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50% My Sweet Mother / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapitre 3: Chapter 3

Gren and julie had grown more closer, but its been a week since that night and they hasn't stepped up any further.

Lowy wondered if Gren has given up as he cautiously brought it up to her, she shrugged and told me that they just hadn't talked that much recently. Even though she had acted casual about it, he could sense her disappointment.

A couple days later, they were unloading groceries from the car and Gren was on his back porch with some girl, laughing and flirting. He acknowledged Julie with a wave and she waved back, but on the way into the house, Lowy noticed a small look of jealousy cross her face. A tiny glimmer of hope began to blossom in his chest. Maybe she'll finally realize what a sleazy bastard he actually is, and if he managed to find some random slut to keep him occupied, then all the better.

That Friday, Gren threw a huge party. His house was so packed with people that they spilled out onto the front yard. The music was loud, practically blaring into lowy's room. Wide awake in bed, he glanced at his phone. It was a quarter to one. He threw his blankets off in frustration.

Lowy had to be up early for work and there was no way he'd be falling asleep anytime soon. Stomping into the hallway, Julie's door opens and she pokes her head out.

"What're you doing?" She asked while stretching her body, she was wearing her pink nighrobe tied around her waist. Apparently she couldn't sleep either.

"I'm going to tell them to shut the hell up," Lowy answered.

"Hold on." She holds up her phone. "I'll just send Gren a message and ask him to turn it down."

"This is ridiculous. I can't believe someone hasn't called the cops on that asshole yet." Lowy yelled.

"I'm sure they have much better things to be doing at this hour, Kyle." She replied softly while sending a message.

Minutes go by as he continued his rant before Julie checks her phone and a look of anger crosses her face.

"What?" Lowy asks.

"He opened it but didn't respond." Indignation colors her voice.

She refreshes the app again, then blurts, "What an asshole."

A giddy feeling spreads through him.

" Yes bitch, now you see what kind of person he really is "

She stands in her doorway and ponders what to do next, eventually she tied her hair up and made a decision. "Well he can't ignore me if we're face to face."

She disappears back into her room before coming out tidying herself a bit.

"I'll go over there and turn it down myself if I have to," she says. Lowy excitedly pump his fist in the air as she heads out the door with purposeful strides.

' Yes go get him bitch '

Wide awake now, he flop back down in bed and wait. Lowy can tell she's successful when the music volume finally lowers after a few minutes. There was still sound of faint thumping, but it's now at a respectable level that won't keep him up.

' I'm eager for Julie to get back and tell me how she ripped Gren a new one '

But after fifteen minutes, she still hasn't returned yet. Lowy waited another few minutes, then decide to text her, asking where she is. Fifteen more minutes go by and she still hasn't returned, nor has she answered his text. She's been gone over half an hour by this point and he begin to worry. When the clock hits two in the morning, he called her. It goes straight to voicemail.

Maybe her phone is dead? Or did she not even take it with her?

Lowy lay in bed a few more minutes, trying to decide what to do, before getting dressed to head next door.

As he approached the Pachis house, he can see that the front yard has cleared of people. knocking a few times on the front door, but eventually he just walked in when no one answered. Inside, the music is loud and there's still a decent crowd of people that occupy the living room. He spot a lot of people he went to high school with, including most of the guys he used to bully Gren together with.

" Lowy? " a female voice called him,

He turned then yelled,

" what the fuck are you doing here?"

She was Anna, Lowy's Ex-girlfriend. They went out during his highschool but broke up when he found out she has been fooling around with one of his friend.

" Hehehee.. You still haven't changed one bit "

Anna chuckled before gulping down some alcohol.

Lowy gave her a look, she was wearing very short red dress that exposed her slender white thigh altogether with ample amount of her supple cleavage.

" Still the usual slut huh ?" Lowy mutmured as he went ahead not giving Anna any attention.

