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16.36% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 Team 7

Chapitre 18: Chapter 18 Team 7

Looking around the now cleaned lab Naruto got to work with he immediately began the construction of the biometric scanners. Tuning it to scan the veins in the body which were more different from others than even fingerprints he smiled.

"We should have the scanners ready in about three months at this rate", says A clone.

"Good, what about the team working on the turrets", asks Naruto.

"That will take at least a year and a half, not counting a reliable power source", says the clone.

Naruto nods.

"Alright. leave the turrets alone for now. Get a team to collect the ingredients for the reagent. I plan on turning the back room into a green house and grow as much as we can. If we can get Devine Flower seeds We will effectively mass produce the Reagent. I want to beat Death Before we fight Cthulhu. Also if possible try and capture test subjects for the Mokuton project. No humans we'll try with mice", says Naruto.

The clone nods before going off.

"What information have we copied from the scroll", asks Xel.

"We copied the while thing. Allot of the Jutsu are deadly to use. But all of it is useful. I hesitate to begin studying it now until we know the dangers. Several of the Jutsu are last resort type moves. The ones that are not require so much training it might as well be suicide. I'm put the copy in the containment module with the Necronomicon and Mokuton blood sample", says Naruto.

"I see. Well we are off to a good start. I have sent some if your extra clones outside into the forest as a way to map the area for possible training grounds. I hear that they have found many discarded items and weapons that could be useful. This lab is quite large, but I recommend enlarging it, you do not even need to use clones. The Shoggoth were originally created by the Elder Things to act as tools. Summon only one and we can expand the lab to half the size of Konoha in six months. We can effectively turn it into a combination of Research and Development, Armory, Foundry, and engendering base. essentially you will have your own secret army", says Xel.

"Sounds good, like an advanced technological version of ANBU", says Naruto.

Naruto walks to the back wall. He bites his thumb slamming it on the ground. After a moment he looks at the giant black amoeba like creature looking like living tar. Eyes 'floated' on it's surface. Naruto smiled at the creature that he had wanted to summon since he learned of the summoning contract.

"Hello, I'm Naruto"

Naruto reaches out with his hand. All of the eyes on the Shoggoth focus on it. After understanding what Naruto was doing a Tentacle forms on the blob and grabs Naruto's hand shaking it.

"An unusual greeting my lord", says Xel.

Naruto ignores Xel looking at the Shoggoth.

"I have to say I have read the history of your race, I find you and the other Shoggoth amazing creatures, I am glad you were able to shake off the bonds of slavery and an honored to have you as a summon", says Naruto.

The creature pulsates and ripples its answer.

"He says it is an honor for him as well", says Xel.

Naruto nods.

"Well now that the pleasantries are out-of-the-way I have a task for you. We plan on stopping Cthulhu", says Naruto.

The Shoggoth ripples violently. immediately Naruto understands the action. It was laughing.

"We don't plan on killing him. Such a task would be impossible. We plan on slowing him until he sinks back below the ocean. We have ten years until R'lyeh rises. We plan on being ready. This area is our base of operations. While it is large enough for now we need to expand. I was hoping you could help in expanding the base. You can use materials buried to help with construction", says Naruto.

The creature bubbles it's answer.

"He says he will help, all you had to do was ask", says Xel.

Naruto smiles as the Shoggoth begging forming tentacles from its body Shapeshifting them into tools to tear down the wall. As it digs Naruto thanks the creature.

"You have an interesting view of the Shoggoth my lord", says Xel.

"I find them an inspiration", says Naruto.

Naruto walks back to the area where the clones were building the labs for research using the remains of the equipment.

"We should find a way to get better materials other than scrap. I'll send some clones out and see what they can do. If we are lucky Orochimaru may have more labs down here. I still cannot believe some of this equipment, I'm pretty sure Orochimaru invented half of this stuff, I knew the man was a genius but most of this stuff is beyond anything I have ever read. If I didn't know half of what I do, I would never have a chance to get this place in working order. Either way, Xel how goes mapping the power grid", asks Naruto.

"It goes well, but it seems as if we are only getting minimal power from Konoha, most likely a way for Orochimaru to stay further hidden. To satisfy out power needs I suggest we build our own generators. There may be some information in the Necronomicon that will help. I believe that the Yithians, Elder Things, and Mi-go all had there own sources of power that could last for centuries. The schematics may be within the book, but building them will take far to long. several years I say. We have to find a better and quicker solution", says Xel.

"I'll draw up some notes to see what we can do, for now CDA is progressing smoothly", says Naruto.

"CDA?", asks Xel.

"Cosmic Defense Agency. We needed a name, and we can use it to prepare the ninja world. They won't believe any one person. But they might believe an Organization.", says Naruto.

"I see. This project of yours is ambitious to say the least, but In any event, I can handle the work here. I believe today is when you will become acquainted with your new team", says Xel.

