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77.77% My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA) / Chapter 49: Abracadabra! Part 2!

Chapitre 49: Abracadabra! Part 2!

Chapter 49 Abracadabra! Part 2!

The magnificent Mr. Compress is ready for the show!


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With a sly smile on my face, I start to walk elegantly in the direction of the huge safe as if I own the place, causing both robotic girls to immediately stop their peculiar dance.

"Excuse me, ladies, could you stand aside while I, the great Mr. Compress steal the contents of the safe?" I ask arrogantly spreading my arms out to the sides dramatically.

My taunt had the desired result as almost immediately both robot girls' fingernails elongate into sharp metallic blades before they lunge at me with a loud mechanical noise. This proves that whoever is responsible for this, their intentions toward me are not friendly.

At this, I acrobatically jumped into the air dodging the blades that tried to stab me while quickly reaching out my hand in the direction of one of my curious attackers. Managing to subtly touch her metal back and immediately compressing my attacker into a marble before a powerful kick smashed me to the ground.

Above me now lies the last robotic girl lifting her right leg gracefully into the air as a sharp blade replaces her heel before she tries to drive her sharp heel through my head. However, I am more cunning and quickly reach out my hand towards the foot that she has on the ground not far from my reach, grabbing it and immediately activating my quirk.

Thus ending this brief and strange fight with a pair of marbles now bouncing on the floor with a slight jingle.

A mere thief would have had a lot of trouble going up against those intense robotic ladies. Luckily, I am not a simple thief. Although I wonder where Millennium got this advanced technology. The theories that form in my head are certainly interesting.

"Now that the distractions are gone, it's time to discover the secret hidden inside this magnificent safe and end this strange and enigmatic presentation." I whisper with a hint of interest and defiance in my eyes as I approach the towering safe until I'm practically in front of the lock.

And with the following magic words, this show will come to an end. "Abracadabra!" I proudly exclaimed extending my hand towards the lock.

Then, a powerful electric shock spread through my entire body, abruptly pushing me backward. "Haaaa!" I exclaimed completely stunned, cushioning my fall with my butt and not even giving myself time to compress the lock.

By the beards of Merlin! That certainly was unexpected!

"Damn, that hurt." I growl, scrambling to my feet with a metallic taste in my mouth as spotlights across the room begin to flicker making my body fill with anticipation.

Right after, the huge safe in front of me starts to open in all directions with a loud crash, revealing its interior and causing my eyes to widen in shock.

In front of me, where the huge safe used to be, now stands a little boy with a mischievous and defiant smile on his face. However, what surprised me the most about him was his peculiar outfit.

He wears a long black tunic with gold details, which falls to his feet. Under the tunic, he wears a white shirt with a high collar. He also wears black shorts, tall black leather boots, and white gloves. On his head, he wears a custom-fit top hat with a red mask slightly covering his face.

This kid has an outfit fit for a showman!

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He exclaims dramatically spreading his arms theatrically to his sides with his gaze locked on me as all the spotlights in the great room shine on him.

"Showtime!" He exclaims with a crooked smile and a slight maniacal glint in his eyes as small explosions occur around us covering the entire room in multi-colored smoke before unsheathing a strange weapon from inside his robe. Pointing the gun at me and pulling the trigger without hesitation!

In the blink of an eye, a card was shot toward my face, but with superhuman dexterity, I caught the mysterious card between my fingers before a small line of blood slid down my fingers. A card gun? Curiosity invaded me immediately.

"Well, well, well... What a curious toy you have in your hands, young man." I murmur slyly, holding the curious card between my fingers and connecting the dots of this peculiar and unexpected interruption in my show. "…Or should I say, Child Emperor, the cunning and flamboyant S-rank villain… And if my deductions are correct, the enigmatic leader of Hydra." I say with a completely serious tone emphasizing each word, directing my penetrating gaze towards him who smiled slyly at my deduction.

"Hehe… I even changed my outfit and hair color in order to surprise you but it seems your observation and situational analysis skills live up to your name… Not bad." Child Emperor muttered, crossing his arms before his eyes glowed with amusement.

"Just as expected from the magnificent Mr. Compress!" He exclaims happily winking at me and giving me a thumbs up. "You're right! I am the mastermind of Hydra! The Gamemaster! The Final Boss!" He exclaims, raising his arms in the air as another explosion of colors occurs behind him, making visible the towering symbol of Hydra illuminated by the searchlights.

