Elizabeth and I stare down at the large mass beneath us. Of all the things to find down here, a greater monster is not what I expected. Its massive eye is open wide, but all of its limbs appear to be resting. It's hard to tell, but...
"Is it sleeping?" Elizabeth asks in a hushed tone.
"I... think so."
"What do we do?"
What *do* we do? Just leave it here? I suppose we could. It didn't hear us coming in, so as long as we don't make too much noise, getting out without it waking up should be doable. On the other hand, though...
Isn't this an opportunity? What are the chances we'll ever find a sleeping greater monster again? We've never gotten a head-start like this. A complete surprise attack on a greater monster?
It's almost too good to pass up.
"Should we go back?" Elizabeth asks me, as though hurrying me to make a decision.
It *is* too good to pass up. For once, I'd like to strike first.
I start to feel like myself again. Hunting greater monsters is what I'm good at. Actually hunting them. Not sitting back and waiting for them to attack me. And now that I have the manacaster, I'm more like myself than I ever have been in this life.
"I'm going to attack it," I tell Elizabeth.
"It that a good idea?"
"I've thought this through," I say, and then add, "You trust me, right?"
"Then stand back and get ready to run."
In under a minute, I've thought up a strategy. It's like my brain has been lying dormant for too long, but I'm back in my element now. It's time to strike.
With a series of loud crunches, rocky spikes begin to penetrate the monster's legs. Unlike the other monsters, the creature doesn't scream or roar. Instead, the scraping and tapping of a hundred long legs can be heard from below, as the greater monster awakes from its slumber.
The large eye spins around frantically in its center. It struggles to move, but the spikes hold it in place. For now, at least. I take a breath and prepare to cast the next spell.
As a large ball of fire begins to shape in the air, I see the beast below pull hard on its legs. The spikes are firmly embedded in its flesh and muscle, which begins to tear as it moves. With so many legs, I guess it doesn't need all of them to live.
The fireball, fully formed, descends upon the creature at a high speed. As it passes down the ravine, the narrowing passage seems to melt around the high heat of the fireball.
I had previously decided against using both the fireball spell and the lightning spell. However, as the situation changes, one must adapt ones ideas, and so I have. Just because the lightning can't reach us down here, that doesn't mean it can't cause any damage.
There's a loud crackling from far above us, and the already unstable ceiling begins to crumble, falling in upon itself.
I don't stop to see the effects of the fire and crumbling ceiling on the eyeball monster below us. The cave system around us has begun to shake, and there's a loud rumbling, like that of an earthquake.
"Run! Now!"
Elizabeth sets off, back through the tunnel, as fast as she can. Before following her, I shout one last spell, just in case.
A transparent barrier appears before the exit, blocking off the path to the ravine. As I run after Elizabeth, I look back to see a mountain of rocks plummet downwards, melting partially from the heat of the fireball. The frantic scraping and tearing of the greater monster worsens.
We sprint back up through the cave system, passing through the small passages and wider hallways.
I cast "Ailomolliex!" to increase our speed as the branching paths of the cave fall in behind us. Behind the sound of the rumbling and crashing of rocks, there's another sound. A loud scraping and tapping sound. And it's getting closer.
Without warning, the feeling of the greater monster's mana signature comes flooding over me, as if right beside me.
* C R A S H *
The ground directly behind me comes crashing down, like it had been only a thin surface. I leap to avoid falling into the newly formed hole, tripping as I reach the other side safely. Barely a second later, the round shape of a massive eye pulls itself from the hole with immense force.
We've stopped in one of the larger caverns. No wonder the oresnatchers kept away from here. This entire room is a death trap. Quite literally.
Over a hundred spindly legs step around on the surfaces of the cave, finding footing. I notice that many of the ones on top are burnt and broken, and are hanging down limply. Here and there, exposed bone is visible, where the monster has torn itself out of the spikes.
The eye fills nearly the entire room, its piercing gaze rolling to stare at me. Elizabeth, having moved up beside me, pulls out her sword.
"So, what's the plan?" she asks.
I can't tell if she's trying to be funny. Do I really need to say it?
"Aim for the eye."
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