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71.42% My Omega Baby Daddy / Chapter 15: Ch.15

Chapitre 15: Ch.15

That guy's an idiot! I can't believe he said that. Ugh~ Why does he have to ruin the fucking moment?!!

"Fucking idiot." I whispered to myself. This guy has no self restraint. Speaks his mind out loud. He's too blunt! Then why do...I feel happy about it. I could feel my face blush. He asked....maybe~


"I got away." A similar voice came behind me. Tom was drenched. Wait. Why is his clothes wet too!?? Tom reached out his hand to me. "Help. Me."

"Tom~," a cheery voice was echoing in the hallway. "Where'd you go?" Tom quickly became terrified. This is enjoyable. But Julie's voice echoing in the hall just made it scary. "Tom?" Julie saw me. "Oh Chris! Have you seen Tom? He left so suddenly. And we weren't," her voice changed. "Even finished." Maybe I shouldn't tell her that he went and hide in his room. That woman...is scary.

"I think I saw him running outside." I lied. She thanked me and went after him. I let out a bit of air. This is too much in one day. I followed Tom to his room. "She's gone." Tom felt relief.

"She's the devil." Tom said. I couldn't agree more. Tom sneezed. "Damn. I'm going to catch a cold."

"I'll get you a towel." I said. I picked one out from his bathroom. Damn. Unexpectedly his bathroom is fucking nice!! Is this a suite!!! Big ass tube that could practically be a hot tub. A nice ass glass shower! A well design sink for two!! His personal bathroom is better than mine!!! Is this what a marriage life has to offer!???.....oh...

I went to Tom and gave him his towel. He dried himself silently. His room...everywhere you see it is made for two. The bed. The closet. The drawers. Why does this feel so sad.

"I've heard." I said to him. Tom stopped drying himself. He turned to me with a surprised look. He probably thought I wasn't going to know about the tragedy. "I'm sorry."

Tom turned away. "Great. Another one." I could feel the energy in the room. I should've not said anything. "Where did you heard it from? Noisy Maya?"

"Julie." I replied.

"Oh." Tom sat down on his bed. "That makes sense." Tom looked down. Then looked at a picture frame on the lamp stand. It was a picture of him and his husband. "She wouldn't say anything at all if she didn't have a reason. Maybe she just want someone to talk to. In a way, she would understand what I'm feeling." He picked up the frame. "Well are you going to keep standing?" He said rudely. "Come on man. Your pregnant. At least take care of yourself."

What the hell. Does he want me to hate him??!! I sat down next to him on his bed. I looked at the picture. "Is that him?" Tom nodded.

"Jealous?" Tom said.

"As if!" I replied...but I was. He fucking has a true God as a husband! Tom's husband has a tan that suites him well. Very attractive. And what's more, his eyes were crystal blue that can lure anyone in his way. Is he the son of Posiden!!??

"But don't let his looks fool you, he's the definition of an asshole." Tom said bluntly. "I could remember how we both met. It was hell fire on Earth."

"Wait. Julie said that you grew up with everyone in the village?" I said confused.

"We did...he just didn't noticed me until that day." Tom spaced out a bit. He was drawn back from his memories. "I was a different kid back then." I lean in. Curious.

"What kind a kid?" I asked him. He smiled.

"A quiet one." Tom said.

"...WHAT!! YOU!!" I exclaimed. I don't see him like that at all!

"Hey! Someone starts somewhere, ya know!" Tom replied angryly.

"I just don't see it." I said. I can't imagine him quiet.

"Well for your information I've always been quiet. And shy. And lonely.....yeah it was a gloomy childhood." Tom became depressed about it. "I just didn't do well with people. I always played by myself. Plus, everyone back then expect things from me."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well my dad... he's...the Chief police in the district." Tom said. This is it...this day... IS TOO FUCKING MUCH!!! "I could tell your surprised."

"YA THINK!!" I was too surprised...no wonder he can do whatever he wants.

"Your probably thinking 'no wonder he can do whatever he wants', right." Tom said impersonating me. "It's not really true. I do get in trouble. And my old man fills out the disciplinary paperwork. He even enforce the punishment on me." Thank God his dad can stop him. "It wasn't easy growing up from a man that expects so much from you. Pushes me hard. Telling me that it's my job to take the responsibility of the family name. But at times, I ended up disappointing him."

Why does this sound familiar.

