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14.28% My Werewolf System: In The Vampire Diaries Universe / Chapter 4: Hidden Truths

Chapitre 4: Hidden Truths

Mystic Falls, Present Day

The crackling fire in the Salvatore Boarding House cast flickering shadows across the walls, making the atmosphere both cozy and eerie. Stefan Salvatore's calm voice echoed through the room as he recounted the town's hidden history, the secrets that most of Mystic Falls' residents would never know.

"…And that's how the vampires were first cursed with the sun and moon curse," Stefan explained, his tone thoughtful as he leaned back in his chair. "It was meant to weaken them, to make them vulnerable during the day. But over time, some found ways to break that curse."

Alex listened intently, absorbing every word. The depth of Mystic Falls' history was staggering, and the more he learned, the more he realized just how dangerous this town really was. Vampires, werewolves, witches—this wasn't just a world of high school drama and small-town politics. It was a battleground for ancient, supernatural forces, and he was caught right in the middle of it.

"So, the sun and moon curse… it doesn't affect all vampires?" Alex asked, trying to clarify what he had just learned.

Stefan nodded. "Correct. There are those who have found ways to walk in the sun, using enchanted daylight rings crafted by witches. But that's not the only threat. There are other creatures—werewolves, for example—who have their own curses and powers."

Alex couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. He had known about vampires and werewolves from the show, but hearing it from Stefan made it all too real. This wasn't just fiction anymore; this was his reality.

"And the Originals?" Alex ventured cautiously. He knew that asking about them was risky, but he needed to understand everything.

Stefan's expression darkened slightly at the mention of the Originals—the first vampires, and the most powerful. "The Originals are… different. They're nearly indestructible, and they've been around for over a thousand years. They're not to be underestimated, Alex."

Alex nodded, feeling the weight of Stefan's words. The Originals were a whole new level of danger, and if they ever became involved, things would get even more complicated.

"Thanks for telling me all of this," Alex said, his voice sincere. "I know you didn't have to."

Stefan offered a small smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm not sure why I'm telling you all of this, Alex. Maybe it's because you remind me of someone I used to know. Someone who just wanted to protect the people he cared about."

Alex swallowed hard, understanding the unspoken connection between them. Stefan had once been in his shoes—facing an overwhelming world filled with dangers he couldn't fully comprehend. But Stefan had survived, and so could he.

Before Alex could respond, the front door swung open, and Damon Salvatore strolled into the room with his usual casual arrogance. He took one look at Alex, then at Stefan, and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Damon drawled, a smirk playing on his lips. "A little chat about the supernatural underworld, I presume?"

Alex tensed slightly, unsure of how Damon would react to his presence. He knew that Damon was unpredictable—one moment he could be charming, and the next, he could be lethal.

"Just filling him in on some of the basics," Stefan replied calmly, though there was a subtle tension in his voice.

Damon's smirk widened as he sauntered over to the couch and plopped down next to Alex. "And what makes you so interested in our little town's dirty secrets, kid?"

Alex met Damon's gaze steadily, refusing to be intimidated. "I'm new in town, and I like to know what I'm getting into. Mystic Falls seems to have a lot more going on than meets the eye."

Damon chuckled, a low, almost dangerous sound. "You have no idea. But I'll give you credit for not running for the hills. Most people would have bailed by now."

Alex shrugged, trying to keep his tone casual. "I'm not most people."

Damon's eyes glinted with something unreadable—amusement, maybe, or perhaps a hint of respect. "Clearly. Just don't get in over your head, kid. This town has a way of chewing people up and spitting them out."

The warning was clear, but Alex wasn't deterred. He knew that Damon was testing him, trying to see if he had the guts to stick around. And while Damon was dangerous, he was also someone who could be a valuable ally—or a deadly enemy.

"I'll keep that in mind," Alex replied evenly, meeting Damon's gaze without flinching.

For a moment, Damon just stared at him, his expression unreadable. Then he leaned back and gave a careless wave of his hand. "Alright, whatever. But if you start causing trouble, don't say I didn't warn you."

With that, Damon got up and sauntered out of the room, leaving Alex and Stefan alone once more. The tension that had filled the room slowly dissipated, and Stefan let out a quiet sigh.

