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17.69% Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills? / Chapter 20: Quietus!

Chapitre 20: Quietus!

[A/N: Hello friends! Today I have brought you a HUUUUUUGEASSED Chapter, like I promised. Treat this as two- chapters ehhhe… It's near 4.4k words loooong with out the A/N. Treat this as two or three chapters xD. But I couldn't leave any of the interactions out.

So hope you will read through it.

And please remember, the plot will start to diverge from this chapter on. So, this chapter will be a turning point for the novel. And this turning point was decided by the reader's voting before! I know many of you weren't able to vote.

But dw! From now on you will be able to!!

Oh! And the new Discord link Is here: ht tps://dis cord. gg/nwGMxA5yHB

PS. I might need help with the Discord…]


Chapter 19: Quietus!

Jutsu of the day:

<Misunderstanding no Jutsu>

Courtesy of The Samurai Dude!


Daimyo's Mansion

[Shimabukuro Aki]


I have been staying in this mansion for the last few months, guarding the young prince.

The days have been kind to me lately… The boy was a mischievous one, but he treated his own people well…

At first, I thought he would be like any other noble son. But he sure gave me a surprise with his ingenuity and talent…

But the boy had a flaw... he rarely trains…

The amount of talent it takes to master any Jutsu, that he wants to learn, without even training more than a few hours,,,

I wondered how the kids hailed as prodigies will cry in their sleep if they met him...

I couldn't help but chuckle.

I was sure that, the boy will be someone powerful in the future. Even if his mother stops him from becoming a fighter.

Well, he doesn't need to have a fighter's identity to be strong after all.

As I pondered about the young prince and his mother. It reminded me of myself and my time with my family.

In my old village…

I sighed audibly.

So many years have passed… Yet I haven't avenged them…

I have searched for the person, responsible for the attack on Aki village. But even till now, there has been no luck.

I have grown old as I wandered and searched for him. I even had a hemorrhoid problem… That just shows how old I have grown… Thank goodness it was just a slight one, the doctors in Konoha fixed it rather quickly.

As i mused on all of these useless thoughts, someone arrived at my door and knocked.

*Knock. Knock*

As I opened the door, I found the prince's aide, Fuse Daisuke, standing on the other side.

I asked him curiously, "What do you need kozo? Did Mitsu-sama need me for something?"

The raven haired boy replied politely, "Aki- san, Mitsu-sama has invited the Hokage for dinner tomorrow night and wishes for your presence in the room."

So it was guard duty… Well, having the Hokage here, some extra guard should be good.

I agreed with a nod and before Fuse left he seemed to remember something.

"Ah! Aki- san, the prince told me to remind you of the one eyed samurai hunter again. Sigh! Even I think the prince is going a bit carried away with his mischief… But oh well, that was all that I needed to say. Have a good rest till tomorrow evening." Fuse shrugged as he said the last sentence.

I, Shimabukuro Aki, stood there holding the sliding door. Because, when I heard about the aide talking about the one eyed hunter the first time, I had a feeling that something seemed familiar…

I couldn't quite get my head around the memory...

It was as if the memory had hidden deep inside my mind.

But now hearing it again, I remember…

The attack… The massacre… the one eyed man taking the sword…

I remember it all.

Tears started dripping down my face… As I remembered the events of that night…

But then it hit me...

The prince knows about this? But how? Is he dropping hints for me? Does he know the one eyed man?

[A/N: keep reading and you will find out!]

I stopped myself before giving in to my impulses.

Taking a deep breath I thought, ' I can just ask him tomorrow night… He is probably dropping all these hints for a reason…'


ROOTs Headquarters~



I have been feeling restless lately. The fight with that snake was rougher than it looked. I couldn't believe his strength had reached such a level…

Surely, a true prodigy that Konoha has produced. Yet he bit the hand that fed him. Insect!

That damned the sword of his… If it wasn't for that. I wouldn't have my full arm severed.

This trash of a sword, that I carry, doesn't hold a candle to his. I was fooled!

He even managed to destroy my precious SHARINGAN. UNFORGIVABLE!

I was still healing the stump and my injured right eye, that the Snake Fool had damaged…

I was getting angry. Very angry…

I thought, 'I will take the Uchiha boy and then go for that snake again! I will not let that slithering vermin breath one extra day!'

As I was about to shout for someone to report the current situation.

One of my ANBU's arrived and bowed in front of me. 'Bowed? I think I need to teach this insect some manners..'

