Turning his head to look at the entrance, Shun Long saw 3 young men in black robes, arrogantly swaggering inside the shop.
The man in the lead stared at the pills behind the glass cases with a smile on his face, while his eyes lit up when he noticed their high prices.
And yet, a shocked look had suddenly appeared on his face when he saw the 4 skeletons whose eyes were shining with green ember wisps.
However, ignoring the skeletons' creepy appearances, his eyes were once again focused on the countless pills around him while the greed inside them deepened even further.
The 2 men who were following behind him traded glances with each other, while large smiles could be seen on their faces before they turned their attention at Shun Long.
The young man in the lead seemed to be in his mid-twenties, with long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail and a pointy jaw.
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