After Cloud returned to the alley, he went back to surviving. Thanks to the sword from Nathaniel, it was much easier to get food. He decided that he would train his body and sword techniques whenever he had time.
Since he basically had the entire supply of food in the alley to himself, he didn't need to worry about starving. So he could afford to train himself for a while.
Time slowly passed
Cloud trained his sword techniques and body every day in the alley. It might have been a strange sight if Cloud hadn't hidden himself with a pile of garbage. He kept a strict routine that only gave him a few hours of sleep everyday, normal people wouldn't be able to do it, especially not with the minimal food he was 'provided', but how was Cloud normal in any way?
He completely erased his family from his mind and focused on himself and his newfound goal. Nathaniel was right, what good was revenge? He would feel better for a moment and that's it. It was better to push for something else! Since they deemed him worthless, he would show them that he wasn't, simple as that.
1 year slowly slipped by
Cloud just got finished picking out food for the night when he heard a weak voice "Please.. Give me some food!" Cloud looked over to see a weak teenager laying down on the ground, he wasn't a saint but this was the first time someone had asked him for food before. As an 8 and a half year old alley boy, Cloud still had some delusions that people were inherently good.
Cloud walked over and crouched down to give the young man a piece of bread he had. The young man looked at the bread and let out a breath as he said "Thank you." Cloud smiled slightly and the young man reached for the bread when his expression turned malicious and his hidden hand shot out and swiped at Cloud's face.
Cloud's eyes widened and he leaned back but he wasn't fast enough.
The young man was holding a knife and had an evil grin on his face as he swiped again. Cloud growled in pain as blood covered half of his face, there was a diagonal cut right over his right eye! Even the eyeball was slashed! It was excruciatingly painful.
Because of the pain, Cloud couldn't move back in time once again and the diagonal cut, turned into an 'X', slicing through the eyeball again. Cloud roared in pain and directly backed off while grabbing the katana with one hand and clenching the food in the other.
His remaining eye glared at the young man in anger. He didn't say any extra words and directly attacked, slicing his katana downwards diagonally. The young man backed off in fear but Cloud wasn't willing to let him go and charged forward, slicing upwards and cutting into the young man's chest.
Blood spurted from the young man's wound and he howled in pain. Cloud grinded his teeth and made the call as he stepped forward and chopped with the katana, slicing the young man again and causing him to fall to the ground and drop the knife.
Cloud kicked the young man in the teeth and sent him flying into a wall as he panted heavily and clutched a hand over his eye. He had no time to think about if that guy was dead or not and as far as he was concerned, he didn't care at all.
A pile of trash fell onto the young man and covered him completely as Cloud's vision started to blur and he fell to the ground, holding the katana tightly. The last thing he saw was an old lady walking towards him before he fell unconscious.
A while later
Cloud's eyes fluttered open and he saw the sky. He sat up and looked around only to be in an unfamiliar place. He frowned and touched his right eye but strangely only felt a scar, despite that he could clearly see out of his right eye. This baffled him. He clearly remembered getting his eye cut open.
That's when he heard a voice "Is it strange?" Cloud looked up vigilantly and held his hand on the katana beside him before locking onto an old woman. He didn't relax at all, in fact he increased his guard. The older a person was meant that they had more control over their Quirks.
The old woman sighed and said "Can you relax, boy. Who do you think healed you." Cloud narrowed his eyes and his hoarse voice followed "Why." the old woman smiled and said "Do I need a reason to safe a life?"
Cloud was quiet before getting up and saying with a hoarse voice "I owe you." he turned around and disappeared into the darkness after dropping that sentence. The old woman watched him ago and sighed before shaking her head and going into the house nearby.
Cloud returned to his alley and realized his mistakes. He was too kind and trusting. Never again. It's kill or be killed anyone who gets in his way, he will destroy them. With a newfound resolve, he started his training again. Taking less breaks and cutting his sleep time by an hour.
1 and a half years later
Cloud was 10 years old already. It had been 3 years since he was left in the alley. Many people around knew him. Their opinions weren't good ones. Cloud had tossed the young man's corpse into a river nearby a year and a half ago and the investigation was still going on. He have evaded the police several times, but always came back to the same alley when it was safe.
Not only this, but the fights in the alley for food got more and more intense. More alley people started wielding knives as they fought, but Cloud beat them all back. He fought to the death several times and had a few close calls.
Currently, Cloud was getting dinner out of the garbage as he did everyday when a mocking voice was heard "A disgusting street rat.. I wish these Heroes would clean up once in a while" Cloud looked over at the man and narrowed his eyes.
The man sneered and said "What are you looking at, trash? Want me to make a citizen's arrest?" as he held up his palm and a small fireball appeared. Cloud released his killing intent and the man felt like he was in an icebox.
Cloud shot forward and swept his leg out, knocking the man to the ground. Cloud sat on the man's chest and held out his katana on the man's neck, completely silent. The man paled and started to sweat heavily, this kid just crossed 10 meters in barely a second and his leg was still hurting from the leg sweep!
Cloud said nothing but the look in his eyes was clear. The man said quickly "D-D-Don't kill me! I have money!" Cloud was silent as he reached his free hand into the man's pocket and took his wallet out. Cloud took all the money from his wallet and threw it at the man before getting up and walking away.
However, Cloud severely underestimated this man.
The man got up and growled "Damn street rat!" As he threw a fireball at Cloud's back. Cloud spun out of the way and slashed out with his katana, aimed right at the man's throat! The man froze and Cloud's eyes were as still as water and as cold as ice.
