Denki walks calmly towards his homeroom. The conversation between him and Nezu having taken up some time, meaning he was about to get there around the same time as everyone else.
Walking in he saw Momo was already sat at the back with a an empty seat next to her she had obviously saved for him.
Before he could get there though, he was intercepted by a tall, well built guy his age. Dark hair and eyes with glasses and wearing the school uniform exactly as it is detailed to be worn in the school rules.
Tenya introduces himself to Denki with a frightening level of enthusiastic rigidity that Denki had never seen before. "Good morning! Im Tenya Iida, from the Somie acadamy. Nice to meet you.."
"The names Denki, Denki kaminari." Denki replied while still getting over how ridiculously stiff this dude was. 'Seriously who walks like that, he looks like some cartoon he's so exagerated.' Chuckling inwardly to himself
finding out he is the top ranked student, Tenya immediately starts bombarding him with praise and questions. "Denki, the one who placed first out of all of us. You not only scored the highest amount of villain points but also the highest hero points too!"
"Did you know there was another way to score pointa before the test?" He excitedly popped off as he stared intently at Denki.
"I didn't know that there was for sure, but based off of U.A's ethics and mindset I took the gamble that there would be some sort of bonus for helping others." Denki answered honestly, watching as Tenya's face lit up wuth such an astute observation.
The others overhearing what was said also looked up at Denki, a mixture of respect and amazement plastered on most of their faces.
Bakugo simply snorted in the corner as a look of annoyed jealousy crossed his own features, but Denki just ignored him.
"Wow, what an impressive deduction! You must be far superior to me and I have much to learn from you!" Tenya rigidly admitted with awe.
'Jeez, this dude is pretty full on, huh.' Denki thought a single bead of sweat rolled down is forehead. "Thanks, but you don't need to be so... formal and strict man. We're all the same age, so chill a little yeah?" Denki couldn't help but add.
"I will endeavor to do my best at calming down!" Tenya barked back as if registering a command from his superior officer, causing Denki to just sighed slightly at his behaviour.
Momo stifled a laugh at the minute tells Denki gave at being overwhelmed by Tenya's personality.
Looking around Denki saw that everyones focus was still centered on him.
Because of all his extensive training through his quirk and otherwise, Denki was no longer the short dweeby guy from the original story.
Standing at 6ft3 ,or 191cm, with short parted blonde hair, a black lightning-like streak running through his left part, that was cut to frame his head better and be shorter as to stay out of his way when in a fight.
Hard training and strict deiting had left him with chiseled looks and a properly filled out body packed with muscle that was barely hidden underneath his school jacket.
All in all he was a handsome guy.
Lithe but built he looks like he could tank a brick wall as he runs straight through it at insane speeds.
As soon as he makes eye contact with them they all start bombarding him questions too as they excitedly talk about his achievements.
Managing to get through all the questions and introductions, he makes his way over to the seat besides momo.
'Haaaah' breathing out as he relaxes into the slightly uncomfortable chair, he looks over to see Momo grinning at his having to deal with all of what he would consider an annoyance.
He always hated introductions and having to constantly explain how he 'managed to become this good!', Momo had seen it happen all too often herself having been friends with him for so long.
Seeing this, Ashido a glint lights up in her eyes, a conspiratorial smile crossing her features, ever the gossiper and matchmaker she is, the idea of two of her new classmates secret relationship already making her giddy.
As Denki and Momo are talking they hear Tenya start arguing with Katsuki about something neither find all too important.
Looking over they are both getting quite heated, "This is school property!" Or something like that comes from Tenya as Bakugo smirks at him and threatens him in return. denki simply roles his eyes at bakugo's attitude.
So far he could already tell he was everything he hated in his previous classmates all rolled up into one.
An arrogant, entitled, hot-headed bully who only uses his quirk to get his way and to constantly be surrounded by praise from spineless yes men.
However Tenya stops as he notices Midoriya in the doorframe. Rushing over he introduces himself again,
'how does this guy do that over and over again without getting annoyed.' Denki couldn't help but think as a little respect for Tenya's patience creeps up before he decides its still too much and a little wierd.
