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50% My new life in One Piece! / Essence/Powers
My new life in One Piece! My new life in One Piece! original

My new life in One Piece!

Auteur: Arthur_3413

© WebNovel


Essence of Skill/Power Creation This essence tastes of self-improvement and future victories

● By consuming this essence you gain 1 skill point(SP) every second that you exist and you gain more by performing actions like combat, satisfying actions like eating fulfilling lusts, or feelings of any sort.

● SP is granted similar to danmachi the greater the danger, or deeper the feeling, the greater the SP reward.

● Skills rank from D to C to B to A to S with D being kind of useful in certain situations but still weak and S being an isekai or essence level cheat and the creation of such skills are priced accordingly.

● All created skills/powers will start at rank D.

● Using SP you can create, modify, upgrade, or merge skills/powers.

● Skills/powers can be anything so long as you can describe it, or simply rip off powers/skills from elsewhere just remember how they start out.

● While you can spend SP to upgrade your skills/powers you can train them up as well.

● You may create meta-skills, skills that increase SP gain or decrease cost for skill creation or modification but it will cost two to three times the skills rank to do so.

Indestructible: Upon death, the user is momentarily turned into a ghost form from which he can still interact with the environment. Then he is moved to the world between life and death, after which his body is reinstated and he is moved back to the location he died.

[Menu] This skill is mainly an amalgamation of the skills every reincarnated person and hero receives upon arriving in this world plus a slight boost.

●[Storage]; unlimited and timeless. Truly infinite, Satou used it to store enough water inside for an actual tsunami. In addition to that, in some cases, satou can work with items while they are in storage such as reading books or separating certain mixtures.

●[Map]; expandable/shown if areas are explored, also shows a list of locations of those who were tagged as important by user.

●[Radar]; similar to [Map], but shows indicators and other information. Is capable of differentiating between foes, neutral parties and people of special interest.

●[Map Search]; Expands the map in an area you have not yet explored. It automatically reveals the entire name area and will show the position and the status in real time of all those in the area as long as they don't leave the area for the entirety since All map exploration was activated.

●[Column List]; able to edit self-info.(ie. skill column, name column, title column, etc. But not Health, Stamina and MP) This can fool any {Status Check} like skill or ability except [Divine Insight]

●[Memo Pad] Allows user to write down his thoughts and contains photocopy capabilities in addition to allowing user to use it like a search engine for books that he reads in AR.

●[AR] is also known as [Augmented Reality]. Has the ability to photograph and scan structures.

●[Magic Column] has a list in the AR that shows all the spells that user has ever used and simply reading the spell causes it to be cast without the use of chant.

●{Recipe Column} details the construction process of all the items ever made by user in the AR, ranging from improvised weapons to magic potions.

●{Self Status} Same ability as that owned by others from japan, but unlike them it is unable to dictate how basic ability points (like Strength and Vitality) are distributed

●[Analyse} It is an amalgamation of [Appraisal] and {Status Check]. Its the same as other people's [Status Check} but unlike them he is also able to see their health, stamina , nd MP and it can detect if a person is using a skill or ability to lie or hide about their status. It also has the same skills as appraisal in terms of determining the status and capability of items.

●[Clock] The menu also comes with a clock and a calendar.

●[Automatic loot] If user and/or his allies were to kill every enemy within the range of {All-Map Exploration}, all items that remain that could even be of remote use is automatically put into Satou's inventory.

●[Log] informs him of any direct action against him and informs him if he gains any skill or title

●[Unknown} He has separate rules on how skills and how many skill points are gained. Unlike others, he only needs to successfully perform an active action to gain the relevant skills and only needs to be in a situation where passive skills are useful to gain such skills. He can copy skills and spells performed in his presence automatically and unlike others he is always guaranteed 10 skill points per level. Leveling a skill isn't linear and that: having level 1 in skill puts one above average, level 3 would make one a reliable user in the skill, level 5 would make one a rightful expert in the skill's regard, level 7 would make one venerated master in the subject, level 9 would make one a true genius in the subject and level 10 would allow the owner to be compared to a god.

