After this insult of a meeting, Astaroth quickly left toward the throne room, after instructing guards and servants on what to do with Gerald Stinson.
He hurriedly stopped on the way, entering the head servant's office, where Chele could be seen working through some paperwork.
When he heard his door open, the Lizardman lifted his head, his eyes locking on the king and he slowly rose to his feet, taking a long bow.
"To what do I owe thissss honour, my ssssoverign," he asked, with his forked tongue flicking outside his mouth with every S he pronounced.
"Chele. I have some special instructions for you. We are having a diplomat from Themiscus in our guest rooms tonight."
The Lizardman looked at him with a wide smile.
"I will make ssssure he issss taken care of, my ssssovereign."
"Yes, yes. That's fine and all. But not what I want to ask."
Chele tilted his head to the side slightly, confused.
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