Athena watched on in half horror as the gnome plummeted from the sky, only to transform into a gut pancake. She squirmed a little after the impact, her stomach lightly churning, but she kept cool.
It was her turn next, so she changed her mindset to one of battle, as she got ready to face her opponent. When the teleport brought her to the arena, she pulled out her bow.
Her adversary this time was a Human Mage, that seemed to specialize in wind magic, from the spells he had been casting since the start. This would bum her a bit, since he could erect a wind wall, to block her arrows.
She would have to be creative about her attacks to make sure they all reached their target. Not that she worried.
Athena had much experience with bows. Her mind wandered to memories of her youth.
Hours spent down at the shooting range. Perfecting her aim.
She had seen more of her targets than her friends in those years. All of it to satisfy her parent's feeble pride.
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