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66.66% Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans / Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-Four: Anzo II

Chapitre 24: Chapter Twenty-Four: Anzo II


December 26th, Year 68, Training Ground 23


"Wow, you brats are really putting in the effort," I remarked with a smirk, observing my students sprawled on the ground, catching their breath after an intense sparring session. I had to admit, they were improving at an astonishing rate. I had anticipated such progress from Izumi and Kuro, but even Kabuto, the Wandering Miko's brat, had grown much stronger in just three weeks.

Little did they know, the training routine I had assigned them was an improvised ANBU regimen. Merely having the willpower to endure it was an achievement in itself. But not only did they adapt to it, they even sparred with me afterwards. That level of dedication was truly commendable.

I had carefully tailored each of their training regimes to suit their unique physiques and enhance their foundations. It required fine-tuning based on their existing abilities.

And now, look at them.

While they hadn't learned any new jutsus yet, their improved foundations and physical conditioning alone made them capable of taking on new chunin-level opponents. And they haven't even been Genin for a month!

Well, Kuro was an exception of course…

I glanced at my wayward and perpetually lazy student, who seemed more focused on securing a peaceful nap than showing signs of fatigue like Izumi and Kabuto.

What a monster...

But this was exactly what the village needed. At the rate Kuro was progressing, he would undoubtedly become a formidable pillar of strength for Konoha, and a significant deterrent to any who dare challenge us.

With a sense of pride, I observed my team, taking a moment to reflect on their growth. As I reached for another cigarette and lit it up, memories of my own family flooded my mind. Hanako and I had been contemplating starting a family of our own, and seeing the potential in my students made me hopeful for the future. Perhaps it was time to give it a try.

Taking a long drag from my cigarette, I allowed myself to relax and drift into the realm of fond memories. The dream of a future family filled my heart with warmth and tranquility, a reminder of the joys that awaited me beyond the battles and training sessions.

I gave the kids a well-deserved half-hour rest before calling them back to attention.

"Alright, enough rest, now get up! Kabuto, wake Kuro up," I ordered, prompting the white-haired boy to approach Kuro cautiously. With a firm tone, he said, "Kuro-san, Lady Yoshino is calling you."

Like magic, Kuro straightened up and looked around frantically, much to the amusement of Izumi and me. After realizing his mother wasn't actually present, he let out a relieved sigh before giving all of us the stink eye.

"You know... I really hate the fact that you keep using my mother's name like that," he grumbled.

I couldn't help but laugh. "It's too late for that, brat! It was your mother who gave permission to use her name. Now come here, as I have something to tell you all."

Kuro continued grumbling as he reluctantly approached. "This won't work all the time, you know. Troublesome teammates with their troublesome ideas..."

But I knew better. Despite his grumbling and annoyed looks, it was evident that Kuro respected and loved his mother deeply. His fear stemmed from the thought of disappointing her. Behind his tough exterior, he was a kind-hearted boy.

Many villagers and shopkeepers in the bustling streets knew and liked him, as he had a habit of helping them whenever possible. It always embarrassed him when the villagers tried to show their gratitude.

I smiled at Kuro, causing him to look at me suspiciously. Chuckling, I began, "You've come a long way in the last three weeks, and your physical condition is now where it should be for a Konoha Genin! With a solid foundation, it's time to focus on your chakra and jutsus. But before we delve into that, I'll assess your chakra natures. Do any of you know your natures?"

Only Izumi nodded in response.

"Ah, so you already know your affinity," I remarked, acknowledging Izumi's response. "However, we will still test it again just to be thorough." With that, I retrieved three chakra papers and distributed one to each of them.

When I handed a paper to Kuro, I couldn't help but be curious about his situation, given his status as an heir to the Nara clan. "Kuro, didn't your clan check your affinity?" I inquired with genuine interest.

