/ Anime e Quadrinhos / MHA: Stacked Cards
Izuku Midoriya, a Japanese highschooler decided to kill himself.
Asking until the end for a quirk, any quirk, he jumps from his school rooftop and dies...
Until he doesn't.
With a split skull and a new quirk, he tries to be a hero one more time.
Themes of Suicide and phycological trauma, if there are any issues with these themes or if you have suffered from them before, avoid reading.
Image by Boku_Abara
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Écrire un avisHonestly when I was first reading it. It was very dark and kinda of sad. And honestly those are hard to read through. But as I read not only did it get better the deku in this fanfic is amazing to read about. So I would a hundred percent recommend this fanfic.
Overall I have quite enjoyed this. My only problem is a consistent error, specifically a Malapropism, which is where the wrong word is used in the place of another word that sounds the same. In this case the author consistently uses principle instead of principal. A Principle is "a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning." or "a general scientific theorem or law that has numerous special applications across a wide field." While a principal in this context is the head of a school. Sorry for the long review, but it is a pet peeve of mine.
more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more
Dear author, I find your work to be great, and fails to lack in any aspect bar a few spelling mistakes here and there. And I appreciate the amount of time and effort you have poured into this novel, and I am more than happy to help you in your endeavors in doing so. If you ever need any help with your drafts feel free to shoot me a discord server invite. Sincerely, A huge fan
more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more
This is a fantastic story. The first chapter really showed Izuku's thought and why he was suicidal which is great. The rest is also good, but my favorite chapter was really the first one. The author has a good vocabulary, while not the best it is enough to explain us what is happening. The only problem would be that sometimes that author switch from First Pov to Third Pov without saying anything which is a bit confusing. anyway read this as the story is really great, hope you don't drop author.
Liteally an incredible story barely any mistakes occurring with the typing/spelling… The story is amazing… and the way the author is making the characters react to certain things and how he has Deku as this somewhat machine like being that only has a interest in collecting quirks is amazing to me….Keep it up🐐
it's a little early for a review ( 2 chapters in ) but I gotta say , it's good and has a lot of potential
Auteur DaoistreLnu5
This is really great. I really like the dark theme of this ff. The story is great so far and I really enjoyed it. I really hope that the author doesn't drop this.