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87.27% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 96: Chapter 96 Training Genin

Chapitre 96: Chapter 96 Training Genin

Naruto watched as Herbert uprooted the Danzo tree with the help of his masked beasts. It was being moved to an underground cavern dug by a Shoggoth. The cavern was massive to allow the tree to grow. In truth the tree would be an experiment to see if something similar to the one Obito used to create Zetsu. Once the tree was dug Naruto sed the Flying Thunder God to move it underground where it was already being planted.

The tree would not require sunlight, water, or nutrients. Instead it would be fed only with Chakra, much like the trees used to make paper to test elemental affinities. However this one would be fed Demonic Chakra from the Nine tails. Once they retrieved some of Zetsu's blood they could replicate it to further alter the Danzo tree. Dozens of Sharingan eyes on the tree looked arond at it's new home. It was disturbing to watch.

"Well we will bein pumping it full of the Foxes Chakra later. Until then I'm going to do a few tests, and take some samples before we alter it", said Herbert.

"Good, keep me posted, We need to have precautions in the event the tree changes in ways we cannot control", said Naruto.

"Any ideas", asked Herbert.

"A few seals to block it from burrowing through the top of the cave into the village, we would not want that. Also a seal that will allow us to destroy it should we need to", said Naruto.

"I'll get started on that", said Herbert.

Naruto nodded.

"Good, I need to get to the others, and begin their training", said Naruto.

Herbert waved Naruto off.

"Yeah Yeah, go out and play while the adults do their work", said Herbert as he clipped off pieces of the tree.

Naruto shook his head and smiled at Herberts antics before he disappeared in a flash. Herbert turned back to the tree and smirked. He took out needles and wires and began taking out the crimson tinted sap.

Shino watched as Naruto unrolled a scroll, unknown to Shino it was a copy of the Scroll of Seals. Naruto looked through the scroll for a while before stopping.

"Here it is", said Naruto.

He pointed to the scroll. Shino adjusted his glasses and looked down. He read the description out loud.

"Final Slash Jutsu, B-Rank. This Jutsu was created by an extinct clan who's bloodline allowed them to track anyone anywhere by drinking their blood. The more blood drank the longer the effects. The Justu works by channeling chakra through a medium such as a sword or kunai to produce an injury. With this Jutsu a small cut will bleed more than normal by putting your chakra into the target allowing you to increase blood flow to the wound. Even a small cut can become life threading. Reason for Forbidden Status, deemed immoral to teach to anyone other than ANBU and Jonin, or Chunin with interests in swords or blades", said Shino.

He looked back to Naruto.

"You wish me to learn this Jutsu", asked Shino.

"Shino you are a good ninja. But your main tactic involves draining chakra from others. Against opponents with massive chakra reserves you would be at a disadvantage. With this jutsu, you could make a small cut on an enemy, and instantly turn the tides. You could use your insects as a medium to bring your chakra to them, and have them bite your opponent. This would be useful against Chakra powerhouses such as myself", said Naruto.

"I see, it seems sound. Though forbidden tequniques are forbidden for a reason", said Shino.

Naruto nodded.

"Perhaps, but so is my shadow clones, and look at all of their uses. So long as you use it only when necessary then it should work fine. You need to branch out more Shino, this allows you to do that while still using your insects", said Naruto.

Shino nodded.

"Very well I am convinced, how do I practice it", asked Shino.

"Simple, you will train it on me. You see even with this you would be at a disadvantage against me, since thanks to the nine tails, I have both massive chakra reserves, and regeneration. My healing will allow you to train the Crimson Flow on me. After that I will see if I can get you to work around people who can regenerate. I will not be satisfied until you can defeat me in a spar, but that is for later. Shall we begin", asked Naruto.

Shino nodded, he studied the scroll for a moment to see how to perform the technique before he began to practice on Naruto.

After practice Naruto and Shino sat on the ground to eat. Naruto looked at Shino.

"Tell me Shino, what do you fear", asked Naruto.

Shino only looked at Naruto with his eyebrow raised.

"I'm afraid I will lose control. I am constantly changing physically into something I do not know, or fully understand. An abomination who has no right to ever exist, and yet does. I fear what I will become when Nyarlathotep takes me, but I also embrace it and will face it with dignity. I believe if people embrace their fears, they will come out better for it, and usually only the most logical people look into what they fear", said Naruto.

They sat in silence for a moment before Shino looked to Naruto.

"I fear losing my individuality", said Shino.

Naruto nodded, but said Nothing.

"I am a walking hive, not one but many, I live in a clan that in many ways praises quantity over quality, in a village where others are hesitant around me. I am not one but many. I know every insect that lives in my body. Each one as individuals rather than a group. My family would not approve so I don't voice my fear to them. Every day I believe I am losing whatever makes me, me", said Shino.