●[Unknown] In addition to what is above, he also has separate rules in regards to titles as well. Where in most require either a special action or to do simple actions many times to gain a specific title. Satou only needs to do the required action once halfway in order to receive the title in question.

●[Unknown] user also has the unusual ability to pierce through space and spatial barriers with his bare hands.

●[Integration] Many different spells that require some sort of control or command can be controlled via the menu.

Ultimate Body and Weapon:

● You gain an Ultimate Body that is 10x the peak of your species. This applies to all attributes such as Strength, Speed, Charisma, Intelligence etc. If your species changes then this will upgrade to become 10x of your new species and if your new species has any downgrades compared to your previous one like lowered intelligence or vulnerability to sunlight then those weaknesses are eliminated.

● You also gain the ability to combine any races/species that are available to you into a perfect Hybrid that is greater then the sum of it parts with all the strengths and none of the weaknesses and these strengths combine and form synergy where possible. So if you have a demon,dragon and god alt-forms with individual strengths and weaknesses you can simply combine them and eliminate all drawbacks.

● You can make people detect you as whatever species you want them to detect you as -so if you want people to see you as a human then all detection abilities, magic, technology will detect you as human even if they do an X-ray or cut you open or take a blood sample etc. The only requirement is that you need to have that race/species in the first place.

● You have enormous learning and growth rates such that you can learn, master and surpass what would take even the greatest geniuses and prodigies decades within a few days and things that take centuries can be done in a couple months at most. You can grow without an limits and can learn anything regardless of any restrictions.

● You can also permanently absorb armors,materials used to create armors and even esoteric substances like Dragon Blood directly into your body to enhance it without turning your body into metal and keeping only the benefits without giving yourself any weaknesses. You can absorb Adamantium/Barbadium into your flesh,skin,bones,organs etc and make them just as durable as that metal or you can absorb an armor that nullifies harmful magic to grant your body that ability.

● Gain an Ultimate weapon that is completely indestructible by any and all means. This weapon can transform into any weapon shape like Swords, Guns, Spears, Bows, Dual Swords, Sword and Shield, Magic Staff/Wand etc. This weapon grows stronger alongside you, as you grow stronger the weapon will as well growing stronger and sharper without limits. This weapon amplifies any supernatural, technological or similar such powers you have by a few orders of magnitude of your current strength.

● This weapon is perfectly balanced and you have 2 years of experience using all types of weapons.

● The greatest attribute of this weapon is that it can grow stronger faster when you feed it materials and artifacts like adamantium/Barbadium or Noble Phantasms or similar powerful artifacts. The more powerful the better and it will take everything positive and discard any limitations and restrictions they may have. Example - Feed the weapon a lance like Rhongomyniad and you'll have power equal to that, Feed it Ea or even Mjolnir after that then you'll have the power of both Rhongomyniad and Ea/Mjolnir in a single weapon.

● To feed the weapon you don't need to own it yourself, you merely need to be near the weapon while it's not in use and intend for your weapon to absorb it for a couple seconds and your weapon will absorb it. You can retain any kind of aesthetic the weapons you feed had initially. The more you feed your weapon, the faster it grows. You will always retain full control over it and can dial up and dial down it's power as much as you like.

● Another attribute of this weapon is that it can kill anything regardless of whether they are immortal gods/demons or unkillable eldritch horrors or simply lack the concept of death.

All you have to do is stab them after weakening them enough. Now you need to make sure is that you are actually strong and skilled enough to defeat them and stab them.

● Any of your abilities or your weapons abilities cannot be suppressed, copied, mimic, absorbed, nullified or negatively affected in any way by any being without your permission. Your weapon cannot be stolen, taken or lost and will return to you with a thought.

● When not in your weapon is stored in a personal pocket dimension that only you can access and can be called to your hand instantly in any form.

Harem Protagonist:

● There is something about you that can attract anyone, even strange alien beings beyond the comprehension of mortals and gods alike. What it is that attracts these individuals will vary from person to person but there will always at least be something that will pique their interest. Their interest can easily blossom into fondness, a desire for friendship, or even genuine love if given some time to interact with you in some way whether it be in person or through hearing about you.

