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47.51% My New Life As A Pokémon Trainer (Rewrite) / Chapter 105: Cianwood City Gym

Chapitre 105: Cianwood City Gym

It wasn't long before the ferry finally arrived at Cianwood City. Janina headed over to the pharmacy at once to pick up the medicine for Jasmine's Ampharos. After claiming the medicine, Janina jumped onto another ferry back to Olivine City. She needed to give the medicine to Jasmine as soon as she could. Ashlyn, Volkner, Misty and Brock said goodbye to Janina and asked her to tell Sparkle to get well soon.

Before they headed off to the gym, Brock wanted to find a Shuckle. When the gang had asked, he had told them that the juices from Shuckle are very good for Pokémon and medicine too. Ashlyn had said that it was the perfect Pokémon to help him with his dream. So the gang decided to help Brock find a Shuckle. When they went to the beach to find one, they couldn't find them until Tesla found seven of them hiding underneath some rocks. One of them was a shiny. However they were injured. Without any hesitation, the gang brought all seven of the Shuckle's to the Pokémon Center and got them healed. It turns out that the seven were being bullied by the wild Krabby on the beach. After they were all healed, they all decided that they wanted to stay with Brock. So the shiny Shuckle asked for a battle first. Brock had won with his Graveler. He kept the shiny Shuckle with him and sent the other six to his home at the Pewter Gym.

The gang had decided to stay at the Pokémon Center and Ashlyn decided to do some training for Tsareena and Raiden (was now old enough to train and his height is past Ashlyn's waist) who would participate in the gym. Marshadow helped the two with some fighting type moves of his own. Right in the middle of training, Houndour evolved into Houndoom. Strangely enough, he was bigger than the regular size Houndoom. Prof. Oak had called her earlier and told her that her Hakamo-o had evolved into Kommo-o. She was very happy that Houndour and Hakamo-o evolved and how strong her other Pokémon were becoming.


The gang was now making their way to the Cianwood Gym.

"I can't wait to battle at this gym." Ashlyn said with excitement.

Soon they reached a sort of fighting dojo building.

"It's a dojo." Volkner said and he noticed a sign on the building, "Um, 'Shijima Fighting Dojo School'."

"..." Ashlyn blinked.

"Seems like it." Brock agreed.

"Welcome." A woman voice greeted them from the entrance of the gateway.

"Hello ma'am." Ashlyn greeted back.

"I'm Miho Shijima. I take it you are here to battle my husband?" Miho asked.

"Your husband?" Ashlyn asked.

"That's right. Chuck is my husband and he's the Gym Leader of Cianwood Gym." Miho responded.

"Oh, so the fighting dojo building is the Cianwood Gym." Brock commented.

Miho nodded, "Yes. My husband also teaches people how to become strong fighter and great Fighting-type Pokémon Trainers, so this building is both a fighting dojo, known as Shijima Fighting Dojo School." She explained.

"Interesting." Misty commented.

"Follow me, I'll take you were my husband is now." Miho said.

"Thank you." The gang said.

The gang followed Miho into the building.


As the gang followed Chuck's wife, she has led them to the battle field area and they saw a man and a Machoke in the center.

"My husband loves to practice fighting with his Pokémon. It also puts him into shape." Miho explained, "Truth is that he looks flabby most of the time, so training does him good." She gave a giggle at the end.

"Ah." The gang nodded.

"Um." Chuck noticed the gang with his wife, "Who are these children my dear?" He asked.

"This is Ashlyn, Volkner, Misty and Brock." Miho introduces the gang, "And honey, Ashlyn here wishes to challenge you for a Storm Badge."

When Chuck heard the word, 'challenge' and 'Storm Badge', he began to show off his muscles, "Listen well child, I'm the meanest, leanest, toughest, roughest Fighting Pokémon Master of all the land." He introduces himself, proudly, "But you can call me Chuck. And I don't show mercy in our battle."

Ashlyn nodded, "That's fine Chuck. I'm looking forward to a great battle." She said.

Chuck chuckled, loudly, "Ahaha! That's what I like to hear!" He exclaimed.


And so Ashlyn and Chuck went to stand on each side of the field. Volkner, Tesla, Misty and Brock sat next to Miho on the side.

Machoke was standing behind the Gym Leader, till it is needed.

"This is an official battle for a Storm Badge between Cianwood City Gym Leader and Ashlyn Ketchum from Pallet Town." The student referee announced, "You each use two Pokémon. Are you both ready?"

