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28.18% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 31: Chapter 31 It's Alive

Chapitre 31: Chapter 31 It's Alive

Brainiac cackled as he took the syringe of green glowing fluid to the vein. He slowly injected the reagent into the subject stepping back as the thunder rumbled.

"Yes, Yes. Rise. Rise", says Brainiac cackling madly.

There was a small twitch from the subject causing Brainiac to laugh as the thunder bellowed.

"It's alive, It's alive", screamed Brainiac.

Then Naruto turned off the stereo playing the sounds of thunder for ominous effect. While Xel only looked on with curiosity.

"Calm down Brainiac, it's just a mouse", said Naruto.

"What's the point of using mad science if you won't let me have my fun", asks Brainiac as he adjusts his goggles.

They look at the mouse as they put it's convulsing body back in it's cage.

"So which experiment is this", asks Naruto.

"This mouse was intentionally overdosed on the Reagent while dead. With this we should see the full effects and dangers of overdosing", says Brainiac.

They looked as the mouse began moving around it's cage. There was another mouse not moving as the subject walked around.

"Looks fine to me", says Naruto.

"Shhh, this is the best part", says Brainiac.

Suddenly the reanimated mouse's body began to convulse unnaturally. The skin on its stomach violently ripped open as it's intestines slithered to the other mouse grabbing it around the neck. Brainiac laughed as this happened.

"Yes, feed my pet, feed", said Brainiac.

The intestines dragged the struggling mouse back to the reanimated one. It Once it was close the reanimated rat began chewing on the still living mouse. Brainiac laughed happily. Naruto slowly backed away and turned to Xel.

"I pray to every Outer God and Great Old one I know that he never dispels. I do not want his memories in my head", says Naruto.

"I like him", says Xel.

Naruto's eyes narrow as he turns back to the mouse. It's guts squirm out of it's belly behaving as worms. Then his other organs began doing the same. Even it's skin is ripped from it's bones and begins crawling around the cage. Brainiac stops laughing and presses a button next to the cage. Flames shoot from the bottom of the cage incinerating the living organs.

"Well, another successful test", says Brainiac.

"How is that successful", asks Naruto.

"Well, now we know that overdosing is very bad. Can you imagine what that would do to a human. Speaking of which. Which of the corpses you collected do you like least. I have been thinking on creating an army of living human skin that envelop others to become a living disguise", says Brainiac.

"Brainiac, we can transform. Why would we need that", asks Naruto.

"Scientific curiosity", says Brainiac shrugging.

"Brainiac, if you keep this up, I'm moving you to a janitorial job", says Naruto.

"You're no fun", says Brainiac.

Naruto rubs the bridge of his nose.

"Please stop saying that", says Naruto annoyed.

Brainiac crosses his arms.

"Fine, anyway I have finished the gas masks you requested. The Gauntlets will take some time, but I expect that I will have a prototype in a week. Though the drone will take considerably longer. Also the reagent has been tested to the best of my abilities, I have a list of the dosage to use based on weight, height, and other such stuff. We are preparing the newest batch of reagent. There is enough of the Divine flower to make a little over half a gallon of Reagent", says Brainiac.

Naruto nods.

"Good. We will revive the two as soon as the autopsy is done. What else have you found out", asks Naruto.

Brainiac smiles.

"Haku as you call him was fun to examine. After a blood sample from the red snow was taken we learned that his bloodline effectively makes him immune to being frozen so long as he is alive, when dead he is nearly frozen solid. There is no way to heal the fist sized hole in the chest. To fix what we could we used a glass porthole to cover the hole over his heart the glass is very hard to even scratch so it wont be a problem", says Brainiac.

"Why not just cover it completely, why use a glass porthole", asks Naruto.

Brainiac smiles.

"Because I look forward to getting to see his heart beat when he is resurrected, also as I am the worlds greatest scientist I have to go with the rule of cool, and visible hearts are cool", says Brainiac.

Naruto's palm smacks his own face.