Naruto nodded again.

"I see, you surprize me Shino. I expected many things, but not that. I would like to get to know you better, that way if you ever forget who you are, I can remind you", said Naruto.

Shino looked at Naruto and nodded.

"I would like that", said Shino.

Natuto watched as Shikamaru looked at the Jutsu he was to perform. He then turned to Naruto with mild confusion.

"Fire release: Flare", said Shikamaru.

"Yes, your shadow jutsu does not work in the dark, you need a source of light. This jutsu enables you to create a floating ball of fire to always give you that light. It will erase the weakness of your style", said Naruto.

Shikamaru shrugged.

"Well seems easy enough, and it's D-rank, so it probably will be relatively simple. Why not", said Shikamaru.

"With practice you will be able to control where the fireball goes so that you may move it around to extend your shadows range, just another advantage", said Naruto.

Shikamaru nodded as he read over the scroll.

Later after a few accidents involving a bush catching fire that sat to look at the clouds. It was relaxing. Naruto pointed to a large one.

"That one looks like a shoggoth", said Naruto.

"You told me a shoggoth is a blob, by that logic every cloud looks like a Shoggoth" said Shikamaru.

Naruto shrugged.

"Maybe but still it's nice to know that thanks to shoggoths every cloud looks like something. Oh look a one eared bunny", said Naruto as he pointed to another cloud.

"Bunny, please, it's a squirrel thats not an ear, it's a tail" said Shikamaru.

"Thats an insult to disables animals", said Naruto.

"Troublesome blonde", said Shikamaru.

"Lazy pineapple hair", said Naruto.

They spent the rest of the day looking at the clouds.

Naruto sat as he showed Hinata the Chakra scalpel.

"This is the Chakra scalpel. With it, combined with your eyes, you can attack others, and sever chakra could, or vital organs. It also requires tremendous chakra control. Mine always come out to large and dull, but I think this is perfect for you", said Naruto.

Hinata nodded.

"I-if you s-say so, Naruto-kun" said Hinata.

"Well it's a bit messy, but as ninja we sometimes have to kill. I'm not asking you to Kill Hinata, I just want you to have every advantage you can" said Naruto.

Hinata smiled as she began training.

After the training exercise Naruto and Hinata sat to the side enjoying each others company and conversation when Naruto remembered something. he reached in his pocket and pulled out a box.

"Here you go Hinata, just as I promised", said Naruto.

Hinata took the box and opened it. She inhaled a sharp breath as she pulled out a Devine Flower.

"I made a promise that if I ever found one, I would give you one. And I always keep my promises", said Naruto.

She smiled as she smelled the glowing flower.

"Thank you Naruto-kun", said Hinata.

Naruto smiled, he was almost going to voice that she didn't stutter, but decided to let her have her moment. He watched as she carefully put the flower back into the box cane slowly closed it. It did not escape him that she hugged the box to her chest before she put it away. he looked to the training field where he learned you did not want to get into a Hyuga's divination field and smiled as he unconsciously rubbed his arm. For something that was just a poke, gentle fist sure hurt like hell.

Naruto sat in his Eldritch form, floating above the ground in a meditative stance. Ino sat warily across from him in a similar stance.

"Psionics are the unlock potential of any sentient beings mind, it enables one to alter and control the photons created by their body with only mental power or to take thoughts using your own mind. It is much more complex then that, but that is the basics. Now ten percent of the human brain are neurons, the rest of the brain is there simply to keep the body and brain itself alive. Of those neurons we see anywhere between ten and thirty percent at a time depending on what we are doing. If you use all neurons simultaneously, well thats called a seizure, so we want to avoid that. Psionics are similar yet different to your family jutsu. We are going to mentally link and I am going to help you improve your clans attacks from within your mind. With any luck, we will rid of old weaknesses and gain new strengths. The basic idea is that you will be able to use mental powers by using your neurons in the way that is most efficient. Are you ready Ino", asked Naruto.


Naruto lifted his hand to Ino's head. Instantly they were transported to an infinite black void. Slowly features made themselves visible and they stood in a meadow, filled with flowers and plants.

"Huh, I guess you are a flower child", said Naruto.

"Ha ha, very funny", said Ino sarcastically.

"Either way, this is your mindscape. I am going to show you how to improve mental defenses, and as a result your mental prowess will increase, lets get to it", said Naruto.

They examined Ino's mindscape as she altered the world around her to make it difficult to enter her mind. Each time Naruto found it more and more difficult to stay in her mind.

"Now that tree is a physical representation of your memories, each leaf is an individual memory", said Naruto.

He simply touches one of the leaves causing the world to change. They found themselves in the academy, looking much younger. Sakura was sitting next to Sasuke while Ino brooded below. Young Ino looked around the class as her memories played.