The boy let out a lazy sigh before answering, "Well... my mother made me test it once, but the paper turned extremely hot, turned pitch black, and then turned to ash. My old man said I had fire affinity, but he wasn't completely sure. It's strange because, as a Nara, I have Yin affinity, but the reaction from the chakra paper was just weird. Yin and Yang affinities don't typically have any reaction on the paper so it was definitely troublesome..." He mumbled the last part.

I nodded, understanding that his unique condition played a role in this anomaly. It was certainly intriguing—a fire affinity that didn't burn normally. I made a mental note to explore this further in the future. For now, it was time to proceed with the chakra paper test.

"Alright, everyone, put some chakra into your papers," I instructed, and the kids followed my guidance.

As expected, Izumi's paper immediately caught fire and burned to ash, revealing her strong fire affinity. Considering her Uchiha heritage, this outcome was predictable.

Next was Kabuto, and to my surprise, his paper split into two, with one part crumbling into dirt. A dual affinity of wind and earth? Quite remarkable, especially for an orphan.

Finally, it was Kuro's turn. As he had described, his paper turned black and then crumbled into ash. It was an unusual result, piquing my curiosity.

That was quite peculiar.

I turned my attention to Izumi and instructed her to activate her Sharingan. Then, I handed Kuro another chakra paper and commanded, "Izumi, observe carefully what happens when he infuses the paper with chakra."

With a groan, Kuro reluctantly infused his chakra into the paper once again, and the same phenomenon occurred. I looked at Izumi, waiting for her explanation of what she had seen.

She seemed puzzled as she struggled to find the right words. "Umm... It appeared like there was a shadowy fire, but it's difficult to describe. It looked like something almost transparent—a flame-like substance burning the paper. Sort of like an illusory flame," she managed to explain, clearly grappling with the unfamiliar sight.

Kuro closed his eyes, his sharp Nara mind likely analyzing the situation. I allowed him some time to gather his thoughts before he turned to me with a request.

"Can you teach me a quick fire-style jutsu? Even an E-rank one will do," he asked, surprising me with his sudden determination.

A smirk formed on my face as I realized his intentions. Rather than teaching him myself, I glanced at Izumi and said, "Show him your Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu."

Izumi looked taken aback by the suggestion and protested, "But that took me a week to learn! It's not something he can learn so quickly!"

I simply shook my head, fully aware of Kuro's abilities and potential. "Just give him the hand signs and explain how it works to him. He will take it from there," I assured her with confidence.

Izumi looked skeptical before turning to face Kuro, who met her gaze with a neutral expression. She kept her eyes locked on him, seemingly lost in thought. As Kuro tilted his head in confusion, Izumi's cheeks turned red, and she finally began explaining the jutsu.

Observing their interaction, I couldn't help but think, Oh-ho? Looks like I wasn't wrong. You're going to be a heartbreaker, you lazy brat.

Izumi proceeded to demonstrate the hand sign sequence and earnestly explained, "You have to gather and mold the chakra inside your body, shaping it into fire. Visualize it as a ball and release it in one swift breath through your mouth. Got it?" She asked, her tone serious.

Kuro, with one hand resting under his chin, appeared to contemplate her words for a moment before requesting, "Show me the complete process."

Understanding his request, Izumi nodded and showcased the Great Fireball Jutsu, conjuring a magnificent ball of fire that soared through the air and crashed into the pond with a resounding impact. Satisfied with her accomplishment, she turned back to face Kuro, a sense of pride radiating from her.

Kuro nodded in acknowledgment, while Kabuto clapped in amazement at the display.

"I think I understand now. Let me give it a try," Kuro declared confidently, assuming his stance.

Izumi couldn't resist a smug giggle as she said with a hint of superiority, "It's alright if you can't perform the technique, lazy-ass. I can show it to you again." Her playful demeanor was evident.

A smirk played on my lips as I observed their interaction, eagerly anticipating what Kuro would do next. The boy remained as calm as ever, slowly forming the hand signs before taking a deep breath and releasing it through his mouth.

And he didn't disappoint.

