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My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique original

My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

Auteur: Itachi101

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: cultivating

within a huge garden filled with many different kinds of plants. a young man was calmly watering the plants, after watering all the plants down, the young man sighed softly before returning to his room. many other servants were working on the guard, this young man's only job was to water the herbs

"Sigh. It's almost been a year." the young man said softly as he lay on his hard bed while in deep thought, he was not from this world. he was hit by a truck; he woke up in this body about 11 months ago.

the body he woke up in was of a young man who was sold by his parents, he was bought by an alchemist who put him to work. there were other servants, they were not treated poorly. they were given places to stay, feed, and many more. the only condition was to keep the farm in good condition, the alchemist had a short temper, but other than that everyone got along nicely.

the alchemist was a cultivator at level 1 iron rank. this world's cultivation was split into copper, iron, and silver rank. each level had 10 levels, not everyone can reach the 10th level as it's known as perfection of that rank. each level also had its own miner perfection, it said those who can each perfection in every level will be able to gain something called a spirit body.

but all of this was pointless before him, he had no talent for cultivation, and he could only just be a farmer for the rest of his life. He sighed in depression as he closed his eyes to go to sleep. but a few hours after he fell asleep, a voice appeared within his mind

{fusion complete. morning host, I'm the lottery system, by collecting rage points, the host can use the lottery system and get many amazing things... the host is given 3 free uses of the lottery system, does the host wish to use it?} the system asked almost making the young man cry, he quickly went on to use the system 3 chances

Sora watched as a huge wheel appeared in front of him. Sora looked at the wheel, but there were many questions marks on which possible reward. with a thought, Sora watched as the wheel begin spinning at a high speed before it slowly began to come to a stop.

when it came to a stop, Sora saw the question mark slowly disappear to reveal a run logo.

{Congregation host, you have gained the Solar energy cultivation technique. a Godly grade cultivation art, by cultivating this cultivation art, the host body will transform. as the host cultivation improves, the host will gain new and special abilities.} the system said as the young man suddenly felt a headache as a new cultivation art appeared in his head

Sora held his head as the information entering his head was a bit too much, but when it disappeared, Sora was only able to go through the first level of this cultivation art. He quickly went through it before his eyes widened slightly

this cultivation art was not like other cultivation arts, by just standing in the sunlight, he will absorb the sun's energy to improve his cultivation. this was passive as he didn't even need to try. this first stage was all mostly about the tempering of the body, so he will not be able to use solar energy in combat. just by cultivating this cultivation art, Sora will reach perfection on every level, which was just shocking.

Sora after understanding this level went on to use the wheel one more time, just the first thing he gained was so shocking. he couldn't wait to see the 2nd and the 3rd.

{congregation host, you have gained the Monkey God cultivation art. a Godly grade cultivation art. by cultivating this cultivation art, the host body will become like that of the monkey god.} the system said as Sora gritted his teeth as information filled his head, making him feel like his head will explode. when the pain went away, Sora took some breaths before looking at his new technique

Sora's eyes widened upon seeing this cultivation art. this cultivation art allowed one to be able to grow strong from anything injured they heal from. the more serious the injury you heal from, the higher the cultivation will improve.

as one cultivates this cultivation art by absorbing Qi into their body according to this art, they will refine and strengthen the body, while also transforming it, and even growing a tail. with this tail. although this cultivation art, once one reaches the iron rank, they will be able to transform into a monkey form where their strength will increase by 10 times.

