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97.27% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 107: Chapter 107- Cousin

Chapitre 107: Chapter 107- Cousin

Shikamaru sat comfortably on the ground looking at the clouds. He liked this place, oh sure there were mind shattering monsters all over the place, but at least the humid environment made for a lot of clouds to watch. He just wasn't so many storm clouds, they just ment rain was coming. Either way however he was content. His eyes lazily traveling the clouds all day. It helped get the thoughts that ran through his head just ebb away for a few moments of being absolutely content.

At the moment there was no worrying about the forces of some god whose name he couldn't pronounce coming to destroy him. Right ow it was just Shikamaru and the sky. Shikamaru always had low standards, it was less troublesome that way. A simple life as an ununique ninja with an average wife and average kids. Not much to ask for, but of course he was whisked off into the protection of a planet he has never fully seen to save people he never met against forces he couldn't understand.

Sometimes he wondered if Neji was right with fate, Shikamaru wouldn't go as far as obsessing it over like the Hyuuga once did, but it seemed that fate was going to make his life unessisarily complex whether he wanted to or not. He would have thought more on that, but he thought that to troublesome. At the moment sitting under the tree he was content, and he might as well just enjoy it, it probably wasn't going to last long.

"Shikamaru Nara get your lazy ass over here and train with the rest of us before the rain starts", screamed Ino.

Shikamaru sighed, She said his whole name, and not listening to when she says the whole name was a mistake Shikamaru was not going to make, his peace lasted even shorter than he thought.

Naruto lifted his hand and concentrated. Several Tentacle Whips emerged from his arm. He concentrated his chakra through the tentacles as a Spiraling Ring was formed by each tentacle. The destructive force of this move equaled damage with several Great Spiraling Rings, with a bit more training Naruto hoped to create a Great Spiraling Ring at the tip of each tentacle. The destructive damage would level an entire village. For now he concentrated at the field of trees before him.

"Tentacle Whip: Spiraling Ring Destruction", said Naruto as his tentacles shot at breakneck speeds and destroyed the forest.

When the smoke cleared the field of trees before him, turned into an empty crater the size of a village square. Naruto breathed hard as he examined the damage. That took a lot out of him, but with practice he could turn it into one of his most powerful moves, or at least most destructive. He hoped that when it was finished it would punch a hole in the Mi-go's ship. Once he could get it up to a Great Spiraling Ring he would then begin adding elements into the move, further increasing its power.

Naruto turned his head to see dozens of Shadow clones practicing the same move as him, He smiled, he would have this move down in no time.

He was about to get ready to do the move again, when he saw someone coming towards him. He turned to see Konohamaru walking towards him. Naruto turned to the clones doing the move.

"Practice until you dispel", said Naruto.

He watched as they nodded and continued to practice. Naruto walked over to Konohamaru.

"What is it", asked Naruto.

"I see you are training, I am not interrupting anything important am I", asked Konohamaru.

Naruto shook his head.

"No, the clones will pick up the slack", said Naruto.

Konohamaru looked at them for a moment before nodding.

"In any event, I have made some progress with the prisoners", said Konohamaru.

Naruto nodded.

"Lets go to my office", said Naruto.

He grabbed Konohamaru's hand and disappeared in a flash of light.

They reappeared in Naruto's office who sat behind his desk and motioned for Konohamaru to take a seat.

"Ok I'm listening", said Naruto.

"Yes, during my observations of the Color, I spoke to the girl, our cousin if I remember correctly. Karin. She has shown interest in my work on the Color, while speaking to her I found out a few interesting details, she was a researcher for Orochimaru. While we talked, I told her of the Great Race of Yith, our history and our ways. I think she wishes to join us. I am not sure of the others", said Konohamaru.

Naruto nodded.

"Nice to see that things are progressing, was she informed of our blood relation", asked Naruto.

"She was, however it did not faze her. I believe she thinks it is a lie. However I noticed over time she began to fear her enclosure, claustrophobia may be a possibility. The glass walls may have helped her without fear, but that is only a theory. I think you may be able to actually get her to join us", said Konohamaru.

"Why so interested in her, you usually care little for others", said Naruto.

Konohamaru shrugged.

"Maybe, but it was her reactions when I told her of my race, she was quiet, which is rare for her, and listened attentively", said Konohamaru.

"What of the others", asked Naruto.

