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56% Multiversal Library / Chapter 105: DXD 23

Chapitre 105: DXD 23

Arcane Trickster 0/50

+3 DEX, +1 INT, +1 PER per level

25% increased proficiency and reduced the cost of skills, spells, and abilities related to Illusions.

Gain the skill [Illusionist], granting you proficiency in illusions spells, and abilities.

Gain the skill [Arcane Trickery], allowing you to weave magic into your thievery, granting you increased effectiveness of your dexterity.

Spellthief 0/50

+1 DEX, +1 AGI, +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 PER per level

Gain the skill [Spellsteal], allowing you to steal an already cast spell from an enemy, and learn it for yourself.

Gain the skill [Counterspell], allowing you to immediately interrupt any in-progress spellcasts.

Gain the skill [Mana Drain], allowing you to drain mana from a target, and convert it into your own magical energy.

My eyes fell upon the two classes, but it was Spellthief that immediately caught my attention. With just one glance, it sparked my interest and captured my imagination. Its potential was so alluring and its promises so enticing that I had no doubt in my mind that it was the clear winner in this comparison.

[Class: [Spellthief] selected.]

[Skill: [Spellsteal] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Counterspell] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Mana Drain] unlocked.]

[Spellsteal LVL: N/A]

- Allows the user to temporarily copy and use a single spell or magical ability from a target they successfully cast this skill on.

- The user gains a deeper understanding of the spell or magical ability they successfully stole, allowing them to better comprehend its mechanics, intricacies, and limitations.

[Counterspell LVL: N/A]

- Allows the user to cancel or disrupt a single spell or magical ability being cast by a target they successfully cast this skill on.

[Mana Drain LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the user to continuously drain a small amount of magical energy from a target they successfully cast this skill on.

As I scrutinized my new abilities, the never-ending stream of monsters continued to amass, their lifeless bodies forming an impenetrable barrier of carcasses. The stench of their blood filled the air and began to grate on my nerves. Without hesitation, I summoned a powerful wave of annihilation that obliterated the horde and cleared a path for the ragged and breathless Olivia to return. Despite her exhaustion, a satisfied grin spread across her face.

"Did you have a good time?" I asked Olivia. She responded with an eager nod, but as if in thought, she paused and cocked her head to the side.

"Well, sort of," she admitted after a moment of thought, "the daggers you crafted are too powerful. They kill these creatures with a single attack, leaving a little challenge for me. Although, I did get some practice with [Blade Birth]." She said with a shrug then turned to face the crystal behind us, her expression curious. "So, have you found out what this is?"

"I did," I confirmed, gesturing towards the creatures that continued to fall to their demise against my impromptu annihilation barrier. "It's akin to the mana stones we found inside of the monsters of the DanMachi dungeon, except this one is made entirely out of coagulated blood."

Olivia arched an eyebrow, looking at me quizzically. "But how did it open a portal to another world?"

"That's the intriguing part," I began, excitement creeping into my voice. "As monster blood made contact with its surface, the crystal grew in size. As it grew, its vibration frequency changed, and by some inexplicable stroke of luck, the crystal presently vibrates at a specific frequency of our current universe, causing the mana within it to oscillate in a pattern needed to establish a dimensional gate to the DXD world. It was not created by natural means nor is it an accident. Although, it is a complete coincidence that the portal leads to the DXD world, a one-in-a-gazillion chance."

Olivia couldn't help but let out a snort of amusement. "I don't think that's a scientific term," she remarked, teasingly.

I flashed her a confident smile. "It's a perfectly legitimate scientific term in my book."

Rolling her eyes, Olivia continued, "But seriously, doesn't dimensional travel require an immense amount of mana? I can barely feel anything from it. And if it's not natural, who or what made It?"

"Dimensional travel does require a lot of mana, but I have a theory about it," I replied, sparking her interest. "Remember how almost a week passed between this attack and the previous one?"

Olivia nodded, intrigued.

