The sound of the platform trembling was no different from a hammer striking everyone's hearts, as the disciples in the audience seats watched Dong Ai's body collapse like a meteor.
Dong Ai's eyes were wide open in disbelief, but she didn't seem to have enough strength to raise her head and look at Shun Long, as she started to vomit blood uncontrollably barely a moment later.
Silence instantly descended in the arena, as even the outer court disciples on top of the surrounding 7 platforms that were previously battling, seemed to have turned their eyes towards Shun Long and Dong Ai by now.
It wasn't just the outer court disciples or even the white-robed outer court Elders who were responsible for the battles on the 8 platforms, but even the 3 inner court Elders in the sky whose eyes were now staring at Shun Long and Dong Ai with looks of disbelief on their faces.
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