But before I could hit him. He said the words I wanted to hear.

"Shisui Uchiha's position has been confirmed, Danzo-chan!"

"Ohh! EXCELLENT!" I shouted, and continued, "We will attack at the break of first light!!"

"Ahem, Danzo-chan, don't you think it's better to wait till dinner time? I mean, they will be less aware, and you can kill them and steal their food aswell!" My ANBU suggested.

I felt something wrong… But I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Well, it didn't matter.

"Alright, we will attack at dinner time. You are dismissed!"

The ANBU simply disappeared.

I felt his behavior was disrespectful. But it didn't matter… Because, soon… I will have my SHARINGAN!

I felt extremely satisfied with my plans… Nothing can stand in my way... [A/N: Sure dude!]



Far away from Danzo, stood a masked ANBU. He seemed a bit too relaxed, compared to the rest.

This was the ANBU who had just reported earlier…

He took off his mask and smiled. Creating another clone, he dispelled himself.



In the Daimyo's mansion, Mitsu recieved the new information. He seemed satisfied with the situation.

He thought,

'I can't believe how fargone Danzo is…

I even tested him with the verbal exchange. He didn't even seem to care that I called him Danzo-chan… Even I shivered from here… Ew.. And I have a skill that makes me calm…

Well, tomorrow should be interesting. Huhuhuhu, I will finally get to see the samurai and the lunatic fight.

Should I open a betting stand for it… Nawww!

I know the Samurai dude will not buy my false stories, but when he sees a one eyed lunatic, even he should protect me, right? Well, not like I can't simply kill Danzo. I have trained a lot in 'public' already,

And as Sarutobi will be here, he won't suspect too much if I really have to throw a skill or two. The worst would be me becoming the 4th Konoha Prodigy, yey....

And my minions and the guard ninjas can handle the ROOT goons. Well, not like they have sense and many skills to use anyways...

Can't wait for tomorrow! I might make Fuzzy famous tomorrow!'

Mitsu looked at the sky. I remembered,

The pink moon will be up tomorrow. What a weird but memorable day it will be…

[A/N: The Pink moon is a real thing that will occur on Apr 26 this year. Do search! To find out, if you will be able to view it from your country!]


Near Uchiha Training ground~



After leaving the Hokage's office, I rushed as fast as I could. My target was Itachi…

I knew he was off duty today. So I should find him on the training ground.

And just as I had predicted, I found a wornout Itachi slumped down on the ground.

That amount of training... Showed his frustration.

I surveyed the area and made sure no one was watching. Then I approached Itachi.

Itachi asked me with surprise, what I needed.

To which I simply said, "Let's go talk in our favorite place…"

I then flickered away. And I knew that Itachi was following me.



Near the waterfall~


When he arrived at the cliff, I started talking without even facing him.

I didn't want to beat around the bush, so I directly asked.

"How serious do you think the clan is, about the coup?"

"Dissatisfaction towards the village is growing among the Uchiha. If the village doesn't change, the Uchiha won't stand for it anymore." Itachi answered straightforwardly. It wasn't a hidden matter so no point in beating around the bush.

I sighed as I heard this… "Is there really no way for them to see reason?"

"As long as the two sides distrust each other, things will only get worse." Itachi replied with a Stoic face. His expressions are hard to read.

I tried to see his position, so I said, "If the Uchiha attempts a coup, it will bode badly for both sides."

And I got the answer I was hoping for.

"Yes, I know… I am against the coup as well… The last thing I want.. Is seeing Sasuke living in a village filled with hate and strife.." Itachi replied this time in a worried tone, his emotions were apparent…

"Then help me, I beg of you, Itachi!" I pleaded.

I finally realized what I will lose if I fail the mission… My family, maybe even my best friend and the probable destruction of my beloved village and clan. I had tears in my eyes.

I said to Itachi, "I will use my evolved eyes to stop this coup!"

I showed my Mangekyo to the now surprised Itachi! Before he could ask, I honestly told him about the abilities of my eyes.

I then told him, "I too have things to protect, Itachi! I love this village and my family....

It's great to be a family, you know… I can't help but feel that, every time I see you two. I won't allow the clan's schemes to destroy things like this… Many of the rebels have family members who want, no part in this.

There are even rebels who are only doing this because they are forced.

Even if I have to get blind, I will protect the village!"