"Don't take what he says too personally," Stefan advised. "Damon has his own way of doing things, but he means well. Most of the time, anyway."

Alex nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling that Damon was someone he needed to be very careful around. He wasn't afraid of him, but he knew that getting on Damon's bad side could be a fatal mistake.

"I should get going," Alex said, rising to his feet. "But thanks for talking to me, Stefan. I appreciate it."

Stefan stood as well, offering a nod. "Anytime. Just be careful, Alex. Mystic Falls has a way of pulling people into its darkness, and it's not easy to get out."

"I will," Alex promised, before heading out of the Boarding House.

Back at the Lockwood Mansion

When Alex returned home, he found the house quiet. His uncle, Richard Lockwood, was likely out dealing with some town business, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts. As he headed up to his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling over him.

His encounter with Stefan and Damon had given him valuable information, but it had also opened his eyes to the true dangers of Mystic Falls. This wasn't just a town with a dark past—it was a place where ancient, supernatural forces were constantly at play, and if he wasn't careful, he could easily become another victim of its cursed history.

Once in his room, Alex closed the door and pulled up his system interface.

[System Status]

Strength: 12

Speed: 15

Body: 13

Endurance: 14

Spirit: 10

Points: 215

Level: 2

He needed to get stronger, and he needed to do it fast. The missions were helping, but they were just the beginning. He needed to start thinking about how he could use his points to improve his status. But with the store still locked until level 10, he had to be strategic.


Daily: Complete 100 squats (Reward: 10 points)

Daily: Meditate for 30 minutes (Reward: 10 points)

Monthly: Reach 20 points in all attributes (Reward: 100 points)

Yearly: Survive until the end of the year (Reward: 1000 points)

The squats would be simple enough, but the meditation was a new challenge. It wasn't just about physical strength—he needed to develop his mind, his spirit. Alex knew that the supernatural world wasn't just about brute force; it was about control, discipline, and the ability to think clearly under pressure.

He decided to start with the meditation. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, trying to clear his mind. It wasn't easy—his thoughts kept drifting back to the conversation with Stefan, the dangers that lay ahead, and the uncertainty of his future in Mystic Falls. But he forced himself to push those thoughts aside, concentrating on the rise and fall of his breath.

At first, it was difficult. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, and he struggled to find the calm he needed. But gradually, he began to settle into the rhythm of his breathing, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.

Time seemed to stretch out as he meditated, the minutes slipping by without him noticing. By the time he opened his eyes, he felt more centered, more in control. It was a small victory, but an important one.

[Mission Complete: Meditate for 30 minutes]

Reward: 10 points

[System Status]

Points: 225

The squats came next. Alex stood up and began the exercise, feeling the burn in his legs as he pushed himself to complete the set. It wasn't just about the physical effort—it was about discipline, about training his body to respond when he needed it most.

By the time he finished, his legs were trembling, but he felt a sense of accomplishment. Every mission completed, every point earned, brought him closer to his goal.

[Mission Complete: Complete 100 squats]

Reward: 10 points

[System Status]

Points: 235

As he collapsed onto his bed, exhausted but satisfied, Alex couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride. He was making progress, slowly but surely. And while he still had a long way to go, he knew that he was on the right path.

But even as he tried to rest, his mind kept racing. There was so much more to do, so many unknowns that loomed over him like dark clouds. His encounter with Stefan and Damon had only scratched the surface of Mystic Falls' secrets, and he was acutely aware that each step forward might lead him deeper into danger.

But Alex wasn't the type to shy away from a challenge. He knew that to protect his family and survive in this world, he would need to push himself to the limit and beyond. He would have to think strategically, train relentlessly, and build alliances carefully.

As he lay there, he found himself wondering about the system. It was an invaluable tool, something that gave him an edge, but it was also a mystery. Who had given it to him, and why? Was it purely a gift, or was there some greater purpose behind it?

His thoughts drifted to his parents—the ones from this life. They had no idea of the dangers that surrounded them, of the supernatural forces that existed just beyond the veil of their normal lives. He had to protect them, but how could he do that when he was still so weak?