"Well, I think the crystal only needs a small amount of mana to establish a connection to another realm, and then it feeds the portal with the mana from that realm. However, this end still requires a small amount of upkeep, and if the crystal runs out of mana completely, the portal shuts off," I explained, then pointed toward the crystallized ground. "When the portal shuts off, these creatures go into a frenzy, killing each other off, and their blood and life force fuels the crystal once again. Essentially, the crystal is a blood magic catalyst that can convert blood into mana. Although the conversion rate is abysmal, with the amount of death near it, it's still enough to form a new connection in about a week." I explain while withholding some crucial information.

Olivia's eyes widened with a newfound understanding, her expression turning grim as she looked back at the ominous crystal. "What's our move?" she asked, her voice edged with urgency.

I turned to her, a sly smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Well, there are a few options to stop these so-called 'invaders,'" I said, emphasizing the word with air quotes for effect. "We could destroy the crystal, sealing the portal and cutting off their access. Don't worry, I already have a way to get us back home safely. But there's a catch. If we leave any of these creatures alive, there's a chance another crystal could form and we'll be back to square one. Or," I paused dramatically, "we could just blow up the entire planet and prevent any further accidental monster invasions, not just to the DXD world, but in any other world."

Olivia took a moment to weigh our options, furrowing her brows in deep thought. She looked at me suspiciously and said, "You just want to blow up a planet, don't you?"

I couldn't help but grin widely, knowing I had been caught. "Guilty as charged," I replied, unapologetically.

Olivia shook her head in disbelief, but after a moment of consideration, she nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'll take a short break and then go farm some experience. Once I've maxed out my Scout class, you can go ahead and destroy the planet, and we'll leave this place behind."

With a sly grin on my face, I shook my head and locked eyes with Olivia. "Hold your horses, love. These so-called invaders are a mere trifle, ranging from what I've seen level sixties to level eighties, and they can only yield up to about three million experience points for me. Take your time, let loose, and I'll hold down the fort while you do your thing. But," I cautioned, pointing a finger downwards, and finally telling her what lays underneath us, "be careful not to disturb the beast lurking beneath us. We don't want to wake it up just yet."

Confused, Olivia asked, "What beast? What are you talking about?"

I paused for a moment, a mischievous glint in my eye as I responded, "My dear, you possess the power to sense divinity. Close your eyes and channel your [Spec of Divinity], directing your focus towards the planet's core." A wicked grin spread across my face as I leaned in closer. "Trust me, you'll feel it. There's something massive slumbering deep beneath the crystal, and it's not going to be too thrilled if we rouse it. So, keep your attacks light and superficial for the time being."

Olivia nodded, determination blazing in her eyes as she activated her ability and probed the depths below. As she opened her eyes, a look of sheer disbelief washed over her features. But little did she know, the sight before her was just the tip of the iceberg. "You're not kidding," she gasped, "there's something colossal down there."

I nodded solemnly, my earlier lightheartedness replaced by a steely determination. "Yes, indeed. I suppose that's what's been wreaking havoc on this world," I confirmed.

Olivia's eyes widened in alarm, "You're not suggesting we fight it, are you?"

My lips curved into a smile, "Fighting? No. Killing? Absolutely."

She shook her head in disbelief and closed her eyes, probing the depths of the planet once again. "What is that thing?" she finally asked.

A wistful smile played on my lips as I watched Olivia process the information and feel the tremendous power that the creature wielded, her eyes now filled with a mixture of fear and awe. "That, my dear, is what's responsible for unleashing an unending tide of monstrosities. The planet we're standing on was once a version of Earth, since its continents perfectly match. From what I've seen it was a lot more advanced than the DxD one." I explained.

Pausing for a moment, I let the weight of my words sink in before dropping the final bombshell. "And that thing, my love, is a Tier 5 God of Monsters."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Olivia as she processed the information. "Are you sure we can handle it?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

I paused for a moment, considering her question carefully. "To be honest, I have no idea," I admitted. "But from what I can sense, this creature only possesses a single but massive domain: Monsters. So it won't be like with Izanami. I have a feeling it can only create, control, and transform monsters on the fly. So if a fight truly breaks out, it may end up being us against an endless onslaught of monsters."

Olivia's expression soured at the prospect of such a grueling battle. "I'd rather not do that," she said with a wry smile. "If you can kill it with a single spell or ability, please do."

