My meeting with Gaia did not go as I had hoped. In fact, I dare say that it went extremely poorly. I was rather shaken when I left the prayer room. Entering the main church hall, I saw Vale, just about to leave. I make up my mind and approach him.
"Oh, kid, you're all done?"
"Stop it with the 'kid'."
I'm really not in the mood for that now.
"I need your help, if you can give it," I continue.
"My help? What with?"
"You're from an elven village, right?"
"Yeah, I'm from the city of Rosewood."
"I've heard that elves are at the height of magical research. Is that true?"
"Sure, Rosewood's academy of magic has some of the greatest magical minds of all time. I was never that great at magic, though. Why do you ask?"
"I need to get a professional opinion on the odd monster spawns that have been occurring in the area."
That's kind of a partial truth. To be honest, I don't much trust Gaia or the other gods, so I'm hoping someone down here can confirm the state of my mana store.
"Oh, I see," Vale says, apparently convinced.
"I'd like to go to Rosewood as quickly as possible. If you can't go with me, that's fine. Just point me in the right direction."
"Ah, Rosewood is very far from here. You have to go to Sheere village in the forest nearby first. They have a gate to Rosewood there, but you need an elf to perform the spell."
"I can go with you if you can wait until the day after tomorrow. That's when I'll be going back to Rosewood, myself. Is that alright, kid- I mean, Sebastian?"
"That's fine."
A few days later, Vale and I set off for Sheere village together. I haven't seen Elizabeth in a bit, but I'm not concerned. Some days ago, she mentioned possibly taking on an assignment in a neighboring town without a guild. She doesn't know I'm headed to Rosewood and I think I'd prefer it to stay that way until I have verified Gaia's words.
It's a bit of a trek over the plains and valleys, and back into the forest. On our way through the forest, we encounter a few small groups of goblins, which I handle with ease. I have more combat experience than any other person in this world. I doubt there's any lesser monster that could beat me, even without my magic.
After about half a day of walking, Vale tells me that we're getting close to the town. Through the trees, I can see the outline of a gate. Finally, we step into a large clearing. The elven guards at the gate stand up straight when they see us approaching.
"Welcome to Sheere village. If you wish to enter, please state your name and purpose."
Vale takes the lead.
"My name is Vale Synistra. I am here with Sebastian- uh..." he turns to me, "what is your surname, kid?"
He's already forgotten that I asked him not to call me kid.
"This is Sebastian Malt," Vale continues, "We need to use the gate to Rosewood city."
The guard looks at me and then back to Vale, apparently studying me.
"Good to see you're well, Synistra."
"You too, Vouve. Give Sheou my best wishes."
"Of course. She'll be happy to hear from you."
The guard signals to someone and the gate opens. As we enter the town, I follow Vale's lead towards the gate to Rosewood. All the while, he tells me about Vouve and Sheou. Apparently, the three of them went to the academy together. I don't care much about his personal life, but I can't help but be a bit intrigued when he mentions their teacher.
"Vol is one of the greatest magicians in the world, kid! I hope he's still there. If he can't figure it out, nobody can. That guy is a true genius, I swear it to the gods."
I can only hope that this "Vol" is as good as Vale claims.
We turn a corner and I spot what can only be the gate to Rosewood. It is, quite literally, a rosewood tree. A massive one, with a base as wide as a house. The actual gate is a roughly circular "hole" near the bottom of the tree, as tall and wide as several people. And I do mean "hole," because it is quite literally that. A massive hole set into the tree, with a large marking in the back. Presumably, it is the spell that activates the gate.
Vale walks up to a jewel-like stone set into the tree near the hole. There are a few guards standing by, as well. Vale puts his hand on the stone and closes his eyes. Soon, the stone begins to light up green, and the sound of rushing water fills the air around us, as the hole seems to fade away, and be replaced with the vision of a beautiful city. A city that can only be Rosewood.
Vale steps through the gate and I follow his lead. I have seen a lot of beautiful places through my lives, but Rosewood is something else. It feels like the entire city is stuck in eternal autumn, with bright oranges and yellows filling my view. It must be located in the middle of a rosewood forest because every tree in the area is just the same as the one in Sheere, and just as large, too.
The buildings all appear to be made out of carved-up trees, with interiors constructed of white stones. Maybe marble. In the distance, one building stands out above the rest. I mean this quite literally. It's hovering far above the ground, and is tied down with thick chains. The mana emanating from it is astonishing; almost enough to match that of a greater monster. I can sense one particularly concentrated group of mana coming from one part of the building.
I don't think I need to ask Vale for directions to the academy.