The frustration gnawed at him, but he pushed it down. This wasn't the time to wallow in doubt. He needed to focus on his next steps. The missions were a good start, but they were only the beginning. He needed to level up, unlock the store, and start accumulating skills and abilities that would give him an edge.

Then there was the question of alliances. Stefan seemed trustworthy, but Damon was a wild card. Could he rely on them? Or would they turn on him the moment it suited their interests? And what about the other residents of Mystic Falls? He knew that characters like Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline would soon come into play, but how would they react to him? Would they be friends or foes?

Alex's eyes drifted to the window, where the moonlight spilled into the room, casting a soft glow over everything. Mystic Falls was a place of beauty and darkness, a town where life and death were intertwined in ways that most people could never comprehend. But Alex was beginning to understand.

He was living in a world where every choice mattered, where every decision could mean the difference between life and death. And he was determined to make the right choices, not just for himself, but for everyone he cared about.

But as determined as he was, Alex knew that he couldn't do this alone. He would need allies, knowledge, and power to navigate the treacherous path ahead. And he would need to be smarter, faster, and stronger than ever before.

The Next Day

The morning light filtered through the curtains as Alex woke up, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Today was a new day, and he needed to make the most of it.

He quickly got dressed and headed downstairs, where his uncle Richard was already having breakfast. The man looked up as Alex entered the kitchen, offering a nod in greeting.

"Morning, Alex," Richard said, his tone gruff but not unfriendly. "Got anything planned for today?"

Alex poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down across from his uncle. "Just thought I'd explore the town a bit more. Maybe check out some of the old sites."

Richard raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Mystic Falls has a lot of history. A lot of it's tied to the founding families, like ours. Just be careful where you wander. Some places aren't as safe as they look."

Alex nodded, understanding the underlying warning. His uncle might not know about the supernatural underworld, but he was still aware of the town's darker side. "I'll be careful."

After breakfast, Alex left the house and started walking towards the town square. The streets of Mystic Falls were quiet, with only a few people out and about. It was a peaceful scene, but Alex knew that beneath the surface, this town was anything but peaceful.

As he walked, he went over his plan. He needed to find out more about the supernatural world and its key players. That meant doing some research on the town's history, its founding families, and the various supernatural beings that lived here.

His first stop was the Mystic Falls Historical Society. The old building stood at the edge of the square, its brick facade giving it an air of authority. Alex pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside, the scent of old books and polished wood greeting him.

The interior was quiet, with only a few people browsing the displays. Alex made his way to the back, where the archives were stored. He needed information, and this was the best place to start.

He spent the next few hours combing through old records, news articles, and family histories. The more he read, the more pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. The founding families—Salvatore, Lockwood, Forbes, and Gilbert—had all played crucial roles in the town's history, but there were gaps, missing pieces that hinted at something more.

He also found references to the supernatural—vague mentions of strange occurrences, unexplained deaths, and secret societies. It wasn't much, but it was enough to confirm what he already knew: Mystic Falls had always been a hotspot for supernatural activity.

As he flipped through an old journal, he came across a passage that caught his eye. It was written by one of the town's founders and mentioned a hidden meeting place, a place where the founding families would gather to discuss matters that couldn't be shared with the public.

Alex quickly copied down the details. If this meeting place still existed, it could hold valuable information. But it also meant that he was venturing into dangerous territory—territory that the founding families had kept secret for generations.

As he closed the journal, Alex felt a sense of determination. He was getting closer to the truth, and he wouldn't stop until he uncovered every last secret Mystic Falls had to offer.

Later That Day

Alex spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the town, following the clues he had uncovered at the Historical Society. The old meeting place was rumored to be located near the edge of the woods, not far from the Lockwood Estate.

As he approached the area, the sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the ground. The woods were dense and overgrown, with the underbrush making it difficult to find a clear path.

But Alex pressed on, determined to find the meeting place. He pushed through the brush, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of the hidden location.

Finally, he spotted it—a small, unmarked building, half-hidden by the trees. It was old and weathered, its wooden walls covered in moss and vines. This had to be the place.

Alex approached cautiously, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't know what to expect, but he was ready for anything.

He reached the door and hesitated for a moment before pushing it open. The door creaked on its hinges, revealing a dark interior. Alex stepped inside, his eyes adjusting to the dim light.