"I really like this one my lord", says Xel.

Naruto glances at Xel curiously before turning back to Brainiac hand not leaving his face.

"At least tell me that the glass wont break", asks Naruto through his hand.

"As I said it is difficult to even smash the glass, nothing short of an exploding tag could shatter it", says Brainiac.

Naruto's hand falls to his side.

"Well thats something, anything else", asks Naruto.

"Well, some of the clones studying both the Necronomicon and the copy of the scroll of seals has been working on a seal that is inked into my skin", says Brainiac as he lifts his shirt to reveal a complex seal on his chest. It almost looked like the design seen on a computers motherboard.

"This seal was designed to allow me to absorb chakra around me as you know everything except your summons has chakra so there is no short supply, effectivly I cannot be dispelled no matter how hard I'm hit. I am now a real person. Mostly", said Brainiac.

Naruto looks at the complex seal on Brainiacs chest.

"Also while no clone can inherit your eldritch powers, we do get the transformation abilities you have thanks to the fox. So I have decided to change how I look to suit my job", says Brainiac as he transformed.

Brainiac transformation is not much of a change, in fact the only difference was his hair was jet black and hung messily from his head and his skin unnaturally pale yet was slightly green. He had blue eyes but with black bags under them.

"Not much of a change", says Naruto.

"Yes but I like it, I already asked the clones to create a seal to make this how I will really look from now on", says Brainiac.

"Ok why are you green", asked Naruto.

"Because green is cool", says Brainiac smiling.

Naruto's eyes narrow.

"Of course it is", says Naruto not really feeling like arguing.

Naruto shakes his head.

"Well with that seal we can create an army of clones quite easily, Having an army of clones that cannot be dispelled will come in use", says Naruto.

"Unfortunately no, with to many seals like this in one area there would be no chakra to spare, and we go back to normal clones. Right now I am the only one with the seal and that was because you named me", said Brainiac.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that.

"Strange reason, but so long as you cannot ever dispel I'm good with it", says Naruto.

"Who says I can't dispel. I may be human in a way, but I can still die, just not as easy as before. And I am still a clone so when I do die, I will dispel. Also if you die I will also die", says Brainiac.

"Well just be careful. You are the head of the R&D department so I expect you to be arond to examine and reverse engineer any equipment I recover", says Naruto.

"I understand. Do not wory. With the power of Science at my side I can become effectively immortal. In fact, I was thinking about doing a few experiments on myself to become a cyborg. I will become the worlds first Cyborg Mad Scientist, then those fools who laughed at me, and called me insane will pay for their treachery oh yes. All shall fear the name Brainiac"

"Who laughed at you or called you insane", asked Naruto confused.

Brainiac looks up for a moment with a hand on his chin.

"I don't know, but I'm going to show them" says Brainiac.

There was a short pause.

"I'm going to go now Brainiac, don't destroy anything", says Naruto.

"Awww, but I wanted to test the reagent on a rabbit. I wanted to see both ears crawl around like snakes", whined Brainiac.

"No using the reagent, we have a limited amount until the flowers grow, and I want there to be enough for when we resurrect Haku and Zabuza after testing is done", said Naruto.

Brainiac nods.

"Fine fine, I'll start work on the gauntlets. Be sure to watch the test on the mask. It's in the testing room for now being used by a clone, but I am going to begin mass producing them later for the armory", said Brainiac.

Naruto nods as he leaves the room with Xel.

"See that you do", says Naruto.

While leaving Naruto turns to Xel.

"Remind me to be careful about who I pick for research. One Brainiac is more than enough", said Naruto.

"I disagree, he is clever. And at least he didn't die by tripping over a brick", said Xel.

Naruto glared at Xel.

"Are you still on about that", asked Naruto rhetorically.