"The Great Child Emperor!" He exclaims proudly placing his hands on his waist before letting out a boisterous laugh full of life. "Hahaha!"


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Once his laughter subsides he places his hand on his chest and bows dramatically in my direction. "Pleased to meet you." He says with a small but subtle smug smile on his face.

Damn it, Giran... when I agreed to meet with the leader of Hydra, I never imagined that our meeting would turn out like this... What a wonderful and chaotic spectacle!

"The same could be said of me." I respond cautiously, adjusting my hat and quickly pulling several marbles from my pockets as a calculating look spreads across my face. Given the current situation, there is only one plausible outcome.

Knowing Child Emperor's outgoing and defiant childish personality. If I really want to discover Hydra's true intentions… There is no choice but to fight for the answers.

And he knows it...

"So… with the introductions done…" Child Emperor whispers ominously with a crooked smile spreading across his face as he tightly grips his card gun. "The show must go on!"

Immediately after, marbles and cards went flying from one side to the other.

"This society is rotten to the core… Tell me, does Hydra really want to change things?!" I exclaim, jumping nimbly to the side just before several cards crash hard on the ground inches from me. "Answer to me!" I exclaimed clenching my fists in frustration before rushing towards him and snapping my fingers, causing some marbles that were being flown towards Child Emperor to burst into confetti all over him with the intent to distract him.

I cannot afford to hold back against this opponent or let my guard down, otherwise, the consequences would be catastrophic. So I'll neutralize him quickly!

Immediately after, I snapped my fingers again as I inched closer and closer to him. This causes the remaining marbles to turn into huge concrete blocks which crash to the ground just to the sides and behind Child Emperor, blocking any escape route. All this while some cards tear my showman suit and stick into my arms and legs like little pins.

At that moment, the card gun seems to have run out of cards to shoot so Child Emperor quickly puts it inside his robe while his eyes widen in surprise looking at my hand extended towards his head.

"Abracadabra!" He exclaims at the top of his lungs, jumping up and being completely covered by a colorful explosion of smoke that spreads everywhere. This desperate attempt to escape me was thwarted when my hand cut through the thick smoke and I quickly made subtle contact with my opponent, immediately turning him into a harmless marble.

"That was fast." I frown because I haven't gotten any kind of answer to my questions yet. However, due to my victory, it is very likely that Child Emperor will accept defeat and answer my questions. "I got carried away on the spur of the moment, but this time I wait for my answers." I whisper, watching the small figure inside the marble in my hands as I narrow my eyes suspiciously before a sinking feeling begins to spread through my chest and makes me remember my own words.

*It's a basic habit of magic…*

My eyes widen in surprise and I quickly tossed the marble to the ground, immediately decompressing it as my heart pounded furiously.

*…When showing something, it's because there's something you don't want them to see.*

"I was deceived." I whisper with interest observing a mannequin at my feet identical to Child Emperor winking. If I captured just one mannequin… Where the hell did Child Emperor go?!

At this, my gaze quickly scans my surroundings for Child Emperor to no avail until a small suppressed laugh comes from right above me, causing my eyes to widen again in surprise.

How many tricks does this kid hide up his sleeve?

"You seem surprised." Child Emperor hums, happily floating headfirst into the air. "And to answer your question… about whether Hydra really wants to change society? Of course! Why not?" Child Emperor responds with a shrug.

"I'm sure it will be a lot of fun and challenging! And even more fun if you teach me a few tricks! I'd even be willing to teach you a few of mine. Hah!" He exclaims blatantly sticking his tongue out at me as a series of colorful explosions engulf me completely in a whirlpool of chaos and confusion.

Did I just hear right? This boy plans to change society just because he finds it fun and challenging… "What kind of twisted motivations are those?" I mutter stupefied and confused while the colored smoke completely covers me, affecting my visibility.

"Hey! You are not satisfied with my answer? I don't have a sad overly dramatic backstory, you know?" He exclaims indignantly. "Or maybe I do?" He mutters before chuckling slightly. "Nah! That does not count."

At this, I shake my head and clench my fists with determination as anticipation spreads throughout my body. "And how do you plan to achieve your goals?! How does a child plan to even try to change society?! It's ridiculous! You're just a…!" I am interrupted by a loud crash behind me causing my body to tense up and I immediately turn around ready to use my quirk. However, it was too late.

Out of the colorful smoke emerges a long black staff with a small golden ball adorning the tip, being held by a pair of small white gloves surrounded by a small current of electricity before a powerful blow to my stomach forces the air out of my lungs.