" She's not in the living room either where the fuck is she "

Going back to the hall he saw Anna grinding against some random guy.

She noticed his attention as she made a grin smile and said in a seductive manner,

" What happened, do you wanna get some sugar.

Heheh.. maybe today is your lucky ..'

" Have you seen my mom " he interrupted her.

"Ohhhh your mom, huh?" She laughs, unsteady on her feet. "Yeah, I think I saw her leave out the back door just a few minutes ago."

Lowy turned without saying anything further.

"Tell her Anna said hi," she calls after him, then descends into a fit of laughter again.

He push through the back door and step out onto the small porch. It's dark and quiet, the only source of light coming from the one attached to the back of his house next door. However, it only lights up the left side of the Pachis' backyard.

The door shuts behind him reducing the music to just the muffled thud of the bass, and he climb down the stairs.

A cursory glance around tells me no one is here.

" Guess that slut was mistaken "

Lowy turn and start to go back inside when a shuffling noise makes him pause.

He listen carefully, the yard silent except for the soft thudding of the bass from inside the house.

Just then, he hear a low voice from somewhere behind him.

"Holy shit."

Turning around, his eyes carefully scanned the darkened area in front of him.

He hesitantly stepped forward, moving deeper into the backyard, searching for the source of the voice.

" Is she out here? "

More shuffling noises, this time he can pinpoint it coming from behind the garage.

Lowy moved to the left and slowly walk along the right side of the garage, disappearing into the portion of the yard untouched by the light from next door.

Stopping by the corner, he lean around and look into the space between the back of the garage and the fence belonging to the house behind the Pachis'.

At the opposite end, the light illuminates the odd silhouette of two figures pressed together in the shadows. He squint, trying to decipher what he was looking at, as they're just out of direct light, making it hard to see. One of them appears to be kneeling on the ground while the other stands against the back of the garage. Slowly, his eyes begin adjusting to the dark as he finally noticed the person kneeling on the ground is a woman. Her head moves back and forth in a fluid rhythm while she makes soft, wet slurping noises.

With a jolt, lowy suddenly realize exactly what he was seeing, and embarrassment immediately washes over him.

He was about to back away when the man speaks.

"Jesus fucking Christ," he exclaims.

The woman moans in response as she continues sucking him.

Realization dawns on lowy and his heart skips a beat as he recognize who the voice belongs to.

"God damn Julie, you suck so good", Gren says in a husky voice.

" No, it can't be? "

The woman pulls off Gren's cock and looks up at him. "Your dick is so big!" Julie whispers in amazement.

' Fuck ' Lowy vlenched his fist when he realised his mother's voice.

"You bet your fine ass it is!" Lowy can practically hear the smirk in his voice.

Julie takes him back into her mouth and resumes sucking him.

Gren sighs and spreads his legs further apart, giving her better access to his cock.

The shock of finding his mom blowing Gren, roots him to the ground. He can only stare as his eyes fully adjust to the dark, allowing himself to see all of what's transpiring.

Julie's head moves back and forth in quick, smooth motions. Her enthusiasm is evident as she works his cock with her plump lips, moaning along his shaft, her blond hair tied up were slightly messed as Gren used his hands to deep thorat Julie.

Her left hand grips his hairy, muscular thigh while her right pushes up his shirt, feeling the taut abs underneath.

"Fuuuuuuck," he lets out in a low voice. "Been dying to get a crack at that mouth for a while."

His hips give a few thrusts, meeting her mouth as she bobs up and down his pole. "Those lips are perfect for my cock."

She can only groan in response, her mouth full of his thick meat.

Tears well up in Lowy's eyes as a range of emotions whirl around inside him. Despair that mom is cheating on Mike, fury that it's with this monster Gren, and dred that what he has been fearing has come true.

But deep inside him, something else stirs amongst wet emotions. Something unexpected, something that brings about immediate astonishment and confusion. Despite all the negative feelings, arousal blooms in his groin.