"So only two Pokémon." Brock said.

"I'm ready! I'll be using my Machoke and my Poliwrath!" Chuck announced and sent out the tadpole Pokémon. "Are you ready Poliwrath?"

"Poliwrath." The tadpole Pokémon got its fist ready.

"Poliwrath is part Water and Fighting-type. And from the looks of it, it's extremely trained well." Brock commented on Poliwrath's figure.

Volkner nodded, "Yeah."

"Raiden, I choose you!" Ashlyn sent out the Thunderclap Pokémon.

Raiden growled as he appeared with sparks coming off of him.

"A Zeraora, huh?" Chuck asked, shocked that the girl had such a Pokémon, "Let's see how he does."

"Well you won't be disappointed, Chuck." Ashlyn commented.

Raiden punched his fists to show that he was ready to fight.

"Begin the match!" The student referee raised the red and green flag into the air.

"Alright! Let's go Poliwrath!" Chuck said.

"Poliwrath!" The tadpole Pokémon charged forward.

"Raiden, dodge and use Electric Terrain follow by Bulk Up!" Raiden dodged the attack and gathered the electricity around his body and changed the terrain into an electrical one. Then his body was surrounded in red energy which meant that both of his attacks will be powered up.

"Poliwrath, use Dyanimic Punch!" Chuck ordered.

"Combat Plasma!" Electricity gathered in both of Raiden's fists and he charged towards Poliwrath and began punching him. Poliwrath managed to dodge a few of them as it tried to punch Raiden. So the two kept switching between offense and defense, "Now Thunder Punch!"

"Watch out Poliwrath!" Chuck called out.

"Poliwra- Poliwrath!" The tadpole Pokémon panicked as it was to exhausted to move

With one last punch, Poliwrath was hit by the electrical attack and sent flying across the field and landed at Chuck's feet with swirling eyes.

"Poli... Poli... Poli-w-wrath..." The tadpole Pokémon said, unconsciously.

"Poliwrath is unable to battle!" The student referee announced and he raised the green flag, "Ashlyn's Zeraora wins the match!"

"Great job, Raiden." Ashlyn petted Raiden's head which caused him to purr happily at her praise.


"Way to go!" Misty cheered.

"Rairai!" Tesla cheered.

"Not bad for Raiden's first gym battle." Volkner commented.

"Well he was trained by Marshadow." Brock pointed out.

"True. But he's getting stronger." Volkner stated.


Chuck anime cried, "I'm so proud of you Poliwrath! I'll never forget the battle you gave me." He praised his unconscious Pokémon, "And now for a well deserved rest." He returns it.


"Chuck is really amazing." Brock had to comment.

"I have to agree. You don't meet that many fighting type gym leaders like Chuck." Volkner added.

Miho giggled at that.


Chuck looked at his ace Pokémon, "Alright Machoke, the time has come." He said.

"Machoke!" The superpower Pokémon stood up, ready.


Ashlyn and Raiden looked towards the Gym Leader and Pokémon.

"Huh?" Ashlyn blinked.

Raiden tilted his head to the side.


"Machoke, Karate Chop attack!" Chuck commanded.

"Machoke Machoke!" The superpower Pokémon strikes it's trainer with a Karate Chop attack.

Chuck yelled out in pain [I think], as he is hit one by one of the Karate Chop attack.


Misty's jaw dropped, "W-Why?!" She pointed towards them.

Miho giggled at Misty's expression.

"My guess is that Chuck is getting his Machoke psyche up for the battle." Volkner said.

"It also helps Chuck to stay focus." Brock added.

"That is correct." Miho nodded.


"Raiden, you don't mind if Tsareena can take the next match?" Ashlyn asked.

Raiden shook his head. Ashlyn smiled, "Thank you, Raiden. Get some rest." She returned the Thunderclap Pokémon and sent her next Pokémon out, "Let's go, Tsareena!"

"Tsareena." Tsareena appeared and flipped her green like hair.

"Come on! Focus your energy! Focus on winning! All about the focus Machoke!" Chuck yelled out.

"Machoke!" Machoke ended it with one more Karate Chop.

Chuck grinned, "Excellent! Now we're ready!" He announced.

"Machoke!" The superpower Pokémon stepped onto the field, ready.

"Ready, begin!" The student referee raised the flags.

"Okay Machoke! Focus!" Chuck told his Pokémon.

"Machoke!" Machoke charged forward.

"Careful Tsareena." Ashlyn warned her Pokémon.