Actually, Cloud didn't expect the man to suddenly fire at his back, but his vigilance to everything around him helped him out a huge deal. He felt the flame on his back and immediately moved. After fighting in the alleys for 3 years, he was a seasoned fighter. Not to mention the life or death fights.
Putting it simply, this man was nowhere near Cloud's level.
The katana was about to cut into the man's neck when it suddenly stopped. Cloud frowned and looked to the side to see a man with bandages for a scarf and yellow goggles with vertical lines. The man who was robbed said joyously "Eraserhead! Thank god! This street rat almost killed me! Thank you! Now hold him still."
The man opened his palm to shoot another fireball and Cloud glared at the man but before he could do anything the fireball vanished. The man was confused and looked at 'Eraserhead', seemingly asking why.
'Eraserhead' didn't say anything and knocked the man out with a bandage.
Cloud pulled the katana free and dashed into the alley, disappearing into the darkness. There was no way he was dealing with a hero. He would definitely be sent to jail and labeled a villain. How could he be a hero if that happened?!
'Eraserhead' looked in the direction Cloud left in and disappeared from where he stood, leaving the man unconscious on the ground. Soon after he left a note floated down and landed on the man 'Call the police. This man attacked a child. -Eraserhead'. Not long after 'Eraserhead' left a couple walked by and saw the note. They panicked and called the police, that man was never heard from again.
Cloud ran as fast as he could before diving into his hideout and holding his breath.
'Eraserhead' appeared in the alley and looked at the trash piled up before frowning and saying "Why are you hiding in trash." Cloud said nothing but gripped his katana tightly, staring at the hero through the cracks in the trash bags.
'Eraserhead' sighed and said "I'm not going to hurt you kid, just come out." after getting no response he grumbled and shot out a bandage. The bandage coiled around Cloud and dragged him out of the trash.
'Eraserhead' nodded and said "Good. Let's go." Cloud was silent and glared at the hero while cutting at the bandage with his katana using only his hand. 'Eraserhead' ignored it as there was no way he could cut through the cloth anyway.
The duo quickly disappeared from the street.
'Eraserhead' arrived at a house and walked inside, dragging Cloud along. Cloud looked around before frowning and saying in a hoarse voice "Where?" 'Eraserhead' replied "My house." Cloud asked again "Why." 'Eraserhead' said "Why not."
Cloud felt weird and said hoarsely "You're a rapist?" the hero froze before turning around and saying coldly "You can leave if you want to. Go back to the streets and die there then." Cloud looked at him in the eyes for a long time before finally saying "Who are you."
The hero snorted and said "Didn't you hear that clown?" Cloud said "Real name." The hero said "Aizawa." Cloud nodded and kept silent, Aizawa looked at him and sat down at the table while cutting an apple with a knife as he said "Who are you? Why were you in the alley?"
Cloud simply said "Cloud." and nothing else, Aizawa rubbed his face in frustration and finally said "What do you want to do." Cloud said hoarsely "Survive." Aizawa waved and said "No, I meant in life." Cloud raised a brow at Aizawa, who waved and said "Speak."
Cloud said "Hero." Aizawa felt it was funny as he said "I've never seen a hero chop a sword at a man's throat before." Cloud closed his eyes and kept silent. Seeing this Aizawa lost interest and said "Go shower and sleep...." he paused for a while before finally saying "I will train you."
Cloud frowned and said "Why." Aizawa rolled his eyes and said "Call it an impulse. I've never seen a kid living in an alley before." as he got up and left the room directly, unbinding the cloth as he went.
Cloud was freed from the cloth and looked around vigilantly before looking at the door in thought. He could escape and go back to the alley... but why? Cloud couldn't sense any malicious intent from Aizawa, but that was right now. Who knew what could happen in the following days. Maybe this is all a trap set up just for him?
Cloud shook his head, he was just a nobody why would a hero go through the trouble? In the end Cloud couldn't figure out Aizawa's motive and this made him a bit anxious. He wasn't afraid to die, but that didn't mean he didn't want to live. He decided to take it slow and when he sensed something was fishy, he would leave. After all, he hadn't been in a bed or taken a proper shower in 3 years.
The clothes he had on were dirty and stolen, the only time he 'showered' was when it rained and even then it was with clothes on. Cloud took his katana with him and slowly walked around the house with his grip on the hilt as he looked for the shower.
Eventually, he found it and rushed inside. He finally cleaned himself and staying in there until the smell was gone. When he was done he looked at himself in the mirror. He was 10 years old and he had scars all over his malnourished body. The only place that was almost scar-less was his face, but the glaring 'X' shaped scar was still there.
His hair was silver all the way to the tips which were naturally pink. His hair was extremely long and hung down to his shoulders, sprawling over his face only leaving his eyes to be seen. It was good for him because it concealed his facial features. The only recognizable feature were his ruby red eyes, with the right one having a white 'X' over the pupil.
Cloud had to say, that woman's healing was too amazing. It healed his eye perfectly and only left a mark. Simply magical.
Cloud got over it quickly and looked to the side to see a pair of shorts and a towel. He dried himself off and put on the shorts before grabbing his katana and cracking the door open. He looked outside vigilantly for a while. After he saw nothing suspicious, he walked out and went back downstairs.
He wrapped his katana in cloth again and hugged it between his knees before wrapping his arms around his knees and falling asleep in a corner of the room. Aizawa walked down and saw Cloud sleeping, he was about to go pick him up when he saw where he was sleeping. He was in a corner with full view of the stairs, door, and windows. There were no windows above him and no doors in any blind spots.
Aizawa smirked and mumbled "Smart kid.. This should be interesting.." He silently lifted Cloud up and brought him upstairs.
Happy New Years.
Send me money... I need it. (*If you want. I don't really need it*)