The inside was just as old and decrepit as the outside, with cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and dust covering the floor. But as he moved further in, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks.

There, in the center of the room, was a large, circular table. And on that table were several old, leather-bound books, their pages yellowed with age. This was it—this was where the founding families had met in secret.

Alex approached the table, his hands trembling slightly as he reached for one of the books. He opened it carefully, the brittle pages crackling under his touch.

The book was filled with detailed accounts of the founding families' dealings, their plans, and their interactions with the supernatural. There were references to vampires, werewolves, and witches—creatures that the founding families had known about and tried to control.

But there was something else, something that sent a chill down Alex's spine. The book mentioned a prophecy, a warning about a child born with a unique gift, a child who would have the power to change the fate of Mystic Falls.

A child who would be both a savior and a curse.

Alex's breath caught in his throat as he read the passage. Could this prophecy be about him? Was this why he had been given the system, why he had been reborn in this world?

He didn't have time to ponder the implications as he heard a noise from outside the building—a rustling in the bushes, followed by the sound of footsteps. Someone was coming.

Alex quickly closed the book and slipped it into his bag. He needed to get out of here before whoever it was found him.

He moved towards the back of the building, where there was a small, narrow window. It was a tight fit, but he managed to squeeze through just as the front door creaked open again.

He dropped to the ground outside and quickly made his way into the woods, moving as quietly as possible. Whoever had come to the meeting place, they hadn't seen him, but he wasn't going to take any chances.

As he made his way back towards the Lockwood Estate, his mind raced with what he had discovered. The prophecy, the founding families' secret meetings—everything was starting to make sense.

But it also raised more questions. Why had he been reborn in this world? Was the system connected to the prophecy? And what role was he supposed to play in the fate of Mystic Falls?

One thing was clear: the danger was greater than he had ever imagined, and he was right at the center of it.

Back at the Lockwood Mansion

When Alex finally returned to the mansion, he was exhausted but filled with a sense of purpose. He had uncovered secrets that had been buried for generations, secrets that could change everything.

But he also knew that he couldn't do this alone. He needed allies, people he could trust to help him navigate the dangerous waters of Mystic Falls. But who could he trust? Stefan, maybe, but Damon was another story. There was also Bonnie, with her growing witch powers, and Caroline, who, despite her bubbly exterior, had a strength that could not be underestimated.

As Alex slipped back into the mansion, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. The woods were quiet, almost eerily so, but he kept his senses sharp, ready to defend himself if necessary. Yet, nothing happened. He made it to his room without incident, though the silence weighed heavily on him.

Once inside, he closed the door quietly behind him and leaned against it, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He needed to review the book he had taken from the secret meeting place. But first, he needed to check the system and see if his efforts had yielded any results.

"Status," he whispered, and the familiar screen appeared before his eyes.

Alex Lockwood

Level: 8

XP: 1560/3000

Strength: 12

Speed: 13

Endurance: 10

Spirit: 14

Points: 75


Enhanced Senses (Lv 1): Your senses are sharper than the average human.

Minor Healing (Lv 1): Recover minor wounds over time.

Night Vision (Lv 1): See clearly in the dark.

Basic Combat (Lv 1): Proficient in hand-to-hand combat.

Stealth (Lv 1): Ability to move silently.

He noted the increase in his experience points and the slight improvement in his stats. He was close to leveling up, which would bring him one step closer to unlocking the store and the more powerful skills that came with it.

"Not bad," he muttered to himself, a small smile tugging at his lips. But he knew it wasn't enough. He needed more power, more abilities if he was going to survive the coming storm.

Setting the system aside for the moment, Alex turned his attention to the book. He pulled it out of his bag and placed it on the desk. The leather cover was worn, the pages inside yellowed with age, but the information contained within was invaluable.

He flipped through the pages again, skimming over the details of the founding families' secret dealings. It was all there—how they had formed pacts with vampires, made deals with witches, and hunted werewolves. But what caught his attention again was the prophecy.

The passage was short, written in an old, flowing script:

"When the moon and the sun align, a child of both worlds will rise. Blessed with the gifts of the old and the new, this child shall walk the path of light and darkness. A savior to some, a curse to others, their choices will shape the fate of all."