Sora took a deep breath to calm himself down, even if he had no cultivation talent, with these 2 cultivation arts, his talent would slowly improve as he cultivates them. Sora looked outside the window and saw the sun was coming up, he went out to sit in the garden while absorbing Qi, while his body absorb solar energy on its own.

at first, he was worried that absorbing two energies at the same time was dangerous, but after seeing that his cultivation seemed to improve faster, he didn't hold back.

also, these herbs were all spirit herbs, so they gathered qi. the qi around these herbs was much denser than everywhere else. as for why he didn't try and use the last free spin, he was scared his head would explode. so, he wanted to improve his cultivation to improve his mind first.

hours went by, and when Sora heard that people were wakening up. he had to stop cultivating. as Sora stood up, Sora felt he was stronger than before. in just 3 hours, Sora felt his physical body should have gone through some changes

Sora went on to do his morning work and didn't try to act weird, although he had trouble getting used to his newfound strength, he was able to slowly adapt. Sora made sure to remain in the sun so he could continue to grow stronger, and when he was done with everything, he went to sit in the sun while cultivating.

slowly, the day went by, and he soon felt like his body couldn't handle any more solar energy and Qi, it was like Sora ran into a wall. Sora frowned at this and tried to break through this wall. he gathered Qi, after some time, Sora's body shook as he stepped into level 1 Copper rank, becoming a cultivator

upon becoming a cultivator, Sora felt that his power had improved. just becoming a cultivator his strength had improved by more than double. Sora held his palm out as he gathered copper-colored energy,

Sora didn't stop cultivating as he wanted to leave this garden, he wanted to see the world. and he needed strength for that. as he cultivated, Sora suddenly stopped when he heard someone's voice,

"Master you are back." a middle-aged said as he bowed to an old man, that old man was the alchemist, he would leave from time to time, sometimes he would be gone for years, and sometimes just a few months. to them, this was a long time, but to the old man, this was a small amount of time.

Sora calmly looked at the old man who went on to look at his garden before going to his room where he went on to rest. Sora rubbed his eyes as he was able to hear them from such a faraway distance so clearly, the middle-aged man spoke softly, yet Sora heard it as if he was next to him. the average human would still be able to hear it slightly, but they would have to force, and even then, they would have trouble making out some words

'Is this because I'm a cultivator or what?' Sora thought as he tried his sense of smell the air, the smell from the herbs all entered his nose as he quickly told the difference between each smell and was even able to tell where the smell came from. although normal people could do this as well, Sora was some distance from the garden. he was so quick to tell the smell origin which shocked him

Sora tried his other senses and found out they were all impressive, and they didn't overwhelm his mind or anything like that.

Sora didn't dare to absorb Qi with the alchemist around, because of this his monkey king cultivation will not improve. so, for the next few days, he would bathe in the sun, while secretly listening to the old man talking with the middle-aged man who was in charge of all the work.

the garden belongs to a sect known as the pure water sect, the alchemist was just an outer elder of the sect and was in charge of this small garden, which was responsible for a small part of the outer sect disciples' resources.

the sect leader was currently about to step down, this caused the sect to be currently unstable as people were fighting to have the people, they supported to become the sect leader. the sect at the moment was not a safe place, but he was just an outer elder, so he didn't have to worry about anything.

Sora didn't know which cultivation stage the sect leader was at, but the alchemist would say in his free time. the sect leader should be somewhere around the silver rank.

Sora kept to himself, and after 10 days after breaking through to level 1 copper rank. Sora felt he couldn't absorb any more solar energy. he had reached the perfection of the level one copper rank, so this meant he would be of course stronger than others, and his foundation will be stronger.

this time when he absorbs more energy to try and breathe through, he felt as if he would explode which scared him. He frowned at this, he didn't know if this was because his talent was just bad or because of something else. Sora sighed as he went on to start cultivating his monkey king cultivation art, with 2 cultivation arts working together to break through, Sora was able to break through to level 2 copper rank 5 days later.

Sora quickly realized that his talent was trash, and he needed the two cultivation arts to work together to break through even a small level. Sora had to go on to cultivate the two cultivation arts while making sure the alchemist wouldn't catch on.

as time went by, Sora's body would go through many changes, and those around them were slowly catching on to these changes. for one his looks were slowly changing, as he began looking more like an immortal. Sora was looking more and more handsome by the day, they also noticed how Sora's world have trouble controlling his own power from time to time.

this soon caught on to catch the alchemist's eyes, who called Sora over to see why Sora was going through such huge changes. Sora was helpless, but Sora couldn't say no, or else he will just be asking for death.