"I'll do my best to come up with a plan," I reassured her. "But for now, go and face your destiny. The experience awaits!"

Despite her earlier worries, Olivia displayed an unshakable trust in me. As if all the anxiety of our earlier conversation had dissipated, she snorted and jumped back into the fray of monsters with a determined smile. While I on the other, lay down on the sofa I just transfigurated, and tried to come up with a surefire way of killing the monster under our feet without endangering our lives, while my barrier made out of annihilation and controlled by a separate mind instance, kept disintegrating everything that came too close to the crystal.

Olivia's patience was wearing thin as she spent an hour and a half grinding her levels. The monsters she faced barely gave any experience, and she found herself heavily reliant on her area of effect abilities provided by her [Blade Birth] skill. Despite the monotony of it all, it was worth the effort as her global level skyrocketed by seven, reaching the impressive milestone of level ninety.

But it wasn't just her global level that saw a significant boost. Her class levels soared by an astonishing 25, maxing out the Scout class and unlocking a plethora of interesting classes such as Spy, Infiltrator, Tracker, Explorer, Sentinel, Ranger, and Pathfinder.

As I glanced over the list of classes that she had unlocked, most of them didn't catch my interest. However, one class stood out from the rest - the surprisingly simple Sentinel class. This max level fifty class granted only perception per level, and offered a single skill. And just from that skill alone I was determined to unlock the class as soon as possible.

Sentinel 0/50

+5 PER per level

Gain the skill [Observe], allowing your vision to be enhanced by mana and unobstructed by obstacles.

However, none of these new classes caught Olivia's attention, and instead, she opted to go with Shadow, one of the earlier classes she had unlocked.

Shadow 0/50

+1 DEX, +2 AGI, +1 PER, +1 LUCK per level

Gain the skill [Stealth], allowing you to turn invisible if no one is looking at you.

Gain the skill [Ambush], increasing all of your damage done while unseen.

Gain the skill [Backstab], increasing all of your damage done while attacking from the back.

[Stealth LVL: 1/100]

- If not observed by an enemy, the user gains the ability to surround themselves with a skintight sensory inhibition barrier that prevents enemies with lower perception than the user's dexterity stat from noticing their presence within a limited range.

[Ambush LVL: 1/100]

- The user gains a significant boost to their damage, increasing it by 50% while attacking from an unseen position.

- Grants the ability to disorient enemies with surprise attacks, reducing their accuracy and defense for a limited time.

[Backstab LVL: N/A]

- The user gains a 25% increase in damage while attacking from the back.

- Allows the user to bypass 10% of the target's defense while attacking from the back.

- Grants increased agility and movement speed while moving behind enemies, making it easier to perform successful backstabs.

The skills that she gained from the class not only increased her survivability, thanks to [Stealth] but also greatly enhanced her damage output over time. With her new abilities, Olivia was able to launch devastating surprise attacks on her targets, striking them from behind and dealing massive damage with each blow.

"Are you done?" I asked, rising from the sofa, ready to embark on this world.

"Let's just blow this place up and get the hell out of here," Olivia replied with a sigh of frustration.

"Agreed," I nodded, and we warped out of the planet's atmosphere.

As we entered the vast expanse of space, our watches sprang into action, protecting us from the harsh environment and etching protective enchantments and reinforced life support systems onto our outfits.

"It's breathtaking," Olivia commented, staring in awe at the barren celestial body before us.

"I've seen better," I said nonchalantly, but in truth, even I couldn't help but feel impressed. The red-hued planet looked like a gem in the dark, cold vacuum of space. It was mesmerizing, but it had to go.

"First things first, I need to trap us in a separate dimension for a few seconds to avoid detection by the sleeping one," I said, my voice filled with determination. "After I boost my stats, use your [Ddraig's Legacy] skill on yourself twice and transfer the boost to me. Then stay back, because I won't be able to guarantee your safety with the amount of mana I'll be manipulating. Got it?"

Olivia nodded eagerly, ready to assist in any way she could. "I'm ready when you are."