"The Large one, Jugo wishes to be left alone while we continue to provide him with the injections that keep him calm, Suigetsu is a possibility but he is violent, not to be trusted just yet. Kabuto however can be persuaded, if the subject interests him greatly. I see the signs. He is a scientist, when he chooses to speak it is to ask questions on the color, which he has shown great interest in. However trusting him is foolish. However if we do get him to join, he has shown interest in genetic modification, possibly to himself. Finally Zaku has progressed the furthest. His conversations with Kin has proven he will soon join us, give him more time", said Konohamaru.

"I will speak to Karin very soon, I'll let Kin speak with Zaku. What is the progress on the plasma cannon", asked Naruto.

"I may be able to get it working, but it will not be as powerful as I had hoped. To many changes to compensate for what we do not have. I have no accurate projections", said Konohamaru.

"What of the Viewing Screens", asked Naruto.

"The Deep One and I believe it can be modified to search for the matter that makes up the Mi-go, we will have it soon. However we are building one for the base Herbert was sent to", said Konohamaru.

Naruto nodded.

"Very well, I will let you get back to work. I'll speak with the Karin later", said Naruto.

Konohamaru nodded before leaving the room.

Itachi listened as his door opened. From the sound of the footsteps he could tell it was Sasuke.

"Anything happen while I was gone", asked Sasuke.

"You're teammate visited me", said Itachi.

"Naruto", asked Sasuke.

"No the girl, Sakura I believe her name is", said Itachi.

Saske raised a curious eyebrow before asking the obvious question.

"What did she want", asked Sasuke.

Itachi smiled.

"She asked me why I did what I did, I told her. She listened until I finished. Before hitting me on the head and calling me an idiot, and other less nice names", said Itachi.

"She did what", deadpanned Sasuke.

"She is very protective of you. I approve", said Itachi.

Sasuke froze.

"You what", asked Sasuke.

"I think she is a good girl for you, she assaulted an S-rank missing nin for you, well blind bedridden S-rank missing nin, but S-rank missing nin none the less. Now she is a little rough around the edges I'll admit, but she is smart, not hesitant to speak her mind, and a little bit insane. I think she was talking to someone in her head, but I have seen stranger behaviors from Kunoichi's. There was this girl in konoha, with purple hair. I think her name was Anko. Had a thing for hurting people. Fun Girl, but that is not important, but I think you and Sakura would make a good couple", said Itachi.

Sasuke took a moment before he spoke again.

"Please say this is the medicine talking", pleaded Sasuke to every Deity he knew, even the eldritch ones. Unfortunately Itachi heard him.

"Maybe, the morphine the doctor used could still be in my system, that could be it. The room does feel like it's spinning, and since I can't see it is very disconcerting because as far as I know it is spinning. Is it spinning Sasuke", asked Itachi.

Sasuke sighed.

"No Itachi, the room is not spinning", said Sasuke.

"Ok then. Now don't change the subject. I think you and Sakura should get together. I think I would make a great uncle. Kids love me, well actually they keep their distance, but you like me, and you are a kid so the argument is valid. I can see it now, Little pink haired kids with the sharringan glaring a hole in everything while talking to the Inner voice in their head. I would spoil them and give them candy and they would be like 'Thanks Uncle Itachi', and I would smile and everything will be just great, and when they would get on my nerves I would send them back to you to deal with, it would be nice, don't you think so Sasuke", asked Itachi.

A few moments of silence past.

"Sasuke ?", asked Itachi hoping for an answer from his brother.

Itachi waited for Sasuke to answer, not knowing he had left the room as soon as pink haired kids with the sharingan was mentioned.

"He'll be back", said Itachi as he fell to sleep.

Sasuke made his way to Sakura's room. As soon as he was at the door he waited for a few moments before knocking.

"In a minute", said Sakura.

Sasuke sighed as he leaned against the wall. A moment later the door opened.

"Sasuke, what are you doing here", asked Sakura.

"Itachi said you spoke to him", said Sasuke.

Sakura's eyes turned down before she looked back up and nodded.

"Yeah, I did. He told me what happened with your, well you know. I listened", said Sakura.

"And then you hit him", said Sasuke.

"He deserved it", said Sakura angrily.

"Yes, he did. However, why did you feel you had to hit him", asked Sasuke.

Sakura shrugged.

"Like I said he deserved it, if anything I should have hit him harder", said Sakura.

Sasuke grunted.

"If you did that he would probably be a lot worse off then he is now", said Sasuke to himself.

