Now I am sure you all are wondering why I didn't show the bar scene in this chapter and it's simple…I didn't want to do it.
So I'm having allmight have a flashback of him and nezu watching the recording he had from a hidden camera capturing the entire demonstration of choice of reference during the first class he teaches.
Also I realized I never said the reward for making a case with toga, so I narrowed it down to three options for you all to decide.
1)slappy the doll
2)top hat that has a 50/50 chance of pulling out what you need at the moment.
3)invisibility cloak that makes fart noises when you move.
Now onto the chapter.
(Mustafu groceries)
We got back to mustafu a couple hours after our meeting with nezu and we were hungry! And considering I haven't learned to cook I had to go with takeout.
"Hey toga do you want anything to eat, I can order it so when we get home we can eat." I offer as I look at the list of restaurants using the app on my previous owners phone when I feel toga's hand on my shoulder.
I turn to look at her and she was pouting, "no ordering, it's bad for your health if you order food continuously hen-Chan! I can cook for us." Toga says and I honestly didn't know she could cook.
"Okay then…but we'll need to go to the grocery store near our place and pick up some food, I can also ask if they serve special food items." I say to her as I open the gps app on my phone and search for directions to the nearest grocery store near us.
"Okay toga I got the directions, there's one not far from here, it even has a special item section, let's go." I say as we got to a crosswalk and I see a girl I didn't think I'd ever see next to me.
She had orange hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing a light blue sweater and a skirt, but I recognized her on sight.
'Itsuka kendo?!' I think as I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see kendo looking at me.
"Did you need something? Your were staring at me like you knew me." Kendo says as I realize that I was staring at her by mistake!
"Oh! Sorry about that, I noticed your body was a little muscular, do you study martial arts by chance?" I ask her trying to save myself from embarrassment.
Itsuka's eyes light up as she genuinely didn't think anyone would notice that. "Yeah! I study karate at my family dojo on the outskirts of mustafu! I'm actually preparing for the UA entrance exams! Oh yeah, my name's itsuka kendo." She says as the crosswalk light turned green and all three of us cross the street.
"Well my name is Henry stickman and the lovely lady beside me is himeko toga." I say introducing the both of us. "We're studying for the UA entrance exams as well. But I'm going to have to work extra hard considering my quirk manifested today." I tell itsuka who looked at him with a mix of sympathy and support.
"So you manifested your quirk early huh? Well were you trying out for the support course?" She asks as I see the grocery store up ahead as I feel toga pinching my hand and pouting.
"Hen-Chan! At least let me talk." She said in a frustrated tone as I realize I was doing all the talking for her, "my bad toga, I'll let you introduce yourself this time." I say as I awkwardly attach the back of my head.
"Thank you, as my room mate said before my name is himeko toga and I aim to try out for the hero course with him, and my goal is to prove the people who said my quirk is evil wrong." She said to kendo as she puffs out her chest.
I chuckle at the sight, I forget how adorable toga can be, when she's not trying to stab you.
"Hey! Maybe you can join me in my training kendo, I'm actually working with another late bloomer as he prepares for the entrance exams as well." I offer as we walked to the entrance.
"Oh…I'm sorry Henry, but I already got my own training and I can't add another one, but thank you for the offer!" She said as she went the other direction we were going only to stop and wave goodbye.
I wave back in response, "what a nice girl." I say to toga who nods in agreement before pinching my ear.
"While I agree she was a nice girl, next time don't stare at her! Women don't like being stared at, got it?" She scolded as she gets a scary gleam in her eyes that would make any housewife proud.
"loud and clear." I say trying not to cry out in pain as a bunch of older couples look at us with nostalgia as the women reminisce about when they started dating their husbands while the men look at me in sympathy as they faced the same problem when they were younger.
Toge smiled as she let go of my ear, "good, now let's go shopping, I'm thinking we make curry on rice." She says as we walk to the aisles grabbing the ingredients.
As we got to the chicken I see an employee stocking shelves, and I go up to him as I wanted to get something for toga.
"Excuse me sir, does the store sell blood sausage by chance?" I ask him as he puts the last box of all might pasta on the shelf.
"That we do sir, just go down to the butcher shop over near the registers." He said pointing in the general direction before continuing.
