that."

Ned nodded his head, "I know Jon, but the Other's, that is all fake. They are stories wet nurses tell kids to scare them."

Ned looked up to Jon to notice that he had lost all hope in his Father to help him.

GreatJon stood, "He still brought the Wildlings south of the wall!" Lord Umber yelled, "I say we send the fuckers back to HardHome and leave them to whatever they have been telling you, boy."

"Aye I'm with Lord Umber, on this," Rickard said, "The fuckers should go back to there frozen wastelands." He looked to Jon, "You suspect us to let them live on the lands they raided and raped. They don't deserve to live on this side of the Wa…" Lord Stark couldn't finish his sentence.


Ned was shaking, and from the looks of it every lord as well. He has never heard Jon yelled before. The closet time Jon showed his anger was… never. That was when he realized that wasn't the wolf's anger. That was the dragon's anger. The wolf's anger was relaxed anger. The dragon's anger was a ball of fire that could explode at any moment.

Lord Umber was the one that broke the silence, "That right there was… was…"

Both heir's said at the said, "I pissed myself." at the same time. When Ned looked back at Robb, he noticed that he was wide-eyed.

"Robb, come, we're going to go confront your brother," Ned said.

Ned left shortly after, and behind him, Robb followed. When they found Jon, they saw he was talking to Alys KarStark.

"You didn't send a single raven Jon, why haven't you?" Alys asked.

"Sorry Alys, I really am but I would like to be alone." Jon avoided the question.

"No, you will tell me why you haven't sent a raven," Alys said with determination.

Jon looked at Alys, "The reason why was because when I left KarHold, everything went to shit. My life got harder, Lady Stark," Ned could hear the poison in the name, "wouldn't allow me to send anything, because of her beliefs of me trying to take Winterfell from Robb. The woman is a bitch who deceived to drown is in a frozen lake. Alys, I'm sorry for not sending a raven but I will make it up to you when I return to Essos."

"When do you plan on leaving?" Alys asked.

"In about four hours. But before I leave, I plan on seeing my father and my brother."

"Why are you leaving so soon? You just got here, and you're leaving already." Ned could see a tear going down Alys from her eyes.

"The reason I'm leaving so soon is that I made a promise to someone who saved my life. But I won't leave until later." He grabbed Alys's hand. Ned could see he was blushing, "I would like to sleep for a bit… and is wondering if you would join me."

Ned was wide-eyed and so was Robb.

Alys smile, "Of course I would join… but no funny business… we're still fifteen-name-days."

Jon faked hurt. "My Lady, you think I would do that to you. I'm hurt, I would never do that to you."

They laughed. Ned was shocked at how Jon behaved around Alys. Ned smiled, 'Jon found someone. Someone who would love him for who he is and who doesn't care what he is.'

Ned left with Robb to talk with the Lords Umber and KarStark.

Mance Rayder

Mance was on the 'Winds Winter' when he saw Jon coming back. The reason the FreeFolk were on the ships, was because Jon worried that they would do something stupid, and get themselves killed for it. Mance smiled at how fast Jon grew on the FreeFolk, and how fast the FreeFolk is growing on Jon.

Sigorn of the Thenn suggested naming Jon their king. Everyone agreed even Mance, well Jon was in the castle Mance and a few chiefs went to the ships to see what their people think of it.

Most of the FreeFolk accepted, and some were hesitant but then agreed. So when Jon returns, the chiefs of the tribes, will go to Jon and cut there hand and say the words they said when they made Mance King-Beyond-The-Wall.

When Jon got on the ship he looked for the captain. But before he could get the captain Mance blocked.

"Jon Snow, there is a meeting with the chiefs and they are wondering if you could join them," Mance said.

Jon looked to him, "Why would they want me to join them?"

"Don't know, why don't you go and see," Mance responded.

Jon looked at Mance, then nodded, "Where are they?"

"In the Captain's quarter," Jon looked worried, "they didn't do anything stupid, Jon." Mance laughed.

Jon let out a breath in relief. He then walked towards the Captain's Quarters.

When they got there they saw all the clan leaders, Soren ShieldBreaker, Sigorn of the Thenns, Gerrick Kingsblood, and Tormund. They were standing around the table with a mug of ale in their hands. When they saw them, they put down their ale and looked at Jon.