Xel said nothing more. Naruto looks at the labs around him. He steps up to the long glass to watch as the clone uses the gas mask. It was full face unlike before and in true mad scientist fashion was rather intimidating to see. On both sides of the mask were the mouth was, were tubes connected to a canister strapped to the back. Then the clone pressed a small button was on the side of the mask. A spray of green gas shot out nearly thirty feet before clouding around the clone wearing the mask. It was invisible in the poisonous mist.

"Impressive", said Naruto.

"Indeed, though it may be hard to see with the poisonous cloud", said Xel.

"I'm sure Brainiacs already thought of that", said Naruto. It was then that the masks eyes glowed red.

"Thermal vision, now that is interesting way around it", says Naruto.

Naruto turns to Xel.

"That will come in handy later. Combined with the gauntlet we will have quite the equipment for when Cthulhu rises", says Naruto.

Xel looks down at Naruto.

"You expect this to stop Cthulhu", asks Xel.

Naruto shakes his head.

"No, but I saw the vision, those smaller creatures, the Star Spawn. With this equipment we can hold them back while heavy hitters deal with Cthulhu", says Naruto.

Xel nods.

"Perhaps, though I do not expect such weaponry to be effective against them", said Xel.

"We will need every advantage we can get. Besides this is just our first creation other than the reagent. We will create better weaponry", says Naruto.

Xel looks on as the green cloud disappears.

"Well it's a step, a small one but a step none the less", says Xel.

"Let me worry about that. Hows Konohamaru", asks Naruto.

"If I had my way he would be dead. He was simply walking around the Lab to see our progress. He was not impressed but did not voice it", says Xel.

Naruto nods.

"Let him be Xel. We will do all we can. I don't plan on letting any advantage slip through my fingers", says Naruto.

"Good, In the mean time I am off. I will keep in the sewers listening to the conversations above for anything interesting", said Xel.

Naruto waves as Xel walks off. He turns around and heads off to see what the other clones were doing. Hopefully they would be more sane that Brainiac.

After the events in the Lab Naruto and Konohamaru were walking above ground speaking to each other. They were talking to each other about a violent cult that had been discovered while being careful not to let others hear what they were saying.

"So if Outer Gods and Great Old Ones go by many names why can't Jashin be one", asks Naruto.

"I never said Jashin was not one, I merely said that they are to violent to even attempt to figure out. Though there are a few that come to mind based off Jashins worshipers", says Konohamaru.

Naruto nods.

"Could Jashin be the entity ruling my life", asks Naruto.

"Anything is possible, though there is no way to actually test that theory just yet. Even if it is it won't help us, we may identify the entity but there is no real reason to belive we will find out what it's plans are. I say that we ignore them until they become a nuisance. If it turns out they worship nothing then we put ourselves in great risk for nothing", says Konohamaru.

Naruto thinks on that for a moment. He looks up to see Sakura walking towards them.

"Hey Sakura", says Naruto.

Sakura waves as she walks forward.

"Hey Naruto, who's your friend", asks Sakura.

"Sakura this is Konohamaru, Konohamaru this is Sakura", says Naruto.

Konohamaru looks up.

"Pleasure to meet you", says Konohamaru.

"Likewise", says Sakura smiling.

She looks to Naruto.

"So what are you talking about", asks Sakura.

"Nothing much just a few current events", says Naruto.

"Mostly in relation to the Jashinist cult discovered a while back", says Konohamaru.

Sakura looks at Konohamaru.

"Aren't you a bit young to be thinking about those psychos", asks Sakura.

Konohamaru waves off her words.

"Not at all, it is a reality to our world we must learn to accept. Sometimes there are madmen lurking out there. It's not like ignoring them makes them go away", says Konohamaru.

Sakura lifts an eyebrow.

"Oh god it's an miniature Naruto"., says Sakura to herself.

"Not necessarily", says Konohamaru.

"Indeed, Konohamaru here is indeed intelligent, but at the same time he is not one to go outside of the box, like I am. Though he has a better understanding of certain subjects that I do", says Naruto.

Sakura shakes her head.

"Would you like to come for a walk with us", asks Naruto.