"I know, I have half an hour but might as well get there early. Make sure everything runs smoothly Xel", says Naruto.

Naruto exits the sewer breathing in fresh air. Putting the manhole cover back on Naruto leaves toward the academy. Smiling at the progress of his ambitious project as Xel called it he was happy that Xel had found the place. Making Xel use the sewers to get around was the best thing that could possibly happen to Naruto. As Naruto walked into the academy he pulled out a book on mechanical engineering. Lately he had been reading new books creating a clone and then dispelling it so the clones at the lab would get the information and work better.

Shikamaru slept next to Naruto and Choji quietly ate chips as they waited. The class was more than half empty most of the students who dropped out were at home. After a while Iruka walked into the room. He smiled at his class as he began to repeat the words from yesterday about the harsh realities of ninja life. Judging from the faces of the graduates the message was not taken to heart by many. After the conversation Iruka began to reveal the teams.

Naruto ignored the teams of one through six as no one put on those teams were anyone Naruto knew.

"Team 7 will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha", says Iruka.

Naruto lowers his book as he looks at his two team mates. Sakura seems happy with the placement judging by the eyes she kept throwing at Sasuke. Sasuke seemed nervous but it was hard to read his emotions. Naruto listened to the other team placements. As expected Ino-Shika-Cho was recreated, much to Ino's disappointment. Hinata was put on Teams with Kiba and Shino. Hinata seemed disappointed and Naruto knew why. He nervously put his eyes back in his book as he continued to read. Slowly the class became empty until only team 7 remained. After ten minutes of being alone Sasuke walked down the steps ignoring Sakura to sit next to Naruto.

Naruto raised his eyebrow.

"Something you need Sasuke", asks Naruto.

Sasuke looks at Naruto for a moment before he shakes his head lightly.

"There is something I have meant to ask you, when you helped activate my Sharringan that. Creature that you showed me. Is it real", asks Sasuke.

Naruto looks at Sasuke. He closes his book.

"Do you really want to know the answer to that question Sasuke", asks Naruto.

"Yes", says Sasuke quickly.

Naruto nods.

"Well then, yes they are real why do you ask"

Sasuke closes his eyes for a moment.

"Well after seeing it I felt strange for a while. I felt weak, weaker than I ever felt in my life. I do not say those words lightly. I thought that if such a creature were real then no matter what I did nothing mattered. I did not and still do not know why I think that, I felt small. insignificant. Like there were thing out there that could obliterate anything with out even trying. Ever since that day I convinced myself that such a creature couldn't be real it was to alien", says Sasuke.

"Sorry Sasuke, If I would have known it would affect you like this I would not have even tried it", says Naruto.

"Don't apologize. I appreciate it. I just. I don't know.", says Sasuke.

Naruto nods.

"I see. Listen Sasuke and take these words to heart. Compared to what else is out there the Flying Polyp is as frightening as a puppy", says Naruto.

Sasuke noticeably pales at that.

"Naruto you should stop freaking out Sasuke", says Sakura with a concerned look on her face.

"Listen Sakura, I don't say these things lightly, and I never lie. I know you feel like a real ninja now, but the fact of the matter is there are things in this world more powerful than the greatest Ninja. Our world is as fragile as a leaf , and right now a storm is coming" says Naruto.

They drop the subject. Sasuke and Sakura think over the conversation to themselves. Naruto reads his book. After about three hours the door opens. A man with silver hair that stands straight up in defiance of gravity walks in. Most of his face is covered. Only one eye is visible. He looks at his students. Noting the slight fear showing on two of there faces and the blank inquisitive look on the other.

"My first thoughts on you three. You're a little depressing", says the man.

There faces falter after that.

"I'm your Jonin sensei, meet me on the roof and we'll get started"

Then the man disappears in a puff of smoke and leaves.

"Well, he seems nice", says Naruto.

Sasuke and Sakura look at him for a moment before leaving the room. Several moment later they sit on the ground as they watch Kakashi look them over.

"Alright why don't you introduce yourselves. Just the usual stuff. Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies. Things like that.", says Kakashi.

"Why don't you go first", says Naruto.

"Me. Hmmm. I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate. I don't feel like telling you that. Dreams for the future. Never really though about it. As for hobbies. I have lots of hobbies", says Kakashi.

"That's it. All we got is your name", says Sakura imitated.

"Not necessarily, he also revealed he is secretive", says Naruto.

Sakura shrugs agreeing.

"Yes well, anyway why don't you start of off blondie", says Kakashi.

"Alright I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I like talking and listening to people with varying ideas on a number of subjects and philosophies, I also like ramen, and science. General term I know but there is no particular field I am interested in. I hate willful ignorance, liars. My dreams for the future are to become one of the foremost authorities on scientific advancement and be known as a great scholar and ninja. My hobbies include research, experimentation, and training", says Naruto.

"Interesting goals, but from what I heard about you not entirely impossible, ok pinky your next", says Kakashi.