Jon looked at them, "You called a meeting what's it about?"

Each one drew their dirks and walked towards Jon. Mance can tell that Jon was a bit freaked out. They all stopped in front of Jon. Tormund went first, he brought his free hand up and gripped the dirk and cut himself.

"You have my clan and it's weapons, I also name you King of the FreeFolk," Tormund said, and moved aside. Sigorn came next and said the same thing, then Soren, Redbeard, and lasted Mance.

Jon was shocked at what they just did, but went back to his normal brooding face. He nods to them and left to get the captain to get the ship moving. Mance followed Jon out, and when Jon found the captain he asked if he is willing to go to Myr the captain nodded.

And lucky for them that the captain was also the captain of the other 24 ships.

Jon went to stand on the bow of the ship. Mance went to stand beside him, "If you are to be our King, you will need to know our tongue." Jon looked to him, "And lucky for you we have just the person to teach you." He turns to look behind him, and there she was talking to Dalla.

Jon looked back as well, "You plan for her to teach me the Old Tongue?" Mance nodded, Jon laughed, "Thst won't happen, the only two things that will be going on is us, one fucking," Mance looked shocked at Jon, "Yes I remember I stole her Mance I'm no idiot. And two making out. So get Tormund to teach me."

"Tormund doesn't know the language as well as her, so she is the best we have to teach you. If you don't accept then you will make her sad, she was the one that suggested teaching you." Mance smirked.

Jon looked back at Val and Dalla, "She is beautiful, I am willing to learn the language from her."

"Good you will begin on the morrow." Mance walled away.

Jon Snow

Jon was on the deck learning the old tongue, when the captain yelled, "PIRATES!" Jon was having a blast at the language and found it very interesting, also he was with Val as well. Jon knew that Val was a few name-days older but, she is still gorgeous. But that was not what he needed to be worried about right now.

Jon looked to the captain, "How many, Captain?"

"Six ship, My Lord." The captain replied.

'Six ships? They see twenty-four ships, why would they risk that?' Then it hit Jon in the face.

"Look around us, captain. They will most likely try to hit us from all sides!" Jon yelled back. The captain followed Jon's order and found that Jon was right.

The captain looked down at Jon and nodded, "Shit" Jon said under his breath. He needed to think fast. When he thought of something, he knew it was insane but it would work.

Jon left to find the chiefs when he found them they were grabbing weapons and getting ready to fight. They looked over to him.

"I have a plan and I'm going to need hundred-twenty of you to help," Jon said.

They looked at each other and nodded, "What's the plan, Jon?" Tormund asked.

"Well, I want you to take thirty of your best men and separate them into a group of five and swim to the pirate ships without being noticed. I'm asking this because the other ship is full of women, children, and elders that can't fight, and this ship has the most fighters and I don't want to risk my people. I know it's a risk and it's a risk that I'm willing to take to keep my people alive." Jon said.

The chiefs smiled that he was calling the FreeFolk his people, they all nodded and got their men ready.


When everyone was ready Jon, joined them. They were all wearing their small clothes so they aren't dragged under by their heavy clothes. They carried a dirk or a dagger, whichever they prefer. Jon was going to tell the captain to keep going so that the pirates don't think they notice that they are about to be ambushed, with the added cover form the ships around them, the pirates won't be ready when they attacked.

They all jumped into the ocean with an as little splash as possible, and started to separate sending five to each ship, they then went underwater to get under the pirates to attack when they are behind them. Every few minutes they got up to grab a fresh breath of air and went back underneath. Another few minutes they were behind the headship, from the looks of it, when they were behind it they started to climb up and was now on the upper deck with the captain controlling the wheel. Jon went behind him put the knife to his throat.

"Make a noise and you lose your life," Jon whispers. The Captain nodded.

Jon motioned for the others to begin. With complete silence, the ship was taking. Jon grabbed the captain's sword. "You will do everything I say and you will come out with your head on your shoulders." The captain nodded again with sweat going down his face. "Go towards the headship of ours and drop anchor. Your other ships should be taken so don't anything you regret." Again the captain nodded.

When they got there headship, Jon saw that the plan worked, they now had around forty ships in total. Jon went to their captain and asked if he had another man that could steer the ships. The captain nodded and went to get them to steer the ships. When this was happening Jon asked all the FreeFolk to split in half and go to the other ships. They all did what Jon did and in the next hour, they were on there way to Myr again.