Sakura looks around for a moment.

"Well, sure why not", says Sakura.

They walk for a while before heading into an alley. While having there conversation Konohamaru accidentally bumps into a mysterious person.

"Excuse me", says Konohamaru before he is hoisted into the air by a boy clad in black wearing face paint with a wrapped up bundle on his back. Before the boy could say anything Konohamaru spoke.

"Great a mental Neanderthal, resorting to violence almost immediately", says Konohamaru.

That caused the boy to freeze while a girl with blond hair and what appeared to be a huge fan on her back, laughed at Konohamarus Remark.

"What did you call me", asks the boy.

"A mental Neanderthal. I'm not surprized you do not know of the evolutionary history of humanity", says Konohamaru.

The boy growls and lifts Konohamaru higher.

"As much as it would make you probably feel better, hitting a child, the grandson of the Hokage no less would not be good for your reputation. Also he did say excuse me", said Naruto.

The boy turned to Naruto to protest but said nothing as soon as he saw his eyes. Konohamaru fell from his grip as he stared at them.

"Please do not do that, it is rude", says Naruto.

The boy collects himself.

"Whatever, freak", says the boy as he looks at Naruto's eyes.

"Thats something coming from a man wearing makeup", says Naruto.

The boy growls at that.

"As entertaining as this is, can you please not growl, you are only giving Konohamarus statement of your mentality credence", says Naruto.

The blond girl with the fan laughs again.

"Who the hell are you anyway", asks the boy.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Ninja, scholar, scientist, and general intellectual at your service. May I ask your name"

The boy looks at Naruto for a moment.

"Kankuro", says the boy.

Naruto nods.

"I see, well welcome to Konoha Kankuro and...", Naruto asks as he lets out his hand asking the blond girl her name.

"Temari", says the girl.

"Well I welcome you", says Naruto as he sniffs the wind for a moment. He narrows his eyes in confusion when he smells the odor of blood, old blood.

"What reeks of blood", asks Naruto to himslef.

He does note that Kankuro and Temari seem hesitant. Naruto raises his eyebrow as a bow dressed oddly with a large gourd on his back and a blood-red symbol on his forehead saying 'love' back walked up. Naruto looked over this new boy for a moment when he noticed he saw something about this boy. Instantly he went over his knowledge he collected over his life. He remembered the information of the tailed beasts for some reason as he walked up to the boy, ignoring the stares of fear coming from both Kankuro and Temari. He watched as the eyes of the boy narrowed. Naruto examined the boy talking to himself.

"Hmm. Your skin is covered in sand. Bloodline maybe. No not a blood line something is off. Smell of blood. Sand, why does that sound familier. Wait a minute", said Naruto as his face lit up.

What happened next was confusing to everyone around but frightening for Kankuro and Temari. Naruto stuck his hand out as if asking the boy to shake it. He only stared at the hand confused.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I never thought I'd get to meet someone like me", says Naruto.

The boy just stares at him fo a moment. Seeing as nothing was happening Naruto lowered his hand. He lets out a sigh. He let his excitement on meeting a fellow Jinchuriki get to him and he immediately realized that in his zeal he had let loose a secret that no one was ment to know. Then again compared to his other secrets the fox was a relatively minor it wouldn't be to bad to elaborate. After all a conversation with this boy could be enlightening for Naruto and would have been stimulating. Unfortunately he did not think on how this boy would act as he spoke.

"Well to further elaborate, I, like you have a certain creature sealed within me", says Naruto smiling.

At that Kankuro and Temari slowly backed off as the boy just stared at Naruto.

"I'm Gaara", says the boy.

Naruto nods.

"Well it's nice to meet you Gaara", says Naruto.

The next words were unexpected.

"I look forward to killing you and validating my existence", says Gaara with no humor or sarcasm in his voice, it sounded serious.

Naruto stops talking and just stares at Gaara.

"Uhhhh, ok, this conversation went much differently than I believed it would", says Naruto.

