"Let's start with the basics, kid. Which soldier did you want, and for how long?"
Alex was already getting confused.
"Do you have more than one awakened soldier? I only noticed one last time…"
He heard Alfred chuckling from the other side.
"Things move fast in the world, kid. Knowledge is power, and we have recently acquired such knowledge. But that is beside the point. Which soldier was it you thought you wanted?"
Alex wracked his mind for a moment, trying to remember the name that Talbot woman had told him.
"A certain recruit called Alvares, I think? He was young. Looked almost out of place amongst the veterans in the compound."
Alex heard Alfred hum in his ear.
"Yeah, I know the kid. I'm surprised he caught your attention. He's barely awakened from what we garner."
Alex scoffed.
"Let me ask you this, Alfred. When I went to the compound, were any others awakened there?"
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