After sending back to Konoha, Tsunade, Shikaku, Kakashi, and their ANBU escort, Ren sent a message to all the members of the Baransa to come to the HQ for an emergency meeting, then he teleported there himself to prepare to greet his teammates, tell them about the war, and prepare a plan for it.
As he was waiting he thought 'Right now I have to wait for the others to come... well everyone but Dosu, he practically lives here... Luckily Kabuto learned the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) so he took my place as the team taxi... now on a more serious matter, I forgot most of the details of the Fourth Ninja World War arc, I remember only some things... Like Naruto learning to control Kurama's Chakra... Kisame that hid in Samehada... then killed someway but he still reveals Naruto and B's position to Obito and Kabuto and Kabuto then attack?... But he fails and then what?... Naruto and B join the war in some way... Sasuke broods... a bunch of people die, some in stupid ways *cough Neji *cough... And Obito controls six corpses Jinchuriki... With... the... Rinnegan... where does he get the... Shit!! Nagato corpse I forgot about it!'.
As Ren was having one of the longest introspection ever... if one isn't gaining enlightenment on the Dao, he felt the sound of people walking toward the meeting room and looks toward the door, and soon he saw the rest of the Baransa coming inside, and once they took their seat the first to talk is Karin who asks "So why did you call for us here so urgently?".
Ren looked at them and said "It's war... the fake Madara just declared war on all the ninja world at the Five Kage Summit, and he also explained his plan to gather the Bijuu to merge them once again in the Juubi... and become its Jinchuriki to reach the level of power of the Rikudou Sennin (Sage of Six Path) to then cast his genjutsu through the moon and make everyone fall in an Infinite Tsukuyomi..." hearing that the face of everyone in the hall turned serious, and even mini-Isobu appeared on Zabuza's shoulder.
Then Ren continues "Of course thanks to my genius girlfriend he can't do it as easily as he thinks because Isobu is bound to Zabuza and his Chakra will always come back to him but he may succeed...".
Then Kabuto asked "Incredible... the Rikudou Sennin really existed?" and Ren replies "That is your question? But yes the Sennin exhisted, in fact, the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki are all his descendants... so in some way Naruto, Tsunade, Karin, Sasuke, and Itachi are all related in one big family..." this news shocked everyone, especially Sasuke and Itachi, who thought to be the only ones left if you do not count the false Madara.
Then Ren's face became solemn "And now that you know this, there is an even greater shocking truth... Sasuke's first kiss was an act of incest!!" and then a dead silence fell into the hall while Sasuke and Itachi seems to turn in stone statues, and as Ren was looking at them he swears he saw Sasuke' eyes turn purple for a fraction of second, but that was surely his sight playing a joke on him.
Karin then punch Ren on his head and yells "Get serious Baka! A freaking war is about to start we got no time for jokes now" and Ren replies while caressing his head "Sorry, Sorry, but it was too good of an opportunity to let it pass... but what I said about the Rikudou Sennin being those clans ancestor is true... now about what to do about this war... Of course, we will take part and make sure that there are as few victims as possible... the fake Madara's army is made up of synthetic beings..."
Then Ren stops for a few seconds, and turns to Kabuto and says "Kabuto can you please follow after the Raikage in his search for Gyuki's Jinchuriki, Killer B, If possible I want you to recover the corpse of the Akatsuki that is hunting him down" and Kabuto who quickly connected the dots says "You think that the one hunting the Jinchuriki is one of these synthetic beings?" and Ren "Yes... So if you can recover it we can study it and see it's weakness".
Kabuto nodded then made the seal of confrontation and disappeared from his seat, then Ren turn to the others and says "Now, I do not know the Kages's plans but more or less I think that they will try to hide away Naruto and B, while the five villages combined army deals with Madara's one, but I think that the Kages will divide the army in 9 different division, 4 for support and 5 main attack division...".
Hearing that Itachi nods and says "Yes this is similar to the last wars configuration... Usually, the Support Division is made of Intellingence specialist, Logistic and Healing specialist, Sensor, and Surprise Attack, but with the number of ninja of the five villages this support division can be further divided into their own specialist divisions".
And the other most experienced ninja in the group, Zabuza continues "And even if the various village has a different mode of fighting their classification is the same, Short Range, Mid Range, Short-to-Mid Range, and Long Range specialist... but wait the numbers do not add with this we have 8 divisions?" and Ren adds "Oh I forgot even if they call it the Shinobi Alliance, the Samurai from the Land of Iron will join them so the fifth division will be them...".
Then Yakumo says in a low voice "So there will be really a war... can't we do anything to stop it..." and Ren who heard her replies "We can that is why I made this group... while this war will inevitably start, we can stop it before it takes too many lives... and think about this way... for the first time ever all the five shinobi village are fighting together against one single common enemy, maybe this is the start of the road toward peace..." after that Ren continued explaining his plans.
At the same time, in a mountainous region located at the north-most region of land between Takigakure and Otogakure, in a dense forestry where the bones of many giant creatures can be seen jutting out of it, Obito was walking back toward his secret hideout, when all of the sudden he hears many strange roars in the distance, then in front of him appeared without making any sound the figure of a man with pale white skin, long black hair, golden eyes with slitted pupils, purple markings around his eyes that then falls all the way down his face, it is the human figure of Orochimaru donning his classic attire, the only difference is a small white horn on top of his head.
Then Orochimaru looked at Obito and said "I heard you are starting a war... Tobi... or should I call you Madara..." and Obito "Orochimaru... I heard you were dead... how did you find me?" and Orochimaru "Oh please do not insult my intelligence... I was part of Akatsuki... but that is not why I came here I want to join force with you" and Obito "Only you?" and Orochimaru let out his long tongue and Obito noticed a strange hole in it, then Orochimaru said "No... I'm not alone!" and those strange roars were heard once again.
Pick Up of the Day
I'm digging your body, but what really turns me on are your brainssssss!(The Walking Dead)
Have a Nice Day Cya