He sighed. "It was supposed to be my brother who was going to take the family name. But life is a bitch and that shit he was supposed to inherit passed down to me. My old man knew I wasn't cut out for it, but he pushed me anyway. Raised me with the whole traditions and shit. It was a lot to take in. But the worst of it was when the people expects you to be someone else." He looked in a distance. "Like my brother."

"Tobias." I said. Tom didn't act surprised. He just smiled. He figured Julie told me.

"I never knew him. So I don't feel a sense of pain from him. I only hate him. Because I never wanted what was shoved in front of me. Being told this and that. It's suffocating."

"But at least you have all that." I said. I've lost everything.

Tom looked at me. "No I don't." I quickly turn my head to him with shock.

"What?!" щ(゜ロ゜щ)

"My old man disinherited me. So I'm actually pretty good."

"I've never met someone who can just be chill about that!!!"

"Calm your shit. He had a reason. A shitty ass one. You see, the whole traditions thing means I have to follow a set of rules. Three to be exact. Never marry the same sex. Which I did. Never be the one to carry a child. Which I also did. Never take on the name who your going to marry. Which I'm proud of."

....I see why. He doesn't give a shit about rules.

"I was tired of the things I was forced to have so I didn't care anymore. I changed. I'm not quiet anymore. The villagers wished I stayed quiet. But it's not about them. I'm proud I changed, because I get to meet.... George." Tom looked at his picture again. "It started off rough...but in the end, he was everything...and now..." Tom was about to cry but he decided to hold them back. He turned to me.

"What?" I said confused.

"Austin is an idiot. But he means well. He doesn't know how to act to something he's never felt before." Tom said.

"I'm confused. Why you telling me this??" I said.

"Austin tried to cheer me up. And I was a dick. I was tired of the bull crap and I snapped. Thinking back I noticed something. Austin's in love with you." Tom said.

"No he's not!" My face turned red. "I just met him. He won't suggest something outrageous hahaha." Tom only looked at him. I knew Austin likes me...I just didn't know he loves me.

"At first I only thought it was just a crush...but he's in love. And it's with you."

"Why you doing this?" I asked him. "I know, ok. I know he likes me but It's more complicated. We've finally made up a while ago but he ruined the moment."

"Because he's an idiot." Tom said. "Listen man. Here's my advice to you. Don't miss out. Because then you'll never get the opportunity again." Tom glance at the picture of his husband. Gently touch it with the tips of his fingers. "My husband did just that. If he didn't do what he did before, we wouldn't been married. We wouldn't had Abbygale. We wouldn't be together for the hardest times in our lives." Tom place the frame back on the stand. "Chris, if you like him. I'm sure you'll fall for him. You two are a perfect match. An odd one but perfect nonetheless."

I don't get Tom. He's like a rollercoaster to me. He's weird, an asshole, and sometimes understands. If we didn't met in a bad way, we could've been friends much sooner. Then I thought back. I actually never had a friend before.

"Hey Tom."

"Yeah." Tom answered.

"Your an asshole." I said. That made Tom upset. "But your cool. I would've like to meet your husband, but I know that's going to be difficult now. I don't know what it's like to be in your shoes. I just hope you'll make it through." Tom looked at me with a shine in his eyes.

"Wow. Thanks," he said. I smiled. "Hoe." Why do I even bother!! Tom laughed. I was angry but I laughed with him.

The baby started to kick. I gasped. This is his first moments. I felt my belly again and I felt him kick again. It made me happy. How is it that such a simple thing could make me so happy. It's kinda weird to feel him kicking now.

"Is he kicking?" Tom asked me. I nodded with glee. My baby is kicking. Tom asked if he could feel. I let him. Tom smiled. "Amazing." That's all he could say. "Let's tell the others. Hope it could lighten the mood."

"Yeah." I said. We both went to his living room and told everyone. Maya didn't stop talking about how he had her kids. Geana gasped out loud when she felt the kick. It was funny. Timothy felt a bit but became weirded out. Then Austin came. "Do you want to fell the baby?"

"I thought you never wanted to talk again." Austin pouted.

"Yeah. I actually overreacted and you were an idiot. So let's call it even." I said to him.

"I wish I could turn back time and punch myself." Austin blushed. "I'm sorry. What I meant to say was...I want to be connected to you. Be around you more. Never be out of sight. I just wasn't thinking the right word for it." Why. Why does he have to be so straight forward. I blushed uncontrollably.

"Gosh just shut up and feel the baby." I said to him. I grabbed his hand and made him feel the baby. I didn't want to see his face. I didn't want him to see mine. This day is too much for me.