When they got to Myr, Jon asked everyone to stay on the ships. When Jon left to get the money from his contract, he stopped to see that there was someone watching him. The person was a female of average height, he had a red mask, and she was wearing a black cloak.

She started to walk towards him, when she got right in front of him she stroked his cheek, "Jon Snow, Son of Eddard Stark, Mother unknown. You have raised a bastard and wanted to be free. So one day, eight months ago, you went to his father and asked to go. You left to Essos as he suggested, and went to join the Company of the Rose but they denied your offer, so you went to the Golden Company, they accepted you for three years, you got a contract to go North, beyond the Wall. The contract was killed to wildlings, the Weeper and Rattleshirt. When you were done you went to HardHome with the King-Beyond-The-Wall, when you were there you meet the true enemy, The Others. You so became The King of The FreeFolk. You were attacked at sea but you weren't attacked, you attacked them and took their ships. And now your here back in Myr to see if the money will be given to you." She said with a sing song voice that Jon found beautiful but not as beautiful as Alys's and Val's voice. Jon was shocked that she knew all of this.

"How do you know all of this?" Jon asked.

"I just know things," she took her hand away from his face, "I will give you something but I don't have it on me, you will have to go to the Disputed Lands. Take friends, a shovel, and a lot of water. When you're done this come find me, I will either be in Asshai or here."

Jon was was confused as to why she would tell him this. Jon was about ask what she meant but she disappeared before he could.

Jon continued on with his day and got the gold he was promised when he returned to the Company there was talk going around saying something about Westeros or something in the category of Westeros.

He went to his Commander's tent when he got there found that his commander wasn't alone he was with a grumpy old man with dyed hair the color of blue. Jon could see that his hair wasn't really blue but was red.

When his commander noticed him he looked to Jon, "Was it done, Snow?" He asked.

"Aye, Lord Commander," Jon responded.

"So you got your gold," Jon nods, "Then why yea here?"

"I was wondering if I could leave the Company."

His commander looked at him, then to his guest, and back to Jon, "Are you loyal to your father, Snow?"

"It depends." Jon shot back.

Harry Strickland looked at Jon with narrowed eyes, "What do you mean by that boy?"

"What I mean is if my father told me to stay when he is in trouble, I won't stay but if he told me to go come and grab my sisters and leave him behind I would. So it all depends on what he tells me to do." Jon responded.

His commander's guess looked to Jon with narrowed light-blue eyes, "Who's your father boy?"

Jon wasn't going to respond but Harry said it to the guest anyway, "His Father is Eddard Stark."

When his guest heard this he got to his feet and yelled, "I want his head, his Father was a traitor to his king!"

Harry looked to his guess, "Sit down Jon, he has been loyal to the Company and listened to his leaders. If you want his head when he leaves." He looked to Jon Snow, "I will let you leave and I will pay you the gold I would have given you if you stayed for three years."

Harry got up and asked Jon Snow to fellow. He leads Jon to the vault and asked Jon to stay. Harry went over opened it and grabbed three bags and asked, "What gold currency would you like Jon."

"Gold Dragons will be fine Commander," Jon responded.

A few minutes later Strickland came back with three bags full of gold dragons. Harry gives them to Jon, and once again asked him to follow him to the docks. When they got there Harry turned around and said, "You have been loyal to us and I will always be grateful, but you have asked to go and someone wants you dead and I can see that you can become a great leader but not here." Got down to whisper something into his ear, "If I were you go make a company, and challenge the Golden Company with numbers and power and when we are even in both comeback and fight me if I win I get your men, and if you win you get my men." He stood straight again, and held out his arm, "It was good having you here."

Jon took his arm and left to the ships to the 'Winds Winter', they didn't leave straight away but the got the ship further away so that no one can come on and start killing them. When he asked the captain how much he wanted to get paid, the captain responded with 'nothing' Jon was confused but accepted it all the same. He went to the Captain's Quarter and asked for all the chiefs and Mance.

When they came, he told them to sit and started with what there about to do.


They were close to done but Jon needed to ask them something.

"I would like you to think over what I have said, chiefs. But before we leave, I would like to know your thoughts about something?" They nodded, "I want to know if you are willing to join a company that I will be making in a fortnight or two."