Though I'm missing a lot of my memories, my time with Princess Sofia remains, clear as day. Maybe the gods deemed that it was necessary to keep it, to keep me going. Or maybe they just couldn't get rid of it. Whatever the reason, I find myself recounting them to myself as I walk towards the academy.
The first time I ever laid eyes upon Princess Sofia was when I had just turned 17 as Number 2, and had managed to slay a greater monster. The first one anyone had ever killed.
The king, Charles III, had invited me to his castle to congratulate me, and thank me for my service to the empire. I accepted his invitation in the hope that I might convince him to provide me with stronger weapons in my fight. King Charles sat high on his throne. To his right was his wife, Alanya. To his left however, was the only thing in the hall that caught my attention.
Princess Sofia.
She was beautiful, like the queen, but it wasn't merely her beauty that enchanted me. All of the guards and nobles, even the king and queen; their smiles were professional. They smiled because the people expected them to. Not because they wanted to.
But not Sofia.
No, there was a genuine happiness radiating from her. Her smile and her eyes told me that she truly wanted to congratulate me. That she was thankful.
In the end, the king gave me a medal. It might have been made of the purest gold, but it was useless to me.
My second memory of Princess Sofia was much more pleasant and informal. Having killed my second greater monster, the empire was forming a group of the strongest adventurer's to take out the third and fourth greater monsters in one fell swoop, before the Demon Lord could spawn from one. To celebrate this, all of the adventurers gathered for a massive, capital-wide celebration with any who wished to come. Among those who went was Princess Sofia, against her father's wishes.
When I saw her, I walked right up to her and introduced myself. I still had my manners back then.
"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Princess Sofia."
"The pleasure is all mine. Say, I do believe that I have met you before."
"Ah, his majesty, the king, invited me to the castle to congratulate me for slaying one of the greater monsters."
"Oh, I thought that was you. Killing a greater monster is most impressive. Your medal is well earned."
I couldn't help but brag just a little.
"I killed two, actually."
"Oh, you should have said so right away. Would you like me to get you another medal?"
It took me a moment before I realized that she was joking. Comedy is very different in these worlds.
I can't remember many of the details from that night, though I think that's more my fault than the gods. I had rather a lot to drink. Even if Sofia's jokes were weird and foreign to me, I found them funny and delightful. They were moments of light during the dark times. An oasis of her happiness.
One of my stronger memories from when I was Number 2, comes from my proposal to Princess Sofia. Despite slaying two greater monsters by myself, I had never been more nervous than during that time. Our coalition had managed to kill the third greater monster, but the fourth had escaped us, and we had to retreat because of the many injured and dead.
I had grown very close to the princess during this time, but I hadn't mustered up the courage to propose. However, with the rise of the Demon Lord closing in, I found myself quickly running out of excuses to delay. And so it came to be that I would meet with Princess Sofia out by a lake we frequented together, one summer night.
I remember her lying on my lap. I was stroking her long silver hair as I looked out over the lake glittering in the moonlight. It took me some time to gather myself, but finally, I took a deep breath, and spoke.
"Princess Sofia, if I may be so bold..."
"Yes?" she looked up at me, questioningly.
I could feel my heart palpitating. Even to this day, mustering up the courage to ask was the most difficult thing I had ever done.
"Once the Demon Lord has risen, I will find him, and slay him. To protect this world. And to protect you."
She sat up and looked at me, curiously, almost expectantly.
"So, please, if it is at all possible... once I return... please allow me to ask for your hand in marriage."
I don't think I've ever minced words like that, but I said what I wanted to say. I guess I felt that I had to earn her love, even at the time. Knowing her, though, I guess I should've seen her answer coming.
"I... see..."
"However, you may ask for my hand in marriage now."
I still had trouble understanding her form of humor, so it took me off guard for a moment. For a few seconds, I sat still, taking in her words, as a big smile formed on her bright face. I dare say my heart skipped more than a few beats when I realized her meaning.
I have just one last memory of Sofia to share with you.
We had been together for only a few months when the letter arrived. We had settled down together in a beautiful cottage by the lake I proposed at. The letter was addressed to me. I knew what it was before I opened it. The Demon Lord had spawned from the last greater monster. It was time for me to fulfill my duty to the gods, and to the people.
I remember Sofia embracing me in her arms after I told her. A carriage arrived the next day. Those from the coalition that remained would join together one last time, to fight the Demon Lord.
Just as I set off, Sofia leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I felt that she wanted to cry, but held back, so I wouldn't stay to comfort her. I would have. As I left, she spoke the last words I would ever hear from her.
"Come home safely, Sebastian."
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