It was at that point that a cloud of smoke appeared and cleared to reveal Sasuke standing next to Naruto.

"Who's this guy", asks Sasuke.

"Some guy who wants to kill me. So yeah there is that", says Naruto.

"Well that sucks", says Sasuke.

"If I may", says Konohamaru.

Everyone turns to see him walking away from Sakura who stood frozen.

"You should be more cautious to who you reveal certain information to Naruto. I understand your curiosity to others, especially others who are as unique as you. But do remember that we have plans for the future and your death would put a rather large damper on those plans", says Konohamaru.

"I know, I was just over zealous", says Naruto.

He turns back to the others who were looking at Naruto and Kankuro confused. Gaara simply stood staring at Naruto and Sasuke with what could only be called bloodlust in his eyes.

"You two will confirm I exist", says Gaara.

"Existence doesn't work like that, you either do or you don't exist. And if you don't exist than you can't do anything because you don't exist", says Konohamaru.

Naruto mentally sighed. Expect a yithian to always think logically never understanding allegory or metaphors. Gaara only glared at Konohamaru.

"Konohamaru, we have to talk latter", says Naruto.

Konohamaru nods. Gaara walks past them all.

"Lets go", he says as a skittish Kankuro and Temari follow.

"They seem nice", said Naruto.

Sakura and Sasuke just look at Naruto. Naruto looks to Sasuke.

"You know, you need to ease up on the flicker entrance", says Naruto.

"I consider it practice", says Sasuke.

Naruto shrugs.

"I'd hate to interupt but how can you two be so calm. Someone just said they were going to kill Naruto", said Sakura.

Naruto and Sasuke looked to each other.

"I've seen worse, and I've Shown Sasuke worse to help him unlock his eyes. He's not that bad comparatively", said Naruto.

Sasuke nodded.

"And I'm pretty sure we don't have to worry, they wouldn't risk a diplomatic incident", says Naruto.

"Why are sand nonja here anyway", asks Sasuke.

"Oh you didn't hear. The chunin exams are being held in Konoha this year", said Naruto.

Sasuke looks at Naruto for a moment.

"Really, wonder if we'll participate", says Sakura.

"Maybe, hard to say. Though at our age we would need our Jonin-senseis permission", says Naruto.

"Well lets go get it", says Sasuke as he walks off. Naruto and Sakura follow. Konohamaru simply leaves, confused as to exactly what had happened. Either way he didn't have anything to do for now. His observation were interesting, but human behavior still eluded him.

As it turned out Kakasi had already entered them in the exams. After the meeting Naruto walked back into his lab. He looked at the corpses of Haku and Zabuza as they floated in the glass containers filled with liquid. True to Brainiacs Word a metal and glass pothole was on his chest, with Haku's heart visible behind the glass. Zabuza on the other hand was only covered in scars held together by stitches. Brainiac walked up to the glass container holing two screws in his hand. He pressed a button on it causing a fluid to drain from the container. It pops open. Brainiac grabbed Zabuza's body and hefted him over to a table. Once laid down he positioned the screws to the side of Zabuza's neck and seemed ready to put them into his neck.

"What are you doing", asks Naruto.

"What, they go with the look", said Brainiac pointing at Zabuza.

"Just. Just get Haku", said Naruto as his palm smacked his face.

Brainiac scowled as he dropped the screws. Pressing the button the fluid drained from Haku's container. He brings the corpse over to another table. Then Brainiac grabs two syringes of glowing green fluid. He holds one with slightly less liquid in it and hands it to Naruto.

"That one is for Haku", said Brainiac.

Naruto nods.

"Ok, be sure to inject it slightly above the upper most vertebrae of in the cervical curve. The brain needs to revive first", said Brainiac.

Naruto lifts Haku's head while Brainiac does the same to Zabuza. Slowly they inject the green fluid into them. Once the fluid is fully injected They lay the body's down and wait.

next chapter
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