The chiefs looked to each other, "I don't need the answer now but I would at least like it when I return from a journey that I will be going on." Jon said to them, they all nodded their heads.

Jon got up and left to prepare what he would need for this quest that the red masked lady gave him.


The next day, Jon was ready to go with a shovel, water, food to eat, his sword, and a tent. Jon told no one to leave the ship unless there is a problem. The chiefs agreed to his join his company and Jon left them to make a name, flag, motto, and battle cry. Jon left the ship shortly after.

She went to him and asked, "Are you going, Jon Snow?"

"Aye, I am." He responded.

"Well, I wish you luck on the journey, by the way, my name is Quaithe." She went back to her area.

Jon got on his horse and rode out to the Disputed Lands.

Eddard Stark

Ned was in his solar when he got news of the King's hand was coming. When he got it he got up out of his set and grabbed his cloak and put it on and went to the courtyard and saw that the Knight's of the Vale was already coming in. He looked around and saw everyone was confused.

When he looked back he saw that Jon Arryn has entered yet, so he called a servant to get the cooks ready for a feast. The servant nodded and went to the kitchen when Ned looked back at the entrance and saw that the Hand was just coming in. When they meet eye contact Ned smiled and so did Jon.

Lord Arryn came to a stop and got off his horse and walked to Ned and embraced him in a hug. Jon pulled away and smiled.

"Ned it has been a while, why haven't you visited us at the Red Keep?" Lord Arryn said.

"Why isn't it simple," he looked to Jon Arryn, who raised an eyebrow, "I don't want to smile the shit. The last time I was in King's Landing I almost passed out."

Both Lord Arryn and Ned laughed. When they stopped Lord Arryn looked around, "Where is the household, Ned?"

"Why to be completely honest, we didn't know you were coming just until a few minutes ago." Was Ned response.

Jon looked back to Ned with wide eyes, "I swore I sent a raven when I left King's Landing?" He looked away, "I apologize, Ned, for the late notice."

Ned smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. But we won't be able to feed to Knights. But we can feed you and the Lords that came with you." Ned said.

Jon looked back to Ned with a smile, "Thank you. Now lets me see your children!" He looked around. Ned smiled and called them.


They were having supper when Lord Hand finally asked Ned the reason why he was here.

"So Ned," Ned looked to his guess, "What really happened between you and Catelyn Tully."

"What do you know, Lord Hand." Ned didn't want to talk about it, but he knew his foster father won't stop bothering him, if he didn't answer.

"Well form what Lord Varys, Little Birds say, was that you and Cat were arguing about your son, Jon Snow." Lord Hand responded.

Ned was grateful that Lord Hand didn't call Jon a bastard.

"While that would be true," Ned looked to his children, "Let me tell you something Lord Hand," he looked back to Jon Arryn, "My children love there 'bastard' brother. Robb grew up with him, Aye, Jon's a three monthly older but they grew up together and he lost all hope and started to brood. Sansa, it took her a bit, and the reason why was because Catelyn had her around her fingers, but when Jon left Sansa knew what her mother was doing to her and wouldn't allow it, when Jon left she was out of character, not listening/doing her lessons." He looked to Arya who was still holding the coin that Jon sent to them. "Arya, sweat rebellious Arya, even she was at the tits she would follow Jon around like a cub to the mother bear. Her first words, name, in this case, was 'Jon'. When Arya was younger and had nightmares, she wouldn't come to me or Cat, but she went to Jon, and the next morning I would go to Jon's room and saw that Arya was hugging Jon by the waist, passed out and Jon drawing circles on her back. Arya was always close to Jon and was devastated she completely looked herself up in her room or she would have gone to the Godswood and pray." He looked to Bran, "Brandon was as devastated as Arya, but he was close to it. Rickon wouldn't leave anyone alone and asking when Jon was returning." He looked to Jon Arryn, "Then we got a raven from, Jon, saying that he was safe, he sent a scroll to each of his siblings and got them a present for each of us." He took out the coin that he keeps in his cloak or his pocket. He handed to Jon Arryn, "And just guess what 'Lady Stark' said about it." He spat the name.

Jon was still looking at the coin, he then looked up to Ned and said, "She said it from the Mother, and whenever a raven came from your Son, she would take the scrolls and gifts away and hidden them from everyone." He finished.