This time, I could see it clearly. A ball of almost transparent purplish-black flames shot forth from his mouth, instantly raising the temperature in the surroundings. The ground beneath us seemed to darken as if charred, and the illusory fireball struck the water, producing a sizzling sound and causing a significant portion of it to vaporize in an instant.

Kabuto and Izumi stood in stupor; their eyes fixed on the impressive display. I, too, was impressed with the boy's mastery of the technique. However, this revelation also brought to light a rather unsettling truth. Kuro's special fires were even hotter than Izumi's, surpassing her own impressive abilities.

Izumi appeared speechless, as if a part of her soul had been taken away. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her. Not only had her self-proclaimed rival effortlessly performed a technique that took her a week to learn, but his unique fires proved to be even more intense.

Kuro, however, wore a faint smile and calmly remarked, "Well... I think my hunch was right. I do possess fire affinity, but my bloodline limit seems to have some influence on it."

His words made sense to some extent, but it would be necessary to consult his father and the Hokage to gain a better understanding of the situation.

I nodded at Kuro, acknowledging his insight, before addressing my students. "Alright, brats! Now that you know your respective affinities, I will assign each of you a jutsu to learn based on your affinity. We will also begin chakra control exercises. Return here the day after tomorrow to receive your respective scrolls. As for tomorrow, you all have a break."

The surprise on their faces was evident as they looked at me, and Izumi couldn't help but inject a hint of sarcasm into her question, "You know how to give breaks?"

Chuckling, I responded, "Well, even a kind instructor like me can understand the importance of rest." Making the girl give me a glare. But the good boy kabuto pulled her back and thanked for the well-deserved break.

"Yes, because tomorrow, I have been called into duty, and our favorite little lazy boy won't be available tomorrow as he has his heir duty."

"I have what now?" Kuro looked as if that was the first time, he heard it.

I chuckled even harder at his reaction. "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. Anyway, you two can go for now. I need to take Kuro to the Hokage's office to discuss some matters."

Izumi and Kabuto exchanged a glance before nodding in understanding. They bid us farewell and I used body flicker, instantly transporting myself and Kuro to the Hokage's tower.

"Ah, Anzo, Kuro, good timing," the Hokage greeted as we entered the room.

"Yo, old man, sensei said you wanted to discuss something," Kuro responded, showing his usual lack of respect towards the village leader. But knowing their relationship, I refrained from reprimanding him.

"Hahaha, indeed. But I think we should wait for your father. He should be here any second now," the Hokage explained. Just as he said that, the Jonin Commander walked into the office, greeting the Hokage before acknowledging our presence.

"Pops, what's this about heir duty? Last time was for my clan debut... What troublesome thing is it this time?" Kuro grumbled, as was his usual demeanor.

The Hokage and his father were accustomed to his attitude, and Nara Shikaku began explaining without mincing words, "All the nobles, clans, and influential merchant families have been invited to a formal party at the Hyuuga Residence."

Kuro seemed to understand the implications and looked visibly annoyed.

The Hokage added with a smile, "As the heir to the Nara Clan, it is your responsibility to attend the birthday party. Additionally, due to the other commitments that day, your father and I will be unavailable. Therefore, it will be your task to accompany your mother, Aunt Kushina, and the children to the party."

Now, the boy looked utterly horrified, as if his soul had momentarily left his body. He pleaded, "Can't we... you know... just skip it? It sounds so troublesome, and having to greet the stuck-up Hyuugas makes it even worse."

"No can-do, kid. This is an official invitation from one of the four noble clans. If we don't attend, it will be perceived as an offense by the Hyuuga. I understand it's a drag, but as a young man, you must learn to take responsibility," Shikaku stated firmly.

"I would believe you if you didn't have that grin on your face! You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Kuro called out to his father with indignation.

Shikaku proudly declared, without any shame, "That I am!" causing Kuro to groan in annoyance.

