After 4 days of practice and research, which mainly consisted of Elizabeth slaying wyverns, we return to Rosewood. The artificial mana stores would be drained of mana as Elizabeth used her weapon, but since they were in close proximity to me, they'd recharge quickly.
As we were about to pass through the gate to Rosewood, one of the guards pulled Vol aside and whispered something to him. I couldn't hear what the guard said, but hearing Vol's shocked reply was unavoidable.
"What?! Are you sure?"
"Without a doubt," the guard whispered back, "The council head told us himself."
Vol seems concerned, somehow. He walks back to Elizabeth and I, paused halfway through the gate.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
I see him glance over at Elizabeth for a moment and then back at me.
"Ah, I'll tell you later. When we get back."
Hm, how odd. Does he not want Elizabeth to hear? Could it be something about her? The strange situation piques my interest.
When we arrive back home, Vol stops by the door and pulls lightly on my arm.
"Elizabeth, if you don't mind, there's something I need to talk to Sebastian about. Is it alright if we join you later?"
Elizabeth looks blankly back at him before shrugging.
She closes the door behind her.
"Here, come with me."
Vol pulls me along quickly, down streets I've never been to, with next to no residents. Only once we've several streets away from our home, Vol stops up and turns to me. The look on his face tells me that he's concerned, but not exactly scared. He looks at me with serious eyes.
"So?" I ask, "What did the guard say? Something about Elizabeth?"
Vol shakes his head at my question.
"Not about Elizabeth. About you."
Huh? What in the world could a guard say about me that would make Vol look like that?
"Well, not about you, exactly. Which is to say, I don't think he knows, but everybody will soon if you don't do anything."
I really don't need all this word mincing.
"Just tell me what he said."
"He said..."
The king is coming to Rosewood to see us.
Damn. I thought the king was smarter than that. I *guess* it's possible that he doesn't know- no, there's no way. The king coming here in person? He must be absolutely certain that it's me.
"And you're sure that it's the king coming? Not just a servant?"
"The guard said he heard it directly from the council head. They're preparing a gala and everything."
Okay, let's think. What problems could this cause?
Well, the council thinks my name is Sebastian, for one thing. I ask Vol if there's any chance that they'll kick me out if they discover I lied to them to get in.
"It's definitely possible."
That's what I thought.
"There'll be a trial first, though. You would be allowed to argue your case in front of the council."
"Has anybody ever actually won the trial?"
"Of course! Once, I nearly blew up half the magic academy, and they were going to throw me out, but I won the trial because of my research," he says.
Hm, we might have to show them our artificial mana store to convince them to let me stay. It should be revolutionary enough, even if we show them the weakest possible version.
I suppose I could move, but it'll be impossible to find a place as good as this again, and I need to be able to continue my work with Vol.
Not to mention, Elizabeth seems happy here.
I guess that's another problem. She doesn't know that my name is actually Stencil, or that I'm the king's nephew. Would she be angry that I lied to her? I doubt it. She might be disappointed, though. It'll be hard to make up for, but if I dedicate more time to her, I think I can do it.
So then, the final problem.
What if the king asks me to come back? I have to refuse, of course, but what if he tries to force me? The king commands an army. I don't know the size, but without my usual large-scale magic attacks, it'll be a messy battle, and Vol or Elizabeth could get hurt.
I could kill him and usurp the throne, but that'd be too much of a hassle to do again.
What if I convince him that it's better to let me stay?
The artificial mana stores we've been working on could change the world. If the king is, at the very least, not a complete idiot, he should be able to see that. Even better, the kingdom is already on generally decent terms with Rosewood, from what I understand. Revealing it to both of them shouldn't cause any serious issues.
This could work.
Vol's voice pulls me out of my mind. I must have been silent for too long.
"We'll let him come."
I quickly explain my plan to Vol.
"That could work."
Exactly what I was thinking.
"There's just one thing, though," he says, slowly.
I didn't miss anything, did I?
"Maybe you should tell Elizabeth now."
"Hm. I guess it would be better to hear it directly from me."
"True, but that's not really what I meant."
Vol's eyes dart around wildly. Is he trying to say something?
Suddenly, there's a flat, female voice from behind me.
"That's okay. I've known for a while."
I guess I underestimated Elizabeth. I really hadn't expected her to have figured out my connection to the king.
True, she changed me out of the expensive noble garbs my father gave me, but they still shouldn't have been able to point directly to the royal family. So then...
"Kinn told me."
Right. The guild master. I should've known he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut about me. I need to be more careful about my loose ends.
"I don't mind, though."
"We don't need to know everything about each other to be friends, right?" she asks, with an inquiring tilt of her head.
Funny. I forgot how nice friends are.
I haven't made any real friends since Number 3.
I remember attempting to bounce back after having lost Princess Sofia after my reincarnation. I tried connecting to Number 3's family and even attempted to get some new friends, like I had done as Number 2, but it wasn't the same. It felt empty.
I never really got the spark back since then.