Itachi finally showed a shocked and horrified face, "What are you saying Shisui? WHAT ABOUT GOING BLIND?"

I smiled at him and shook my head…

"Don't worry about this, idiot! If this keeps everyone safe, then it's worth it!"

I didn't realize that tears started dripping down my face. I felt scared… Of course, I was scared.

My failure was no longer an option…

[A/N: Because of the plot changes the same conversation happened but with a difference!]

Silence enshrouded us~ as we looked at each other. Itachi wanted to say something, but he kept on hesitating.

But he finally broke the silence…

"Who should we use it on first?"

"I have thought about using this on your father, to make him stop the rebels, but I am not sure if my ability is strong enough, as I have never used it before…"

Itachi nodded and said, "Should we use it on Elder Gaku first? He isn't as strong as us, and he is one of the rebel leaders. If it works on him then it should work on everyone…"

I found his reasoning satisfying and agreed.


As we made our way to the elder's house, we didn't meet any obstructions. But something kept feeling out of place. As if someone was watching us…

Itachi felt it as well, but we didn't see anyone. So we just proceeded with what we set out to do.


Half an hour later~


I was slumped on the floor next to a sleeping Elder Gaku and a very worried Itachi…

He asked me, "Are you alright? Did it work?"

I had a grim look on my face…

I replied… "Yes, it did work.. This ability is really very powerful… But it's super taxing on my Chakra…"

Now Itachi understood the problem…

If Fugaku, his father, resists the Genjutsu. Then they will need to use it on almost all the elders… But they are pressed for time. As the next coup meeting was later tonight.

Last I heard they wanted to carry out the plan the day after the pink moon… Which is in two days…

As the night after the pink moon will be a murky one. It seemed the elders felt it was the perfect time.

I sat up and ate a soldier pill to recover my chakra and rushed Itachi to go see Fugaku.

I told him, "I don't think even with the two of us, it will be an easy fight… So let's try talking to him first… And if that falls through, we will try the Genjutsu."

Itachi nodded. He knows that his father will notice their arrival, as soon as they are in the radius of the house.

Unlike those fat elders, Fugaku Uchiha was a real veteran of war!


As we arrived at the Head house. We were greeted by a waiting Fugaku…

'He already knows… That feeling we had earlier… It must have been him.'

So knowing we had nothing to hide, we wanted to ask him directly but, we were stopped,

"I know what you two want to say. And I will answer so we do not waste time.

I never supported the coup. I even argued with the elders because of it. But more than seventy percent of the clan wants it. So there is not much I can do…

So unless you can put all the elders under that eye of yours… then this endeavor of yours will end here..." He said while looking at me.

He sighed and continued, "I have argued and fought as much I could. And they have finally agreed with killing the Hokage, and force the council to make me the next Hokage. That way we will be able to limit the damage as much as possible... Well that's what they think...

Tonight at midnight, we are supposed to make the final plan…"

I fell down on my knees… No… this can't be… I don't have enough time or chakra to get all the elders under the Genjutsu…

Seeing my state, Fugaku said, "Try to use it on the elder Furata and see if things change with him… He is one of the commanders for the coup… But I highly doubt things will go your way.."

Fugaku seemed concerned as he viewed my body and shook his head.

I didn't waste time and made haste with Itachi. And as soon as we were in the elder's house I tried to use my Kotoamatsukami, but before I could activate the jutsu...

I collapsed on my knees… I still didn't have enough chakra to use it…

I then thought, 'I should be able to use it, if I use every last drop of chakra… Yes maybe..'

Itachi grabbed my shoulder to stop me from thinking further…

He whispered, "Let's go and meet the Hokage tomorrow. We will attend the meeting tonight and get the details on their plan…"

I nodded to Itachi, but before I could say anything I fainted from chakra deprivation and the pill backlash…


I woke up in the late afternoon the next day.

And saw Itachi was beside me with a scrunched up face.

I quickly asked him about the meeting and the things that happened during my unconsciousness.

What Itachi told me... Made me shiver, and I urged him to come with me to the Hokage's office….



On the early evening of the Pink Moon

Daimyo Mansion



Here I was sitting in the Balcony with the young prince, as we made small talk. It was actually me asking him about his academy life.

I was surprised to hear him complaining about young Naruto…

Yes, I have been informed that Naruto has gotten attached to the young prince. But it seems they have become quite close friends as well. [A/N: Mitsu would puke if he heard that xD]

The boy, sitting in front of me, was too intelligent.