"Tsareena." Tsareena nodded.

"Focus your energy Machoke!" Machoke got ready to attack.

"Well, then. Us too Tsareena." Tsareena nodded.

"Machoke Machoke." The superpower Pokémon, strikes the fruit Pokémon with its hand.

"Tsareena Reena." Tsareena dodges it all, she moves around and was behind Machoke and raised her left leg into the air.

Chuck noticed this, "Machoke behind you!" He warned.

Machoke moved to the side, avoiding Tsareena's kick.

"Tsareena!" Tsareena charged with a kick once again.

"Machoke!" The superpower Pokémon attacked back with it arm.

Both Tsareena and Machoke went at each other with kicking and striking, dodging and avoiding, even clashing against each other, legs against arms.


"This is crazy. Both Pokémon are at each other with just their pure combat, no special attacks at all." Brock said, flabbergasted.

"I'll say. I've never seen such a battle." Volkner admitted.

Misty nodded, "Yeah."

Miho was impressed, this match is rarely seen.


"Focus Machoke, use Low Sweep!" Chuck started to change this up.

"Dodge it Tsareena and use Power Whip!" Ashlyn countered.

Machoke bent down to sweep kick the fruit Pokémon, who jumped and her green-like hair glowed purple, she whipped the superpower Pokémon on the stomach, hard.

"Machokeee!" The superpower Pokémon skids backwards and falling onto knee. "Ma-choke..."

"Machoke focus, focus!" Chuck exclaimed out. "Bulk Up!"

"Machokkkeee!" Machoke has a crimson energy around its body and its muscle thicken, it attack and defense are raised.

"Now Submission!" Machoke quickly dashed across the field and managed to grab Tsareena and while it was holding her in full-body mode and then it tossed her onto the floor.

"Tsareena!" Ashlyn called out. "Power Stomp!"

"Tsareena!" Tsareena groaned in slight pain and she snapped her eyes opened and she used Power Whip to quickly grab hold of Machoke around the waist, she flipped it over her and slammed it onto the ground, she used Stomp.

"Machoke!" The superpower Pokémon groaned in pain, as it was stomped.

"Machoke no!" Chuck exclaimed out.

"Tsareena!" Tsareena tossed the superpower into the air.

Machoke couldn't move as it was fallen down.

"Trop Kick Tsareena!" Ashlyn called out.

Tsareena jumped and gave Machoke a hard kick attack on the stomach and it sent the superpower Pokémon flying away, crashing onto the ground.

"... Ma-c-choke..." The superpower Pokémon said, with swirling eyes.

"Ah, Machoke." Chuck said, as his Pokémon is unconscious.

"Machoke is unable to battle!" The student referee announced and raised the green flag, "The match goes to Tsareena! The winner is Ashlyn Ketchum!"

"We did it Tsareena." Ashlyn gave her fruit Pokémon a hug.

"Tsareena was unbelievable." Misty said.

"Yeah, that was a great battle." Brock complimented.

"Raichu!" Tesla smiled at Tsareena, congratulating.

"Tsareena." Tsareena nodded.

"Are you okay Machoke?" Chuck asked his Pokémon, who has regained consciousness.

"Machoke." Machoke said.

"I'm proud of you Machoke, you put in a great battle today and your a champion in my book, winner or lose." Chuck told his ace Pokémon.

Machoke pumped his fist, "Machoke!" It was happy to hear that.

"Ashlyn, you fought a great head-to-head battle out. Hadn't had that in a long time." Chuck then smiled, "It's no disgrace to lose to a trainer like you."

Ashlyn smiled, she appreciated the compliments.

"I enjoyed seeing you and Tsareena work together. Tsareena really knew your strategy and sometime working closer together is the only strategy you need." Chuck commented, "I hope that you continue to work that close with all your Pokémon. Now, take this Storm Badge, you certainly deserve it." He held out the Cianwood Gym Badge. "Congratulations Ashlyn."

The Storm Badge was brown in shape of a fist.

Ashlyn gave a small bow before taking her fifth badge, "Thank you Chuck." She smiled. "We did it, we got the Storm Badge."

"Rai Raichu! (Badge five!)" Tesla said.

Tsareena nodded, "Tsareena."


That night, the gang called Janina about today and how Sparkle was doing.

"So, she still can't battle." Ashlyn said.

["Yes but thanks to the medicine, Sparkle is doing much better now."] Janina explained and then she frowned, ["But I'm afraid its going to take a little more time until Jasmine feels up to battling again."]