In a split second, the world around us turned purple as I activated [Dimensional Wave Manipulation] and [Mana's Blessing]. My recent advancement in tiers allowed me to boost my stats up to three times their original, and as Olivia's boosts arrived, I felt my power grow even stronger, threatening to consume me from within.

The mana within me surged and pulsed with energy, and I reveled in the blissful feeling of commanding such immense power. With my intelligence and wisdom both in the tens of thousands, I felt as though I held the world in the palm of my hand. As a single thought quelled the raging energies within me, and at that moment I felt my [Mana Manipulation], which stood at the evolutionary threshold, finally evolve, raising my power to new heights.

[Mana Manipulation III LVL: 200/300]

- Increases the user's ability to control mana by 2%/LVL, allowing them to more efficiently channel and manipulate it.

- Reduces mana channel strain by 0.2%/LVL, allowing the user to channel mana for longer periods of time without experiencing fatigue or injury.

- Enhances the user's ability to sense and analyze mana, enabling them to discern the properties, origin, and intent of mana sources and spells.

A blazing inferno of cognitive power consumed my mind, unraveling the very fabric of reality into a chaotic whirlwind of numbers and calculations. With my Divine domain surging forth, my divine energies erupted outward, commanding the laws of magic to bend to my will. The surrounding space groaned and fractured under the weight of the overwhelming torrent of mana that surged from within me, threatening to rend existence itself.

The raw power coursing through my body felt almost unbearable as if I had become a conduit for the essence of the entire universe. However, alongside that power came an uncomfortable tingling sensation, spreading through me like countless needles. Suddenly, Olivia's piercing scream shattered my intoxicated state of power, pulling me back to reality.

Though my regeneration abilities fought fiercely to contain the immense energy, my body began to crumble and disintegrate, unable to withstand the magnitude of power flowing through me. I had become a mere vessel, unable to control the overwhelming force that threatened to tear me asunder. But that wasn't the only impact of this power—it also triggered a complete takeover of my rational, logical mind, discarding all the emotions I once possessed.

With a fake smile, I turned to Olivia, assuring her with a quick glance before focusing on the task at hand. I equipped my [God Slayer] title, switching out [Training Addict], and time ceased to exist as all of my mental skills activated, billions of calculations raced through my mind, and my mental capacities were pushed to their limits. With my will, I directed the mana to obey my commands, my imagination running wild as the very fabric of the dimension shattered from the strain. In a blink of an eye, a magnificent ball of liquid mana, radiating with a rainbow of colors, coalesced before me, its density warping reality around it. Suddenly, the dormant behemoth stirred awake, alerted by the sudden tremendous surge of environmental mana.

The planet trembled as the colossal beast moved, its reptilian eyes glaring at us with an intensity that could ignite the very stars. In an instant, an army of monsters appeared between us, ready to defend their master at all costs. But I was already one step ahead, warping space around the volatile payload and teleporting it straight into the planet's core.

The very embodiment of terror, the God of Monsters, let out a deafening hiss of rage that shook the very foundations of the planet. Its desperate attempt to survive by consuming the ball of volatile energy caused the planet's surface to fracture and shatter into a million pieces. As the creature siphoned off millions of points of mana, I felt the spell I had cast slowly beginning to unravel.

But its efforts were all in vain, as a single word escaped my lips and shattered the very foundation of magical laws in this realm. "Supernova."

In an instant, the spell's power surged beyond my control, breaking through the limits of reality and hurtling forward at a speed faster than light. It engulfed the planet once called Earth and its moon Luna in a blinding flash of light, continuing onward to obliterate everything in its path and leaving behind nothing but molten slag.

But the destruction did not end there. As the uncontrollable gamma-ray burst froze in time just meters before us, Olivia trembled in terror. With another brilliant flash of light, the implosion of matter occurred at a pace that should have been impossible, creating a densely packed amalgamation of atoms and giving birth to a miniature neutron star. The devastation was so complete that even the stars themselves seemed to dim in shock at the cataclysmic event.

Yet my body shook with a mix of alarm and disbelief as I searched for any sign of the colossal God of Monsters' demise. But there was nothing. No notification, no indication that the creature was truly dead.

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