"Oh god not this memory", said Older Ino.

"What is it", asked Naruto.

He got his answer when a young Naruto entered the classroom with a book in his hand. Suddenly they could hear what Ino was thinking at this point in time.

"Stupid Sakura, always ruining everything. Hmm, lets see. Who could I try and pair her up with to get her away from Sasuke-kun", spoke the younger Ino's disembodied thoughts.

"Lets see, Kiba. No he's to immature, She could do better", thought the younger Ino.

Naruto looked to the older one.

"It seems even when you were young rivals you thought highly about your old friend", said Naruto.

Ino groaned.

"Please end this before...", said the Older Ino before she was cut off by her younger counterpart.

"Naruto maybe, he is cute. And is smart like her, they could work together. He does look good in black to"

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he looked to the older Ino.

"Is that it, I fail to see why this makes you uncomfortable Ino", Said Naruto.

"Lets just go, now", said the older Ino.

Right before they left they heard one last thought.

"Not to mention that tan is amazing, seriously"

Older Ino groaned, Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

They reappeared back in the real world. Naruto left his Eldritch form.

"We never speak of this again, it goes to the grave", said Ino.

Naruto raised his hands defensively.

"Fine with me, though why are you having this reaction, you were merely complementing me", said Naruto.

"Shut up Naruto, and I swear say one word about this to anyone and I will end you Uzumaki", said Ino.

Naruto stood up.

"My lips are sealed", said Naruto who was still greatly confused.

"Good", said Ino.

Naruto was currently showing Kiba a unique technique he developed himself. It was used to dull the senses. He used it so he would not et sensory overload from his ability to see sound.

"The basic idea is you use it to dull your nose. Do not get me wrong, your sence of smell is a boon, but it can also be taken advantage of. Foul smells created by those eldritch in nature, or even stink bombs are a weakness we must remove", said Naruto.

"Whatever, how does it work anyway", asked Kiba.

"Simple, most ninja can use chakra to increase their senses, this works by dulling them. In truth it is a modified medical jutsu used to releave pain. It also can be formed as a barrier of sorts to block odors from entering your nose. Simple for now, but it is good training. I plan to teach you a special medical jutsu later. It was inspired by Tsunade's great strength, however this one works for your reflexes. Something that will help you greatly", said Naruto.

"So wait, you want me to learn something that makes it hard to smell things, but it will somehow make me faster", asked Kiba.

"No using the ability to dull your senses will increase your chakra control and give you some knowledge on how medical teqniques work, this will make it easy to learn the reflex boost later", said Naruto.

"What about Akamaru", asked Kiba.

Akamaru barked.

"Training animals will be a challenge, but I have a few ideas, once you finish your reflex training, I will be teaching both of you swordplay. The Fang over fang could be quite powerful with blades added to it. After all ou already can spin like a tornado, why not add swords into the mix", said Naruto.

"Ok you have my attention, where do we start", asked Kiba with a cocky grin.

"First you must learn to dull your senses", said Naruto.

Kiba groaned.

"Lame", said Kiba.

Naruto raised an eyebrow before he smirked.

"Is that so", asked Naruto.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pellet. He quickly threw it at Kiba. A green smoke appeared and Naruto listened to Kiba cough and gag. Then he used a simple wind jutsu to push the cloud away.

"Oh god, what the hell is that stuff", asked Kiba as he nearly threw up.

"A stink bomb. It used several fluids from a Deep One, also contains small drops taken from a Shoggoth, both rather difficult to obtain and very potent", said Naruto.

At that Kiba did throw up. A lot.

"Why the hell did you do that", asked Kiba as he wiped his mouth.

The next thing Kiba noticed was a kunai to his neck. He looked up to see it was held by Naruto.

"Because of your advanced sence of smell the already potent mixture effected you more than any it would most. After blowing the stink cloud away I had exactly seventeen chances to end your life painfully, and ten to end it painlessly, as well as at least fifty ways to leave you permanently crippled", said Naruto.

Kiba gulped, whiched caused him to start gagging again as the acid went back down his throat. Naruto put away the kunai and backed away.

"Fine, you made your point. Don't have to be an asshole about it", said Kiba.

"I'm being realistic. Never take anything for granted Kiba, even the weakest of Jutsu has it's place in your arsenal if you know what you are doing", said Naruto.

Kiba nodded.

"Alright, where do we start", asked Kiba.

Naruto looked at Choji. who was happily eating his chips. He offered some to Naruto who accepted after voicing his thanks.

"So, what do you plan on doing", asked Choji.

Naruto swallowed the chips and wiped his mouth. He cupped his chin with his hand and began to speak.

"You clan allows you to convert calories into chakra, a very powerful ability. However my idea is much more, interesting", said Naruto.

