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72.28% Naruto : The System Files / Chapter 60: Chapter no.60 The Red Hot-Blooded Habanero: Kushina Uzumaki

Chapitre 60: Chapter no.60 The Red Hot-Blooded Habanero: Kushina Uzumaki

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[ System Alert: Emotional Stress Detected ]

[ Status Update: Player Naruto is experiencing elevated stress levels. ]

[ Current Process: 1% ]

[ Observation: Increased heart rate and rapid breathing detected. ]

I barely noticed the system window flashing in the corner of my vision, my ears ringing as if they might burst.

Dragon's harsh words—Life is unfair, kid. Deal with it—repeated in my mind, echoing louder with each step I took among the blur of civilian faces around me.

The wind cut through me like daggers, each gust tightening its grip around my chest, making it hard to draw a full breath.

Sweat trickled down my forehead, my breathing grew shallow, and a dizzying sensation overtook me. It felt like a command more than a thought—I needed to run, to escape the weight of everything crashing down on me.

Without realizing, my body reacted on its own, leaping onto the nearest rooftop, seeking refuge from the piercing stares and whispered judgments. As I moved, my face contorted with distress; my brow furrowed, my jaw clenched tight, and my eyes widened in a wild, desperate search for solitude.

Kushina Uzumaki.

The name strangled my thoughts, tightening around my neck like a noose.

I need to run.

The thought was frantic, almost wild, driving me forward.

[ System Alert: Emotional Stress Escalation ]

[ Status Update: Player Naruto's stress indicators are intensifying. ]

[ Current Process: 10% ]

[ Observation: Activation of sweat glands and fluctuation in hormone levels noted. ]

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of my apartment, panting, gripping the cold metal of the doorknob as if it were a lifeline. "Key, key, key!"

The words tumbled from my lips in a panicked whisper as I fumbled with the lock, my hands trembling uncontrollably.

My face paled and then flushed with a rush of blood as my heart hammered against my chest.

I was sweating profusely now, each breath shorter and more desperate than the last.

[ System Alert: Emotional Stress Monitoring ]

[ Status Update: Monitoring ongoing, high levels of emotional stress observed. ]

[ Current Process: 30% ]

[ Observation: Prolonged hormone fluctuation and heightened sensory sensitivity. Proceed with caution. ]

As the door finally swung open, my legs buckled beneath me.

I stumbled into the sanctuary of my home, my body succumbing to the overwhelming tide of fear and confusion that had been building since the revelations at the Hokage's office.

The ground seemed to tilt and sway under me.


[ A Few Minutes Ago ]

[ Naruto's Apartment ]

Tenten couldn't suppress a grin, watching Hinata plot her playful prank on Naruto.

It was a sight to behold, seeing her friend evolve from the timid girl who once hovered in Naruto's shadow to someone who orchestrated an entire evening of mischief. The plan was quintessentially Hinata: bake a cake shaped like ramen to fool Naruto. Simple, harmless, and utterly Hinata.

They were both in Naruto's apartment, having keys and all, prepared for the surprise.

Tenten shook her head, amused by Hinata's mischief, a refreshing change to witness. But as the hours passed with no sign of Naruto, the light mood began to dim.

It was getting late, turning their wait into a stretch of worry.

Tenten glanced at Hinata, noting the concern etching her features.

"Hinata, are you sure you can be out of the clan this late?"

"No, I told my father that I am going to a friend's party, and he actually allowed me to stay out all night. In his words, 'I am a Genin now, I can be trusted like an adult.'"

Tenten raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Things going great with your family?" she probed, recalling the strict stories Neji often shared about the main Hyuga family.

"Father is still strict but he is taking things more slowly and tries to be more..." Hinata paused, searching for the right word.

"Friendly?" Tenten offered.

"In a sense," Hinata replied.

It was clearly unusual for her to see her father taking an interest in her day.

"So, good?"

"Yeah, good," Hinata smiled, but her eyes flickered towards the door again.

"Where the hell is Naruto?" Tenten muttered, her patience waning after seven long hours.

As if on cue, the door swung open.

Both girls perked up, ready to spring the prank.

But the sight that greeted them froze them in place.

Naruto stumbled in, his face covered in sweat, eyes wide with fear.

He leaned heavily against the door frame, his legs shaking uncontrollably before giving out, sending him crashing to the floor.

"He's having a panic attack," Tenten blurted out, her heart racing as she and Hinata rushed to his side.

Her training kicked in.

Dropping to the floor beside Naruto, Tenten took his hand, trying to steady him.

"Naruto, look at me," she instructed, her voice firm yet gentle, trying to anchor him back to the present.

