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54.05% Naruto: One piece of Bleach / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: First Solo-mission!

Chapitre 19: Chapter 19: First Solo-mission!

Road to fire country

Osamu's first mission as a Chunin

Osamu was troubled.

Not because there is no enemies or bandits waiting in ambush. He was troubled because the family of 5 all have High-level Chunin chakra.

Also because with his enhanced senses, he can clearly see through their disguise. Osamu was sure that the client he talked to this morning is not the current client who was driving the horses.

Taking advantage of the situation where the enemy doesn't know yet that he knows, Osamu gathered Nature energy immediately since he was already in a position where he is not moving.

Through continuous training with Katsuyu, entering sage mode takes at least 5 minutes for him. This was under the condition that his reserves continuously grows ever so slightly.

5 mins later

Osamu smirked, he's already in Sage Mode and their hostility towards him which he sensed was all he needed.

With the element of surprise, it would be easy to capture all of them in a Genjutsu right now.

If this was the Chunin exam, he would have held back a bit, however this is a matter of life and death.

This is not a fanfiction where you can underestimate everyone and have confidence because you know what will happen.

No, that mindset has long since left him.

Weaving hand seals in a flash, Osamu casted a Genjutsu to capture them all.

"Nightmare Series: Freddy."

As soon as the 4 enemies were inside the wagon were caught, the youngest immediately felt something wrong.

It was like something was inside his body. The moment he did so, his companions became weary and watch in horror as something tore through his skin as Freddy took form.

However, unlike the Genins who were easily fooled, this guys were elites and immediately tried to cancel the Genjutsu by disrupting their chakra flow.

But, how can they get out when not even Nagato's Pain with the Rinnegan was unable to cancel a Genjutsu from a Sage?

It was all the time Osamu needed to dispatch each of them by cutting their necks. All four family members of the client changed form and became Shinobi like anbus wearing black hooded robes with masks on.

'4 down, 1 left. I guess they're not called roots since the other one was able to get out of my Genjutsu.'

Osamu went out of the Wagon and saw the client now transformed into a root nin, with the black hooded robe and mask.

He saw the enemy bleeding leg and had a rough guess how the enemy got out of the Genjutsu.

"Who ordered you to kill me?" Osamu asked and flared his pressure as a Sage.

"Urrghh." the enemy took the sudden pressure but didn't say anything.

'the target possesses far more strength than what was assessed of him. Lord Danzo must know, luckily I already sent a message while he was busy. All I have to do is buy some time for it to reach Lord Danzo'

"Buying time for your messenger huh." Osamu easily sensed the bird with chakra getting away.

Hearing him, the root nin immediately took action, committed to have his messenger successfully arrive at Danzo.

Osamu however have different thought in mind as lightning wraps around his hands.

As soon as it did, he disappeared and appeared in front of the enemy.


He plunged it through the root nin's chest where his heart is.

As soon as he did that, Osamu didn't waste any time and rushed for the messenger bird.

He disposed of it by simply throwing a senbon. As it fell, Osamu put an explosive tag on it and blast it to smithereens.

After the fiasco, Osamu went back to the Wagon where the bodies were. He sealed their bodies in scrolls and still continue on his journey.

Although he has a suspicion that the mission might be genuine. The client is probably dead or currently hidden by Danzo.

Or if the mission was not genuine at all, then the client is already dead or the client is under Danzo.

Anyway there were too many situations about it that Osamu plans to at least complete the other B-rank mission of dispatching a rogue Chunin ninja.




3 days later


That's the only thing that can describe Osamu's feeling upon looking at his target's obliterated body along with the rest of the bandits he gathered.

Took him a day to find him at the outskirts of the country. He found him planning an attack for an incoming merchant that's due to arrive today.

They didn't know that they were already being watched closely by Osamu who blended in with the surroundings, perks of being a sage while on Sage Mode.

Some might say it's over kill for bunch of bandits and a single Chunin rogue ninja. That might be true but it's also a fact that a tiger or was it a lion? Anyway when they hunt even a weak rabbit, they don't hold back at all.

It is the mindset that anything could go wrong and that if he is to kill somebody, he must also be prepared to die. Now, would you die knowing you could've lived if only you didn't hold back?