"What do you mean", asked Sakura.

"Nothing, lets just say I am not going back in that room for a few hours", said Sasuke.

Sakura looked at Sasuke in bewilderment.

"Ok, so is that all you wanted, because I am working on Aegis. trying to make him lighter, more mobility. If you want you can help me", asked Sakra with a grin.

Sasuke shook his head.

"Sorry, puppets are not my thing", said Sasuke.

Sakura narrowed her eyes for a moment before smiling. Sasuke noticed a rather devious look in her eye. 'I do not like that smile', thought Sasuke.

"Really, the only place you have been going is your brothers room, and you just said you don't want to be there for a few hours. It's not like you have much else to do", said Sakura.

Sasuke looked behind him.

"I was going to go train", said Sasuke.

As soon as he said that there was the sound of thunder followed by rain. Sakura smirked.

"You were saying", asked Sakura smugly.

Sasuke sighed, defeated by his own words, and rain.

"What do you need me to do", asked Sasuke.

Sakura smirked.

Naruto looked down at Karin who sat up to the glass with her arms around her knees. Naruto sat before activating the microphone.

"Hello again Karin", said Naruto.

Karin looked up to Naruto, observing him for a moment.

"So, you are my cousin huh", asked Karin.

"According to the blood tests, we are related on my mothers side", said Naruto.

Karin shrugged.

"So why are you here anyway", asked Karin.

"Just coming to check up on you, maybe even ask if you want to join us", said Naruto.

Karin raised an eyebrow.

"Join you, you have an alien working for you, why would you need me", asked Karin.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange eons even death may die. That is a passage from the Necronomicon describing the Great Old Ones, a race of over a billion entities with God like power, in the sea a sunken city is set to rise. When it does one of the Great Old Ones will awaken from it's death like slumber, a creature more powerful than you can possibly imagine, capable of destroying all life on this planet. I am trying to prevent the extinction of the human race, I need all the help I can get", said Naruto.

Karin put her head to her knees.

"Sounds unbelievable, it's probably true. So what do you want me to do, scream at it till it goes away"

"I understand you worked for Orochimaru as a researcher. I have many labs, I can offer a lot, money, power, facilities, equipment, and whatever else you need. You can work on whatever you want, so long as it increases the chances of humans surviving then you have the freedom to work on whatever you wish", said Naruto.

"I was primarily a geneticist, I worked on freaks in glass tubes", said Karin.

"I could use someone who specializes in genetic modification, the only one we have is Amachi, and he would betray me the first chance he got", said Naruto.

"What makes you think I won't", asked Karin.

"Because unlike Amachi you can be trusted. Unlike Kabuto or Orochimaru I will not force you to do anything against your wishes, with me you do not have to worry about the fear of death, you will be safe in my village, that is a promise, and I never break my word", said Naruto.

"Let me get this straight, you want me to work for you, and I can work on whatever I want, and you won't threaten to kill me if I fail, not only that, but you are willing to pay me for whatever I do, and give me power that could be used to help me escape", asked Karin.

"No, you can leave the village if you want. I would have to erase your memories while here before we dropped you off at Kiri. Suigetsu and Jugo have the option to leave as well when I ask them, you all were basically slaves for Orochimaru and thus had no choice in the matter. Kabuto will also be given a choice in due time however if I even suspect he lies he will remain in the cell, he is to dangerous to set free even if I erased his memories, at the same time he is to valuable to kill", said Naruto.

"When will you ask the others to join", asked Karin.

"Soon, when I believe the time to ask them is near. I already asked Jugo, he refused and asked to be kept in the cell. There is a reason all the cells are provided with a surplus of food and drink, as well as a few luxuries such as books, exercise equipment, and such. Even though you all are locked up you still are treated as human. It also lets you know that I am not like Orochimaru, increasing the chances of you accepting my offer. The final decision is yours", said Naruto.

Karin shrugged.

"Well, fine. I'll join you. Fate of the world hangs in the balance and everything. Think I can get my own lab", asked Karin.

Naruto smiled.

"I can get you your own building if you want, and not a small one either", said Naruto.

Karin stood up.

"Well what are we waiting for, lets go", said Karin.

"There is one more thing, Karin, tell me. How would you feel if I said that you can right now obtain the sharingan yourself", asked Naruto.

"What are you talking about", asked Karin.