Julie came back and brought some hot steam buns. She force a bun into Tom's mouth... she's still angry. We stayed the night at Tom's house. I still didn't want to leave him. He allowed me to sleep on his bed.

"Your bed feels amazing." I told him.

"You know it was fine for me to sleep on the floor. I don't have to sleep on the bed too." Tom said.

"It's fine. It's not like I never done this before." I said.

"I bet." Tom said. I could feel that burn hard on me. Fucking ass. "Too bad for Austin. He's missing out." When I was allowed to sleep in Tom's room, Austin wanted to come to but three is too crowded in a bed for two. "He won't look at me the same way again, because I stole his lover."

"Shut up. We're not lovers." I said irritated.

"Not yet." Tom replied. I blushed at that. "Hey if your that worried, why not let him live with you instead. You two will definitely look like a couple."

"Agh! Shut up and sleep." I pulled the blanket over my head. I didn't want Tom to see me blush.

"If you asked, he won't say no. He's too nice. But it will make him happy. Plus he won't have to worry us anymore." Tom said.

"What do you mean by that." I said still having the blanket over my head.

"Well if you haven't noticed he doesn't have a place to sleep." Tom said. I yanked the blanket away from me.


"Austin's homeless." Tom said.

I stood up from the bed. "Wait. He is?" That never crossed my mind. I always thought something was up but this never came to mind.

"Austin used to live with Julie but after middle school, he began to live on his own. But seeing as he is an omega, he didn't have it for long. Julie said he could always move back but...he didn't want to. He'll choose to sleep in her place if he didn't have a choice. But wonder off. If he had someone around to hold him down." He looked over to me. I laid back to bed. "Just think it over. He could be good for you."

"Goodnight!" I shouted. Tom laughed and went to sleep.

Austin and me...living together!?? Is it a big of a stretch???? Just imagine. Me and Austin. Together. In a house. My heart began to beat. I wonder if he will say yes. No no. Don't think it. Just sleep...

I can't stop thinking about it!!!!!

I didn't sleep at all. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Julie made breakfast and we all woke up by the smell...everyone but me. Austin sat next to me for breakfast. He was happy to greet me in the morning. Timothy, Geana and Maya sat across from us. Tom sat in the head of the table.

We all enjoyed the breakfast and talked a bit. I want to bring up the living situation that Austin is but I don't know how to bring it up without it sounding awkward. This is another form of hell.

"Want sausages, Chris?" Austin asked me.

"Oh he does." Tom replied for me. I gave him a death stare. Tom winked at me. Austin gave me three. "Your going to live in your new home, right?" Tom continued. "Must be sad all alone. It would be nice to have someone living with you."


"That's right. Are you going to be ok alone?" Julie said.

"Why not ask my son? Timothy?" Maya looked at her son. Tim shoved food into his mouth to avoid the question. "Oh come on Timmy~ You can be reliable. You can also be a good match too."

Austin slam the table. It took all of us by surprise. "Tim Tim won't be around that much. After all, he work everyday and out of the village too." Austin smiled but his anger gave him away.

"What? You think you can be a good match." Tom said. This was his plan. And Austin took the bait! However Julie interrupted.

"Austin works all day in the farm. Chris will alone too much." Julie said.

"Well we'll have to ask Chris and Austin if it's fine." Tom said not backing down. "Well?"

Great. Now I'm trapped. All eyes are on us. Ok. This is good...right?

"Um well I–" I was going to give them my answer but Austin went ahead.

"I would like to help and live with Chris." Austin said bluntly. This boy. The rest of the group turn to hear me say my answer. Fuck. The pressure.

"It's cool." I said nervously. Tom smiled so did the rest. Julie didn't.

"Perfect! Now we don't have to worry anymore. Let's eat!" Tom said.

"Let's eat!!" The trio responded.

"You don't have to you know." I quietly whispered to Austin. He smiled.

"It's fine. At least I would be closer to you." He said. I blushed.

We enjoyed the morning breakfast. But it didn't last long.

"Oh that reminds me. Where's Abbygale?" Tom asked. No one responded. They didn't want to say where she is. Timothy didn't think of it as a big deal so he replied.

"She's at your dad's." Timothy said. Geana hit him hard.

"You idiot." She whispered. He didn't know what he did wrong but then he figured it out.

Tom became silent but the air surrounding him made it clear of his feelings. He slammed his fork on the table hard. Timothy regretted on what he said. He should've thought before he said anything.

"SHE'S WITH WHO!!!!!!!!"

next chapter
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