"How so", asked Choji.

"An idea came to me, one I think you will find interesting. I am still working on it, but it is a way of using chakra to alter your metabolism. Theoretically this will allow you to control when you use your families abilities much more efficiently then anyone else", said Naruto.

"Think that will work", asked Choji.

"I hope so, other than that, I plan on teaching you my modified body flicker that will allow you to move quickly arround the battlefield. Imagine punching someone while moving faster than they can see", said Naruto.

"Sounds powerful", said Choji.

"If my calculations are correct, you will be able to liquify your enemies organs. A single punch and even the strongest will fall", said Naruto.

Choji stopped eating for a second before resuming.

"Ok, but I really do not like to hurt people", said Choji.

"Then you have nothing to worry about most of what we will face in the future cannot really be called people, and most are not even humanoid. The Eldritch forces are quite powerful Choji. Besides as a ninja you will have to kill eventually, or be killed yourself. If you freeze up one of your friends could die. You can use it sparingly if that is what you want, but the principal is the same as any weapon or power. As they say it is better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it", said Naruto.

"I think I heard that somewhere", said Choji.

"Old proverbs can teach you many things Choji, philosophy can get you far, and knowledge is a power in and of itself. Find a philosophy that suits you, and do your best to keep it. An example, you do not have to kill anyone, but if there is no other choice you will do it without hesitation. It is a simple one that most ninja follow but one that none really think much on early in their life", said Naruto.

"I, well I think I can do that", said Choji with mild hesitation.

Naruto nodded.

"Then lets get started"

The Danzo tree was in place and Herbert started to push the chakra of his own fox into it. Normally demonic chakra was dangerous to life, but considering the tree used both the Sharingan and Mokuton bloodlines which were able to control a tailed beast, the tree would survive.

Slowly the tree grew. It's roots extended and gripped the supports with wooden hands and the fingers began to move up the pillars. Wooden hands of the roots held firm as the tree now doubled in height. It now stood nearly twenty five feet tall.

More Sharingan eyes grew on it's surface and began to look at it's new home. Danzo's face was barely visible, and the face of the first Hokage that once was on Danzo's shoulder was more pronounced and opened with Sharingan eyes of it's own. With the process finished Herbert looked at the new tree. It was at this time Naruto appeared in a flash next to Herbert.

"Impressive", said Naruto.

"Yep, the Demonic chakra should have annihilated the virus used to keep the tree from making seeds, but we still need Zetsu's D.N.A to finish the process. I sent Sasori and Deidara out to take care of that", said Herbert.

Naruto nodded.

"Good, what did you ask them for specifically", asked Naruto.

"Blood from each half of the plant man, and if possible a tissue sample. Sasori has the best chance to get the samples, but Deidara will act as support incase another of the Akatsuki is with him", said Herbert.

"Well then, we have nothing to fear. At this stage, I would say that Sasori is immortal and with the body of Madara, there is not much anyone could do. Deidara likewise has improved greatly, and he still has the grenade launcher, Blast proof Chakra armor, not to mention one of the seven swords of the mist. The only threat is Pain, even Obito is nothing compared to Madara, and Pain is not likely to leave his base. Besides even if he did Sasori has yet to use Madara's rinnegan", said Naruto.

Herbert chuckled. Before he stopped.

"Speaking of the Rinnegan, I have noticed your eldritch form seems to be attempting to gain one, any idea why that is", asked Herbert.

"Some old research shows that Orochimaru wants to gain Sasuke's body not just for the Sharingan, but for his blood. With the blood of an Uchiha in his own veins, Orochimaru could potentially gain the Rinnegan himself. He believes that adding Senju D.N.A to Uchiha D.N.A is the key, but he either needs a living Uchiha or Senju to do so, he is to afraid to go after Tsunade or Itatchi, so Sasuke is his best bet", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded.

"So thats why he was working with Mokuton cells, Why not just put both into his body, and when did you figure this out", asked Herbert.

"To answer your first question, he needs to have the blood of the uchiha or senju in his veins. This is why Danzo does not possess the rinnegan even though he has both the sharringan and mokuton. As for your second question I figured it out not long ago. After reading his notes and probing Kabuto's mind, it was easy to piece together. My hypothesis is that my Eldritch form is gaining the Rinnegan because I absorbed both the Mokuton and the Sharingan. Though it is happenin very slowly, and without chakra in my Eldritch form I cannot use it's abilities other than seeing Chakra, which the Byakugan can do anyway", said Naruto.

Herbert shrugged.

"Well sounds like fun, so would you like to put your own demonic chakra into the tree", asked Herbert.

Naruto looked at the massive tree and shrugged.

"Why not, not like Danzo is in any position to refuse", said Naruto as his body began to glow red.

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