I tried to be careful, not wanting to treat him like a child. Him being a prince made things easier for me. As I was used to addressing the royalty with proper etiquette.

We talked about some matters regarding the village and a bit about politics.

And I was surprised to hear his insight on the topics. A very well learned child indeed. Hard to believe he is that man's son...

I looked around the place and saw the subordinates and aide of the prince, standing at attention. I noticed Shisui there as well, which made me frown as he didn't report back to me.

But then I noticed that it was only a clone. Must be made to fool the uchiha spies.

I nodded in satisfaction to the young prince's insights.

Soon the time for dinner came,

As the young beautiful maids brought the platters for tonight's dinner, we hard a loud crash in the vicinity.


All the hidden ANBU came out and made a protective circle around me and the young prince.

I looked at the prince to make sure he was alright. And I noticed him only having a slight frown but still standing collected.

A true royal indeed.

I told all the Ninjas and… ah, the elder samurai, to keep tight guard.

Protecting the prince, was top priority right now! We can't have the prince dying now can we…

The prince's aide, Fuse, blew away the dust.

He is a remarkable Ninja! He will be promoted soon.

As the dust clouds settled… I saw a person whom I didn't expect to see here…


'Old friend, what are you doing now?…'

As soon as Danzo, revealed himself, his eyes darted around the room. He even ignored me…

I couldn't take it any longer and shouted, "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? DANZO!"

Danzo finally looked at me and said with a frown, "Shut up Hiruzen, this is none of your business."

I felt irritated. And as I was about to ask again.

He flickered next to me and kicked me away. His ROOT ninjas followed his attacks.

My personal guard soon arrived to protect me. I had an headache...

'Fools, we need to keep the prince safe!' But before I could say anything I was attacked from all sides and needed to handle this first!




Wew! Talk about an entry! Did he practice before?

I should make an entry for myself. Umu,umu! Entries like that are cool after all!

I soon eyed Danzo, as he came out of the dust,

I noticed him, glaring behind me, ah! He is looking at 'Shisui'.

Before I could even call out to Danzo-chan, he lunged at 'Shisui' to take his eyes. But the clone just dissipated. So rude....


I was doing everything I could to hold my laughter. As I found a very confused looking Danzo.

His common sense has dropped so low that it's taking him ages to understand what just happened. Sad, looney~

I then glanced at the battle between Oldie moldie and the ROOT army. Well, it was more like Oldie beating the crap out of the ROOT prats. Even he seemed surprised with the ease.

Well I did take the liberty to cut out most of their common sense and reflex skills. So yeee! That's a done deal.

Now back to the main shit show.

The one eyed loony was incensed! Hehhe~

But, I noticed that my samurai dude was standing with open eyes as he studied Danzo.

Huh! Is that love at first sight?... No, even for me that would be too ridiculous...

Oh, maybe he realized that my rumors turned out to be true, and is just surprised. Well, I can't blame him, even I didn't believe my bullshitting would work..

But I noticed the minute changes on the Samurai's behavior… His aura was exploding out.

'Whew! That shit is scary~'… I mused.

After a moment,

Danzo realized the situation and turned around.

He looked at me in the eye and ordred, "Tell me Shisui's location, NOW!"

He probably thought, I was still under his Genjutsu.

I smirked and said, "Oh! Great Dangooo- chan, the Shisui you want is right in front of you! He just grew older after being hunted by a perverted loony, which is all...."

I was jesting but no one was amused. Sigh!

My samurai dude, stood guard in front of me with his katana drawn.

He stated, "So this was your plan, huh, Mitsu-sama.."

Huh! Was I found out?

I mean my story had many loop holes so I wouldn't be surprised.. But still…

While I was thinking which method to use, to kick the Samurai dude's ass, if he turned on me, the samurai kept talking while eyeing Danzo…

"You researched my past, didn't you?" He asked me with a soft voice.

Etto~ I feel like I should stay silent… Let's see where this is going. So I didn't say anything.

Seeing me keep silent, he took it as me agreeing…

He started, "I am from the ancient Aki clan. The protector of the Aki Shrine near the eastern edge of FIre country."

Huh? Was there such a place? I didn't know jack shit about it so I kept on listening.