Ned nodded, "She had about twenty scrolls to each of her kids and had half that number, of gifts for them, he sent a book to Sansa books about Knights and Princesses, he also got her a dress form Braavos. He sent Bran two more coins like that," he pointed to the one that was still in Jon Arryn's hands, "But each different, one being gold with the symbol of the Seven-Pointed Stars, in the center was a crown with a sword, the meaning was quite obvious, be Bran wanted to become a Kingsguard. The other hasn't even been touched yet, so I do even know what it looks like. Jon sent Rickon a toy direwolf and a toy giant. Both still play with. He sent Robb a new cloak, he also got him a book about Essos and its culture. For Arya, he sent another book but this one is about the Dragon's and Targaryens, he also got her coin that was silver with a flying dragon carved in it."

Jon Arryn was shocked that Ned's Son was able to buy all of this. He gave the coin back to Ned, "What did he get you?"

Ned smiled, "He got me books."

"What are the books about?" Lord Arryn asked.

"A book on how to rule rightfully and another one about all the Noble Houses in Westeros." Ned was finished the first one but still needed to finish the second one.

When Ned saw Rickon yawn he looked to the Lord Hand and said, "Sorry but that seems that will be all for today," he looked back Rickon to see his head leaning on Bran's shoulder and Bran's head leaning on Rickon's head, "but it seems that my two youngest are playing asleep. If you want to stay you are welcome to continue feasting but I had a busy day and would like some sleep."

Jon Arryn smiled up to Ned, "Thank you, but it was a long ride here and I also am tired, I'm not as young as I was back then, so I get tired fast." Ned and Jon Arryn laughed.

Jon Snow

It has been a sennight since he started his quest to find what it was that Quaithe sent him for. Jon robe for hours a day, but one day he was getting a filling to go south-south-east. When the filling came back it was told him to dig.

Jon got off his sword and grabbed the shovel that he brought along with him. Within a few minutes he something shines, when he stopped he saw a sword a Valyrian Steel sword, Jon couldn't see the handle but he could see that it was Valyrian Steel. He bent down to grab the sword and that was when he noticed that the sword was in a dead man's hand. Jon backed up to shovel a bit of sand out of the way.

When he saw the handle of the Valyrian Steel sword, he was shocked. Right in front of him, in the ground, in a dead man's hand, that Jon was current it was BitterSteel's corpse, was BlackFyre.

He grabbed the handle and yanked the sword out of Aegor's hands. The sword wasn't with a sheath, so Jon grabbed a clothes and rapped the clothes around the blade.

Jon attached the sword on his saddle and started going back to Myr.


It took another sennight to return and everything was the same. Jon got off the horse and grabbed his stuff and went to the docks.

What he saw when he saw the ships, put a smile on his face. On the ships were a banner the banner had a black background, with a WeirWood tree with an angry face on it, and around the WeirWood, were three direwolves, all having different colours. The first was a white one, the second one was grey/white, the third and final one was completely black.

When he got to the 'Winds Winter', he saw that the chiefs were still working on what he assigned to them. They didn't notice him until he spoke.

"So have you finished what I asked for." Jon smiled when they all jumped.

They all turned around and saw that Jon was covered in sand. Tormund was the first to speak.

"You look like shit Jon, and Aye we finished what you asked for but we still need a name, Har!"

Jon looked down at himself, "Aye, I do look like shit," everyone laughed, "but let me hear what you have."

Sigorn was the one to answer him, "Well, as you can see our banners are a WeirWood Tree and direwolves." Jon nodded, "Our words are 'We Love The Virtuous', our War Cry is 'Wrath and Ruin'. But that's all we could think of."

Jon liked what they did and now all they needed was a title, Jon thought and when one came to mind he didn't think he said it, "Brotherhood Of The Old Gods" Jon said.

Everyone looked to him and started to laugh.

"Aye, that sounds okay the FreeFolk believe in the Old Gods, you also believe in them. So we agree." Mance said when he calmed down.

"Now if you excuse me, I would like a nap and a bath," Jon said as he left.


When Jon heard knocking, he got up from his sleep and opened the door to see Val was there.

"Val," he said, "Why are you here?"

She didn't say anything, and the next thing he saw was that she pounced on him.


