After landing the plane effortlessly, the pilot taxied it to the hangar bays, already calling in the refuelling service and inspection department. Guo went up to the pilot, giving him a last set of commands in private, before he walked out of the plane.
Guo had already reserved a rental SUV, and it was waiting next to their assigned hangar, so he headed over to inspect it. After doing his thorough sweep of the vehicle, he instructed the airport crew to unload the luggage inside the back of the vehicle.
The crew did as ordered, but while moving the bags and suitcases, they found some of them were strangely heavier than others. Two bags, in particular, were much heavier than the others.
Guo recognized the bag he had packed with his boss' gear inside. The other one, he had seen Mr. Magnus shove into the limousine at the facility.
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