"During the time Uzushigakure was attacked, in the whirlpool country, and everyone's focus was there…

Another massacre occurred… A massacre soon to be forgotten... The massacre of my Aki Villiage.." He paused a bit as he said till now and then continued again,

"I am the sole survivor of that incident… And have been traveling in guise to find the culprit… But till now, I had no luck…

I almost forgot how he looked like. Till you, Mitsu-sama reminded me with your hints. I am extremely regretful to have believed your words were mischief. When you were trying to help me…"

Okay! Hold up… What kind of misunderstanding is this?

My words WERE for shenanigans… I have never even heard of these Icki or Aki thingies…

I was stunned…

Fuzzy had a doubtful look at first but after seeing my calm face (due to skill).

His fanatic points surely grew… Great….

Aki glanced at me and smiled a bit. Then he continued, "I remember the perpetrator's appearance now… A man covering his eye with shaggy black hair with a cross shaped cut on the chin.

He killed my people to take the sacred item we were tasked to protect.

The Sword of Iwanaga…"

Wew, that sounds like a legit blade. Umu,umu, I wonder where it is now.

"He stole the sealed blade and took off. I cannot mistake that. IT WAS YOU, WASN'T IT?" The samurai dude shouted and did an laido.

Danzo was a bit slow to the danzer and got a cut on the right part of his body.


Danzo brought out his sword. That sword… It looks more like a tachi… It has similarities with that snake's sword…

But it just feels like a normal sword.. I can't sense any abilities on it. I will appraise it later.

I didn't appraise because I felt enormous pressure in front of me... Looking there, I discovered an enraged Samurai Dude,

From his reaction I knew this was the Sword of Iwanaga…


The Samurai dude looked as if he was on his period.


But Danzo seemed disinterested on the talk and attacked. It's the famous hit first ask later tactic! Awesome~

Well I would love to see an epic anime fight, but umm, my bed time is soon and I don't want you loons to destroy my mansion so.

I invoked <Appraisal> and cut out Danzo's chakra control making his body off balance and before my Samurai dude can hit him I pasted the broken ankle status on him as well.


Danzo flew away, as he tired to defend Aki's sword art and fell on his ass. He had a few new wounds on him due to the sword energy that radiated.

And to make his case worse, I quickly pasted him there on the ground. *giggle* That's the end boy!

I also took one of my trusty gold coins and cut off all his other skills. Well… He won't be needing them anymore…

I just left him with <Language>. I mean every villain had some great last words. He should say something meaningful at the end at least!

Aki stopped his attack and went near the fallen Danzo, who couldn't move.

He proceeded to take the 'sword of Iwanaga' off the ground, as he sighed.

"You couldn't even activate the great treasure…"

"SHUT UP!" Danzo kept on screaming.

Aki looked at him in disgust but asked a question a lot of people wanted to know, "Why? Why did you do all that?"

Danzo Scrunched his face and shouted, "ALL I DID WAS FOR KONOHA!"

The air turned cold. I and Fuzzy next to me looked at the Samurai with curious gazes. He was leaking so much killing intent it could flood a whole clan compound… Talk about scary..

He stated, " You have committed murders, you have broken families, you have destroyed lives, and today, you even attacked a royal of the fire country…


Danzo shivered in fear when he felt the aura of death looming closer…

He kept thinking while looking with disbelief in his eyes, 'No. no. no. why?... All I did .. was for Konoha...Then why is this.. Happening?'

He wanted to say something.. But before he could. Aki disappeared and appeared behind Danzo with great speed. Before, Danzo could even realize what was happening.

Came down a sword, meeting his neck. With only one word echoing in the air, "DIE!"


[A/N: Paragraph comment, rest check the main comment section.]


[A/N: I have written and re written this chapter a few times. There might still be grammar errors… But this chapter was something I thought of since the start. Please let me know if you think the death of Danzo was too rushed. But I think it was a fitting time than any. You can treat this as two chapters. I am posting this as a special just for today. I won't make such long chapters frequenty!

Dying by the hands of an avenger (My OC) while he lost his sanity, his prowess and everything else.

I could've made this into two chapters, but I felt something would go missing without the Shisui, Itachi interaction for a setup for the next chapter!

And thanks everyone who have been a supporting this Fanfic. I hope I can keep bringing you good chapters every day. And do let me know about the illustration. I drew it in webtoon style again. So not sure if you all will prefer this over the traditional ones.

Again the Discord link- ht tps://dis cord. gg/nwGMxA5yHB

Love you all. Have a nice day!]

LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

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