Jon was wide-eyed when his lips made contact with hers. The kiss wasn't like the kisses he had with Alys, they were wild. When Jon noticed that Val's arms were at his neck he put his arms around her waist.

Val broke the kissing, and shoved Jon towards his bed, "You stole me and you haven't slept with me." Val spoke. She started walking towards Jon and well she was walking towards him she was taking off her clothes. Each time she took something off Jon was amazed by her beauty.

Jon was to focus on her beauty when she started kissing him again. She was completely naked now, Jon could her tits up against his chest. Val broke the kiss again and shoves Jon onto the bed.

Jon was laying down on his bed when Val got on him with her legs on each side of his body, Jon looked up into her eyes and saw the lust she had for him. Jon got on his arms and started to kiss her again. Well, they were kissing Jon felt her hands working with his shirt. Jon broke the kiss and took off his shirt and throw it to his left. Jon got back to kissing her.

When Val started to grind her cunt with his hips, he knew had to do something, Jon flipped them over, Jon above Val, and started to untie his breachers. When Jon got them off he started to kiss Val again.

When they broke again Val got on top of Jon and looked him over when she saw his length, her eyes widened, "Your fifteen, Aye?" She asked.

"Aye, I am." He looked down, "What is there a problem?"

Val looked up, she started to laugh, "No there ain't no problem." She positioned her entrance over his length, "It's just that out of my lovers, your's is the biggest so far."

He smiled, she slowly lowered herself onto him. When he was completely sheathed he threw his head back, "Oh, My." He said.

Val laughed and slowly brought her body up and brought it back down. They both moaned. Jon was tired of letting Val do all the work, so he sat up and grabbed a tit, and put the other in his mouth and sucked. When Val moaned Jon knew he did the right thing.

When Jon felt his climax coming, he pulled away from her tit, quickly swapped places, Jon on top, Val on the down. He quickly exited her, and started to kiss her, and slowly moved down to her clit.

"What are you doing?" Val said between breaths. Jon looked up to her and saw anger and lust in her eyes.

"A rumor I heard well walking around." He responded.

When he got to her clit he started to lick. Val moaned and hell it was a moan. Jon didn't stop when she yanked his hair.

"Sto… stop…" she said between breaths. Jon didn't stop and just continued, and when he felt his body shake he knew he succeeded in making her cum. When Val took her hands out of his hair, he stopped and looked up at her and saw that she was taking deep breaths, "What… What in the Hells was that?" She said.

"Rumours, Val, just some rumors I heard walking around." He responded when he got back to her tits.

She looked at him with a smirk, "Well your doing that whenever we fuck got it." He nodded, "You haven't been released yet." She said with a grin.

Within a blink of an eye, she was on top of Jon and sheathed. Jon's mouth opened but wasn't able to say anything, the reason behind that was the kiss Val was giving him. She started to rise and drop in a fast past and within seconds, Jon was releasing his seed into Val.

Val got off him and lay beside him with her arm on his stomach, head on his chest, and a leg over his. Jon's right arm around her shoulders. Slowly but surely he was falling asleep.


When Jon woke up, he woke up to see a naked Val on top of him. Jon smiled at the sight. But he knew that he couldn't stay like this forever, so he lightly pushed her off him. He got dressed in his everyday clothes. But before he left he saw BlackFyre in the corner.

He already knew what he was going to do with it so be grabbed it, and went to the door. Before he closed it, he looked at the sleeping Val in his bed, he smiled as she moved around. He closed the door as quietly as possible.

When Jon got to the deck of the ship, he saw everyone grinning, smirking, and some even laughing. He knew the reason why, but it still doesn't feel nice to be stared at all day.

Jon saw Mance and Tormund grinning, "So," Tormund said, "How was your first time Snow?"

Jon smiled, "Amazing thank you," he looked to Mance, "We will be leaving for Braavos when I get back, so get very one ready."

Jon left the ship and went to the docks. Jon walked for a bit, but when he found out who he was looking for. He walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

The person looked back at Jon, "Jon what is ya doing here?"

"Can we talk in private, Harry?" Jon responded.

"Okay," he walked back to where the Golden Company was set up.

Jon followed Harry, when they got to Harry's tent, Harry went to his normal spot, and said, "So why did you want to talk to me alone, Jon? And have a set, well you're here."