Sakura still slightly off after Naruto's words earlier takes a moment to answer.

"Well I'm Sakura Haruno. I like."

She begins to blush as she looks over at Sasuke, but she shakes her head. Truth be told Naruto's words were getting to her.

"I like syrup coated anko dumplings. I don't really dislike anything. My dreams. I never really thought about it beyond. well"

Sakura shoots Sasuke another glance and softly giggles to herself.

"My hobbies are playing trivia games and shopping", says Sakura.

"Ok good to hear Sakura", says Kakashi lazily.

Kakashi turns his eyes to Sasuke.

"You're last", says Kakashi.

Sasuke looks up for a moment.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I don't have many likes. I dislike things that should not even exist that do. My dreams well I don't really have a dream, more like an ambition. I'm going to kill a certain man", says Sasuke.

Kakashi looks at Sasuke confused over his dislike but chooses to ignore it for now.

"Ok well then, with that out of they way, meet me at the training ground 3 tomorrow morning", says Kakashi.

"What are we going to do there I thought now that we are ninja we get to do real missions", says Sakura.

Kakashi lets out a light laugh.

"Not just yet. In fact right now you are not even Genin", says Kakashi.

With that information the three look at Kakashi with worry.

"What do you mean, we passed why are we not Genin yet", asks Naruto.

"The Academy is just to see who has a chance to become Genin. After that the Jonin sensei assigned to the hopefuls tests to see if they have potential. Out of the 27 students who passed only 9 will become Genin. And the test failure rate is 66%", says Kakashi.

The three look at each other for a moment.

"Fine, we'll take your test and pass it easy", says Naruto.

"Good, like I said meet me at The third training ground before the sun comes up. Oh and if I were you I wouldn't eat breakfast, you'll only throw it up", says Kakashi.

With that he disappears once again in a cloud of smoke and leaves.

"Well great", says Naruto.

"What do you mean great", asks Sakura sounding irritated.

"Look on the bright side we still have a chance. Each of us are some of the smartest students from the academy. We'll figure this out. Until then I'm going to read some on this Kakashi, try to learn as much as I can. He recommended we not eat breakfast which is not really an order, but just incase I'm going to at least eat a big dinner tonight", says Naruto.

Sakura and Sasuke nod in agreement.

"Just let us know what you find", says Sasuke.

"No worries, you two take care I gotta go", says Naruto.

As Naruto walks away Sasuke and Sakura stay behind.

"You know Naruto is right, we should have a big dinner. Why don't we go out and eat at a restaurant or something just you and me?", asks Sakura.

"Pass", says Sasuke.

They each leave Sasuke contemplating the day while Sakura goes home slightly depressed about Sasuke rejecting her date proposal.

Meanwhile after sending several clones to research Kakashi, Naruto is back at the lab, He and Xel talk with each other.

"So there will only be nine Genin this year, I plan on introducing them all to the CDA but I will first see who passes. I can't do this alone and I need help. If I can explain the situation to them we could have some help to get the message out there. What do you think", asks Xel.

"I doubt that it will go so well and the risks are great", says Xel.

"That is why I have a plan. I have looked over all the teams only two others will pass if my team does. I need their help. I will wait for a while but I am confident enough in my guess of who will graduate fully to begin the newest project. I have composed a list of all known Summoning Contracts and there last know location. Right now I am going to send out clone teams of ten to find the scrolls. ", says Naruto.

"You can only sign one contract my lord why collect them all", asks Xel.

"When I invite the other teams I will need a peace-offering, I thought these gifts will be good for them. The other scrolls will be held in the module until we find someone trusting to give them to", says Naruto.

"I see, but my lord if any of the other eight tell Konoha of this place then the village will undoubtably use your technology and knowledge against their fellow man", says Xel.

"I know, that will be counter productive for when Cthulhu rises. That is why I will make them understand the circumstances and the need for secrecy. Officially we will still be soldiers of the leaf. Unofficially we will be CDA agents researching and training to be as strong as possible for when Cthulhu raises. If they do not agree or let it slip, well then we use your psionic powers to wipe their mind of it", says Naruto.

"It sounds manipulative", says Xel.

"I will let them all know of everything. Even the possibility of the mind wipe. I am not manipulative Xel, I am careful", says Naruto angrily.

"I understand my lord, still I recommend you wait. We can use transformed clones to keep tabs on them. I trust that is suitable", asks Xel.

"Already one step ahead of you Xel. I have kept tabs on all the graduates the moment they met there sensei. This is why I am so confident I know which of the other teams will become Genin", says Naruto.

Xel nods.

"Good to hear, never the less I have some news. Lord Dagon and Mother Hydra wish to meet you. The Shoggoth has already excavated a large cave big enough to summon them both. Shall we", asks Xel.

Naruto smiles.

"Yes it will be good to see the son and daughter of Cthulhu", says Naruto.

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