Tenya then starts apologising "You realised there was something more to the practical exam too, didn't you?" He starts. "You must be very perseptive too, just like Denki, and I completely misjudged you. Just like Denki you are also vastly superior to me as a student, I hope I can use the two of you as role models to learn from in the future!"
Seeing Midoriya so flustered gave Denki some schadenfrued, as well as hoping he didn't look as awkward and cringey as he did.
Then all of a sudden a small brown haired bundle of energy appears behind Midoriya. Ochaco arrives and almost immediatley starts praising Izuku for saving her.
Denki notices Katsuki's reaction to all this out of the corner of his eye as he tries and fails to tune it all out. The guy looked pissed, he always did so far but Denki could tell he was extra pissed when he was looking at Midoriya.
'Huh, guess they have history or something.'
That was all Denki could think of before he noticed a newcomer in his senses. At first he wasn't sure what it was but after exploring it in more depth he worked out it was a skinny looking dude in a sleeping bag.
All of a sudden, Ochaco is interrupted when Shota Aizawa arrives and reveals himself to the class.
"If you are just here to make friends, then you can just pack up your stuff now." He says with a deadpan expression.
Everyone looks past Ochaco, to see him. All but Denki being caught off guard and suprised by the wierd encounter.
"Welcome to U.A's hero course." He carries on with zero emotion, ignoring all the confused and wierded out reactions to his entrance as he starts unzipping his sleeping bag.
It took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not gonna work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that." He continues as he removes the bag.
"Atleast one of you noticed I was there." He says as he stares at Denki with something akin to recognition for a fleeting second, something only a few of the class register.
"Hello, I am Shota Aizawa, you're teacher." He finally explains causing yet another big reaction from the whole class, even Denki is a little confused at the way their homeroom teacher decided to introduce himself.
He doesn't waste any time as he hands out P.E. clothes to the students and tells them to meet him at the P.E. Grounds. Once they got their clothes they all headed off to the changing rooms.
In the boys changing rooms, "What do you guys think this is all about." One student asks as they start getting changed into their P.E clothes.
"Man I don't know, but I hope it's gonna be something more fun than the boring ceremony will be." A redheaded guy answers, Eijiro Kirishima if Denki remembers correctly.
Eijiro notices Denki changing and sees how ripped he is. "Damn dude you're jacked! How'd you get such a manly body?!" He practically shouts with such enthusiasm.
Denki, a little creeped out, can't help but blurt out. "Sorry man I don't swing that way, but thanks." Before he can even think.
Everyone starts laughing at Eijiro as the redhead scratches his head in embarrasment. "Hahaha, yeah sorry man I didn't mean it like that." He tries to explain to Denki.
"It's just my quirk is called hardening, it literally hardens my skin to become near invulnerable, but if I wanna move and also harden myself further I gotta get buffer." He says as he starts talking about why he was interested in Denki's training regime.
"Oh, right. Well there's nothing that special to what I do." Denki starts, now understanding what Eijiro was wanting. "I just started training from when I was around six and using my quirk to help me max out my bodies highest reps and weights in every workout I did, ontop of martial training and quirk training and constant sparring with the old man while following a strict diet that allows me to get all the calories I need to maximise my growth and allow me to generate as much electricity as I can everyday to puch past my current limit which also puched my body to be able to handle such large amounts of energy that could melt titanium with ease all while keeping it safely in my body."
Rattling off all the various ways he had trained, Denki doesn't even realize as his classmates all start looking at him as if he were a monster.
By the time he finishes all he sees are the dead eyed expressions of all his classmates looking lifelessly back at him.
"What... the... FUCK DUDE!" Kirishima snaps out of it as he shouts in complete awe at Denki. "Are you even human?" All of the others simply nodding along as they stare back at Denki.
"Huh, didn't realise it was that wierd. I don't like wasting my potential so I made sure to do everything I could to be the very best." Was all Denki said as he left the changing rooms, already having changed, leaving everyone else too stunned to speak.
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