"You're safe here, okay? Just breathe with us."

Hinata was already on his other side, murmuring soothing words.

Tenten quickly helped Naruto into a seated position on the floor, her movements precise but gentle.

"Let's breathe together, in for four seconds, hold, and out for four. I'm right here," she instructed, demonstrating deep, steady breaths herself.

She could feel the tension in her own shoulders as she tried to stay calm for Naruto's sake, her heart beating loudly in her ears.

She turned to Hinata, her voice firm yet calm.

"Dim the lights, close the curtains."

Hinata nodded without a word, her movements quick and efficient as she adjusted the room to be more comforting.

Returning her attention to Naruto, Tenten took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Stay with me, focus on my voice. You're doing great, just keep breathing," she encouraged.

Meanwhile, Hinata, having finished with the curtains and lights, approached them again. Tenten glanced at her and said, "Tell him what we were going to do."

Hinata took a deep breath, trying to steady the tremble in her voice as she knelt beside Naruto.

She could feel her heart pounding against her chest, the weight of her own anxieties pressing down on her, but she pushed them aside, focusing solely on Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, I made you this ramen cake," she began, her voice soft and shaky despite her efforts to sound calm. She held the cake in front of him, hoping the familiar, playful shape would bring a spark of joy to his eyes.

"We were going to prank you." She managed a small smile, though it was more for his benefit than her own.

"You would have totally fallen for it, I guarantee it. And then we would have had cake."

Her words trailed off as she added, almost whispering, "Naruto, thank you for being my friend."

The simple confession brought a sudden surge of emotion, and Hinata quickly closed her eyes to stop the tears that threatened to spill.

Her hands slightly trembled as she clutched the plate tighter, feeling the room's stillness envelop her.

She fought hard to keep her voice steady, to not let her fears and worries show.

Naruto needed strength now, not more burdens.

Her shoulders were tense, her posture rigid as she struggled to maintain composure.

In that moment, with her eyes closed and her voice barely a whisper, Hinata's own vulnerabilities surfaced — yet she stood strong, for him, because that's what friends do.

They show up, even when it's hard, especially when it's hard.

As the peak of the attack slowly subsided, Tenten continued to monitor Naruto closely, her gaze soft but attentive.

She was deeply worried but masked her concern with a calm exterior, knowing that showing her own distress might only worsen things for him.

"Naruto, talk when you are ready," she said after a while, her voice low and soothing. She motioned to Hinata to cut the ramen cake and pour some juice. As Hinata moved the table in front of Naruto and placed a slice of cake and a glass of juice down, both Tenten and Hinata settled themselves on the floor across from him, mirroring his position.

They sat in silence, waiting for Naruto to speak.

Both were poised with quiet support, their faces schooled into expressions of gentle encouragement. Neither showed any sign of their own inner turmoil.

They wanted to make sure Naruto felt his home was a safe space, a sanctuary where he could take all the time he needed to gather his thoughts and share them.

In the silent apartment, with only the soft sound of their breathing filling the space, Tenten and Hinata shared a look of mutual understanding and concern. They were there for their friend, no matter how long it took for him to feel like himself again.


[ System Notification: Status Update ]

[ Status: Panic Attack Removed ]

[ Player Naruto has stabilized. Emotional stress indicators have returned to baseline levels. ]

Naruto felt an overwhelming weariness settle over him as he looked down at the ramen-shaped cake.

Carefully, he picked up a piece and took a bite, feeling the simple act of eating grounding him slightly.

Beside him, Hinata and Tenten did the same, and for a few moments, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of quiet chewing.

The silence was a comforting blanket, softening the sharp edges of his emotions.

"I found out a lot about myself today," Naruto finally broke the silence, setting his juice down as he gathered the courage to share his burdens.

The statement hung in the air, heavy with implications.

"What, that you like cross-dressing?" Tenten attempted to joke, trying to lighten the mood, but her words fell flat, and she quickly looked down, embarrassed by her own awkwardness.

"Sorry, I thought a joke might lighten up the mood and..." her voice trailed off as Naruto snorted in response.

"It would have been if the joke was good," he retorted, a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips despite the heaviness in his heart.

"Hey, I can tell good jokes," Tenten protested weakly, her attempt at cheer faltering under the weight of the moment.

"What did you find, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked gently, her eyes full of concern.

Naruto paused, the next words catching in his throat. He wasn't ready to reveal everything just yet, especially the part about being the Kyuubi Jinchuriki. That was a revelation that needed more courage than he felt he could muster at that moment.

"Ji..." he started, then stopped, cleared his throat, and tried again. "At the Hokage's office, I found out the name of my mother."