Osamu doesn't want that kind of regret, hence, he cleaned the bandits and the target with all he's got.

Flash back a bit, a few minutes ago.

Osamu finally found the target and overheard their plans. Too bad for them, it's all going to change.

Osamu didn't go for a surprise attack and simply walked in.

"Look! Someone's lost. Hahaha." The bandits laughed together garnering the rogue's attention.

However upon seeing Osamu's forehead protector, his demeanor immediately changed.

"Don't underestimate him, he's a ninja! Everyone attack together!"

As soon as the bandits heard him they laughed even harder not believing their current leader. They only followed him due to his strength, but they don't really care as long as they can raid all they want.

"You can't be serious that this kid's ninja boss, let me show you he's just a lost kid."

"Fool! Look at the symbol on his forehead protector!"

"Hmm? Isn't that Konoha's symbol?" Was the last word he said as a kunai hit his neck in the center taking his life away.

That got them to stop laughing and began attacking Osamu.

However, with Sage and Shuchu state on, their movements were so slow it seems like they stopped moving.

Osamu used body flicker to deliver a killing cut in every bandits neck. The rogue ninja didn't have time to runaway at all since it all happened in a single moment.

As soon as Osamu gutted the last bandit's neck he turned his head a bit and a kunai whissed by where his head used to be.

His index finger turned dark as he lifted it just in front of his neck, as soon as he did, a blade was blocked.

The rogue ninja's eyes was shocked to see Osamu's reaction to his attacks. But he didn't have time to think more as Osamu's fist enlarged on his sight.

After Osamu punched the rogue he immediately sent 5 shurikens at a certain location.

The rogue turned to a block of wood and the shurikens hit their mark as the rogue appeared on its direction.

Osamu sent a kunai with explosive tag.


Flash back end

Osamu returned to the fire country and stayed there for a day before returning to Konoha.

Osamu took his time on going back, not slow but not too fast. His shuchu state already active as he got out of the fire country's to Konoha.




2 days ago

Konoha, Underground

Root Base

"You're telling me that all 6 elite chunin who were supposed to take care of Osamu got totally wiped out?!" Danzo shouted, obviously angry for the incompetence.

How could 6 elite chunin easily be defeated by a new Chunin?

"We are assuming so Lord Danzo since there was no news or report came to us. It can only mean that they were all killed in action."


"Who does he think he is? He is nothing but Chunin, capture his family silently and bring them all to the borders where he will likely enter."

"Yes, Lord Danzo."

"Such an insignificant ant giving me problems."

"Lord Danzo, Do we kill Osamu or are we still recruiting him?"

"That will depend on his answer after you killed all of his Family. Kill him if he doesn't accept and capture him first once he agrees. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Lord Danzo."

"Good. Take care of it, I need to be seen in Konoha to divert the attention and blame from me."

The atmosphere in Konoha that day was quiet, as if a storm was silent brewing, waiting for the right moment to strike.

In the Academy, a certain blond could be seen competing with the last member of the Uchiha clan while a pink and blond cheer the latter by the side.

A bykugan bearer girl could be seen cheering for the blond, which shouldn't be the case. In the original timeline, this girl grew up too shy to even speak to the main protagonist of this world.

A storm brews while a butterfly flutters it's wings. Will things get better or worse?

End of chapter


Omake # 1

(Deleted scene)

As soon as Osamu performed the summoning Jutsu everything became vast...

In fact too vast and. . . He was falling.


Osamu could see a very vast sea... too vast for him to find any land as he continuously fall that he stopped screaming.

Then as if answering his prayers he could see a dot in the sea just as he was about to touch the surface of the see.

He glided towards it.

Benefit of watching a lot of movies and having been trained to do the impossible as a Shinobi.

When he finally saw the sail of the sheep, he couldn't believe what he was seeing!

It was a while sail with a pirates symbol of skull and bones, however the skull was wearing a yellow strawhat.

The people on the ship sensed his descent so he did the only thing he knew that'll make him not an enemy.


An orange head woman saw him and shouted.

"Ahhh, a boy is falling towards our ship."

"Really? Where where?" a guy with red sleeveless coat asked as he looked around only to be punched in the head by the same woman.