With a small gasp, he felt his cock begin to harden, heart thuds in his chest as watching Julie mom blowing Gren causes his cock to grow to full mast.

' I can't believe this. How can I be hard right now? '

In front of him, Gren looks down at his mom.

"Lick my balls," he demands of her.

She immediately pulls off his cock and begins to nuzzle his large nutsack, using her tongue to lap at his low hanging nads while his saliva drenched cock was being stroked by her hands.

"Fuck yeah," Gren sighs and takes a swig from the beer bottle clutched in his left hand. Julie's tongue darts back and forth between each of his balls, licking all around, her chubby ass bounced left and right in delightment.

"You like these salty nuts?" he prompts her.

She offered a muffled response as she bathes his sweaty balls with her tongue, drawing each one into her mouth to suck on.

"That's right, get 'em nice and wet"

Lowy's cock throbs in his shorts and he can feel it beginning to leak. He desperately wanted to run away but something inside him just can't seem to make his legs move. He could only stand in place, confused and erect, as he watched his mom pleasure Gren with her mouth and tongue.

Gren reaches out and cups Julie's chin, guiding her back up to his shaft. She inhales his cock again, sucking him with renewed vigor. Her head moves back and forth hurriedly, making wet suction noises as she slurps his cock eagerly. Her hands roam underneath his shirt, feeling up his large muscular chest. It's like she can't get enough of him.

Gren watches her as she passionately makes love to his large tool with her mouth. "Does my sweaty dick taste good?"

"Mmhmmm," she answers around his cock, never breaking the rhythm.

He chuckles quietly, then tilts his head back and continues enjoying the blowjob. Leaning lazily against the garage with his legs spread wide, he lets out sighs of satisfaction in between swigs of beer as Julie worships his cock intensely. Minutes go by with only the sounds of sucking and exhales of pleasure filling the small space around them before he addresses her again.

"This feels so good. You suck like a porn star."

She offers a low moan of pleasure in response before slowing down, taking his dick deeper into her mouth with each swallow, applying more suction.

She sucks him this way for a few minutes, eliciting low moans of gratification from Gren, before she engulfs his entire shaft. With her nose pressed up against his stomach, she begins to emit the deep gurgling sounds of contracting throat muscles.

"Aw yeah, milk my cock," he murmurs. His eyes close and he pushes his hips out, trying to get as much dick down her throat as he can. The half filled beer bottle makes a soft thud as it falls on Julie's back drenching #### and he grips the back of her head with both hands, holding her in place.

"Hold it. Hold it," he commands as she begins to choke and gag on his cock.

Finally after about thirty seconds, he releases her head and she pulls off his shaft with a sharp gasp for air. Her watery eyes were filled with intense pleasure as she earned for more.

"Fuck, I love your mouth," he tells her.

"I love your big cock," she replies through heavy breaths.

Leaning forward, she sticks out her tongue and begins to lick his shaft.

"I can tell." Cockiness oozes from his voice.

He watches as she takes long licks of his dick, running her entire tongue from base to tip then along each side before returning to the base in a repeating pattern that makes his dick pulse and causes him to exhale sharply.

Reaching up, she wraps one hand around his cock and places the tip of his head on the center of her tongue. She jerks his cock a few times, forcing a grunt from Gren.

"Getting a sample of the main course?"

Julie bobs her head up and down as she withdraws her tongue back inside her mouth and swallows.

"It tastes really good, much better than other guys."

Lowy realized then that they're referring to his pre-cum. He shuddered from a mix of disgust and arousal, his cock almost painfully hard in his shorts

"You ready for the full meal?"

She nods her head quickly.

"Fuck yeah," he says, his voice low.

Stanley grips her neck and brings her face back to his cock.

She captures it in her mouth and he immediately begins moving her up and down his shaft with a tight hold of her hair.