"I guess I have to hold off getting the Mineral Badge some other time."

["I'm sorry Ashlyn and Jasmine is too, she apologizes for this."] Janina apologized.

"It's fine and tell Jasmine it's okay, I understand." Ashlyn smiled, "We'll call again some other time to check up on you."

["Okay. Talk to you than."]

"Bye." Ashlyn placed the phone down, ending the call and sighed.

"What are we going to do?" Misty asked, curiously.

Miho and Chuck walked up to the gang, hearing the conversation with Janina and Ashlyn about the situation.

"Hey, about you kids check out the Whirl Islands?" Chuck suggested.

"The Whirl Islands? What's that?" Brock asked.

"Oh, there a group of islands that between here and Olivine City." Miho answered.

"The Whirl Islands has been the many myths and legends over the years." Chuck explained. "Some say that there are mysterious Pokémon there."

"Myths and legends huh, sounds like an interesting place." Ashlyn said.

"I bet they will have a lot of water Pokémon that I want to catch." Misty agreed.

"Yeah, we should go and check it out." Brock commented.

Volkner nodded, "Yeah."

"Okay, then our next adventure is the Whirl Islands." Ashlyn decided.

"Rairai!" Tesla jumped onto Ashlyn's shoulder.

"Toge Togephrii!" Togepi chirped.

Miho held out a card, "Here this card will pay for your passage on the ferry. A gift from us for a excellent battle." She told them.

"Oh, thank you." Ashlyn took the card.

"It's fine. You gave my husband a wonderful battle and I've never seen a battle like that in many years." Miho smiled, as she told them.

Chuck laughed loudly, "Ahahah! That's right. Remember focus is the key!" He exclaimed.


Before they headed off to the ferry, the gang made a small stop at the Pokémon Center to get Ashlyn's Pokémon checked up and she decided to send some of her Pokémon home to rest; Raiden, Typhlosion, Ampharos. The ones she brought with her were Blastoise, Lapras, and Rory.

Right now, the gang were on the ferry that would take them to Whirl Islands.

Chuck, Miho and Machoke were at the docks, waving towards the ferry that the gang is onboard.

"Have a safe trip kids." Chuck said.

"Come back and see us." Miho said.

"Machoke." The superpower Pokémon said.

"Bye! Thank you!" Ashlyn waved.

Volkner waved, "Thanks for everything." He said.

"Bye bye Chuck! Miho! Machoke!" Misty waved and shouted out loudly.

"See you next time." Brock waved.

"Raiii!" Tesla said.

"Togephriii!" Togepi smiled.


As the ferry sailed across the ocean, the gang were talking about what is to happen at Whirl Islands.

"The Whirl Islands sounds pretty interesting to see." Volkner said.

"I can't wait to see it." Misty added.

"This journey in the Whirl Islands is going to be great." Ashlyn said.

But Ashlyn knew that they'll be running into Team Rocket again. That's when they'll meet Cassie and Butch. She hopes that she'll be able to protect Lugia and her child from Team Rocket's evil scientist.

"Though it would be amazing if we found some new Pokémon there." Brock commented.


And so after earning the Storm Badge, the gang leaves the Cianwood Gym, heading to the Whirl Islands. Who knows what new challenges await them as they continued on the road to Johto.


Pokémon on hand: Raichu (Tesla)(F), Type: Null (Talos)(Genderless), Shiny Charizard (Natsu)(M), Lucario (M), Marshadow (M), Heracross (M), Murkrow (M), Zapdos (Barak)(M), Gothitelle (F), Inteleon (M), Rillaboom (M), Houndoom (M), Tsareena (F), Blastoise (M), Lapras (M), Shiny Gyarados (Rory)(M)


Pokémon Caught: Heracross (M), Furret (F), Stantler (F), Meganium (F), Typhlosion (M), Togetic (F), Feraligatr (M), Steelix (M), Ampharos (F), Girafarig (F), Misdreavus (F), Inteleon (M), Rillaboom (M), Shiny Greninja (Genji)(M), Shiny Chestnaught (Cybele)(F), Kommo-o (M), Goodra (Nessy)(F), Meowstic (Orin)(M), Meowstic (Bella)(F), Thievul (F), Gothitelle (F), Rapidash (F), Houndoom (M), Shiny Noctowl (M), Zeraora (Raiden)(M), Alolan Raichu (Nariko)(F), Marshadow (M), Murkrow (M), Elekid (F), Celebi (Moriko)(F)

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