Tenten and Hinata's eyes widened in unison. "Kushina Uzumaki," Naruto revealed, the name feeling both foreign and painfully intimate as it left his lips.

"The Red Hot-Blooded Habanero?" Tenten blurted out, recognition flashing in her eyes.

"You know her?" Hinata asked.

Naruto's hand reached out, gripping Tenten's shoulder with a mix of urgency and hope.

"Please, tell me!"

"Okay, let's go to my house, I need my journals," Tenten decided, sensing the importance of the moment.

Before anyone could react, Naruto had summoned a shadow clone. In a swift motion, both he and the clone scooped up Hinata and Tenten, bridal style. Without further ado, they used the Flash Fist technique, rushing through the streets with a speed that left both girls startled and slightly disoriented.

As they sped towards Tenten's house, Naruto's mind raced with thoughts of his mother.

'Kushina Uzumaki,' he repeated internally, the name igniting a myriad of emotions and questions.

Who was she?

What had she been like?

And how had she lived her life that her name alone sparked recognition in his friend? Each question pounded in his chest like a drum, propelling him forward, desperate for answers.


Mr. Higurashi stood behind the counter of his weapon shop, arranging a set of kunai neatly in front of a customer.

His movements were precise and calm, the way they always were when handling his merchandise.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Naruto, carrying Hinata and Tenten, rushed through. Mr. Higurashi's eyes briefly followed them as they sped up to the living quarters above the shop.

He had become accustomed to such bursts of energy from the young ninja, though he still wondered what urgent matter drove them today.

Turning back to his customer, Mr. Higurashi's brow furrowed slightly as he caught the tail end of a disparaging remark. "Hn, you let your daughter be friends with the demon brat," the customer sneered. Mr. Higurashi's face remained impassive, his displeasure hidden behind a practiced neutral expression.

He had long since learned to control his emotions in the face of ignorance and prejudice.

"How much for the kunai set?" the customer asked, unaware of the shopkeeper's rising irritation.

"10k," Mr. Higurashi responded, his voice steady.

"Huh, you are joking," the customer scoffed, disbelief etching his features.

"20k," Mr. Higurashi countered calmly, his gaze hardening.

"What? You can't be serious," the customer protested, his voice growing louder.

"30k," Mr. Higurashi replied, his tone firm, signaling that he was not in the mood for games.

"Wait, is it because I called that brat for what he is?" the customer's voice was accusatory now, his face turning red with anger.

"70k," Mr. Higurashi raised the price again, his patience wearing thin.

"Keep your crumbly Kunais to yourself," the customer spat out, turning to leave with a huff.

"Pathetic losers," Mr. Higurashi muttered under his breath, causing the customer to pause at the door.

"Ha. Look, I am a Chunin, okay? I can get this shop taken down."

"Fine, I'll sell you the kunai set," Mr. Higurashi said, his voice dangerously soft.

"That's what I am talking about. How much?"

"100k," Mr. Higurashi stated flatly, and before the customer could react, he moved swiftly, head-butting the man in the nose. Blood splattered, a stark contrast against the polished floor of the shop.

"You..." the Chunin stammered, clutching his broken nose.

Mr. Higurashi didn't hesitate, pulling a katana from under the counter and pointing it at the man's neck.

"Get the fuck out of my shop, or I'll make sure you wake up in the ER, Mr. Chunin."

The man gulped, his eyes wide as he saw lightning crackle along the blade—a clear display of chakra flow.

Fear finally registered in his eyes, and he turned, stumbling out of the shop as fast as his legs could carry him.

Mr. Higurashi sheathed his blade with a sigh, shaking his head slightly as he wiped the blood from the floor.

His body relaxed now that the unpleasant encounter was over, but his mind was busy with concern.

Why were the kids in such a hurry?


In Tenten's cluttered room, filled with books and weapons, a noticeable target hung on the wall bearing a photo of Neji Hyuga and several embedded kunais.

Hinata, browsing around, couldn't help but sweatdrop at the sight.

Meanwhile, Naruto tapped his foot impatiently, eager for answers.

"Okay, so when I was an academy student, I had a hobby of collecting all the stories and information about powerful kunoichi throughout the Shinbo world from books or like Black Market bounties that my father bought from ninjas," Tenten explained as she pulled out a giant journal from a stack nearby.

The journal was worn at the edges, its cover a patchwork of dark leather and faded symbols.

As she flipped through the pages, Naruto and Hinata saw a collection of bounty posters and entries detailing notable feats accomplished by these kunoichi.

"Ah, here it is," Tenten exclaimed, finally stopping at a page.