"But I must warn you it is an acquired taste." He say before another employee calls for him and he leaves and I join toga again.
"Hey toga, they sell blood saisages! Want to grab some?" I ask as she puts the chicken cutlet she said was the freshest into the basket.
"Blood sausage? I've never tried that before…yeah let's grab some." She said as she makes her way to the register and I go over tot the butcher shop.
"Hey boss! Could I get a pound of blood sausage?" I ask the employee there as he looks over at me, "sure thing kid! Give me a sec." He said as he puts on gloves and grabs the sausages and wraps them in paper.
I play 1500 for the whole thing but it was worth it. I head over to the register where toga was waiting. "Did you get it?" Toga asks as I place the blood sausages in the bag as I look over to the tv as a news station talked about a mass murder.
"In the evening of shibuya a couple had come across the charred remains of a bunch of gangsters in the alley near their bakery, the forsenics team said they were burnt to a crisp by a fire based quirk! We have detective yaga on the line for an exclusive interview."
I tuned out the rest as I already knew who caused those murders, the supposedly dead son of the todoroki household, touya todoroki.
'I wonder if I should tell endeavor that touya is still alive?' I ponder to myself as I feel a tug on my sleeve.
"Cmon Henry the curry isn't going to make itself!" Toga said half pulling half dragging me out of the store.
"Okay toga, let's head home."
(Henry's house, one hour before training with izuku)
*bipipipip* *bipipipip* *bipipipip* *click*
I awoke to the sound of the alarm on my phone letting me know it was time to train, I look over on my bed and see a half asleep toga using me as her body pillow.
"*yawn* hen-Chan? Why are you getting up so early?" Toga asks as she yawns again, I chuckle and stroke her disheveled hair as I slowly get out of bed.
"I'm heading out to train, I know it's early but I want an early start, you can come out to join me when you're awake and ready toga." I say to her as she sleepily nods and gets back under the covers.
As I change out of my pajamas, which were just a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt.
I look in my closet for anything I could wear for training and I see at the end of the closet a tight-fitting black shirt, baggy training pants with a polyester belt weaved through the waist.
"Well that's great, I'll look like if gojo and Toji had a forbidden love child…but this will probably do." I say to myself as I change into the clothes and put on my shoes.
After I eat a small plate of bacon and eggs I head over to the garbage pile on takpba beach and summon monohoshizao and look for a good size piece of garbage to cut.
After a few minutes I find a broken refrigerator standing alone near the pile, someone must have dropped that there earlier.
"This will do." I say to myself as I move the refrigerator a few more feet away from the pile and go into a sword stance I never did before as I remember how sasake moved.
As I felt my body get into the stance I use the total concentration breathing technique as I go into a half trance and unknowingly mutter something.
"Hiken…tsubame gaeshi."
Suddenly the waves in the distance slow down as I feel my body move on its own and I slash to my right before moving back into the original position only to slash overhead and back into position before finishing the attack by throwing a slash to my left and going back into position again.
(I tried to explain how the strikes from tsubame gaeshi the best I could from my perspective, please don't be mad if inaccurate.-thelostswordsman)
As sans reaction speed was unknowingly active during the attack I watch as in slow motion the three strikes converge at one point striking the fridge and cutting it apart.
But what Henry didn't notice was that he did all three strikes at the same time, bending space and time during that attack.
Nobody notices this, not Henry, not the fridge, and most definitely the shocked allmight who saw the whole thing happen in front of his eyes.
'What the hell was that?!' (Allmight)
Well folks I hope you enjoy this chapter, I don't know if kendo has ever mentions where she lived so I decided to have her live in a family dojo on the outskirts of mustafu.
But to explain how Henry can do the tsubame gaeshi is like this. The system engraved all of the knowledge of sasaki kojiro's tsubame gaeshi into monohoshizao which Henry ended up having engraved into his body when he picked up the blade, he has to learn swordsmanship on his own though.(which is why he has reference breathing, to make learning easier)
But I hope you all accept him knowing that sword technique off the bat like that.
I'll see you all tomorrow for the next installment this series, and with that I'm out, peace😁✌️
goodnight everyone! have a good rest.