● Are quite a bit tougher, enough that you could survive the rather destructive results of typical harem shenanigans. You will never suffer crippling or lethal wounds from any of those in your harem.

● You will passively draw towards you individuals that have significant power, importance in their world plot wise or some other reason, grand destinies, and this such as that.


● Granted infinite stamina and vitality, you are a quite able lover, able to please a mind boggling amount of people into bliss.

● Any individuals that become part of your harem will be more willing to put aside differences and grievances to work towards your happiness and their own if circumstances permit. The feelings and loyalty they have for you will remain eternally strong unless you do something terrible to change that.

● Fate, Destiny, and coincidence will bend, twist, warp, and maneuver to keep those in your harem yours. That doesn't mean they are bound to you forever if they honestly want to move on, just that things like individuals with mind control abilities, infernal lust powers, or a dirty monster tries to claim them these attempts at taking them will fail quite spectacularly. You can sense any who try to claim what is yours and who they are.


●Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences or skills will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

Ideal Growth:

* Any limits you have are broken. You may improve any aspect of yourself, including those aspects that normally could not be improved at all, to an infinite extent. While you may not be unstoppable now, time is all you will need before you surpass everyone.

* The passage of time lends you strength and even when doing absolutely nothing you may passively grow as if you were doing all-out training at a modest rate of improvement. If you were to put any actual effort into improving then this growth would gain an astronomical boost. You have total control over where any growth is allocated, will never advance further or faster than you are comfortable with, and have an exact awareness of your amassed capabilities and how they measure up.

* So long as a particular skill, trait, or power exists within your local context, and you have a basic understanding of what it is and entails, you have the potential to develop it. This does not require educational resources or external aids and disregards entirely the limitations of your physiology and metaphysiology. You may even develop traits that one is normally only born with.

* Development in any area will never preclude or hamper development in any other area, and as such you may safely acquire mutually-incompatible traits. This is to such an extent that in a Xianxia world you could simultaneously cultivate dozens of distinct foundations without any issue.

* As they improve, your skills, qualities, powers, techniques, and perks may develop a degree of potency, applicability, and versatility that defies their normal limits. With sufficiently good balance you could walk on intangible holograms.

* Since improvement necessitates the removal of flaws, you may use training to remove vulnerabilities, crippling effects, and requirements. As an otherwise ordinary human you could eventually erode away your hunger completely, allowing you to not only go without eating but deny conservation of mass as your body generates replacement tissues without absorbing any external material.

* Your powers and internal power supplies cannot be removed, drained, suppressed, weakened, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your wishes, even if you were somehow mind-controlled. You may toggle any of your powers from fully off to fully on, or anywhere in between. You may even permanently shed powers or abilities if you find that you truly do not enjoy them, only to retrain them later if you change your mind. You cannot ever be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer-switch against yourself.

* Time is your ally and you will never be lessened by the passage of time, even in the subtlest of ways. No maintenance is required to retain the fullness of your powers, and no eternity is long enough to diminish your ability to enjoy life.

* At the time you first drink this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc.


* Your natural aptitude for any activity or field of endeavor is beyond ridiculous. You are by far the most talented individual that has ever lived, to the point that the people formerly upheld as supreme geniuses before your arrival would look positively dull and inadequate next to you. This unprecedented degree of talent applies to any and every activity that you have even the slightest potential for at all.

* Your talents are not only unprecedented but exponential. The more you learn and develop the faster and easier you can continue learning and developing, endlessly. Your skills are only limited by the ability of your body, mind, and/or soul to execute them. You could soon enough advance your mastery to the point where inventing or discovering incredible new skills and techniques could easily be done in mid-fight, if you cared to.

* Your instincts for avoiding self-harm or dead-ends to your development will be flawless.

Nothing you learn will have any costs, setbacks, backlashes, or handicaps that you are not aware of and voluntarily and of your own free will choose to risk. If you ever fall to something like Dark Side corruption or the madness of the Warp or suchlike, it will only be because you went in with your eyes wide open and willing to pay the price of using such knowledge. You will never suffer any harmful effects, corruption, or loss of sanity merely from knowing about such things in theory, or from your talents in general. You will never have to worry about suffering boredom or loss of empathy from being 'too good' at things.

