"Moon Magic is oh so fascinating, isn't it? So rare, so tricky... Such an enigma even to those who wield it. What I wouldn't give to be able to study it... So unless you kill me here and now, fledgling, I WILL be ripping that Core of yours out of your cold, dead body and using it for myself..."
The smile returned on the Fiend's lips as it said that, the attempt to be sinister whilst being a glittery Butterflykin causing me to raise a brow since the sight of my chains slowly constricting it into a tight ball only made those words seem somewhat flat.
And yet the Fiend took my silence as a challenge, so it clenched its muscles and grunted softly before it fought against the chains, pushing them back and attempting to break free of them, causing my brain to throb painfully within my skull as I fought back against them.