"Idiot! I said falling to our ship, the boy is right there!" the guy could only complain to the girl and prepared to catch the boy.

"I'll catch him."

"Gomu-gomu no, Balloon!"

The guy turned big as if a bloated balloon before Osamu could hit ship.

However, Osamu sank into he guys body and bounce off, throwing him into the sea.


"Sanji throw the life preserver!" The woman earlier command.

"Right away Nami-chwaan!!" A blood guy with swirling eyebrows? or just a swirling tattoo replied and acted first before throwing the life preserver.

The result, Osamu hit ocean before the life preserver came to him.

Osamu swam towards it as the people on the ship pulled him towards them.




A few moments later

"Thank you so much for rescuing me! That was a very high fall that my descent was too fast. If it wasn't I could've stopped myself once I was at the sea surface." Osamu thanked them and commented.

"Who are you?" Asked a moss head I mean a green haired Samurai who was carrying 3 swords on his waist ready to draw it should Osamu answer incorrectly.

'I knew I recognized the ship as soon as I saw the jolly Roger and the symbol on the sails, but man, to travel from the Naruto world to the One piece world through summoning jutsu feels incredible unbelievable!'

"Hey, you were asked a question." the blond guy, Sanji, said.

"Oh right, My name is Yago Osamu, I am a ninja!"

"A ninja!"3x reacted 3 persons namely Luffy, Chopper and Ussop.

"hoooh, then can you do a ninjutsu?" asked a tan, beautiful woman, Robin.

"Ofcourse! I wouldn't have graduated if I couldn't."

"Show us, Show us!"3x. requested the trio earlier.

"But ninjutsu is not for show, its a jutsu utilized in a battle."

"Hmp! I bet your a liar! You're really not a ninja but just a pretender. A fake I say." Ussop complained which earned him as support from Luffy and Chopper.

"Sigh." Osamu doesn't really want do this but they probably won't believe him so he better do it.

"Clone Jutsu!" Osamu chanted with only one hand sign.

In a puff of smoke, another identical Osamu appeared beside him.

As soon as another him showed up the ship reacted.

"He's a real ninja!" Ussop shouted

"Ohhhhh!!!! Awesome!! Nin nin nin nin!"Luffy followed along with Choppe who was then followed by Ussop.

"I wonder what island do you came from?"Robin asked.

"If you're asking which island in this world then the answer would be, I don't belong to any island, more specifically, I don't belong to this world."

That stoped the trio from replicating his action earlier when casting the clone jutsu while the rest were now open ears listening.

"Then which world did you hail from?" Robin asked again.

"The Shinobi world of course."

"The Shinobi world? Then what do you call this world of ours?"

"I don't know, world of pirates? I don't belong to this world so I have no idea."

"Then what made you guess this is a pirate world?"

"Well, aren't you guys pirates?" Osamu asked confused.

Robin chuckled.

"Yet here you are interacting with pirates, aren't pirates bad people in your world?"

"They are, in land they are called bandits. I exterminated a group of bandits once. They were scums, they raid small villages, kills people and rapes women, they even being those young girls towards their base and continue to bring despair to poor souls. So it was only right that together with my team, we killed them all down to the last man."

Upon hearing him, Ussop and Chopper were already hiding behind Zoro.

"Then are you also going to exterminate us, Mr. Ninja?" Robin asked.

Zoro was already holding his swords while Sanji was covering Nami, meanwhile Robin was wearing as serious expression.

Only Luffy was relaxed.

"Enough of that stuff, can you show me more of your ninjutsu? Nin nin?"

"Haha sure, and to answer your question Robin. Pirates don't rescue people, well bad pirates I mean. I don't know what's wrong with your world because I've never seen good pirates or bandits before."

Osamu then tried to show Luffy another ninjutsu which is the transformation jutsu. Osamu transformed into Luffy.

"I'm gonna be the greatest pirate in the world!" He declared.

"Ahh I don't want to be the greatest pirate, I want to be the king of the pirates! Damn it me! Don't forget it.!"

And so, the strawhat pirates have a new crew in their ranks as they make their way to water 7 to fix Merry.

End of Omake

I_am_Dumb_Iknow I_am_Dumb_Iknow

We are 1 year to Canon. What changes will Osamu bring to the world before it starts?

next chapter
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