"... you're at level 2 copper rank." the alchemist said in shock while looking at Sora, Sora just turned 15 a while back. although he never paid much attention to them, he was a cultivator and could of course remember who Sora was. he had checked to see if Sora had a talent for cultivating and found Sora was not talented, yet here he was cultivating

"I am?" Sora asked in shock, he of course will act dumb. one can't simply just breakthrough cultivation levels without techniques in such a short amount of time. if he were to show that he knew a thing, this old might start trying to see into his secrets.

"... have there been anything weird that happened to you before you began losing control of your strength?" the old man asked with a deep frown,

"I have been having these strange dreams ever since I turned 15. someone declaring me as their disciple, before a sharp pain fills my head before I wake up." Sora said after some thought, the old man frowned deepening at Sora's words.

'Could it be an immortal? this kid had gained the eyes of an immortal... that means he had only been cultivating for 20 days and has already reached level 2?' the old man was in shock at Sora's cultivation speed, Sora had no resources, yet he already reached such high level.

a normal person without any resources could take weeks to months to reach such a level, the fact Sora was able to reach such a feat showed his talent was slightly above arranged... no, Sora didn't even know he was cultivating. what a talent

the old man looked deeply at Sora, this was a talent that most like an immortal had taken an interest to. he didn't dare to want to take Sora in as his own disciple, but he could get on the gold side of that immortal by teaching Sora right?

"Your talent is good, stay here and cultivate it. I will help you to the best of my capability." the old man said with a smile, Sora's eyes widened slightly at his words. Sora Clasped his hands as he gave his thanks to the old man,

the old man smiled slightly as he allowed Sora to go cultivate, Sora will no longer have to look at the garden and only have to force on cultivation. the old man gave him some pills before Sora left, and went on to spend the next few days cultivating.

But before that, Sora first went to use the last free draw from the system, he felt like his mind should be strong enough to handle whatever powerful technique that will be given to him. Sora watched as the wheel spun until it came to a slow stop on a question mark. when it stopped, Sora saw a small staff appear where the question mark once was.

the staff was golden at each end, there were also dragons engraved on the gold, the middle of the staff was red in color, making it look majestic.

{the staff of the monkey king. this staff has the ability to expand and grow inside without limit, so long as the user's mental energy can handle the growth, the host can do so. this staff has the ability to transform into anything. if broken, the staff will recover within the host body.

Item grade- Lifeblood. (Lifeblood items are weapons that grow with their owner, they are one with their owner and can't be fully destroyed until the owner is killed,)}

Sora seeing this suddenly saw a staff appear in his hands, Sora frowned as he felt the staff was heavy but with a thought, the staff got lighter. with another staff, the staff got so heavy that it almost fell out of Sora's hands, Sora quickly had the staff become lighter. with a thought, the staff floated up in front of him

Sora could control this staff as if it was the second part of him. although it cost metal energy, and even more to change its weight and form, this weapon was powerful. Sora had the staff shrink to the size of a hair pine, before making his hair into a ponytail, which he placed the staff in. he was too weak to have the staff take on a form for too long, but it didn't take mental energy to have the staff remain a certain size or weight.

{all 3 free spins have been used. the number of rage points needed until the next spin, 0/100,000. the host can get rage points from enraging people. the more enraged they are, the more points the host will gain.} the system said as Sora sighed and began to cultivate once more

Sora was weak, he would be full to believe that he could survive in this world without strength. Sora spent the next few days in the sun or absorbing qi near the herbs. thanks to the pills the old man gave him, Sora reached level 3 copper rank in 3 months.

Sora found upon reaching the 3rd level that something had begun growing from behind him, when he looked, he saw that a tall was beginning to grow. Sora also felt his body was much stronger than before, Sora tried out his body and saw he could easily pull a tree out of the ground, Sora's speed was even faster as he could move so fast that a normal human couldn't see a thing.