The Hokage coughed to regain our attention and his expression turned serious as he addressed Kuro. "The ambassadors from Kumogakure will be arriving in the village in a few hours. We have already planned to keep them under tight security, as we are now certain that they are up to no good. However, we have received alarming information from Sensei as well."

Kuro looked surprised and focused his attention on the Hokage, eager for more information.

The Hokage brought his hands together in front of his face and spoke gravely, "It appears that Orochimaru is involved with the Kumo delegates. Sensei has learned that Kumo has been in contact with the mercenary organization known as Akatsuki, of which Orochimaru is a member. If Orochimaru is truly involved, this could become a matter of great concern."

Kuro's expression turned serious, reflecting the boy I had observed during the Root operation. Even with his seemingly unimpressive stature, he possessed a formidable presence.

He folded his hands and asked with furrowed brows, firing off rapid questions, "What could the Snake do? What could Kumo possibly want? Is their arrival date somehow linked to the Hyuuga's party? Are they targeting something or someone?"

The questions flowed effortlessly from Kuro's mouth, demonstrating his sharp intellect and keen intuition.

It was Kuro's father who answered him, "We were the ones who set the date, and no, at that time we didn't know the Hyuuga would be throwing a party for the third birthday of the Hyuuga twins. So their arrival date isn't part of any scheme. As for Orochimaru, he may have more hidden labs inside the village that we are unaware of. It's possible that he may be targeting those. However, if he is truly a part of the delegates, we will know immediately. We will be keeping a close eye on them 24/7, no matter how much they protest. That was one of the conditions for this meeting to take place. But we will still need you to spread your shadows and remain on high alert."

Kuro nodded in understanding, but there was still a hint of concern in his eyes. Suddenly, he turned back to his father and exclaimed in surprise, "Hyuuga twins?"

His father, puzzled, replied, "Yes, Hiashi Hyuuga, the head of the clan, has a son and a daughter who are twins. The son is older and a potential heir."

Kuro fell silent after that, deep in thought, his mind likely running through various scenarios. As expected of him.

Seeing that Kuro was not in a talkative mood for now, I decided to inform the Hokage and Shikaku about Kuro's unique chakra affinity.

"How is that possible? Have you ever heard of something similar, Kaku?" the Hokage asked with excitement.

Shikaku shook his head and replied, "No, but then again, nothing about this boy is normal, is it?" he said with a hint of exasperation.

"Oi, I am right here! You troublesome old men..." Kuro grumbled from the side, causing all of us to chuckle.

"But anyway, it's great to learn about your affinity at such an early stage, Kuro. Now you can experiment and make better use of your abilities," the Hokage encouraged Kuro with a smile, though the boy sighed in response.

I laughed and declared, "Don't worry, I'll make sure he becomes the perfect ninja."

Kuro rolled his eyes and continued grumbling as usual, while the adults looked at me and nodded in agreement. I understood the weight of their expectations.

Nodding in return, I looked at Kuro and said, "Well, brat, good luck with your fancy party."

He met my gaze with a serious expression and replied firmly, "Nothing will happen at the party. I will protect everyone there. And if this is a ploy by the enemy, they should be prepared for the consequences."

As I observed Kuro's unwavering determination, something caught my attention. It was a fleeting sight, it was probably an illusion- a glimmer of purple burning in his eyes. It was a manifestation of his unwavering conviction, a flame of determination that fueled his spirit. Whether it was an illusion or not, it didn't matter. Kuro's resolve was palpable, and I could feel the intensity radiating from him.

I didn't utter a word, for there was no need. I understood the depth of his determination and the strength of his will to protect those he cared for. It was a quality that set him apart, a fire that burned brightly within him. Like my old man would say… the will of fire burned strong in him.

[A/N: IK! But he is old hiruzen's son and indoctorined with the speech, so keeping him in character.]

Looks like… tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day…

I could only smirk in anticipation.


Welp! Will there be a Hyuuga affair? Will there be something else? Does Akatsuki have anything to do here? Who knows? Stay tuned!

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LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

What do we say to canon?- Oh sodd off!

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