Phoenix looked at a stack of papers on her desk in a private office of the Tree Palace and sighed loudly.
"This is so much work… I wish I weren't alone in doing it… When is he coming back? A month and still no news…" she mumbled, her eyes watering up.
It had been a month since they returned from their hunt in Lac-des-Seizes-Iles, and Alexander was still a no-show. He never called, texted, or even gave a sign that he was alive.
Jack had made an announcement showing satellite imagery to show what they had dealt with. He introduced her, David, and all the others as future assets to protect the regularity of citizens' lives, launching his campaign on this premise: securing a normal life.
He had to answer a barrage of questions, most of which related to the appearance of monsters and the awakened. Some even asked if the last person in the images was Alexander, to which Jack had acquiesced.
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