* Your only limits will be those absolute ones imposed upon you by the nature of whatever universe/multiverse/reality/etc. you are in. Sheer talent alone might not make a purely human body capable of living forever or punching through a planet or suchlike, but if there were any possible way at all that a sufficiently talented and motivated individual in your position could work past a growth cap or a limitation, or tap into a given source of power, then you would be able to find a way to do so with sufficient effort.

* To give you a fair start at developing your talents, at the time you first drink this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments and disabilities. You are also made aware of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities or other conditions you may be suffering from and may have any or all of them cured at your discretion. You will also also receive a one-time appearance upgrade based on your wishes and idealized self-image, with the exact details of your build and "endowments" being up to you.

* As a special bonus, you receive full control over your fertility and other related buffs.

* Finally, your skills and abilities will never degrade regardless of disuse, lack of practice, etc.

Involate Self:

● You now no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, produce human waste, or sleep, and are immune to the harmful effects of radiation alongside extreme environments ranging from the bottom of the ocean to the vacuum of space.

● Total immunity to all forms of poison, sickness, or disease, mundane or otherwise. Any existing ailments of physical, mental, or spiritual nature that plagues you will be completely cured upon drinking this essence.

● You are biologically immortal and utterly tireless, possessing unlimited stamina - you will be be aged/reverted to your physical prime, but no longer age further.

● Infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop, and you will forevermore be protected from the effects of despair, boredom, ennui, etc., that will make living forever a pain in the ass.

● Your freedom is also inviolate, protecting you from being imprisoned, incapacitated, trapped, bound, sealed, etc. against your will, automatically freeing you from such situations and teleporting you to the nearest safe location.

● You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your body, mind, and soul against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. Those that use supernaturally boosted persuasion are equally stymied, being forced to rely on simple mundane arguments against you as anything beyond that flatly fails to work. You are also immune to memetic effects or the maddening effects of eldritch beings or phenomena.

● Your soul cannot be targeted as a vector of attack - the only thing you are still vulnerable to will be actual physical violence, if such things can cause damage to you.

● No Oracles or any other form of precognition can account for you, ever. Any predictions that are made will be made without taking you in account, and if seeking you out directly, all they get is static. In addition, you are not bound by fate anymore; your destiny is only what you make of it. This extends to the point that people and events that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently.

● You are also immune to reality warping shenanigans, such as being caught in time paradoxes, time stops, not existing due to someone killing your mother when she's pregnant with you, etc. - your very existence is inviolate.

● Note: You can still be injured or killed through direct physical damage, if such things are capable of damaging you; all this Essence does is preventing your body, mind, and soul from being affected by other forces without your consent.


● At the time you consume this Essence you immediately win the genetic lottery, increasing all your stats, hereby defined as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck, to peak racial maximum, and will not deteriorate from that state whether through old age or disuse.

● Any physical and mental health problems or defects currently plaguing you will be removed, with any new instances of such prevented from occurring.

● Your diligence and willpower is boosted, making you more driven and motivated, as it purges excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you wouldn't put something off if it's important.

● You gain a retroactive perfect memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memory. For some reason, you are able to improve yourself thrice as fast.

● You become perfectly capable of using powers, abilities, techniques, etc. without any adverse effects. This ranges from not suffering from Taint-buildup as an Aberrant Nova, able to swim as a Devil Fruit user, or being immune to the Great Curse as a regular Exalt. This includes usage of mutually contradictory abilities, so you can also eat multiple Devil Fruits, or drink more than one Cauldron Vial, without dying or horribly mutating.

● You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your very being against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. This also includes supernatural persuasion, memetic or eldritch effects, and reality warping shenanigans. The only things that can negatively affect you are direct brute force and threats to those you care for. Take note. You. Are. Not. Invulnerable.

● Any powers and internal power supplies you possess cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will.

● You will never end up worse off than when you started, as this Elixir will protect you from the negative aspects of your own subconsciousness.

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