Jon sat down, he put the sword in front of him, "The reason why I wanted to talk to you alone was because of this." He points to the sword, "When I left the Company I went on a quest. This quest was formed by a shadow binder. It took me about a sennight to find but found it anyway." He started to unwrap the sword, "This is BlackFyre."

When all the wrapping off he picked it up and gave it to Harry. Strickland was wide-eyed, when he saw the sword, "So it has been found."

Jon looked to the blade, "Yes it has. It rightfully belongs to the Golden Company so I brought it here."

Harry grabbed the handle and stood. He swagged it around a bit and when he was done he put the tip of the sword into the sand. He walked back to his set, and sat down.

"Aye, that sword belonged to us," Jon looked to Harry, "But BitterSteel, told his men to that no one was worthy to wield the blade." He looked to Jon, then to BlackFyre. "You found the sword, and that in my book means your worthy of the blade." He looked at Jon again. "It's yours, you found it, you can have it. Pass it down to your child and their child, and on the list goes."

Jon was shocked, "Are you serious?"

Harry nodded, "I'm completely serious, Jon."

Jon bowed his head, "Thank you."

"Your welcome, Snow."

Jon grabbed the sword and warped it back up in the clothing. He left when he was done.

When he got to the docks, he saw that all his ships were flying the banner of his Brotherhood, but that wasn't what got his attention. Right beside the rowboat he used to get to the docks, was Quaithe, with a blue robe on.

When she saw him, Jon got the feeling she was smiling under her mask, "You have returned Jon Snow."

"Aye, I have. Was this something you wanted to give me?" Jon responded

"Yes, that was the gift I wanted to give you." She stepped closer, "I have another quest for you."

Jon thought if it was a good idea trusting Quaithe, but she did give him BlackFyre. So he would trust her this one time again. Jon nods.

"The quest I have for you is a three-part quest. The first is go to Norvos, they will be attacked by a Khal, when you defeat the Khal, you should meet a Dothraki man going by the name Rakharo. Take him under your wing, treat him nicely and give a horse he would be proud of. The second part of this quest is going to Astapor, buy five-hundred Unsullied when you leave Slaver's Bay free them when that is done you should meet an Unsullied by the name, Black Snake. Make him a commander in your company. The final quest will make you risk your life but you need it. Go to Braavos and grab the chest, that Eddard Stark gave you, then go to Valyria. When you get there you should see an island with a half-destroyed building, go to it with the chest. When you get there open the chest and read the contents it has, the rest depends on what you want to do."

Jon took in the details of the quest she has given to him. He was already planning on going back to Braavos to grab his chest. But the rest will give him the experience of war and how to lead people.

"I accept the quest," He looked to her, "But I was wondering if it matters what order I do it in, and the other thing I was wondering about, am I getting paid?"

Jon felt her grin under her mask, "Well no the order doesn't matter, you can do the last one first if you want, but if I were you do the first two. Well, each guest has a payment, but they're not gold related." She looked at him, "The first reward is a who. The person will give you everything you want, but the person is hard to impress. The second is an army that has never lost a battle yet. The final reward depends what you do with the chest." She finished.

"That's fine by me. The person you were talking about, is this person by chance a she."

She nods, "Yes, the person is a she." She turns around, "Goodbye Jon Snow, like the last quest, come find me when your done."

Jon nods, and got into the boat to get back to the ship.

When he got to the ship, he saw that everyone was up. He walked to the captain and asked if he is willing to go to Braavos. The cap laughed and responded with, "Why the fuck not, the FreeFolk are a good laugh, and easy to talk to… except for the Thenns."

Jon smiled, "Sorry, when where done I will pay you."

The captain smiled, "No worry, I'm getting paid in laughter, and ale, hahahaha." The captain laughed.

Jon nodded, with a 'thank you' and went to his cabin. He thought over what Quaithe's quests. He really wanted to know what was in the chest but he knew that will have to wait. He had either Norvos or Astapor.

Jon thought it over and went with the order she gave him, Norvos, Astapor, then Valyria.

Jon heard laughter from above him and left his cabin to join the FreeFolk, Jon knows that they won't be able to stay on the ship forever. So when they get to Braavos, he plans on buying a property for his people to live. No one would make them slaves and will leave them alone.

Jon laughed with his people and saw that the captain was as well, Jon was enjoying his free life.