I awoke to the sounds of fanfare this morning. It's been a few days, and the day of the king's arrival has come.
Walking downstairs, I find Elizabeth and Vol already up and eating breakfast. Elizabeth has apparently asked him to come. I guess she thought I might be nervous.
I'm not, but I appreciate the gesture.
After finishing our breakfast, the three of us head to the central hall of the floating academy, where the meeting with the king and council will take place. We were lucky enough to be able to request the location ourselves.
A small 15-year-old adventurer, a blonde woman with a sword and golden armor, and one of the best elven magic researchers in the world. All of us walking towards a floating building, located in a city inhabited by elves, and built of rosewood trees.
We must look like quite an odd little group like this.
We arrive in the central hall early. The place has been highly decorated and some attendants are waiting in the back with food and drink. It kind of reminds me of the mansion. I wonder if Cerla will be here, as well.
The king and his entourage isn't here yet, but the council is already present. They look very high-and-mighty, with their backs straight and chins lifted. What they might call "proper posture."
I wonder how they'll react when they find out who I am.
It was good that we arrived early, because less than half an hour later, a messenger hurries over to the elven council and whispers hurriedly to them.
He's here.
The host slams a large cane into the ground, letting a deep sound reverberate around the room.
"His Majesty, king Gariss Marakov, has arrived."
The entrance doors are opened wide by two well-dressed elves to reveal a middle-aged man with a well-kempt beard and mane. His black clothes are embroidered with gold details, which cover much of his chest. He looks more like a general than a king. In fact, he reminds me a lot of my father, with one exception.
The golden crown placed upon his head, a green gem embedded in the center.
He strolls into the room, almost a bit too casually for a king. Several servants follow behind him, much like the ones we had in our mansion. A butler and a maid. Behind them is a third person, barely obscured by the king. I guess he knows well enough to bring Cerla along.
So now what?
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Vol and Elizabeth bow to him.
Eh, whatever. I can't be bothered.
I stay still and look calmly upon the king as he walks up to us and pauses about a meter away.
Then, to my surprise, he puts on a big grin - not a fake one - and embraces me with open arms, like I was his own son.
"My goodness, Stencil, it really is you!"
Hm. Not sure how I feel about this old dude hugging me.
I pat him lightly on the back.
"It's... good to see you, uncle."
My eyes flick over to the elven council.
Ha, they look like they're about to pass out.
After a slightly-too-long hug, he lets go of me and steps back a bit, a happy and mildly concerned look on his face.
"Have you been sleeping properly? Are you eating well?"
What is he, my mom?
"I'm perfectly fine. Elizabeth and Vol-" I gesture toward them in turn, "-have been taking good care of me."
"Ah, I'm glad."
Another win for partial truths.
"So, how can I help you, uncle?"
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"I assume you didn't travel all the way to Rosewood just to see me, did you?"
"Of course I did."
"Is that not okay?"
What in the fu-
Is he an amateur or something? I thought father said they he had been king for years.
The king lets out a loud belly laugh.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Of course, I was hoping to bring you back with me!"
There it is.
I suppose we might as well get straight into it.
"I would rather not. Vol and I have been working on some revolutionary technology."
"Speaking of, I'd like to let my good friends, Vol and Elizabeth, demonstrate it for all of you, if you don't mind."
"Oh, certainly!" the king says, excitedly.
I look over to the council, which gives me a slightly confused nod of approval.
I gesture toward Vol and Elizabeth, who have walked over to the stone.
"This," Vol picks it up and shows it to the room, all showman-like, "is an *artificial* mana store."
I see a mix of intrigued and confused looks around the room.
"It can absorb excess mana and contain it for future use, just like any other mana store. Please observe miss Elizabeth's swordsmanship without the mana store."
Elizabeth pulls out her blade, which glows as usual. Last night, we set up two large stones for her to cut. Actual monsters would've been better, but Vol didn't think that bringing live monsters in the academy would go over very well.
Letting out a deep, focused breath, Elizabeth pulls back and slices down hard. There's a loud cracking sound as the sword embeds itself about a quarter ways into the rock.
I can hear sounds of admiration from around the room.
It *is* quite impressive that she can do that on her own, but with the mana stone...
"Now, with the power of a meticulously constructed artificial mana store," Vol explains to the crowd, as he attaches the stone to Elizabeth's sword.
The moment he inserts it, the blade bathes the entire room in an intensely blue light.
I glance around quickly. Everybody's eyes are fixed to Elizabeth and the glowing sword. It almost feels like all light was turned off around us, and only the blue glow of the sword remains.
Elizabeth pulls back to strike.
You know, I didn't think about it earlier, but wyvern scales are supposed to be extremely tough. She'll probably slice straight through the rock and hit... the...
"Hey, is the academy floor strong enough to resist the-"
* C R A C K *
I'm not sure if dialogue or narration works best for this story, so I'm trying to balance it, but this is one of the more dialogue-heavy chapters.
If you're enjoying the story so far, consider giving a power stone.
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