"The details are not important, you only need to know that I and I alone have cornered the market of sharingan eyes, and even replacements. Though due to a series of events only certain people can get them, it just so happens you are one of those few", said Naruto.

Karin smiled.

"You know, it would be a big insult to Orochimaru if I did. You know what, yeah, I want the Sharingan", said Karin.

Naruto reached to the nearby console and opened the door.

"Karin, welcome to the CDA", said Naruto.

Sasuke watched as Sakura focused only on her puppet, not even sparing Sasuke a glance. He held her hand to him without looking.

"Flathead screwdriver", said Sakura.

Sasuke sighed as he grabbed the screwdriver and handed it to Sakura. Who took it and began to work on the puppet.

"You know, when you asked me to help on your puppet I didn't think I would just be handing you tools", said Sasuke.

"You said yourself puppets are not your thing. after saying that I wouldn't let you anywhere near Ivy-chan or Aegis-kun with a tool", said Sakura.

"Ivy-chan? Aegis-kun? They are just puppets", said Sasuke.

Sakura turned around and actually glared at Sasuke. Who actually scooted a bit away from the pinkette.

"Sasuke, I love you. But if you insult my art like that again I may just have to ask Sasori-sensei his secrets on making human puppets, with you as my first project ", said Sakura.

Sasuke only nodded. Sakura gave him a sweet smile before turning back to her puppet.

"Glad we understand each other, now hand me the oil can", said Sakura.

Sasuke who now sported a blush, simply grabbed said can and handed it to Sakura.

' What the fuck just happened. And why am I turned on right now', thought Sasuke to himelf.

With his brother and Sakura acting like they had, Sasuke came to the decision that as far as he was concerned this day never happened.

Herbert looked at his newest limb. One made just for him. Heavily modified, and would become quite useful later. A few moments later he began to remove his current arm. He had to be careful, the artifical chakra pathways had to be carefully handled. Once the arm was removed he began to attach his newest arm.

Once finished he smiled as his fist retracted into his arm and several parts moved until Herberts limb looked like a long tube. Diodes glowed as he activated the seals on the arm. Within the tube he was creating a Spiraling Ring. Ebony wisps of chakra flowed from the opening in the barrel before he pointed it at a large practice log.

Then suddenly the Spiraling Ring was launched out of the limb and collided with the target, destroying it.

"Like to se the Mi-go survive that", said Herbert.

Herbert turned hen he felt his masked beasts return holding a scroll, he turned his arm back to normal. He took the scroll with glee before finding just what he was looking for. Impure World Resurrection. He spent the rest of his day reading all on the capabilities of the jutsu.

Hours later he was interrupted by a clone.

"What do you want", asked Herbert.

"The ship has begun to move. It's heading to wave", said the clone.

"ETA", asked Herbert.

"Two hours", said the clone.

"It's moving slow, get everyone ready for full combat. We got some fungus to fry", said Herbert.

"I don't think that sounded as impressive as you thought it would", said the clone.

"Just get to work", said Herbert.

Naruto showed Karin around a newly built tower ment to be used for genetic research. As he promised, the entire tower now belonged to Karin.

"This is amazing, Orochimaru doesn't have half this stuff", said Karin as she looked around the tower.

"Most of it once belonged to Orochimaru, the rest is Yithian in design. You won't find a better genetic lab anywhere in the elemental nations", said Naruto.

"I can see that", said Karin.

Naruto nodded. He looked around the room for a moment before turning to Karin.

"So cousin are you ready to get those new eyes", asked Naruto.

Karin only nodded.

Before anything else could happen several clones ran to Naruto.

"Sir, The Nest says the Mi-go are heading to wave they are preparing for a fight", said the clone.

Naruto turned to Karin before looking at another clone.

"Take Karin to Dr. Shinno, she is to get an eye transplant for the sharringan", said Naruto.

"Regular or Mangekyo", asked the clone.

Naruto turned to Karin. Looked at her for a moment before turning back to the clone.

" Her choice, just make sure she knows the dangers, either way leave the special Sharringan alone, that one goes to Sasuke", said Naruto.

The clone nodded before taking Karin away. Naruto looked to the other clone.

"Prepare to radio Nest. We will be their eyes during the battle. I want everyone in the communications room ASAP. Once in contact get Herbert anything he needs for the battle, prepare the shinigami and reinforcements just incase things go south", said Naruto.

"Sir yes sir", said the clone.

next chapter
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