Arianne Martell

Norvos was a pretty city, but when you go back between SunSpear and Norvos, you get tired of it. So when Arianne's father, Doran Martell, told her she was returning to Norvos for a bit. She knew she was going to die from boredom.

Aye, she has family there, but still, it gets very tiring to be with the same people all the time. In Dorne, you meet new people all the time, but in Norvos, you meet some new people but mostly meet the same people.

But when Ari heard that a khalasar was going to attack Norvos, she just wanted to leave the city and never return. Ari knew that her mother was trying to find a sellsword Company that won't cost much.

But when they heard that a new company was coming to help, her mother relaxed. The Company wasn't big but it wasn't small. With about 5000 fighting men, they weren't the the weakest but they also weren't the strongest.

Form what she remembered from the meeting she had with her mother, the company was called, Brotherhood of The Old Gods. She also knew that there Commander was a northern Bastard, and a well known bastard at that, Jon Snow. The bastard son of Eddard Stark.

So when Arianne was asked to welcome their guests into Norvos, she gladly accepted. She went to the entrance, and if she heard correctly they would be arriving on foot and with horses.

She was standing at the entrance with her guards, standing around her. When the main gates opened, to show a banner that was black background, with an angry Weirwood tree, and three direwolves around it.

She stepped forward to greet them but when she saw the Commander. She stopped med step. He was young, looked to be around fifteen-name-days or so. He had black hair. He had angry purple eyes, that had thunderbolts of grey in them.

The one word that could describe him in Arianne's opinion was, 'Beautiful'.

The Commander got off his horse, and just like that Ari knew that he was most likely taller than her uncle Oberyn.

The Commander walked towards Ari, she saw that he was well built. When he stopped, he looked at her and bowed his head.

"My Lady, my men and I are here to help with the threat of the Dothraki. My men and I will do as you wish." He looked up to her eyes.

"Thank you, Commander. Welcome to Norvos, you and your men are free to walk around as much as they wish. But Commander my mother would like to talk to you, that is if your not busy, of course." Arianne responded.

"Just let me have a bath, and wash myself and I will be there." Jon smiled.


Ari was sitting with her mother waiting for Jon Snow to come in through the doors. She couldn't stop thinking about Jon Snow. Her mother was talking about something that she really didn't care about.

When the door opened, she saw Jon Snow was dressed in black breeches, a black top with the angry WeirWood tree on it. He walked over to the table and bowed his head to her mother.

"My Lady," he looked to her, "My Lady."

"Commander, thank you for coming, and please sit," her mother said, "I was wondering, what is it you would like for your payment for helping protect my people."

"Well My Lady I haven't decided yet and was hoping you would give me some time." The Commander said.

"If you need time I will give it to you." Her mother went back to eating.

The room was silent for a good chunk of the time, but the silence was broken in the form of Arianne Martell.

She looked to Jon Snow and asked, "I heard you were from the North, Commander. What is it like up there?"

He smiled, "It's beautiful, in the North. It is a massive land of green and white. The Lords there is fun to get along with." He lost the smile, "But the people think the North is filled with barbarians. That is all a lie. People in the south think of them only them self and not there people, they lie with their fake smiles…" He stopped and looked to both her and her mother, "Meaning no offense of course."

Her mother laughed, "Commander I understand what you mean, the people in Westeros are always plotting about there glory. There is no offense taken here." Her mother smiled.

Ari nodded her head.

They continued talking about Westeros and how they hated it. The conversation broke when they all got tired. Commander Jon stood.

"My Ladies, it has been a long ride here, and with your leave may I go?"

Her mother stood, "Of course, but before you go do you have by any chance, have a lover?"

"Aye, I do, but we both like to share or bed with other women. I asked her what her thoughts on it and she told me it was fine." He started to blush, he started leaving.

When he left her mother looked to her, she was grinning, "You are going to become his second lover my dear. Don't think I didn't notice your look when he came in, my dear."

Ari felt heat going to her face, "Mother, Father won't approve."

"I don't care if your father approves, he needs payment and I have a few things in mind, but you are what he is hoping to get. I saw the look on his face when he entered, and to me he seems to want you."

Ari stood, "Mother I'm not a tool in your games!"

"I know but I'm being honest I saw the looks you gave each other. You want him and he wants you. Please my Dear." Her mother said.

Ari nodded and went to bed.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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