Alex read the words over and over, trying to decipher their meaning. A child of both worlds… Did that mean him? He had been reborn in this world with memories of another, and the system was definitely not something of this world. But was he really meant to be both a savior and a curse? And what choices would he have to make that would determine the fate of Mystic Falls?

The weight of the prophecy pressed down on him, but he couldn't afford to be overwhelmed. He had to stay focused. If he was the one mentioned in the prophecy, then he needed to prepare. He needed to gather information, build alliances, and strengthen himself in every way possible.

As the night wore on, Alex continued to study the book, making notes and trying to piece together the puzzle of his new life. He was so absorbed in his work that he barely noticed the passing of time until a knock on his door jolted him back to reality.

"Alex? You in there?" It was Tyler's voice, muffled by the door.

Alex quickly stashed the book in his bag and cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm here."

Tyler pushed the door open and stepped inside, his usual cocky grin in place. "We missed you at dinner. Figured you were off doing something mysterious and brooding."

Alex forced a laugh. "Something like that. I just needed some time to think."

Tyler nodded, his expression becoming a bit more serious. "I get that. Things have been weird lately, you know? I mean, the whole town feels like it's sitting on a powder keg."

Alex nodded, knowing exactly what Tyler meant. "Yeah, I've felt it too. There's something… off about this place."

"Tell me about it," Tyler said, running a hand through his hair. "But hey, I was thinking we should do something fun. You know, blow off some steam. There's a party tonight at the old Lockwood cellar. You in?"

Alex hesitated. A party sounded like a good way to unwind, but he had a feeling that nothing in Mystic Falls was ever as simple as it seemed. Still, it might be a good opportunity to observe the other residents and gather more information.

"Sure," Alex finally said. "I could use a break."

Tyler's grin returned. "Awesome. It starts in about an hour. Meet me downstairs when you're ready."

With that, Tyler left the room, leaving Alex alone once again. He glanced at his bag, where the book was hidden, and sighed. He would have to put his research on hold for now. The party could be just as important, especially if it meant getting closer to the people he might need to rely on in the future.

Later That Evening

The Lockwood cellar was buzzing with activity by the time Alex and Tyler arrived. The space had been transformed into an underground party spot, complete with music, drinks, and the warm glow of fairy lights strung across the ceiling.

Alex scanned the room, taking in the familiar faces—Stefan, Damon, Caroline, and even Bonnie were all there, mingling with the crowd. The atmosphere was light, but Alex could sense the undercurrents of tension that ran beneath the surface.

"Glad you could make it," Stefan said as he approached Alex, a drink in hand. "I was starting to think you were going to pass."

"Wouldn't miss it," Alex replied with a smile, though his mind was already working. Stefan's presence was reassuring, but Damon's was less so. The older Salvatore brother was watching him from across the room, his expression unreadable.

Caroline appeared at Stefan's side, her bubbly energy a stark contrast to the serious conversation Alex had just had. "So, how are you finding Mystic Falls so far?" she asked, clearly trying to be friendly.

"It's… interesting," Alex said, choosing his words carefully. "Definitely not what I expected."

Caroline laughed, a bright sound that seemed to lift the mood. "You'll get used to it. Mystic Falls has a way of surprising people."

"That it does," Damon said as he sauntered over, his usual smirk in place. "And not always in a good way."

Alex met Damon's gaze, feeling the unspoken challenge in his words. He knew that Damon was testing him, trying to figure out what kind of person he was. But Alex wasn't about to back down.

"I'm ready for whatever this town throws at me," Alex said, his tone confident.

Damon raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "We'll see about that."

As the evening wore on, Alex kept his guard up. He made small talk, observed the interactions around him, and tried to gather as much information as possible. But his mind kept returning to the prophecy and what it meant for him.

He knew that he was standing on the edge of something big, something that could change everything. And as he looked around at the people he was slowly starting to care about, he realized just how high the stakes really were.

For now, all he could do was prepare. He had allies to find, secrets to uncover, and power to gain. And when the time came, he would be ready to face whatever challenges Mystic Falls had in store for him.

But one thing was certain: his life would never be the same again.

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