Immediately after, I am sent flying to the other end of the room until my back collides with a statue covered by a white blanket, causing the statue to fall to the floor and break into many pieces. "I'm not just any kid!" Child Emperor exclaimed fervently, nimbly swinging his eccentric staff and dispelling all the colorful smoke in the room. "I am Child Emperor!" He exclaims pointing to his chest with pride and determination as the head of the destroyed statue rolls towards my feet.

It was none other than Endeavor's head with the word 'LOSER' inscribed on it! Making my breathing quicken.

"And I am inevitable!"

Such determination in each of his words makes my entire body tremble as my eyes shine with fervor ignoring the numerous injuries on my body and slowly standing up.

"And good? Does my humble answer satisfy your questions?" He asks with a sly smile spreading across his face as he approaches me.

Child Emperor is a very enigmatic character but despite that, I was able to discover something very interesting after a brief observation. This child… No, this little devil will definitely destroy the current society to the ashes, and from the ashes, a magnificent society will rise as if it were some elegant magic trick.

"What do you say Mr. Compress? Will you join the show?" He asks right in front of me with a sharky grin and an amused glint in his eye before extending his small hand out to me.

"Young man, I have never turned down a good show and I don't plan to now." I whisper with a small smile spreading across my face and adjusting my hat as my heart burns with determination. "The great Mr. Compress will be part of this unforgettable and great show that is to come." And with a firm and decisive handshake, my soul was sold to the little demon.

"Welcome to Hydra, Mr. Compress!" He exclaims happily, jumping up and raising both hands in the air before confetti begins to rain down on us and the pounding of drums is heard from all directions.

I still have many questions, but only the passage of time will reveal the secrets that Child Emperor hides… After all, secrets are the blood of any showman and they won't come out that easily.

"Now! Let's set the stage for our show and show the world the greatest magic trick ever seen!"



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Back to the present.

Tokyo city.

"The promised day has arrived." I whisper, gazing in awe at the glorious and towering symbol of Hydra in the skies of Tokyo illuminating much of the city as smoke rises through the skies along with the screams of a dying society.

Just as planned by Child Emperor, chaos spread with amazing speed through many major cities taking millions of people by surprise and putting thousands of heroes against the wall. All this is due to a perfectly calculated live broadcast along with a rehearsed Oscar-worthy speech followed by a tragic denouement.

The public was masterfully fooled and with the participation of the collaborators infiltrated among the public, the result was predictable and inevitable… It only took a small spark to ignite the fuse of a powder keg just below the foundations of the Heroic Society.

With the Symbol of Peace and most of Japan's greatest heroes out of the picture. Despair spread to many of the heroes who were in the city when it all started, causing a portion of them to flee the city in haste or seek refuge in their agencies. All of this created even more rejection and hatred towards the heroes, however, some pure-hearted heroes together with the city's security forces did their best to restore order.

As this occurs, I'm staring at the famous Tokyo Tower in the distance from the top of a building holding my cell phone while my new and improved cape billows epically behind me.

During these last months, a lot has happened, for which I have come to consider the little demon as an equal and he even gave me a new and elegant outfit along with some aces up his sleeve. All this so that I could fulfill my dream, the mission of my blood… The reason why I am here.

Child Emperor certainly is an enigma that I may never solve, but I would gladly follow him into the depths of hell.

At that moment, my cell phone lights up when I receive a text message from the person responsible for turning Japan and part of the world upside down... The director of this twisted and magnificent show.

*** START! ***

This message causes a wave of determination to spread through my entire body and my heart begins to pound. I hope my ancestors are watching me from the front row right now... And are proud of me.

Trapped inside Tokyo Tower along with a group of heroes and their security team is my target, the person who will put an end to all this madness… The Japanese Prime Minister.

My moment to shine has arrived. "Everyone watch me closely and witness history from the front row." I whisper with a piercing gaze hidden behind my mask, as my lungs fill with air and, with a deafening scream, my eyes glow with unwavering determination…

…Thus starting my own legacy.


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To be continued...


In the next chapters...

Chapter 50: Tokyo Tower has fallen!

Chapter 51 Hail Hydra

Chapter 52 The Final Boss Is Coming!

Chapter 53 The Final Boss is here

Chapter 54 Fight or Run!

Chapter 55 A Dark Force Stalking In The Shadows.

Chapter 56 An Offline Adventure!

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99


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