"you're quite powerful. attack me and let me see your strength." the old man said with a smile, he was shocked at Sora's show of power. Sora was not using Qi for anything of these actions, although the copper rank was about improving a person's body, it was not to this level, just how powerful was this young man.

the old man was slightly disappointed at Sora's cultivation speed, He thought Sora was some talent, but it took him 3 months to reach level 3 copper rank even with his help, average talent could have done that in a month and with fewer resources Sora used.

Sora nodded slightly as he walked up to the old man and punched forward with all his strength. the old man was in the iron rank, so there was no way Sora who was in the early levels of the copper rank could hurt him.

the old man reached out as he caught Sora's punch with a simple palm, his eyes widened upon catching this palm. this fist... had power matching those at level 5 copper rank, yet Sora didn't use qi within this punch. just what was going on?

"u-use your mana next." the old man said in a shaking voice, Sora nodded slightly as he punched used mana to increase his power and punched forward. the old man once again caught the fist

'That fist has level 6 copper rank power, his qi is much weaker compared to his body, but still... he must be born with a unique physique, so he will, of course, need more resources when cultivating, but even with this unique physique his talent does seem to be poor.' the old man through as he deeply looked at Sora.

"Without qi, you have power matching those at level 5 copper rank, and with Qi, you barely step into level 6. you seem to be a body cultivator, I been giving qi refining pills, I will make somebody tempering pills." the old man said with a smile as he looked at Sora with bright eyes. Sora thanked the old man before he went to walk away, while walking away, Sora calmed himself down

something inside him was hungry for a battle, those few punches he through, he almost threw everything out the window and fought the old man. Sora knew this was because of the monkey king cultivation art, it turned his body to be perfect for combat, but his mental state will always look forward to a good fight.

in these past 3 months, Sora had been able to slowly look into the higher levels of each cultivation art, the solar energy cultivation art at the first stage transforms the body to become like a battery, allowing each and every cell in his body to hold solar energy, once he reached the iron rank, Sora will be able to use said energy for many things, such as shooting eye beams from his eyes, releasing a cold breath, and the ability to even fly for a short amount of time.

the monkey king cultivation art built a battle for battle, perfect in every way with the weakness being the tail. the first stage was all about the body, but once one reaches the iron stage, one will gain the ability to transform into a huge ape where one's power will increase by 10 times. if this transformation is mastered, one will be able to gain the 10x boost without the need to transform,

in the iron stage, there was even a forbidden technique that can improve a person's power by up to 20 times, but a person's body had to be strong enough to handle that sudden increase in strength. there were also sub techniques within the second stage, like how to perfect the ape transformation to allow one to show more than just 10 times boost in power.

Sora was looking forward to all of this, the best part about all of this was that his staff was as strong as him in his most powerful form. so that meant his staff currently was equal to a level 6 copper rank expert, and when he masters the ape transformation and the forbidden technique, the staff will be as strong as him using both at the same time.

of course, he will not be able to show the staff full power, but he will be able to fuse the staff to defend himself since it would be able to withstand attacks at his peak for some time until breaking.

Sora return to cultivate, the stronger he was the sooner he could use these techniques, he already found out he was much stronger than those of the same level, but he wanted to be the strongest within the same rank.

Sora had heard stories of the number one cultivator of the pure water sect who could fight a rank above his own cultivation. although he had left hundreds of years ago, his legend still remained to this day, it was because of him that the pure water sect shot to be the number one sect within the Country.

although his sect was number one it was slowly falling due to enteral fighting, the sect was not united and because of this, other sects and even the empire were using this as a chance to suppress the empire.

the next day, the old man came to see Sora with somebody tempering pills, Sora thank the old man before going on to eat one of the pills. upon eating the pill, Sora felt his body become hot as his cells quickly absorbed the energy, Sora was shocked as stuff like this only happened when he absorbed solar energy.