She turned the journal towards Naruto, whose breath hitched as his eyes landed on a poster.

The poster depicted a beautiful woman in her early 20's with a slender figure and fair skin. Her dark violet eyes were striking, and her dark red hair flowed past her knees, held up on one side of her face by a small black hairclip. What caught Naruto's attention most were the chains—chakra chains—flowing from her body.

Tears began to well up in his eyes as his lips quivered.

"Mom," he whispered, his finger tracing the outline of the woman in the poster. The names below her image read:

The Red Hot-Blooded Habanero.

The Bloody Chain Maiden.

The Crimson Chain of Death.

"So many aliases were given to Kushina Uzumaki," Tenten said, smiling warmly at Naruto's reaction.

"Your mother was an amazing woman," Hinata added, her voice filled with awe.

Naruto nodded, wiping the tears from his face, then looked up with hopeful eyes. "Can you tell me more?"

Tenten sighed softly, a hint of regret in her eyes.

"Unfortunately, I don't know much about her. She was an S-rank shinobi during the Third Great Shinobi War, and the majority of information about S-ranks isn't well known."

Hinata pointed at the stack of entries in the worn journal.

"But you have all these entries," she said, her voice tinged with confusion and curiosity.

Tenten sighed, her expression turning serious as she addressed both Hinata and Naruto.

"That's the thing, I don't know what information is correct or not. Being an S-rank ninja means that many of the other nations want to know more about you. When you know information about a ninja, you have a better chance against them. Hence, during wars, Konoha would purposefully spread fake news about their S-ranks. These entries exist, but I can't say how many of them are true, except for maybe one," she explained, her fingers pausing over a particular page.

Naruto's eyes immediately locked onto hers, urging her to continue.

"Tell me," he pleaded, his voice low but intense.

Tenten nodded, flipping the journal back to a specific entry.

"This entire entry is what actually cemented her status as an S-rank. During the war, Kirigakure was quite the problem for Konoha because of a shinobi who was able to transform into a giant three-tailed turtle that could vaporize mountains."

Naruto and Hinata's eyes widened in disbelief.

The idea of a giant turtle with such power was absurd yet awe-inspiring.

"But Kushina Uzumaki was able to kill this shinobi," Tenten continued, her voice filled with a mix of respect and amazement. "They say that the moment a Konoha rescue squad came to Kushina, she had crucified the turtle on a mountain in the Land of Water just for Kirigakure could see."

Naruto chuckled, the tension in his chest easing slightly as he looked back at the bounty poster of his mother.

Emblazoned at the bottom was the reward:

1.5 Billion Ryo from Kirigakure.

You were so awesome, Mom.


[ Author's Note:

This was a very personal chapter to write, mostly because Naruto's panic attack was based on how I experienced a panic attack, so it's very personal. Anyways, you all know the drill.

1- Naruto's Panic Attack.

No surprise that it was going to happen, but how did you guys like the buildup of it as Naruto walked to his apartment, the buildup of his emotions, and then the panic attack.


2- Tenten And Hinata Helping Naruto.

I think it was a great character moment, especially with Hinata trying to prank Naruto.

Even though it was a simple, harmless cake prank or not.

With Tenten being an experienced ninja, she would have some level of knowledge on how to help on the emotional side of things, since she had already killed before and had a panic attack because of the guilt.

Hinata stayed strong for Naruto.

I thought it was a great moment for both, tell me what you think.


3- Mr. Higurashi is my OC, but I hope you all like how he stood up for Naruto, which made sense since Naruto worked for the guy for a week and even helped his daughter achieve her dream and paid back 50k worth of debt.


4- Now onto Kushina.

She is very underutilized in the anime, manga, and fanfics.

She is so strong that even on her deathbed, she was able to hold down the Kyuubi—the full Kyuubi. Even an 8-tails half Kyuubi was giving Nagato a hard time, just this feat alone makes her such an insanely strong character, but sadly, we never get an expansion on her strength, which saddens me, so I gave her reputation a boost.

For comparison, Asuma has a 35 million Ryo bounty so you can understand how impressive 1.5 billion is and that's not even accounting for inflation.

And yes, the 3-tail giant turtle was Isobu, the 3 tails, meaning before Rin was made into the 3-tails Jinchuriki, Kushina battled the 3-tail Jinchuriki in their biju form. Kushina crucified the biju with her chakra chains.

Hence why Kiri was going to unleash the biju in Konoha via Rin as revenge for what Kushina did.


Thank you for enjoying my work, and thank you for your support. I hope you guys have a blessed rest of the day, and please give me your thoughts in the comments. ]

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