Inside the case in his hands, four arrows, displayed on a velvety cushion. Astaroth had just scanned them, and the four of them had different enchantments.
*Stun Arrow*
This arrow has a stun spell engraved on its arrowhead. On impact, the arrowhead will shatter, dealing reduced damage, but stunning its target for three seconds.
*Alert Arrow*
This arrow has a magic stone inlaid inside that has an Alarm spell stored within. When the magic stone is lodged inside an enemy, the alarm spell activates, producing a shrill sound that can be heard from far away.
*Vine Burst Arrow*
This arrow has vines carved into its shaft, with strange runes etched into them. The arrowhead also contains a strange seed in a glass encasing. On impact with anything, the glass case shatters and the seed embeds itself in the surface hit. The runes on the shaft then nourish the seed for explosive growth. Can form restraints, a vine wall, or a single high vine.
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