"What pill is this?" Sora asked in shock as he looked at the old one

"it's called sun tempering pill. it tempers one body with the power of the sun, it's quite rare and could only be made with the sunflowers." the old man said with a smile, Sora nodded as he thanked him once more for he began refining the energy. with this pill, Sora can cultivate both cultivation arts at the same time as he can use the energy from that pill to also cultivate the monkey king cultivation art.

the energy within the pill was a lot, which took him 3 months to completely refine, upon completely refining the energy, Sora had stepped into level 4 copper rank. this time the breakthrough was much easier, he only needed Sora noticed that he didn't waste any of the energy, it was like his cells will not let this energy go no matter what. Sora was shocked at the fact he went 3 months without food.

Sora found he was not even slightly hungry, it was like so long as his cells had solar energy, he would not need to eat or need for rest. this shocked Sora, as he could go for days without the need to use the solar energy within his body. as his cultivation improved, the more and more solar energy his cells could handle, and in return, the stronger his body would be.

Sora also noticed his tail have grown, even more, he felt the hunger for battle, it was like it was his primal instant yelling for him to fight someone and test his power. he wanted to fight, he wanted to break down his limits and reach a new level.

Sora went to look for the old man, he didn't go to see a battle, the old man was cultivating when Sora went to see him. the old man smiled seeing Sora walking toward him,

"It took you 3 times to break through this time... it seems that sun tempering pill was effective." He said in shock, level 1 to 3 was considered the early stages of the copper rank. and level 4 to 6 was considered mid-stages. to break through to level 4 copper rank was much harder than the combined difficulty of breaking through from level 1 to level 3 copper rank. this could take anywhere around 6 to a year to just breakthrough, although the difficulty to reach level 5 wasn't as hard, the amount of energy needed made it much harder to reach. the difficulty only increased, as people would take years just to reach level 6, 10s of years to reach level 7, and so on

an average level 4 copper rank has a power capable of facing up to 3 level 3 copper rank experts. and that's just the average cultivator with the average level 4 copper rank strength. but Sora was different, at level 3 copper rank he already showed power matching a level 6 experts, so how strong would Sora be right

So, the old man went on to try and test Sora's strength, but he wanted to spar to see just how strong and skilled Sora could be. a person who could throw a punch matching level 4 copper rank could still lose to someone with higher experience in combat. So, to allow Sora to show more of his true strength, the old man wanted to have Sora learn to fight.

Sora was of course happy hearing the old man, so he went on to fight the old man without holding back at all. the old man at first saw nothing special with Sora's combat skills, but as the battle went on, Sora's combat skills slowly adapted. the old man was shocked as Sora adapted to his combat style and was getting more skilled as he fought. So the old man began letting loose as he began pressuring Sora,

The old man was stunned when he saw Sora seemed to be excited by this, the old man was quiet for one time as he easily blocked Sora's attacks while in deep through.

'This kid's combat talent is shocking. he adapts as he fights, he improves his combat skills to best fit his opponent... he is like a wild beast who was born for combat and battle, just what is this kid's background? there is no way those two mortals give birth to this kid.' the old man thought while looking deeply at Sora

Sora smiled after some time before he suddenly jumped backward, he looked at the old man with a smile before releasing a deep breath.

"you are quite skilled, your physical body holds half step level 7 copper rank level of power. your defense makes it so all attacks below that level will be pretty much pointless, to only slightly injures you. with your Qi, your power has reached the peak of level 7 copper rank in power." the old man said with a sigh, it had been less than a year and this kid was already showing shock at a high level of power, how scary.

"But your most tariffing ability is your combat capability, you are quick to adapt to your enemy. this showed allows you to match those average level 8 copper rank experts, but you don't know any martial technique... I think you should enter the sect, do sect missions, and get sect points to get better cultivation resources and some cultivation techniques." the old man said with a smile

"... I will never forget your kindness, you pretty much raised me. you're like my father, I will repay you for all your help. I'm not one to forget those around me." Sora said seriously, the old man was moved by Sora's words. his smile grew as he nodded at Sora's words.

"let's go register you right away. I will teach you all I can, but in the end, it's best you go out and learn for yourself." the old man said with a smile, Sora nodded as he followed the old man to the sect. It was time to start causing trouble to get some rage points.

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