Entering the new cavern, we all looked around in interest, taking in the ancient city that lay before us.
The buildings were mainly just a single story, little more than small cottages dotted around the dark landscape.
However, there were a few larger buildings, all situated in the center.
The tallest was three stories, and the walls looked like they were engraved with something, but we were to far away to see exactly what it was.
"The Lizardmer seem to be patrolling this city... Odd..."
Leone's mutter made us all nod; it was weird seeing these monsters simply walking around specific routes, their weapons held loosely in their hands as they swept their gazes around the areas.
They also seemed to ignore the sounds of fighting from certain areas, almost as if it was just out of their range; they would glance that way, growl at one another, before shrugging and continuing on.
Jahi just shrugged, saying "Well, who cares? Come on!"