He slowly builds up a fast pace, his arm jerking quicker and quicker until he's rapidly moving her mouth along his cock. Wet sloshing noises fill the air as he roughly uses Julie's mouth for his own gratification, grunting in pleasure each time he forces her down the entire length of his shaft.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Gren shouts.

He pauses to push forward off the back wall, forcing her out of the shadows and into the light as she sits back on her calves. The bright light cast from next door reveals her disheveled appearance; messed hair, eyes glazed over and teary.

He steps toward her, and lowy's eyes grow wide as his cock comes into full view. Emerging from a thicket of dark, long and fat, it shines from his mom's saliva. He places his left hand on the wooden fence and leans over her. With his right, he takes a hold of the base of her head and tilts it upward. She opens her mouth and he eases his monster cock inside.

He starts to move his hips back and forth while he holds her head in place. His thrusts quickly become rapid and she begins to make gagging noises as he skull fucks her.

"Yeah, choke on this dick," he spits out. Shutting his eyes, he rapidly feeds Jukie his shaft. Tears begin to stream down her face as she gags on his large cock, her hands tightly gripping his legs.

"Take it bitch," he mutters under his breath, his hips speeding up even more. His ass rises and falls as he pumps her mouth with abandon, his sole focus on getting his nut.

"Oh fuck, you ready? Here it comes. Here it comes!"

Gren slows down and gives Julie's mouth several shallow pumps before he lets loose a series of deep grunts. He grips her hair tightly as his mouth drops open, a look of incomprehensible bliss on his face. When Lowy saw his large cock begin to throb, he knew he's unloading in her mouth.

They stay like this for at least a minute, Gren panting heavily as he floods Julie's mouth with his cum. She lightly strokes his stomach as her lips gently pull at his pulsing shaft, coaxing as much of his seed out of him as she can. His hips start to slow as he finishes cumming, giving the occasional thrust to ensure no remnants of his load remain. With a soft plop, he withdraws his half hard cock from her mouth. She swallows loudly, and Gren gives her a small smile as he leans against the fence, trying to catch his breath.

"Holy fuck, that was the best blowjob I've ever had," he huffs between breathes. Julie giggles as she does her best to wipe off her face.

Standing upright, he stuffs his deflated cock back into shorts and looks her in the face. "You didn't waste a drop, did you?"

"Uh-uh," she replies, a small smile playing on her lips.

He laughs while reaching down to help her stand. "Good girl."

She staggers on the way up and only then did Lowy realized she's been drinking.

"You came so much," she tells him.

"Yeah, I always dump a lot of cream."


"What else would these big balls be for other than holding all that baby batter?"

They both laugh before he pulls her in for a kiss. She sighs into his mouth, wrapping her arms around him. He lightly pushes her up against the fence, deepening the kiss.

Their lips remain locked together until he pulls away and smirks at her. "I love the taste of my cum in your mouth."

This sends lowy's brain into overdrive and his cock gives a sharp jolt. He brace himself against the garage in surprise and lightly gasp as he felt his cock start to spurt inside the shorts.

Shame and pleasure surge through him, battling for dominance as he shut his eyes and wait for his cock to stop spasming. It spreads throughout the entire front of his pants before the orgasm finally starts to subside. Julie's light giggling forces his eyes open in panic. But it's only Gren nuzzling her neck that causes her to laugh. His lips and tongue move against her alabaster skin in sensual kisses as she giggles quietly, eyes shut and arms wrapped around his muscular chest.

" You shouldn't enter someone else property without permission " a distant and charmful woman's voice alerted him.

Lowy wanted to run away as soon as possible but a sudden fright encroached him. He tried his best to stay silent as he looked behind and saw a woman staring him silently through the small window, her red lips were curved up slightly.

She was wearing a loose red nightie underwhich the shape of her curvaceous and thick jugs could be seen .

Her alluring presence calmed the somewhat panicked Lowy as he quickly ran away before replying in a perplexed voice.

" Sorry for the intrusion ".

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