"Are you alright there Ma'am?" one of the men from the stable called to Delaney upon hearing the glass shatter.
"Uh y-yes. Yes!" she called back raising a hand, not wanting them to come closer, "I'm fine I just-just slipped in the dark. Carry on!"
The first man looked at another who had joined him, neither seeming to believe her, but they returned to the stables as Delaney had said.
Trembling, she turned back to the figure in the shadows that had given her such a fright.
"Good evening my Lady," Vincent spoke in a low tone, "I didn't mean to startle you."
Delaney's heart was racing, pounding in her chest like it was trying to escape. Vincent was in the shadow of the building but the moonlight shone down illuminating half of his face. The half with the webbing red scars running across it.
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