Now before people complain about the time skip, do you all really want like ten chapters of just Henry training? I don't.
So with that out of the way, onto the chapter!
It was an early Sunday morning, and the beaches of takoba was trash free for a week and on the beach two teens were on a towel watching the sunrise in the distance.
"It's been a hard but progressive training for you hasn't it hen-Chan?"toga asks as I was counting down the final minutes before I can take off the mask.
When midoriya and I started training with those masks on during our physical training, it was pure hell! Every time we ran it was like trying to breathe at the karman line, the oxygen the masks produced were so thin I couldn't help but admire the effort Joseph put in when learning Hamon.
But as the days went on both midoriya and I managed to do better and better with learning total concentration breathing constant thanks to the stopwatch feature on the app.
"Only 4 more minutes to go." I say as I remember the two month journey it took to get here, early morning I'd get up with the mask and try learning fist of flowing water crushing rock, and managed to get pretty good at it.
Not at bang's or garou's level but probably a step or two below them, I also tried emulating the footwork of another s-class hero watchdog man whose footwork was surprisingly comfortable to add to the already overpowered martial art, making me unpredictable in hand to hand.
But don't even get me started on sword styles.
During my down time outside of allmight's training I tested various sword styles, hiten mitsurugi-ryū from ruroni Kenshin, thunder, water,flame, and sun breathing respectively with only sun breathing being the most difficult to control.
But I didn't end there, after izuku ate the hair from all might, two weeks earlier than canon I might add! I also tried emulating samurai Jack on how to fight blindfolded and predicting my enemy's movements.
With the help of all might, toga, izuku and eraserhead we used the forest near UA and made an obstacle course where I had to touch Ms.midnight at the end of the courses.
While everyone else used blunt arrows and rounded shuriken I had to only defend and navigate using my ears only, and adding the masks it was not a picnic.
But after a couple days of hard work I touched Ms.midnight…on her boobs, sure she played it off but I could see her blushing and panting, must be dealing with a cold, I hope.
And during my last week, izuku managed to use 12% of one for all, 2 1/2 times more than his canon counterpart!
"Aaaand done." I say as I unlatch the mask, patting toga on her head as I get a call from nezu who was probably monitoring my progress via his app.
"Congratulations Henry, you've managed to complete the goal, now all you need to do is pass the entrance exams." Nezu congratulated as toga listens in.
"Thanks for that nezu, I've worked hard so I think I'll get in." I say with a smile as he hangs up and I look over at toga, who was also showing massive improvements in her quirk.
With the permission from nezu, toga managed to get blood samples from the staff of UA, except clad whose quirk would harm her.
As she kept transforming we noticed she could use the quirks of certain teachers with only lesser power, we found this out when she tried present mics blood and almost had our eardrums burst in the process.
(My headcanon for her using other people's quirks via blood was in the canon story she was stressed and all the negative emotions awakened that aspect of doppelgänger, but it made me think, what if she was happy and supported in her quirk training that it made that aspect come even quicker? And that lead to her using other people's quirk when doppelgänger is active)
Though when she attempted to use my quirk she couldn't, so either mine was a dud or she isn't powerful enough to use it.
As the sun finally rose we get up from our towel and began walking to meet izuku and his mom near his apartment complex to go celebrate the end of our training.
As we walked i noticed another member of the main cast walking with his mother, katsuki and mitsuki bakugo, well it wasn't that hard to notice when the angry Pomeranian is shouting.
"I DONT WANT TO GO HANG OUT DEKU'S HOME YOU OLD HAG!!!" I hear him say with the ferocity of a feral cat.
Mitsuki smack him on the back of his head yelling as well as they both stopped and glared at each other as we walk closer. "YOU'RE GPING AND THAT'S FINAL! HE FINALLY GAINED A QUIRK AND INKO INVITED US OVER!!" Mitsuki shouted both toga and I get near them, I decide to stop the screaming match of mother and son.
"Umm…are you also going to the midoriya's?" I ask catching both of their attention with katsuki glaring at me while his mother looked at us with surprise and intrigue.
"Ara~ are you both Henry and toga by chance? INKO has told me lots of good things about you and izuku." She says with a smile as I see toga look anxious but still smiling.
(She still has family issues-thelostswordsman)
"Hopefully some of them are true." I say to mitsuki who laughs, with toga tugging the cuff of my shirt, as I see her looking impatient, which doesn't go unnoticed by mitsuki.
"Are you okay toga? You look like you can't wait for Christmas." Mitsuki joked as we all start walking with bakugo mostly glaring at me.
I honestly never like him as a character in the early seasons, he was egotistical, reckless and all around a difficult person to be with, I honestly don't know how midoriya could handle him.
As we made it to the apartment complex I see midoriya and inko midoriya outside waiting for us, as I see midoriya wave at us.
"Glad you could make it guys!" Izuku says as katsuki just grunts while toga and I say hello as inko looks at toga and i unconsciously holding hands as she smirks.
"Oh my! I heard you two were living together but I didn't think you'd have that kind of relationship." Inko says as we both blush, making the mothers laugh saying we were adorable.
"Well how about we head to the restaurant? It was super hard to book and I had to reserve the place for the morning so we can enjoy a nice brunch." Mitsuki says as I could t help but wonder what job she did.
Soone we all managed to get to a bus and head to a fancy restaurant called the fox hole, and as we sat we ordered and waited.
"So Henry, I heard you triggered your quirk two months ago, so are you confident you can make it to UA with izuku?" Inko asks as the plates were being set.
"Yeah it was hard to get used to my quirk, but o managed to use it well by using sword styles." I explain to them as as they finally finish placing the food.
We all grab our glasses into the air and clink them together.
"Cheers!" And we are enjoying the food as bakugo boasts his quirk saying it's going to surpass all might.
'Yeah, in your dreams' I think to myself as we enjoy the day and make wonderful memories.
And like that the day of the exams came.
I honestly never liked bakugo in the early seasons, and while I'm glad he had major character development, it still doesn't change the fact he was an ass.
But I hope you enjoy this chapter, i had fun making this series and all the positive feedback makes this series worth it.
And with that I'll see you tomorrow,peace😁✌️
have a good night all!